official god

Chapter 646 Change of the Day

Xia thinks that he has no idea. Of course, there are many, but he also knows that Bai Zhanmo's disequited is only the first step. The next nomination of the district chief Renyi will be another war without gunpowder smoke. If he guesses correctly, the vanguard will definitely hit the district chief's idea, because there His 20 billion floating capital is here.

Bai Zhanmo can lose his official and be an abandoned son, but the 10 billion hot money that has been poured into Changji Trading does not mean that it can be withdrawn, and Fu Xianfeng may not give up. He believes that he has the strength and background. How can he give up the carefully prepared plan because of Bai Zhanmo's disbandonment? Fu Xianfeng will certainly continue to seek the throne of the district governor, and may even do whatever it takes.

Everything should not be taken lightly. Xia thought clearly that the exemption of Bai Zhanmo only triggered the first wave. The key battle for the choice of the district mayor is ** after the first wave. In addition, there is also a dispute between the organization minister of the Municipal Party Committee.

After two no, the Municipal Party Committee officially publicized that Bai Zhanmo, the secretary of the district party committee, resigned as the secretary of the district party committee for personal reasons, and the municipal party committee agreed to the resignation of Comrade Bai Zhanmo. When the news came out, Gan-Ma District was in an uproar, which caused a lot of sensation.

Many people who don't know the inside story suddenly realized. No wonder they didn't see Secretary Bai go to work for two days. It turned out that Secretary Bai took the initiative to resign, but his secretary did a good job. Although he had a punishment, there were many cadres in the domestic officialdom. They resigned immediately without seeing a few thin skins. Why did Secretary Bai let the thorns?

Everyone suspected one after another. Some people thought that Bai Zhanmo was forced to get too close again, and then recited the punishment and felt that there was no future. Some people also think that Secretary Bai has carried forward his style and resigned voluntarily to give way for Xia, showing the spirit of an excellent party member and cadre to be a candidate. Of course, more people have a clear mind. In the domestic officialdom, unless the knife is put on the neck, the Che people will take the initiative to resign. It is not a matter of style or style, but that power makes people greedy. As long as the power is in hand, no one will take the initiative to delegate power. Secretary Bai's voluntary resignation must be the reason for his choice.

Didn't you hear the public statement of the Municipal Party Committee that he resigned for personal reasons? What the personal reason is, it is very intriguing.

Of course, there are more self-perceptions and unpredictable people who will disdain other people's speculations. They pretend to mysteriously say that the reason why Secretary Bai resigned is that Secretary Bai worshipped a Taoist priest as his teacher and is ready to use his life to study feng shui, and strive to make achievements in feng shui for his The statement corrects the name. Everyone sneered at this.

Things in officialdom have always been the most rumored. Whether it's good at catching shadows or empty holes, anyone can say whatever they want. Anyway, real insiders will never take the initiative to explain, including Xia Xiang.

Xia wanted to pretend not to hear the rumors about Bai Zhanmo. He was concerned about the long-decided selection of the organization minister of the municipal party committee and the district chief of Xiama District.

After two nothing, what shocked the people in Xiama District more than the news of Bai Zhanmo's resignation was that Fang Jinjiang, the executive and organizational minister of the municipal party committee, who came to the Xiama District to announce the decision and appointment of the municipal party committee. Of course, if it is not too surprising to say that Fang Jinjiang came in person, Fu Xianfeng, who appeared in front of the main party and government leaders in Shimoma District with Fang Jinjiang's colleagues, made many people confused... The municipal party committee announced a decision and appointment. It was already a high standard for the minister of the organization to come in person, and there Colleagues, is it that the lower part of the horse district is superior in the eyes of the municipal party committee, or is it that Xia wants to have a lot of face?

Xia wanted to deal with the vanguard and accompanied Fang into the river. He was slightly surprised. However, when he saw Fu Xianfeng's kind smile, he shook hands with him very enthusiastically. He was not full at all because of Bai Zhanmo's downing incident. He knew that Fu Xianfeng really masturbated with In the same test, I also have illusions about the position of the district chief.

In the Xiama District Committee Hall, there were a full number of seats. All the party and government leaders in the Xiama District, led by Rethinking, were all present. No one was absent, and cadres above the middle level also attended the meeting.

Almost everyone was shocked by the arrival of the other party in the river, and they were puzzled by the unexpected appearance of the vanguard. Some people even think maliciously, is Secretary Fu looking for trouble? The meeting was presided over by Xiaxiang.

Xiaxiang first expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of the two municipal party committee leaders, Xianfeng and Fang Jinjiang, on behalf of the Xia Ma District. After his speech, he asked Fu Xianfeng to speak first.

"Comrades, Comrade Bai Zhanmo proposed to resign from all positions to the Municipal Party Committee for personal reasons. After careful study by the Municipal Party Committee, he decided to accept Comrade Bai Zhanmo's resignation application... During his tenure as Secretary of the Xiama District Party Committee, Comrade Bai Zhanmo made due contributions to the development of Xiama District, although there were Wrong, but overall, he is still a comrade worthy of determination.

Fu Xianfeng's speech is equivalent to the conclusion of the Municipal Party Committee on Bai Zhanmo. The tone is not high, there are not many places to be sure, and the reasons are also passed. The vague words make the people at the meeting know. No matter what the reason is, it is not a good thing anyway.

Generally speaking, the municipal party committee will give a high evaluation to the district party secretary who has resigned or transferred. For example, he is a leading cadre with high level, strong ability, practical style and integrity in politics. For example, Fu Xianfeng has only said a few words, and the people present are all people who have been rolling in the officialdom for several Resignation. It has not been announced to the public yet. It may be that the Municipal Party Committee has not yet made a final conclusion on the outcome of Bai Zhanmo. After Fu Xianfeng finished his speech, Chongxia wanted to nod. His attitude was so good and unexpected. Xiaxiang also smiled and said to the stage, "Let's invite Comrade Fang Jinjiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization, to speak."

Fang Jinjiang announced the appointment of the Municipal Party Committee: "After careful study, the Municipal Party Committee decided that Comrade Xiaxiang would be a member of the Standing Committee, secretary of the Communist Party of China, and nominated by the director of the National People's Congress. Comrade Xiaxiang has high political quality, strong awareness of the overall situation, and strong organizational coordination and control ability. "The Municipal Party Committee believes that it is appropriate and correct for Comrade Xiaxiang to serve as the secretary of the disqualified district party committee."

As soon as Fang Jinjiang's voice fell, there was thunderous applause in the venue. The applause, warm, sincere and long-lasting, shows that Xia wants to be the secretary of the district party committee, which is the hope of the public and the people's heart.

Xia remembered Li, and his eyes were slightly moist. He had been waiting for this day for a long time, for a few more than a few months. The defeat of the position of competitive secretary a few months ago finally came true until today. He also sighed with emotion and bowed solemnly to the stage!

Chen Tianyu's face fluctuated and his heart was surging. The head of Xia District finally became Secretary Xia, which was a major event worth celebrating for Xiama District. Only under the overall leadership of Secretary Xia can Xia make great strides and stride.

Fu Xiaobin was also very happy. Fortunately, he stood in the right team at the beginning. Xia wants to be able to help. As the director of the district party committee office, he will get closer to Xia in the future, which is definitely a blessing. Of course, Chao Weigang also rose as a result and became the secretary of the secretary, and the future was bright.

Xie Yuanqing's eyes flashed, his face was calm, and he couldn't see what his attitude was. However, his whistle showed a slight smile, and it can be seen that he is still optimistic about the expectations of summer.

Bian Xiuling applauded hard. Xia wanted to go from the district chief to the secretary. Although the level was not promoted, she really became a leader. She was really happy for him. Compared with Bai Zhanmo, Xiaxiang is more capable, more prestigious, and more suitable for leaders to dise.

Huang Jianjun's heart was also ups and down. He overturned Bai Zhanmo, and the disema zone finally changed. The mayor of Xia District finally became Secretary Xia, which is really a very gratifying thing. It's just a pity that Bai Zhanmo was just dismissed and did not be held responsible. In fact, according to his idea, Bai Zhanmo should at least be expelled from public office and expelled from the Party.

Li Yingyong, Qi Shengyong and Guan Qiming, who are closely related to Xi and Bai Zhanmo, all have helpless expressions. They are frustrated, unwilling and helpless. They are a little depressed and even unwilling to look up at the crowd.

The most complicated moods are Mu Yunshan and Tengfei. Neither of them expected that things would develop so fast, far beyond their preparatory course. I thought that after Bai Zhanmo recited a punishment, he could live in peace for a period of time, at least after one term. I don't want to be completely trapped again in just a few days, and I will be spared to the end!

Although Mu Yunshan and Tengfei are not far from Bai Zhanmo, the relationship with Xia Shang is also the same. With Bai Zhan Mo, it is a big restriction on Xia Shang and is also beneficial to them. Now it is not good news to step down from the stage. Xia wanted to be the only family, and Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei felt that the pressure on their bodies had doubled.

Among the members of the Standing Committee of Xiama District, Zhuang Qingyun has the most detached attitude.

Zhuang Qingyun just took office in the disemaqu for a few days, and the wind and clouds surged in the disemaqu, and the weather changed. When he first arrived, he did not think about making a difference as soon as he came, so he had the idea of keeping a low profile and burying himself in doing things. Anyway, with the lessons learned from Kang Shaoye, as a deputy secretary, he was sandwiched between the secretary and the district chief. The best way was to stick to his duty, not to do too

Therefore, when he witnessed the change of Xiaxiang after a few days, from the district chief to the secretary, he was not too shocked. He had heard of Xiaxiang's strong district chief for a long time. Bai Zhanmo, as a leader, was also defeated in the confrontation with him. As a deputy secretary, he would not take the initiative to challenge Xiaxiang's authority.

Since he doesn't want to make trouble in person and doesn't want to make trouble behind his back, it doesn't make much difference for him whether Xia wants to be the district governor or the secretary. Therefore, Zhuang Qingyun has a stand-sided attitude that Xia wants to take over as secretary smoothly.

However, he shouted a pity about the fall of Bai Zhanmo. Because he learned part of the inside story of Bai Zhanmo's departure from Hu Zengzhou, he did not know Bai Zhanmo, and he also knew that Bai Zhanmo, as the pawn of Fu Xianfeng, actually did not have much autonomy. People's hearts are different. Because Xia wants to become a secretary, several people are happy and a few people are worried...

After Fang Jinjiang announced the decision of the municipal party committee, when the applause fell, he said some clichés as usual, congratulated Xiaxiang on his new position, and said that the municipal committee would implement the selection of the district head as soon as possible. Before the election of the district head is confirmed, he worked hard for Comrade Do more.

Xia wanted to express his gratitude for the arrangement of the group. He said that he would keep his responsibility in mind, strengthen learning, be familiar with the environment as soon as possible, enter the angle, perform his duties loyally, administer in accordance with the law, strictly self-discipline, and make more contributions to the economic and social development of the Xiama area.

Finally, Fu Xianfeng made another speech, earnestly saying that the party and government leaders in the disequity area should put down prejudices, put down the burden, move forward lightly, and strive to achieve the strategic goal of the disequire area as soon as possible.

A grand appointment conference came to an end, which also marked the official farewell to the era of white war and ink in the sipation area, and entered the period of Xiaxiang's full-scale administration.

After work on Friday, Xia thought he received a phone call from Song Yifan: "Brother Xia, can you come to my house for dinner?"

Xia wanted to know that Song Chaodu must have something to do with him, so he laughed, "Did you invite me, or did Governor Song have something to do with me?" Of course, I invited you..." Song Yifan lowered his voice and deliberately teased Xia, "I'm alone at home. Dad is on a business trip. I'm so scared alone. Can you come and accompany me?" OK." Xia thought of Song Yifan's accident and agreed.

Putting down the phone, Song Yifan snickered and thought that Xia had always been smart. Today, he was finally fooled. When he came happily, he found that his father was also there. Will he look painful and disappointed? Thinking that Xia wanted to be cheated by her, Song Yifan almost laughed out loud.

Xia Xiang did not go directly to the Song Dynasty to spend the family, but went home first and said to Cao Shuxuan

From home, the old sword Nanchun Yiyi Song Dynasty liked to drink the old sword Nanchun the most, while Cao Yongguo's collection of the old sword Nanchun is the longest, with the longest aftertaste, and the Song Dynasty liked it the most.

Xia wanted to come to Song's house and knocked on the door. When he saw Song Yifan wearing a home costume, his clothes were very cartoonish and very cute, which made people want to hug him. However, Song Yifan now smells more and more like a big girl. His chest is high, and his figure is becoming more and more graceful and exquisite, but his face is still childish, which makes people see her cunning and naive smile, and then he knows that she is actually a little girl.

Although, the 17-year-old girl is also a big girl. But Xia wanted to see that in fact, Song Yifan is the one who is most like her sister compared with Gu Yu.

Song Yifan blinked his eyes, reached out to help Xia want to take off his coat, and helped him take out his slippers. Looking at her movements, her movements were a little clumsy and a little awkward. Xia thought finally understood that she was learning from Cao Shuqi.

The little girl has something on her mind and is still teasing him, thinking that he is deliberately coming to her appointment? Xia wanted to hold back his smile and asked, "Are you at home alone?"

"I'm the only one here. What's the matter? Don't make a bad idea. I just learned women's self-defense." With that, she also clenched her fists with both hands, and her small face was stiff, and she wanted to pull a posture to Xia in a good manner. Xia couldn't help laughing: "What are you doing? Do you want to hit me? Be careful of hitting the wine in my hand."

"What kind of wine?" Song Yifan just found that Xia wanted to recommend the wine in his hand, and couldn't help but be stunned, "What are you doing with the wine?" I don't drink... Oh, I see. You want to get drunk and plot against me. One r, eleven eleven"

"Isn't it enough to lie?" Xia Xiang reached out and scratched Song Yifan's nose and put the wine on the ground. "This is Chen Nian Jian Nanchun, which is Governor Song's favorite... I think he should be in a good mood. Let's have two siels tonight." Song Yifan was anxious: "My father is not at home. I didn't lie to you. How can you not believe me? I'm angry. I won't talk to you from now on.

The little girl ignored people when she was angry. Xia wanted to reach out and took a beautiful box from behind and handed it to Song Yifan: "Okay, don't lie to others. I'll give you a new mobile phone. It's the latest smartphone. Go and study how to play it."

Song Yifan immediately smiled, reached out to take the box, and said sweetly, "Wow, that's great. Thank you, Brother Xia." Xia wanted to pick her ear again: "Is your father in the study or on the balcony?" On the balcony!" Song Yifan had a new mobile phone, and in a blink of an eye, he forgot to play with Xia's thoughts and jumped to play with his new mobile phone. Xia wanted to shake his head and smiled. When he came to the balcony, he saw Song Chaodu sitting in front of the coffee table and fiddling with the teapot.

"I knew Xiaofan couldn't tease you..." Song Chaodu smiled and pointed to the chair with his hand. "Sit. Although there is no sunshine now, sitting on the balcony, he always feels that he can calm down.

The balcony is not small, and a lot of flowers and plants have been planted. The Song Dynasty usually didn't spend much time at home, but the flowers and plants were extremely lush, and the lush was particularly pleasant. Xia wanted to study the flowers and plants and could not call them by their names, but in the withered and declining winter, he was also happy to see the green eyes in front of him. Flowers and plants can make people calm and relax, which is probably the reason why Song Chaodu likes to sit on the balcony.

Xia wanted to sit next to him rudely, poured a cup of tea by himself, and asked, "How many moves between Secretary Ye and Secretary Cui have you been recently?"

"It's no more, it's a little less than some time ago, but it's a little more than when you were in the provincial party committee." Song Chaodu looked at Xia Xiang with great interest and said, "If you don't talk about the situation in the sub-horse area, you should pay direct attention to the movement of the province, which is exactly the opposite of me."

"Hehe." Xia wanted to smile and said, "I was about to report to you the situation in the dissipation area, so you asked first. People like to give up the near and seek the far. When I'm in the lower lane area, I naturally care more about the situation outside the lower part of the lower area.

Song Chaodu said, "There is no need to report to me about the situation in the disemma area. I also have a general understanding. When Bai Zhanmo got off the stage, the contradictions focused on the candidate for the district chief. It is estimated that Fu Xianfeng will also intervene in the nomination of the district chief. Politicians will not let go of any interests unless they withdraw from the officialdom.

Xia wanted to nod: "I also think of this. Mayor Hu should not have planned to place people for the time being, because Zhuang Qingyun has just arrived in the disemaqu to serve as a deputy secretary. If he nominates the district governor again, he can't open it. In addition, everyone regarded me as Secretary Chen's person, so I used to think that it was not easy for Secretary Chen to mention his own people to Xiama District to be the district chief. It can't be all your stores in one district, and it doesn't conform to the rules. With such an analysis, Fu Xianfeng is really the most reasonable person to nominate a candidate for district governor.

P: The first update of 2q, double monthly ticket. Brothers, Lao He needs your greatest firepower support. All the monthly tickets and all the support are rushed to the official god. Don't keep it. Give the official god a perfect New Year's gift for a year of perseverance! There will be a second update soon... ∫ To be continued. If you want to know what will happen, please log in. More m chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!) F