official god

Chapter 652 End and Start

Although Xia wants to understand Fang Jinjiang's love for his son, how old is he? Fang Jinjiang's words obviously put him at the level of the upper generation and let him take care of the square, but Fang Jinjiang had something to say, so Xia thought he had to listen, so he had to respond: "Uncle Fang, don't worry, I will take good care of the square. Besides, the square is now much more mature, serious work,

Xiaxiang rarely called Fang Jinjiang Uncle Fang. Before leaving, a sentence of "Uncle Fang" made Fang Jinjiang sigh with emotion. Knowing that Xia wanted to treat Fang as an outsider, he thought it was a wise choice to have a good relationship with Xia wanted. Xia wanted to never be a person who was a cool person. He left Yan City. If there You won't lose.

When Qiu Xufeng came to Yanshi, Xiaxiang also came forward to greet him. Fu Xianfeng looked at Xiaxiang, the secretary of the Xiama District Party Committee, standing under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, and felt an unspeakable emotion in his heart. When he saw Fang Jinjiang off, many people in various districts and counties proposed to see off Minister Fang, but Fang Jinjiang refused. He didn't want to impress the crowd and leave a bad impression on everyone, as if he had cultivated so much power in Yan City. However, Xia wanted to come to see him off. Fang Jinjiang not only did not refuse, but also happily agreed.

In the team of sending off, Xiaxiang is almost the only leader in the district. The others are the leaders of the municipal party committee or the provincial party committee. The West enters the river and others are politely talking about the scene, but Xiaxiang is talking about personal topics intimately. It is clear who is close and who is far away.

If the relationship between Fang Jinjiang and Xiaxiang is close and Fu Xianfeng is not too stimulated, when he welcomes Qiu Xufeng, he intends to have a relationship with Qiu Xufeng, because he thinks that since the Fu family has made obvious concessions, Qiu Xufeng should thank him. Moreover, he and Qiu Xufeng are in-laws. Even if Qiu Xufeng doesn't return the favor, he should show him that he is more kind than ordinary people.

Unexpectedly, Qiu Xufeng was no different from treating him and all the people who came to greet him. He just dealt with a few scenes indifferently, turned a blind eye to his hints and kindness, and even intended to avoid his Q light. Without saying a word to him, he made Fu Xianfeng feel cold from the bottom of his heart. "What a Qiu , sn butthorny!

But when Qiu Xufeng finally shook hands with Xia, his attitude was obviously very different. He talked and laughed, and whispered a few words. The degree of deed and intimacy between the two was not only Fu Xianfeng, but also knew that the relationship between the two was extraordinary. Fu Xianfeng was almost furious!

Qiu Xufeng not only didn't appreciate him, but also deliberately wanted to laugh with Xia to stimulate him. He felt that his chest was depressed and wanted to wait and see. Qiu Yufeng, in the future, there will be times when you bow to me at work.

Not only is Fu Xianfeng curious about the close relationship between Xiaxiang and the two organizational ministers, but many municipal party committee leaders present have a high look at Xiaxiang and have their own speculations.

The position of the organization minister of the municipal party committee is very important, and he is in charge of the personal future of countless officials, large and small in Yanshi. Although there are deputy secretaries and secretaries on top of the organization minister, after all, the fate of most cadres below the department level is basically in the hands of the organization minister.

When the two ministers of organization came and went, Xia wanted to see him off, he was close to the former minister, and greeted Shi Yi and the current minister to talk and laugh. In the final analysis, the replacement of the minister of the minister of organization did not affect Xia Xiang's network in the municipal party committee.

Awesome, really awesome. Many people sighed for a long time. When they looked at Xiaxiang, there were more complicated and unspeakable emotions in their eyes.

Qiu Xufeng's appointment as Minister of Organization did not bring any fluctuations to the situation in Yan City. In addition to welcoming the grand occasion on time, it was calm in a blink of an eye, and everything returned to normal operation.

At the same time, some major party and government leaders have been replaced in various places. Other personal interests with Xiaxiang are not big. He didn't pay much attention to it. Only in a single city, Wang Xiaomin successfully took over as the secretary of the municipal party committee, which made him very happy.

Not only because Wang Xiaomin took over as the secretary, but also the execution style of Shan Shiqi can be postponed, which can ensure the smooth and smooth development of the single city. At 1 o'clock, Xia'an also followed the rise and became the secretary of the secretary of the municipal party committee.

Although there is no difference between the secretary and the mayor's secretary on the surface, in fact, the difference is not small. The secretary's secretary alone can listen to the trial committee, which is beyond the reach of the mayor's secretary. Xia An listened to the Standing Committee as a recorder in the future, which is equivalent to participating in the decision-making process of the highest power decision-making level in a single city. His vision and insight will be greatly improved, laying a solid foundation for his future political career.

When Xia An called Xiaxiang, his voice was also very excited: "Brother, I attended the Standing Committee for the first time. I was so nervous that I sat with the most powerful person in a single city. It felt different

Xia wanted to laugh and said, "Now you have mentioned the main subject, work hard, and try to mention the deputy office before Secretary Wang leaves Shancheng. When he leaves, he can arrange a good place for you. Remember, Mayor Wang has become Secretary Wang, but Xia An is still Xia Tuo. He looks up and smiles, looks down at the road, step by step!"

Xia An knew that Xia's words were heartfelt words and experience. Compared with Xia's thoughts, he was still far away, so he carefully remembered Xia's words.

The pace of the Spring Festival is quietly approaching. After the dust of the new and old cadres in various places is settled, both the situation in provinces and cities, and the situation in the lower horse area, has shown an unprecedented peace and tranquility. In the end, the Spring Festival is the most important day for Chinese people. No one wants to have a good New Year, Many things. If it can add some festive colors to the Spring Festival, the final fate of Bai Zhanmo and the sentencing of Niu Qi and Wang Cannon are equivalent to making a perfect footnote for the Spring Festival of the second year.

Bai Zhanmo was expelled from party membership and public office, commonly known as double opening. Niuqi was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve. Wang Cannon was sentenced to life imprisonment and deprived of political rights for life.

So far, the first vigorous political struggle in the disembar zone finally came to an end. Bai Zhanmo lost his political life, and Niu Qi and Wang Cannon almost lost their lives.

After Fu Xianfeng heard the news, he was speechless for a long time. First, he called Bai Zhanmo and asked him to go back to the capital for a good New Year. After the Spring Festival, he will give him a good position again. Even if he is not in politics, there are many good positions in state-owned enterprises, the middle level of the Hundreds of thousands? Just as chic, just as powerful.

Bai Zhanmo didn't say anything, but just thanked him sincerely. He is dead now. He has no idea about making money or making a comeback. He just wants to relax and have a rest during the New Year.

At the same time, there is a huge scar in Bai Zhanmo's heart, which is Zhou Hong. He secretly made up his mind that one day he would find an opportunity to return to Yanshi, check Zhou Hong's details, and then humiliate Zhou Hong fiercely to relieve his hatred. With the arrival of a big or small snow, the Spring Festival is coming.

During the Spring Festival, Fu Xiaobin, as the director of the district party committee office who can best understand the thoughts of the leader, arranged the duty schedule very appropriately. At the strong request of Xia Xiang, Xia Xiang was also arranged to be on duty on the seventh day of the first lunar month.

I went to work on the eighth day of the first lunar month. On the seventh day of the first lunar month, I was basically busy with socializing. It was also a good opportunity to come to the district committee on duty and enter the work state in advance. Xia Xiang praised Fu Xiaobin's work.

Fu Xiaobin has been proud recently and has become the head of the family at home. In the district committee, as the housekeeper of the district committee, he is getting closer and closer to Xiaxiang. Xia Shang became the secretary of the district party committee, "It gave him more justified reasons. He actively appeared in front of Xia Shang, asking for instructions every day and reporting every three days.

Of course, it also has something to do with Chao Weigang's praise for admiring him after rising with the water. At the beginning, Chao Weigang thought that the secretary as the district chief was not as popular as the secretary's secretary, and it was not as promising as the secretary's secretary. Unexpectedly, after Bai Zhanmo was disased, Fei Liguo, as Bai Zhanmo's secretary, although he was not involved in any involvement, he was idle. Basically, he was sure It is no longer possible.

Chao Weigang was surprised by Fu Xiaobin's far-sighted eyes and admired him. It was also because of Chao Weigang's admiration and admiration that Fu Xiaobin's waist in front of his wife became straighter and straighter, and finally succeeded in seizing the initiative.

Compared with Fu Xiaobin's satisfaction, Jin Hongxin is a little disappointed. He thought that he could follow Xiaxiang for a few years, learn more skills, and gain the appreciation of Xiaxiang. In the future, he could keep up with Xiaxiang's pace, and have a better future. Unexpectedly, the sky in the lower horse area changed. Xiaxiang changed from the district governor to a secretary in a blink of an eye, and there was a long distance

After all, he is the housekeeper of the district government. It is impossible to report everything to the secretary of the district party committee. Bypassing the district head, it seems that he can't be a person, and it is more likely that he may be determined that he can't do anything. Not to mention that Xia doesn't like him to do this

Jin Hongxin thought helplessly that if she had the opportunity to walk around with Chao Weigang and take the route of personal relationship, to see if she could have a good relationship with Secretary Xia in private, and send more gifts to Secretary Xia during the Spring Festival. It is not surprising that there are many gifts.

Except for Jin Hongxin, other people don't have much feeling. Xia wants to become a secretary. In their opinion, the office is just upstairs, which is no different from when Xia wants to be the district governor. Huang Jianjun and Chen Tianyu should report their work to Xia want to work, and even Shi Changle smiles every time. Li Hanluo passed by in front of the office, and then went upstairs to report his work to Xia. He did not shy away from hearing that his voice was clearly heard by District Chief Li.

However, Xia Xiang did not show that he had to suppress Li Han. He often took the initiative to seek Li Han's opinions on many things, and also achieved enough respect for Li Han.

In the district government team, Xie Yuanqing still went his own way. According to the normal procedure, he mostly went to Li Han to report his work, and rarely went upstairs to find Xia Xiang.

Li Han turned a deaf ear to this. It seemed that nothing had happened. He did whatever he should do. He arranged government work, arranged various activities, expressed condolences and visited workers and poor families on the construction site, and completely adhered to the duty of a district chief. He did his work in an orderly and steady manner, and won a lot. People's good impression. Among them are Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei.

He is also promoted by Hu Zengzhou. Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei are closely related. They often eat and play chess together, but the relationship with Zhuang Qingyun is much more distant. What puzzles outsiders is that since Zhuang Qingyun took office, he has been low-key as if he did not exist. His work style is very solid, but there is one thing that he still has to do with small things. For a little bigger things, please ask Xia to think about everything. Sometimes it is also his part, and Xia wants to nod. Only then did he dare to do it, which made some people guess whether Zhuang Qingyun had come closer to Xia.

Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei don't think so. Although they are not familiar with Zhuang Qingyun, they still learned about Zhuang Qingyun's personality from the side, and also learned from Hu Zengzhou that Zhuang Qingyun's personality is complex and changeable, with a side of forbearance, as well as a side of judging the situation and adapting

Mu Yunshan and Tengfei would rather believe that Zhuang Qingyun is so low-key that they want to show their goodwill to Xia on the surface. In fact, they are still secretly accumulating strength and looking for the most suitable opportunity to cultivate their own strength.

All people in the officialdom want to have the right to say the same, and they all want to have the final say. No one is willing to live under others for a long time. Naturally, Zhuang Qingyun is no exception. As a deputy secretary, he is the third person in the district party committee. Will he be willing to follow Xiaxiang's command and don't want to make his own voice? Don't want to make your own achievements? Of course I will think about it.

After discussing with Teng Fei, Mu Yunshan said that after the New Year, he would get together with Zhuang Qingyun and get in touch with each other.

During the Spring Festival, it was originally a good time to get in touch with each other. Almost everyone in the disepartment area wanted to get in touch with one or two leaders, or find an opportunity to sit down with the leaders closest to the relationship. After all, the personnel changes in the disepartment area are quite large. Xia wants to be promoted There are indeed many reasons why the secretary needs to move around. Of course, there should also be a sequence if he moves around. For example, Secretary Xia of course should be in the first place.

Xia Xiang also knows the time of the Spring Festival, and it is inevitable to have socializing, but he doesn't want his subordinates to come to give gifts one after another. Don't say that he doesn't care about other people's gifts and money, and he doesn't want to just serve as a secretary. "Just during the Spring Festival, He decided to return to Shancheng during the Spring Festival.

Cao Shu$! Naturally, I agreed, but I missed my parents a little, so I discussed with Cao Yongguo. Cao Yongguo did not return to Shancheng last year, and he also wanted to go back this year, so it happened that the two families came together and returned to Shancheng together.

On the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, the disetle area was basically on holiday, the door was closed, and the cleaning was cleaned. Xia thought finally checked and left the office announcement. He waved goodbye to everyone happily and wished the Spring Festival. Sitting in the car and about to drive home, I received a phone call from Xiao Jia.

"I have decided on a major matter, and I want to discuss it with you." Xiao Jia's voice was inexplicably excited. Obviously, there was a great good thing. I plan to hand over the business of the intermediary company to Cong Fenger. Li Qin is mainly responsible for the affairs of Guangxia real estate. I will treat it as a shopkeeper and get ready to rest for a year and a half.

Xia asked puzzledly, "Okay, what are you resting for?" You are in good health and young. Can you be idle?

"I just want to rest. Do you want to take care of it? Humph!" Xiao Jia suddenly became strong, and Chong Xia wanted to hum several times, "I don't want to rest, but I also have to eat and drink well every day. I don't do anything, and I also hire two nannies to serve me. How about it? Do you have any opinion?" No problem." Xia figured it out and smiled, "I admire myself more and more now. I'm simply a sharpshooter..."

When Xiao Jia saw that Xia wanted to guess the truth, she smiled happily: "It's still the date I calculated. It has nothing to do with you. Don't be complacent."

"Why is it okay?" In fact, Xia thought in his heart that he could hit Mei Xiaolin, who was judged to be infertile by the doctor. He is no longer a sharpshooter, and few people in the world dare to claim to be a sharpshooter, but Mei Xiaolin's matter could not be revealed, so he smiled complacently, "It determines the harvest, and

Xiao Jia understood and said mockly, "That's, how powerful you are. As long as your woman can have a child for you, there is a son on the left and a son on the right. I'll just have a daughter. You don't have a daughter yet. You don't know love until you have a daughter." Xia thought he couldn't help but be ashamed. In fact, he already had a daughter, but he couldn't say it.

After Xiao Jia's burial, Xia thought of Mei Xiaolin and her daughter for no reason. There was really a trace of concern in her heart. When she was about to call Mei Xiaolin, Lian Ruohan called in.

"Bad guy, come to the capital for two days during the Spring Festival. You must come. Don't shit. Your son misses you and wants his father every day. He also says that you are not a good father. If you don't come to see him, he doesn't like you." Lian Ruohan's style is straightforward, which does not give Xia room for maneuver.

Xia thinks that he really plans to stay in the capital for two or three days this year, and he really misses Xiao Lianxia very much. As the only one of the three children who can speak, his father's voice made Xia want to be intoxicated. Madam, do you dare not obey your order? I will go to the capital on the second day of the lunar new year. Please bathe and change your clothes and wait for me. After the holiday, Xia thought that he was also relaxed, so he was in a dark mood. I'm blame, blame, you look black." Even Ruohan can't support it. "Do you still think you are the emperor? Be careful, be careful that I oppress you."

Xia wanted to like Lian Ruohan's straightforward amorous feelings the most, and immediately teased her again. Then Lian Ruohan changed the topic and suddenly said something that shocked Xia: "Grandpa may want to see you"

If Mr. Wu asked to meet him, it was not beyond Xia's expectation. If the Wu family has something to do in Zhaoshi and Yan Province, they must not follow the efforts to cultivate strength...

P: It's the last day, brothers. The monthly ticket has expired and is invalid. Please give it all to the official god. Together with Lao He, draw a satisfactory name for the fantasy year #39;. Come on, brothers, you are old... mF