official god

Chapter 654 Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket!

But I don't want to think about it, and I can't discuss who is right and who is wrong with my father-in-law in person, so I have to nod and said, "Yes, I will pay more attention to it in the future. Sometimes, people can't help themselves in officialdom. In the face of danger, as a parent, I don't stand up and feel uneasy.

Cao Yongguo sighed: "I was also warm-blooded in those years, and I also knew that when I was young, I was easy to be impulsive. In fact, I can't blame you... If you become an official according to my way of life, you may not have a good future. Forget it, you'd better follow your If you don't do it, you must think more about your family. This sentence was reasonable, and Xia wanted to nod and wrote it down. Then, we talked about the relaxed topic again.

Cao Yongguo loved Xia Dong very much. Speaking of Xia Dong, he had a kind smile on his face, which made Xia want to see and sigh in his heart. Sure enough, it was the next generation. Just now, his father-in-law looked serious when discussing the problem with him. Now speaking of Xia Dong, he has a kind face, which is very

From this, it is associated with the fact that after the country gives birth to a child, it is often handed over to grandpa and grandmother or grandpa or grandma. The old people spoil the child too much and are never willing to beat and scold them. The child has done something wrong and doesn't even say a word. Especially when the child is knocked down, they like Instead of scolding the road, don't let the child realize that he stumbled when he was walking because of his own reasons, not complaining about others.

Over time, children have developed a personality that is selfish and does not know how to improve their ability to deal with the world. As soon as they encounter something, they will complain, and in the end, they will achieve nothing.

Xia thought about it and decided that even if he was a little tired, he should take care of the children by himself. He was responsible for his strict requirements for his children from an early age. He wants to cultivate a self-reliant son, not a rich second-generation or second-generation wandy.

Zhaoshi is really close to the single city. Before noon, I rushed to the single city, just in time for the reunion dinner.

Eat dumplings at noon on New Year's Eve. The custom is to cook dumplings and set off firecrackers. Xia thought that the party opened into the house with the dense sound of firecrackers i\}.

Tatsu Cheng and Zhang Lan were looking forward to the intersection. As soon as they saw Xiaxiang and Cao Yongguo's car, they looked excited and happy. As soon as the car stopped, Xiacheng came forward to hold Cao Yongguo's hand and asked Cao Yongguo to eat at home.

Cao Yongguo's parents were here. He didn't want to eat at Xia's house. Xia Cheng's words made him immediately change his mind: "Secretary Wang has been waiting at home for a long time. He didn't go home during the Spring Festival, but he deliberately waited for his in-laws to come back.

Wang Xiaomin is not there yet? The party secretary of the single city can't do without giving face, and Cao Yongguo can only agree. Xia Tiancheng, Zhang Lan, Xia An and Xu Ning surrounded Cao Yongguo and Xiaxiang. When the vast team passed by the community, all the people threw envious sunlight to Xia Cheng.

It's impossible not to be envious. Everyone knows that Xia Xiacheng's eldest son, Xiaxiang, is the secretary of the district party committee. I heard that he is still a deputy department-level cadre, which is equivalent to the deputy mayor of Shancheng. The second son, Xia An, is the secretary of the secretary of the single city party committee, and the secretary of the first leader is absolutely promising. Now Secretary Wang is a guest at the Xia family. He doesn't go home for the Spring Festival, but becomes a family in the summer. How face is this?

The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee sat at Cheng's house in the summer. Not to mention the general manager of Yijian Company, the secretary of the district party committee and the district head could not sit still. He insisted on coming to accompany him, but he was driven away by Secretary Wang. Because Secretary Wang said that he was a private guest, not a business, and he didn't need to be accompanied. In the end, the district party secretary and the district chief had to leave, which made the neighbors' eyes straight. I didn't see that the most promising summer in those years has become a matter, and now it's getting more and more important. The secretary even ignores the district party secretary and the district chief, but the Xia family sat and didn't leave. I heard

Summer became a face-on-large-, became a capable person, and gave birth to two capable sons. When he was old, he came out of his head.

Everyone is envious and jealous, and they all hate that they have not been able to have a beautiful daughter. If they had married Xia Cheng's two sons earlier, they would have become the wife of the district party secretary and the wife of the secretary... Alas, it's just because of the short-sighted eyes in the past, and they didn't

However, everyone thought again that no matter how beautiful their daughter is, Xiaxiang's daughter-in-law is beautiful and talented, and she is still the daughter of the municipal party secretary. She is a commoner. No matter how beautiful her daughter is, she is not the daughter of the municipal party committee.

People compare people, begging people to die. Of course, most people still look at Xia's party with envy and admiration...

Xiaxiang didn't have any airs and said hello to everyone he knew. So is Cao Yongguo. Although he has been out for a longer time and many people don't know him, he still won't put on airs in front of his fellow villagers, and he has always been a person without airs. Before he reached the door, Wang Xiaomin, who heard the noise, greeted him.

Wang Xiaomin specially came to Xia's house today to wait for Xia Xiang, which is also to thank Xia Xiang for playing a key role in the process of successfully taking over as the secretary of the municipal party committee.

From the beginning, there was a rumor that he was nominated as the single city committee, and then to the governor of Governor Fan suddenly proposed that Fang Jinjiang be the secretary of the single city party committee. In the end, he was deadlocked for a long time, and his heart had been hanging in the air and did not settle. It was not until the last moment that the dust settled that Wang Xiaomin breathed a sigh of relief and felt that she had never been so worried about anything in her life.

Don't worry. The mayor is the foundation, and the secretary is the ladder of promotion. If you don't serve as a secretary, you will never be able to take the sub-provincial road. Although it is said that if you serve as a municipal party secretary, you may not be promoted to a sub-province, it is even more impossible without training as a municipal party secretary.

Wang Xiaomin has always paid attention to every move in the province. Although he is not very clear about the key role Xiaxiang plays in it, he can also see the operation and maneuver of Xiaxiang, and the final result is in his favor. No matter whether Xia wants to do this without thinking about him, he must show something to Xia.

Because he also came to a conclusion through the whole matter, Xia Shang is now just a deputy department-level cadre. Although he can't rank in Yan City, the provincial capital city, his influence is unique. He can talk to Secretary Ye and Governor Fan at the same time, and has the ability to make things that affect their decisions.

Xia Xiang, whether intentionally or unintentionally, is a noble person in his official career. He must show something to Xia Xiang, otherwise, he just can't be a man and doesn't do anything.

Therefore, Wang Xiaomin put down the respect of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and came to Xia's house early to wait for Xia to come back. Xia An is his secretary. It is normal for him to come to the secretary's house as a guest. In addition, he and Xiaxiang also have a friendship, and Cao Yongguo can also be negotiated. Xiaxiang is at the deputy department level, and Cao Yongguo is at the main hall level. It is not a loss for him to wait for a main hall and a deputy

Hearing the noise from the outside, there was a voice that Xia wanted to be familiar with. Wang Xiaomin knew that people were waiting, so she quickly got up to meet him.

Cao Yongguo not only waited for a long time in advance, but also came out to greet him in person, and he also felt that his face was shining. He and Wang Xiaomin are at the same level. Wang Xiaomin waited for a long time and then took the initiative to welcome him, which is to lower his posture. Moreover, Shancheng is his hometown. The parents and officials in his hometown waited here for a long time, which gave him a great sense of satisfaction. Naturally, he also knew in his heart that Wang Xiaomin looked at his face on the one hand, and on the other hand, he was also waiting for Xia to think.

Xia thought that this son-in-law really took the dragon's fast son-in-law and came to this day step by step, so that Cao Yongguo could see the speed of Xia's promotion. He is more than D years old this year, and he is in the main hall. Xia wants to be Gao Sui this year, and he is already at the deputy department level. The key is still the actual deputy hall, and more importantly, he is still the leader!

A few years ago, Xia wanted to visit for the first time. At that time, he was still in a white dress and had not yet entered the threshold of officialdom. But now, he is already a deputy department-level senior official in charge of one side. In general cities, it is the position of deputy secretary and deputy mayor.

Cao Yongguo remembered what Xia thought had done again, from the inside. Y sighed and let it go. If you don't care about him in the future, let him develop according to his will. In a few years, Xia may become a parent official in millions of cities. By the time, he will only be in his early 30s.

And when he was in his 30s, he seemed to be a minor.

Cao Yongguo shook hands with Wang Xiaomin enthusiastically and said a few words. Later, Wang Xiaomin shook hands with Xia. He held Xia's hand in both hands and said with emotion, "Secretary Xia, I remember the last time we met, you were still the head of the leading group. Later, I heard that you served as the district chief. Unexpectedly, when we met again, I became the secretary... I have been in the officialdom for many Once I saw such an amazing thing happen to you, it was a lot of insight.

Wang Xiaomin's tone was half teasing and half sighing. Xia wanted to feel his intimacy and quickly clenched his hands: "Secretary Wang of Labor is at home for a long time. I'm really sorry. If you call in advance, I have to drive faster no matter what I say." Safety first, safety first. Wang Xiaomin laughed.

"Security is important, but it is also important to protect my personal privacy. I'm worried that Secretary Wang will find photos of me when I was a child after staying at home for a long time. When I was a child, I was naughty, black and thin. If you show it, it will affect my positive and glorious image. Xia wants to open the account - a joke to enliven the atmosphere.

"Haha." Wang Xiaomin was amused by Xia's funny, "If you don't say it, I really didn't expect this. After a while, I really have to look through the photos of your childhood to see if there were any official photos when I was a child. One, one, one, one ■ Everyone entered the house with a smile.

Cao Yongguo saw that Xia's words not only narrowed the distance, but also made a perfect footnote for Wang Xiaomin's half-day waiting. He couldn't help marrying secretly - sighing that Xia was really smart enough and reacting fast enough. In a relaxed joking tone, he gave Wang Xiaomin a very appropriate step.

Several people entered the room, and the wine and dishes had been set up in the room. Everyone sat down separately. Cao Yongguo and Wang Xiaomin sat in the first place. Xia wanted to accompany them for the next time. Xia An and Xia Cheng also sat in the last place. Zhang Lan and Cao Shu$! Xu Ning did not

Xia Dong slept all the way. As soon as he got home, he was happy. His big dark and shiny eyes kept turning. Look at this and that, and he didn't recognize students at all. Zhang Lan liked it so much that she stretched out her hand to drag Xia Dong. Xia Dong was not timid. She was dragged in her arms by her grandmother and stretched out her little fat hand to pry *** nose. Zhang Lan was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth.

Compared with Zhang Lan's enjoyment of family, summer is full of happiness and satisfaction. The two sons, one is a main department, one is a deputy hall, the in-laws are the main hall, and the other is a single-city party secretary is also the main hall. The Xia family is really brilliant, and high-ranking officials are gathered.

In particular, the boss is now the head of the district party committee and the party secretary of the district party committee. In ancient times, he was almost a five-grade official. In ancient times, even if Guangzong showed off his ancestors, now the boss has surpassed Zhixian, and the ancestors of the Xia family have knowledge underground, which should be gratifying. Summer's eyes are a little moist, and the mood is very excited. Xia wants to be injured last time, and he has always been worried about -0, but with a good man and a good reward, Xia Tiancheng firmly believes that Xiaxiang is a good person and will definitely be fine. Then Lai Xia thought that everything would go well and was discharged from the hospital safely, so he let him put his heart in his stomach.

After Xia wanted to successfully take over as the secretary, Xia Ying said to Zhang Lan earnestly, "I said don't worry about the boss. Look, it's true now, isn't it? Good people have good retributions, and good people are good-looking. The boss works for the people. Will God ignore him? You don't have to worry about it. My mother-in-law is blessed by misfortune. Zhang Lan ignored Xia Cheng's optimism and complained, "Can I not worry about it?" My mother is worried. I don't care whether he is a senior official or not, but he is my son, so I have to take care of him.

Now Xia wanted to successfully serve as the secretary of the district party committee and became a leader. When he went home for the Spring Festival, he also shocked the secretary of the municipal party committee to come and wait in person. Xia Shicheng knew that his son Xia thought was becoming more and more promising, and the official became bigger and bigger.

When Xia Tiancheng saw his son talking to the two municipal party secretaries, he was gratified and thought that he was old and had no choice in his life, but he had two promising sons, and he had not lived in vain in his life!

Xia think that he doesn't know his father's mixed thoughts. He is just thinking that Wang Xiaomin's intention of waiting today should be to thank him for his action. If the matter cannot be solved smoothly, "If Fang Jinjiang comes to Dancheng, it will block Wang Xiaomin's rising road.

Although Xiaxiang is actually in the operation of the event, to be honest, he did not think much about Wang Xiaomin's future, because under a series of intricate relationships, Wang Xiaomin's promotion is not very important, but in the end, the matter was solved smoothly according to his idea, which is equivalent to indirectly helping Wang. Xiao Min is very busy.

From the mayor to the secretary, the steps seem to be small, but in fact it is difficult. If Wang Xiaomin is not promoted smoothly this time, it may not be the next time. Therefore, above the officialdom, it is better to grab one second and not stop three points.

In a short time, a few cups spilled on the stomach, and the atmosphere became warm. There are basically no outsiders. Wang Xiaomin said with a slight drunkenness, "If nothing unexpected happens, I can still work in a single city for another three or five years. Three or five years later, the Tonghai Railway has long been opened to traffic, and the Idiom Story Culture Palace has also become a great scenic spot in China. The Taiwanese wine is now very famous in China, and it will become one of the top ten in China. There are basically no regrets. Xiaoxia, do you have any ideas for the future of a single city?

For Wang Xiaomin to ask him again, Xia wants to know clearly that in fact, about the overall planning and development direction of a single city, as Wang Xiaomin, who has been the first mayor and then secretary in a single city for nearly two years, he has a big plan in his heart. This question is just a friendly one. It's just the beginning of the conversation. Or, Wang Xiaomin wanted to take the opportunity to come up with his own ideas to solicit reference opinions from him and Cao Yongguo.

Xia wants to push the boat smoothly: "The overall development of a single city is very flat now, and the potential is also very large. I also heard from Xia An say some planning arrangements, and I think it is very in line with the law of development, and there are also single cities with special color one one one one one one one one"

Wang Xiaomin smiled and said, "Xiaoxia, if it's useful, it's not an outsider. I've known you for a long time. I've always regarded you as a friend."

Xia wanted to smile: "Secretary Wang, you always let me be the free secretary of Yisui. I have no problem, and Secretary Chen should also have a problem. I will complain that I don't focus on the construction of the off-horse area. If I have to interfere in the affairs of a single city, my hand will be too long."

"Look, Xiaoxia can really say choked words?" Wang Xiaomin laughed and said, "Secretary Cao commented. I asked him to make suggestions for the development of his hometown. Instead, he pushed back three times and blocked it. He also raised Secretary Chen to suppress me. Isn't it a little annoying?"

Cao Yongguo knew that the gap between Xia wanted to be and Wang Xiaomin was deliberately ambushed, which was also a skill to talk closer to the relationship. He picked up his glass, touched a cup with Wang Xiaomin, and said thoughtfully, "Xia wants to be young. He has shallow knowledge, but he is afraid that the words he can't Thin. However, for the future development direction of a single city, I am a little immature. One, one, one, one, one"

Wang Xiaomin originally wanted to ask Xiaxiang and Cao Yongguo for their opinions. Since Cao Yongguo took the initiative to speak, he naturally asked for it and hurriedly said, "Secretary Cao to express his opinions."

Cao Yongguo waved his hand with a smile: "It's not a good opinion. It's just a wish for a single city person to be better in the future... The single city is located in the southernmost part of Yan Province. "It borders Henan Province, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is that it can be based on Yan Province, turn the resources of Yan Province into the resources of a single city, and develop a single city into the southernmost window of Yan Province, so that the single city, as the forefront of the trade between Yan Province and Henan Province, should have broad market prospects..."

Wang Xiaomin nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "Secretary Cao's idea is very good. I'll have a meeting to study it later and let the relevant departments implement it in detail." With that, he looked at Xiaxiang again and asked with a smile, "You can also say a few words, Xiaoxia, you must also have a good idea, right?" Regarding the next development idea of a single city, Xiaxiang does have, not only, but also many!

P: Happy New Year and Happy New Year. The new atmosphere of the new year, after midnight, the update will be sent. I wish you all a smooth career, a happy family, and a lively life. Lao He Tuan yued, with tears in his eyes and begged for all the brothers who support Lao He at the moment of the winter, please vote for the guaranteed monthly ticket! There will be D
