official god

Chapter 663 Unhappy to meet

"Sit!" Wu Caiyang still looked motionless, silent on the surface, but in fact, he looked at Xia Xiang carefully in the dark.

In the final analysis, Wu Caiyang hates and is curious about Xia Xiang. He hated Xia for letting his only daughter follow him without a name, so that he, as a member of the Politburo, had no place to lose face. Curiously, what could Xia think about? Lian Ruohan, who had been very rebellious since he was a child and couldn't even control him, actually followed him with all his heart and refused to

Unexpectedly, he secretly went abroad to give birth to a son for him. It can be seen that Lian Ruohan is determined to be a cow for the rest of his life.

Today is the first time that Wu Caiyang saw it again. After looking at Xia, he couldn't tell what it was like in his heart. Xia Xiang is indeed quite plL. From his point of view, he does not have too many shortcomings, and according to the standard of fullness, Xia Xiang's appearance is very official, "very suitable for officialdom.

Wu Caiyang believed that the official said that he was familiar with ancient classics and knew that the ancients were strict in selecting officials, which was many times more cautious than now. Although there was no television in ancient times, and not many officials were known by ordinary people, the ancients believed that officials represented the image of the imperial court and must be cautious. Now with TV, many cadres often appear on TV, so that thousands of people can see it, but the image of some cadres really makes people really don't want to see it again.

One has no prestige 9! As a senior official, it is easy to have a great negative impact. It is common for everyone to judge people by their appearance. Why do popular singers, both men and women, have to have a good skin?

Of course, Wu Caiyang did not know that a few years later, words such as "Hibiscus" and "Phoenix" were used abruptly on Sister Furong and Sister Feng, which completely overturned human cognition of beautiful things... For today's meeting with Xia Xiang, it was indeed Wu Caiyang's thought-provoking

He didn't want to take the initiative to call Xiaxiang, and he felt a little self-induls. From the perspective of Lian Ruohan, he is the elder of Xiaxiang. In terms of position, he is the leader of Xiaxiang. However, Xia Xiang refused to take the initiative to meet the old man, and deliberately delayed the time. He was busy meeting the Qiu family and the Mei family, but put the Wu family in the end, which made him very dissatisfied.

It is clear that Xia wants to deliberately embarrass the Wu family and does not give face to the Wu family. It must be that he still hates the suppression of him in those years and has always been against the Wu family. He didn't think about it either. If it hadn't been for his fault first, how could the Wu family have cleaned up a nobody?

Wu Caiyang originally had a lot of dissatisfaction with Xia Xiang. Now Xia thinks of the capital, first the Qiu family and then the Mei family, and he is also helping the two families to plot big things, but he turns a blind eye to the kindness of the Wu family. Why does he rely on? A small district party secretary is just a deputy department-level cadre. He is put in Yan Province without showing much weight. Why is his eyes above the top?

However, Wu Caiyang was angry, but he had to be convinced. Xia Xiang's level was not high, and he was very popular in the capital, and he was not very popular, and he was invited by others. The people who invited Xiaxiang were all very heavy people from the capital, first Qiu Renli, and then Mei Shengping. Xia Xiang is really popular. Among the four families, in addition to the Fu family and his discord and will not invite him, the Qiu family and the Mei family have been enthusiastic about Xia Xiang one after another. I heard that the Qiu family was met by Qiu Renli, and the Mei family and Mr. Mei also received Xia Xiang in person?

If the above news has not made Wu Caiyang feel any anxiety, but when Wu Caiyang heard some rumors, he finally couldn't sit still.

Especially after he heard that Xia wanted to refuse to meet the old man for the second time, he also understood something in his heart. Xia Xiang was not to entrust or take Qiao, but he had already made up his mind to stand on the opposite side of the Wu family in something. Wu Caiyang was angry and anxious, so he decided not to learn from the old man's strategy of boiling frogs in warm water, but to cut the mess with a quick knife.

Although he made a phone call, Xia Xiang came as promised as he thought, but when he saw Xia Xiang for a moment, Wu Caiyang had a bad feeling in his heart. Xia Xiang was afraid that it would not do as he wanted.

Xia Xiang was originally welcomed in by Gao Jin Zhou, but Li Yanhong stretched out his hand and pulled him to his side. He sat silently at Li Yanhong's head and faced Gao Jin Zhou.

The expression on Gao Jinzhou's face remained unchanged, but Xia Xiang, who was still familiar with him, keenly mentioned the helplessness that flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but move his heart. He remembered that Gao Jinzhou actually had a close relationship with Wu Caijiang, but today he sat with Wu Caiyang. Is there any inside story

The table is full of peanuts, melon seeds, walnuts and some fruits, which is very old-fashioned. After Xia wanted to sit down, he reached out and peeled a peanut and put it in his mouth. He praised, "That's good, it's good. It must be the peanuts he planted. It's completely different from the ones sold on the market. It has a natural fragrance. Gao Jinzhou took over and said, "Okay, you have a good appetite."

Good appetite is a pun. Xia Xiang knew that Gao Jinzhou was hinting to him that although today's peanut melon seeds are snacks, they are delicious and difficult to digest. Wu Caiyang asked him to come, which is definitely a big deal.

Looking at Xia Xiang's complaence, Wu Caiyang frowned slightly, reached out to pick up the teapot, poured a cup of tea, took a small sip at the mouth, and felt light and tasteless, so he put it down again. He asked coldly, "Xia Xiang, do you know what's the matter?"

"I don't know." Xia Xiang simply replied, "But Minister Wu is in charge of Wanji. It's definitely not so leisurely to invite me to tea or eat snacks. If you have anything, please feel free to tell me. I'll listen.

Xia's words were half-formal and half-light. Wu Caiyang felt more harsh when he heard it. At first, the more he looked at Xia, the more he felt that he was not very pleasing to the eye.

"Jiang wanted to meet you, but he went out again because he had something to do, so I'll talk to you. In fact, if it hadn't been for Jiang's repeated demands, I don't think it would be necessary to meet you. Wu Caiyang put on a high posture again and said condescendingly, "Xia Xiang, you recently met Qiu Renli and Mei Shengping, and had a close relationship with them. What's the idea?"

Wu Caiyang's attitude made Gao Jin flash a few times on Sunday, with a trace of helplessness in his eyes. Li Yanhong's face was calm, and his expression did not change, but his fingers were subconsciously tapping on the table. The atmosphere became tense for a while.

"I have always had a good relationship with the Qiu family and the Mei family. Since I came to the capital during the Spring Festival, I have to walk around more, which is also a love affair." Xia Xiang was not afraid of Wu Caiyang's aggressive eyes, but greeted him calmly. He looked at Chapter 1 with Wu Caiyang as if nothing had happened, and smiled quietly, "Minister Wu is quite concerned about my whereabouts. In fact, I'm also going to report to you what I have talked about with Minister Qiu and Minister Mei..."

Xia Xiang took the initiative to ease Wu Caiyang's face a little: "I heard that Yan Hong and Jin Zhou said that you are good and capable. You have certain connections in Yan Province. They all said that if you can enter the Wu family's system, it will be very beneficial to your personal growth..."

Wu Caiyang only said half of his words, and he swallowed the second half of the sentence. Because what Li Yanhong and Gao Jin Zhou said was to bring Xia Xiang over, the Wu family has a foundation in Yan Province. Xia Xiang is the finishing touch and can revitalize all the political resources of the Wu family in Yan Province.

Neither of them has put much emphasis on how beneficial it is to Xia Xiang's personal growth after entering the Wu family's system. Of course, it must be of great benefit. The power of the Wu family is so great that all families in China can't compare with it. Xixia thinks that only by basing in Yan Province can he make great achievements. As soon as he comes out of Yan Province, Xia Xiang's influence is reduced to zero.

The importance of Xiaxiang is only reflected in Yan Province, but the current economic situation in the capital is in Nang Province, which makes Xiaxiang suddenly become extremely important.

Li Yanhong's understanding of the importance of Xia Xiang is far less than that of Gao Jin Zhou. He has not been in Yan Province for a long time, and he has hardly had any contact with Xia Xiang. The two occasional contacts are just a general friendship. They have neither heart-heart talk nor have they done great things together.

Gao Jinzhou is different. He is very clear about Xiaxiang's network and connections. Usually, it's okay. It doesn't show the mountains or dew. Once it comes into operation in an emergency, the ordinary members of the Standing Committee will form a temporary alliance because of Xiaxiang alone.

The most important thing is that in Yan Province, the only person who can have a personal relationship with Fan Ruiheng and let Ye Shisheng look up is Xia.

Not to mention the extraordinary friendship between Xiaxiang and Qiu Xufeng, and the incomputable friendly relationship with Mei Shengping.

Xia Xiang's deep connections in Yan City and Yan Province will not be highlighted at the critical moment. People who have not experienced it in person can't feel the shocking energy released by a deputy department-level cadre! Li Yanhong didn't know, but Gao Jinzhou did.

But it is impossible for him to make it clear to Li Yanhong and Wu Caiyang that when people in the officialdom are in a certain position, it is easy to make mistakes in judgment. Because he is in a high position and in power, there is a kind of spirit that I have in the world. It is not the end of the matter. No one will believe To Yan Province, it has an influence that ordinary people can't imagine.

In fact, according to Gao Jinzhou's idea, it is better for Wu Caijiang to come forward and talk to Xia. Wu Caiyang is arrogant, stubborn, and has a deep-rooted prejudice against Xia. It is difficult to negotiate, and it may also collapse. But Wu Caiyang was about to set up a position to ask for a whimsy. It was obvious that he was forcing Xia to submit.

Gao Jinzhou couldn't say anything in front of Wu Caiyang, but he smiled bitterly in his heart. Xia wanted to be suppressed by Gao Chengsong in those years. I'm afraid it's difficult for Wu Caiyang to subdue him. Moreover, Xia wants to be different from before. Now he has a very good relationship with Qiu and Mei. As a result, it may be counterproductive.

Xiaxiang is no longer the Xiaxiang of that year...

However, Gao Jinzhou was also slightly dissatisfied with Xia Xiang's contact with the Qiu family and met with the Mei family, and did not take the initiative to meet the Wu family in the end. Gao Jinzhou is a member of the Wu family system. He must consider the interests of the Wu family. Especially when he heard that Xia Xiang was planning a big event, he was slightly angry. Xia Xiang made it clear that he wanted to stand on the opposite side of the Wu family.

Let the Qiu family take the position of secretary-general of the provincial party committee, and also take the way around, let the Mei family also help the Qiu family. Xia thought that this is completely in line with the interests of the Wu family, because the Wu family also intends to point out the selection of the secretary-general of the provincial party committee

The Wu family has not yet hummed in the provincial party committee. If they take this opportunity to win the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, it is equivalent to completely completing the layout in Yan Province. The provincial party committee, the provincial commission for discipline inspection, the provincial government and the municipal government all have spokespersons, and the big plan can be completed.

However, Xiaxiang encouraged the Qiu family to take the position of secretary-general of the provincial party committee, which made Gao Jin and Zhou puzzled. At the same time, he also had some opinions about Xiaxiang.

Therefore, he also held the attitude that Xia wanted to give an explanation today. Although he did not care about Wu Caiyang's condescending attitude, he also wanted to hear whether Xia wanted to have a reasonable statement.

Xia wanted to listen to Wu Caiyang's words. He did not show as much joy as Wu Caiyang thought, but said calmly, "Thank you, Secretary Li and Governor Gao for your praise. In fact, I am a deputy department-level district party secretary. The level is not high and the power is not great. Secretary Li and Governor Gao are flatter A few liang, the most suitable is to honestly serve as a secretary in the disema qu and contribute to the construction of the disema qu. Wu Caiyang was stunned!

Although Xia Xiang's words were euphemistic, he clearly and directly rejected his proposal and was completely unmoved to enter the core system of the Wu family.

Wu Caiyang then became angry again!

It's impossible not to be angry. Originally, he took the initiative to invite Xia to come, so he thought that he had surrendered his identity and made a gesture. He also carried out the deputy provincial senior officials of Liangwu in Yan Province, and then the members of the Political Bureau in his hall, and the Wu family, as the first family, opened the door to Xia Xiang, but Xia Xiang actually refused! It's so shocking.

Thinking of the fact that Xia Xiang was Lian Ruohan's man, the old hatred and new hatred came to his mind together, and Wu Caiyang's face changed. So, did you refuse my kindness? Wu Caiyang's voice was majestic and cold, looking directly into Xia Xiang's eyes.

Although Xia Xiang was psychologically prepared, he still felt unprecedented pressure when he really faced the pressure of Wu Caiyang.

After all, Wu Caiyang fought all the way. Without Mr. Wu reaching out and pulling a hand, he abruptly reached the high position of the provincial party secretary. He was a powerful role with wrists, courage and fierceness.

Xia wanted to suppress the sadness in his chest, took a deep breath secretly, and then said, "Actually, I think if Minister Wu put himself in his shoes and carefully calculate the current situation, he will know that my approach is the most correct choice now."

Wu Caiyang didn't say anything, but Li Yanhong said unhappily, "Xia Xiang, this is insincere. Have you considered the feelings of the Wu family when helping the Qiu family operate the position of the secretary-general of the provincial party committee? The great power of the neighbor in Yan Province is corresponding to the damage to the interests of the Wu family. Have you ever thought that if the Wu family takes the position of secretary-general of the provincial party committee, it will be a very favorable day for the Wu family and for you personally?

"At least you should also talk to me in advance, instead of making your own decisions, right?" In contrast, Gao Jinzhou's voice softened a lot. "Or you can say hello to Governor Wu in advance, but you suddenly told the first-hand news to the Qiu family, and also pulled the Mei family to stand on the front of the Qiu family. Have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this? The Qiu family and the Mei family join hands, and the first one to deal with is the Wu family!"

From the standpoint of the Wu family, Li Yanhong and Gao Jinzhou naturally have no objection. "It is also reasonable for the two to talk to Wu Caiyang.

Xia wanted to hear it, but nodded silently and looked at Wu Caiyang: "Minister Wu, do you want to hear my opinion?"

Although Wu Caiyang was very dissatisfied with Xia Xiang, he nodded and said, "What else do you have to say?"

Xia Xiang had a panoramic view of the expressions of the three people here. Wu Caiyang looked cold. Li Yanhong was light and tasteless, but Gao Jinzhou had no choice but to regret, but his heart was calm. From the first step of contact with the Qiu family, he had made up his mind what kind of path it would be. It was a little vague, but after seeing Wu Caiyang, it became clearer and clearer.

Xia figured out that he can never be a vassal of a big family, and can't be attached to the Wu family or any family, otherwise he may not only fail to achieve his ideals, but also be on the opposite side of most people.

Although the family power is huge, although for people in the officialdom, it is a group full of ** interests. But for the general public, the family power actually represents the interests of a small number of people, or the opposite of most grassroots people, which is a privileged class deeply hated by ordinary people.

is also a thorn in the side of some of the top figures who climb from the bottom to the high level step by step in the highest level of the center.

Although Xiaxiang doesn't know much about the central group, in addition to the prime minister, there are also several people who oppose the growth of family power, he knows in his heart that the prime minister's position represents the position of at least half of the people. Although they really climb to a high position, people who originally came from the grassroots will also start to establish It will be controlled within an acceptable range.

A country is a country for everyone, not a country of privileged classes. When a country cannot reflect justice, there is no opportunity for ordinary people to work hard, do not give everyone the hope of a happy life, and cannot ensure that people under a fair and reasonable system do their best, there is no need for this country to exist and will inevitably be overthrown by the people.

Since the family power exists, it has a certain rationality, including the existence of many huge family consortia in the United States, which also has a significant influence on national policies. In China, the family power has just taken shape, but it has begun to have amazing energy to influence the political situation...H