official god

Chapter 669 Push your heart

But no matter what, Xia Xiang still didn't change his face. He not only helped him with a smile, but also shielded him from the wind, which made Mr. Wu sigh with a rare feeling. For the first time, he felt guilty for Xia Xiang.

Because the reason why he came to meet Xia today is that he really wants to have a good talk with Xia again. Second, he is always curious about Xia Xiang, so he wants to see Xia with his own eyes. Third, he was a genius who heard a fact that shocked him with his own ears. Ruohan came back from the United States one after another, which .

Wu Caijiang told him personally that he was in critical condition at that time. Xia Xiang resolutely came forward to persuade Lian Ruohan Hanguo and offered to let Lian Xia's surname Wu in order to let him get through the dangerous period and give him a stalk.

The old man dominated the officialdom again in his life. No matter how turbulent he was, he was also a living person, with flesh and blood, and feelings. Xia wanted to secretly did so much for him. Not only did he not appreciate him, but he also suppressed Xia thought once after his illness, which made Xia wanted to almost lose his official. If Gu, I'm afraid I can't even be the district chief.

Even so, Xia wanted to bear his heavy pressure silently, and did not let Lian Ruohan leave the ten old man after the event. It was clear that the reason why Lian Ruohan had been staying was that Xia wanted to have the greatest influence on her. If Xia wanted her to leave, she would have flown back to the United States long ago.

Xia wants to repay his grievances with virtue. Mr. Wu has never known what he is trying to do against Xia. Is he plotting the power of the Wu family or to get greater benefits from the Wu family? He was puzzled and depressed all the time. He insisted on coming here in person today and wanted to talk to Xia face to face.

Xiaxiang was surprised by his surprise and refused his kindness again, which shocked him a little. Xiaxiang really didn't want to repay his kindness? He endured the humiliation of being suppressed, and let Lian Ruohan's mother and son stay in the Wu family all the time. Isn't it really for greater benefits?

Although he didn't believe it, Xia wanted to firmly refuse his proposal, which made the old man understand in his heart that Xia thought that Xia thought was not pretending, nor taking Lian Ruohan's mother and son to threaten him, but he really wanted to recover from his body. Among other things, this filial piety alone made the old man feel Warm-hearted.

A strange young man can have a sincere heart for himself, and he has not asked for it. Whoever he is, he will be really moved.

"Tay, why do you think the Wu family can't take the position of secretary-general of the provincial party committee?" After all, when Mr. Wu is old and his heart is soft, he will no longer have the domineering spirit of the past. Instead, in a normal and homely tone, and in a chatting tone, he talked about the current situation. "You don't know the real strength of the Wu family, nor do you understand the influence of the Wu family in the high- How can we come to this conclusion? I'm very interested. Tell me your analysis and I'll see if it makes sense.

Xia Xiang keenly discovered the emotional changes of Mr. Wu and the change of his attitude. He calmed down and smiled: "Sir, in fact, you should also be clear that since the four families became a conventional title, the benefits to the four families are obvious, but at the same time, The strength of the four families has been further strengthened. Now the power of the four major families has been excessively expanded, and they have begun to have the ability to influence central and local decision-making. It is both a good thing and a bad thing.

"For the four major families themselves, it is naturally a good thing. But it is a bad thing for the whole country and the general public. The stronger the power of the four families is, the more they are opposed to the people, and the more likely they are to lead to high-level vigilance. At the same time, it will also make many grassroots officials in the country dissatisfied. As the first of the four major families, the Wu family is powerful enough in Yan Province at this stage. If a secretary-general of the provincial party committee is installed, the Wu family will have a pivotal influence on Yan Province, which is not the optimistic result of the senior management and the other three families. Xia Xiang also knows that Mr. Wu can definitely see this, but Mr. Wu has experienced countless major events in his life, and has many means to turn the clouds. Perhaps in his mind, the public opinion is stronger than the power, the voice of opposition, and the opposition is no more than absolute strength.

But now the times are different. The rise of the Internet has shrunk the world into a global village. "It is no longer the era when the media used to speak completely. The Wu family is powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, it can't be as big as a post or an insider article on the Internet. Public opinion warfare is not only a weapon in various places, but also a tool that can be used by some people at the senior management of the central government.

Xia wants to believe that if the power of the four major families expands to an uncontrollable level and exceeds the bottom line of someone in the central high-level, there may be a public opinion war, and the initiator of the public opinion war may be hiding behind the scenes.

Absolute strength is only one side of the situation. Now there is soft power, economic power, geopolitics, etc. The period when we could not hear any opposition in a word is gone forever.

Of course, Xia thought that he only speculated the idea of the senior management according to the situation, but he had just talked to Lao Guchang, and he was more determined in his judgment, and he also knew that there must be senior officials to prevent the four major families from swallowing the interests of Yan Province.

Zhao Province is too close to the capital, to the extent that it can be detected by the wind and grass, and Yan Province is related to the safety of the capital. It has the most mysterious army in China, and the senior management will never allow any family to sit in Yan Province.

The experience of some provinces is vivid in my mind. Lingnan Province, Modu and so on have had precedents of being purged because of confrontation with the central government. Although the four major families are not adjacent to some provincial and ministerial-level senior officials who have no foundation that have been purged, the four major families have power in various places, and some local forces have been caught by the central government to remove, which is also the meaning of the question.

Anyway, no matter what means are used, some people at the top have the same determination to prevent the family from sitting up. Mr. Wu believes that he has reached the top in his life, and the world can go. In fact, he is still too optimistic about the future. The domestic political climate may become powerful sooner or later! $$ben ben zhu yi, but not now. At present, the family power has not been so large that it can fully influence the political situation like the American consortium.

"In the end, the province is still the Yan province of the country, not the Yan province of a certain family." Xiaxiang said in a heavy tone, "In the senior management, the q standing committee is actually a kind of balance, and it is also necessary to maintain a balance in Yan Province. The Wu family already has two people, and if they want three or four people, they will provoke public anger.

Fortunately, although Xia Xiang's words were sharp, they did not arouse Mr. Wu's indignation. The old man just nodded: "Your statement is not unreasonable. I have also considered balancing the situation. But in the final analysis, domestic politics still respects strength. You don't know much about the game between high-level officials, and mistakes in judgment are inevitable. But it's not easy for you to come to such a profound conclusion.

Mr. Wu obviously still didn't pay attention to Xia Xiang's words, but he seemed much more relaxed. He stood up and took the initiative to reach out to let Xia want to help: "For young people, the Spring Festival is socializing and walking, and for the old man, it will be a good year. However, it's also a happy thing for me to see you this year. Let's not mention the unpleasant things. It's rare for me to be quiet today. Come and have two drinks with me as an old man.

When Lian Ruohan saw an old man and a young man returning from the outside, both of them looked relaxed. Her heart finally put back in her stomach, thinking that Xia wanted to and Grandpa had finally reached a consensus and had no grudge.

Xia Xiang didn't think so. His ease was because the old man was not as arrogant as Wu Caiyang, and he hummed on his human side. But he also knew that the old man was relaxed on the surface. In fact, he still believed that the Wu family could take the throne of the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, in order to wait until the dust settled, let him lose, and then Mr. Wu would put forward the intention of solicitation.

Xia Xiang was worried in his heart. No matter what purpose Mr. Wu had to win him in, it was not what he wanted. He already had a firm line, and he would definitely not change. If he is unfortunate enough to say that after the defeat of the Wu family, he dares not guess what Wu Caiyang thinks, but the old man will definitely value him more, but will try to pull him into the Wu family's system. What will he do then? Xia wanted to shake $$" drove away the chaotic thoughts in his mind and focused on drinking with the old man.

The old man didn't drink much, and because the doctor didn't let him drink too much, he only drank a few cups and put down the cup. He talked about his family life with Xia with great interest. From Xiaxiang's childhood, he has talked about Xiaxiang's experience after graduation from college, from his to Ba County, Chengzhong Village Transformation The leading group has been adjusted, and now the Secretary of the District Party Committee of the Lower Horse District has asked for almost no details.

Xia wanted to say as much as he could, but he didn't hide much. He also knows that it is a good opportunity to talk to the old man. Now he is not a powerful figure. He only thinks that he is an ordinary old man, when he is Lian Ruohan's grandfather, and when he is an old man who can chat.

Lian Ruhan was very happy to see Xia want to talk with her grandfather. She was also very happy. She thought that the two had let go of their past grudges and became friends. Xiao Lianxia also happily ran around between Xiaxiang and the old man. Sometimes he got into Xiaxiang's arms and called Dad, and then he got into the old man's arms and called Grandpa. The family was very happy. In the eyes of outsiders, they absolutely didn't think there would be anything strange.

In fact, among several people, Xia has figured out that there may be thousands of mountains and rivers between him and the old man, or to be precise, there is still a long distance between him and the Wu family.

The old man didn't leave until after q o'clock in the evening. Before leaving, he smiled and said to Xia, "I want Lianxia, or let me take Lianxia away now."

Xia thought he had no objection. Even Ruohan agreed, but Lian Xia refused to leave his parents. The master thought that Xia and Xia wanted to spend very little time together all year round, so he didn't force himself to get on the car and leave.

After the old man left, Lian Yuehan said to Xia with a smile, "Ok, I have two hands. "I think Grandpa likes you very much..."

Xia didn't want Lian Ruohan to worry about anything, so he deliberately teased her: "That's, don't look at who I am, I'm dignified..."

Before he said his boast, Xiao Lianxia interrupted in time: "You are the father!" At that time, yes, I am the father of the dignified Lianxia and the dignified Lian Ruohan man. Of course, I'm awesome. Xia wanted to change it temporarily. Count your mouth, I'll spare you once tonight. Lian Ruohan's eyes were charming, and he flew to Xia and thought about it.

Xia wanted to be shocked. In recent days, Lian Ruohan has been a little unreasonable. He is really a little afraid of her. Is she still not going to stop tonight?

Lian Ruohan smiled and said, "It's wrong, isn't it? Go, don't think about all the good things. I've given you enough. Just let me rest for one night, okay? I said spare you once tonight, which means that you don't have to get up to watch Lianxia at night. I'll just go.

Xia wanted to be relieved. He patted his chest and thought that there were some things between the two of them that really had to be made clear. Otherwise, if you accommodate me, I would accommodate you, and work hard every day. In the end, it was still the man who was exhausted." The next morning, Xia thought received a phone call from Old Good. Lao Please, I'm sure I can't get in, so let Xia want to go straight home to find him.

Xia wanted to drive to Lao Gu's home, but found that Gu Yu was not there. It turned out that Gu Yu went to see some of his best friends today. He made an appointment to go shopping, fitness and so on, and left early in the morning.

With Xiaxiang's company, Lao Gu did not let the guards follow him. He sat on Xiaxiang's unlicensed Volvo car and led Xia to a place that would never be marked on the map.

After the car passed through many heavily guarded areas, it came to a place with a gray complex. There are no signs outside the complex, only the armed police are on guard.

As soon as Xia Xiang's car arrived at the door, the armed police reached out and stopped him and asked Xia for documents. Of course, Xia thought that he didn't have any documents. Lao Gu said to the guard in the car: "Let go!

The guard didn't dare to look at Lao Gu's face in. When he only heard his voice, he immediately looked nervous. He stood up straight and immediately waved his hand.

The yard is very large, and there are blue-gray buildings everywhere, which are inconspicuous, and there are no high-rise buildings. They are two or three-story small buildings, showing a sense of solemnity.

After passing through several small courtyards, I came to a wide parking lot. Xia wanted to park the car. He was about to go around the side of the door to open the door for Lao Gu. Next to him came to Yixiang's military car and parked majestically on the right side. It was only 10 centimeters close to Xia Xiang's car. Not to mention opening the door, he couldn't even squeeze people through.

Xia can't help but be a little angry. His car has no license plate and is not of high grade. It may be normal to come to such a place and be looked down upon, but there is no such bullying. Parking and stopping close to it is simply too much bullying. Xia thought he said angrily, "Please move the car. There are still people in the car who can't get off.

Several soldiers jumped off the car. The leader was tall and big. He wanted the rank of lieutenant colonel. He was fat and bald on the top of his head. He looked at Xia Xiang proudly and waved his hand: "Your car is not parked properly. Just move it by yourself. What's the effort!"

Without saying a word, Xia thought that he turned back to the car, started the car, and then reversed the car out, revealing the old co-pilot's seat. Lao Gu pushed the door open and got out of the car, with his hands behind his back, and his face was angry: "Who has to let my car move? It's very majestic!"

Just now, when several soldiers saw that Xia wanted to give in, they turned around and laughed and walked away. After a few steps, they heard the voice of Lao Gu behind them. They looked back and were immediately stunned on the spot!

The lieutenant colonel was able to say something, but he could barely stand and stammered, "Supresor? Why is it you?"

Several other people who were not at a high level but also knew the ancient times were scared to death. One person was so scared that he retreated repeatedly. He didn't see his feet clearly, tripped to the ground and fell down and squatted!

The power of the old man is so majestic. Xia wanted to see the power of the old man for the first time, and he was also secretly surprised. It turned out that the old man was really a powerful figure, which could make a lieutenant colonel so scared that he could not even speak. In the hierarchical army, it seemed that he was also a very

Lao Gu has to do business today. It's okay to be scared. He won't be endless with them, so he shouted angrily, "Get out of here!"

A group of people led by the lieutenant colonel, like birds and beasts, ran without a trace in a blink of an eye, which made Xia want to see that at the critical moment, people's potential was indeed huge, and the fat lieutenant colonel ran as fast as rabbits like a few young men. Xia wanted to come to the gate of the hall with Lao Gu, passed the security check at the door, and came to the lobby.

In fact, there is nothing surprising in the lobby. It's just an ordinary hall, full of banquets and almost full of people.

The banquet is full of people over 60 years old, with soldiers and veteran cadres, which is a bit like a military-civilian party. Xia Shang didn't ask Lao Gu exactly who would come all the way. Now when he arrived at the venue, he asked curiously, "What level are these old cadres?"

"More than the deputy department." Lao Gu nodded slightly, "You must be curious about who will come. The original general secretary and the prime minister will come, but the general secretary has something to do at the last minute and may not be able to come. It may be the chairman and the prime minister."

Prime Minister Xia wants to see me, and Chairman Zong Chang Gui Xia wants to have only seen him on TV, but has never seen a real person.

Zong Changgui's resume can almost be memorized backwards, but he knows that the resumes disclosed to the public have no reference value, and the part that has not been disclosed is the really useful part. Zong Changgui started from the grass-roots level step by step, almost starting from the secretary of the township party committee, the secretary of the county party committee, the secretary of the municipal party committee, the secretary of the provincial party committee, almost every level has achievements and practical things.

But grassroots officials may not be opponents of family forces in the end. Xia wants to dare not jump to conclusions about the political ideas of the highest-level people. Because the policy published to the public, whether it is a speech, is an artistically processed press release, and there is no way to judge a person's political position.

For the leaders of one province and one city, it is better to say that the governing style and political position can be seen from some small things or local changes, but for the leaders of the party and the country, their preferences and political positions will never be announced to the public! It can be seen in the department, and many of their secrets are always hidden behind the flash and will not be exposed. H