official god

Chapter 675 Face to Face

The boat is not big, located in the middle of the river, a little crooked and crooked, because there are no other boats around. Moreover, the space in the ship is a little narrow, which is inconvenient to move. Fortunately, the design of the ship is not bad, comfortable and warm. Xia wants to lean on the seat and talk to Yuan Mingming.

Yuan Mingliang smiled and tried to show his enthusiasm and appropriate self-esteem. As the largest investor in the xiama area, he should be the most welcome person in the party and government in the xiama area. At the same time, he should also give appropriate respect and courtesy.

Laughing back, Xia thought that if he was on the same boat just now, Yuan Mingliang was still shocked. It happened that a cold wind blew on the river. He didn't close the window in his seat, so he felt cold all over. What does Xiaxiang mean? What does it mean to be in the same boat?

Of course, Yuan Mingliang really wanted to understand Xia's words as unintentional words, because the two were indeed on the same boat at this time. But Yuan Mingliang is suspicious by nature, and because of a huge secret hidden in his heart, he is always a little suspicious. He wanted to tell himself not to be a dark ghost, but when he thought of Xia's wrist, he couldn't help but test it in his heart. Did Xia want to notice something?

Impossible. According to Fu Xianfeng, no matter how smart Xia wants to be, he is not all-round. Maybe he is good at political struggle, and he has the means to weave the network, but politics is politics and the economy is the economy, which cannot be completely confused.

Sometimes, economic things are more difficult to manipulate and require far-sighted attention. At the same time, it is not possible to succeed as long as you have a wrist, but also depends on who can better understand the context of the market.

Even if the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, it is impossible to manipulate the market, and it is impossible to turn upside down in the tide of the market. Otherwise, there will be no poor market. Politics cannot change the composition and normal operation of the economy. All countries in the world have politicians, but not all countries have There are world-famous entrepreneurs.

The vision of politicians is easily limited by regional limitations and their own level, just as Secretary Kui can't have the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee to grasp the overall vision, and the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee does not have the courage of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to guide the whole province.

After thinking about it, Yuan Mingliang was relieved and felt that he was still a little bit of a bow and snake. Xia wanted to be a 2q-year-old young man at best, a low-level district party secretary. How could he have a better look than Yanshi?

Yuan Mingliang laughed secretly that he always scared himself. How could he be scared for a long time by thinking about a joke? It's really getting more and more backwards. At least he has lived for most of his life. How can he be shocked by a young man who is half as young as young as he is.

Fortunately, after Xia wanted to finish speaking, she discussed the fun of the water restaurant as if nothing had happened, which made Wu Mingliang completely resophaned.

"The water restaurant is a little interesting, that is, eating on a cruise ship in the water in winter, which is a little more expensive. Such a ship should have heating and a room. If it is transformed, it will cost at least 30,000 yuan. If it is 1 inch, it will cost 300,000 yuan. A meal is calculated as one hour. When it comes to the peak season of summer, the cruise restaurant must have the lowest consumption to make money. Xia wanted to keenly capture his emotional fluctuations from the change of Yuan Mingliang's expression, so he smiled secretly in his heart, and no longer tested him, but changed the topic in time. "However, according to my estimate, as soon as summer arrives, the minimum consumption of a cruise ship restaurant is the minimum and D yuan... In the future, it will appear because of the Many new things, as more and more people flock to the xiama area, the prices in the xiama area will become the highest district in Yan City.

Xia Xiang's words are not aimless, but use the cruise restaurant to mention the rise in prices, so as to slowly guide Yuan Ming's thinking closer to the real estate market. He also knew that Yuan Mingliang invited him to dinner, which was ostensibly a contact relationship, but in fact it was related to the policy after the New Year.

The policy was formulated before New Year's Day, but the policy is a policy. Whether it is effectively implemented or not depends on the determination of his secretary of the district party committee.

"At the income level of the residents in the city, is it very expensive to have a meal?" Wu Mingliang asked tentatively. He also knew that the per capita monthly salary of residents in Yan City is only about 1 boron.

"Zhao City is a city rich in the people. Many people look ordinary and use ordinary things, but in fact they are all rich people." Xia wanted to see that the hot pot had been turned, so he put some meat in it. While stirring it, he said, "Some places look very rich, but in fact, there is not much money in the hands of the people. Some places don't look rich. For example, there are no tall buildings or luxurious cars, but in fact, the people have spare money. Different consumption concepts lead to great differences in external image. People in some places like to hide wealth, and people in some places like to dew palace one one one one one r"

Zhao City is a low-key city, because the people of Yan City are a group of low-key people. Xia Xiang has also seen that people from all over the world have the customs and habits of people from all over the world. People in some places are bright as soon as they go out. They dress up absolutely carefully, and they are all brand-name brands. But in fact, if you go to his home, you will find that the house is a mess, not only dirty and messy, Xi, it can be said that almost all the personal affairs are worn on the body, and there are only five or six people outside.

In some places, people may look inconspicuous and don't pay attention to their clothes, but the home is extremely luxurious, and it can even be described as luxurious decoration.

One side of the water and soil nourishes one side of the people. People in Yan City are usually more economical in terms of clothing, food, housing and transportation, and they are not very particular about it. However, when buying large items, such as when buying a house or getting married, they are full of money, because they usually have sufficient deposits, and they have confidence If you are used to being extravagant, you will have no money when you have something to do.

The characteristics of the city people are that they don't like to wear, they don't like famous brands, but they like to eat and play. Therefore, the restaurants in Yuan City have been very prosperous. At the same time as the restaurants, the bathing industry has emerged. At the most prosperous time, the streets and alleys of Yan City were full of large and small bathing centers, which almost became a scene of Yan City. At that time, the mayor of Yan City even wanted to turn Yan City into a bathing capital of China.

Later, because there were too many gray areas in the bathing center, after the closure of a large entertainment venue in the capital, Yanshi's proposal to build a bath city was stillborn and it was over. However, despite this, the high-end luxury momentum of Yanshi's bathing center is the first in the country. Xiaxiang has also been to many parts of the country in his previous life. Whether it is a developed city in the south, the capital, or the capital of a neighboring province, its bathing center is not the same as that of Yanshi. Whether it is the degree of luxury or the quality of service, there is a huge gap.

Although Zhaoshi cannot be said to be a city that is particularly rich in the people, the residents of Yan City have a strong tolerance. When the housing prices in later generations rose to more than one square meter, the monthly income of the residents of Yan City were not at the level of Tai Daoyuan, but the real estate sales in Yan City had been rising steadily. Yan City is not a tourist city, nor is it a comfortable small city suitable for the elderly. There are few buyers from other places, and basically local consumers pay for it.

Xiaxiang's sentence "rich the people" made Yuan Mingliang happy in his heart. He came to Yanshi thousands of miles away. He was interested in not only the political resources of Fu Xianfeng, but also the low-key and wealth of the citizens of Yan City. Of course, there is also the boom in the real estate market Tide.

Wu Ming has done research. As a city with water shortage, citizens are particularly eager for the moisture of water. Although the people's river, which is not mature in the city, has now become a stinking ditch, many parks and residential communities have been built along both sides of the people's river. Needless to say, the residential communities are not only because of the people's river, but also some exaggerated names, such as: water clouds, sunshine water banks, water ce And the sales market is very good, and I have made a lot of money.

Although later, with the people's river either cut off water, or became a mosquito farm in the summer, the residential communities on both sides have become a joke, so the water and clouds are dubbed as the dust, the so-called sunshine water bank has been changed into a sun ditch, and the water elflies have also been ridiculed as water stink At that time, the developer made enough money.

Compared with the People's River, there is a heavenly difference between the Xiama River and the People's River. The Xiama River is vast, hundreds of meters wide and hundreds of kilometers long. It fully has the momentum of a small river. It can also completely create a green belt in Yan City, a northern city with dry water. The green belt is the economic belt, especially the only Xiama area with the Xiama River, which can definitely make a leap to the help of the Xiama River It is the most dynamic and potential new district in Yan City. It will also become a hot fuse in the real estate market in Yan City.

The real sunshine water bank, the real water clouds, only on both sides of the Xiama River, it is difficult to be underdeveloped. Moreover, Yuan Mingliang went to the capital during the Spring Festival, and also secretly visited the real estate market in the capital, such as the vast river as the horse river, not even the capital. It can be said that the Xiama River is the largest city river in the whole Yan Province, together with the capital.

Yuan Mingliang stayed in the capital for a few days and was more determined to have the confidence to make a careful layout in the Xiama area. At the same time, under the operation of Fu Xianfeng, he carried out a series of work in the capital, meeting, talks, cooperation and negotiation. In short, he laid a more solid foundation, and also let him see Governance strength and deep connections.

Yuan Mingliang wanted to return to Yanshi a day earlier than Xia. He inquired in advance that Xia wanted to be on duty today, and was also optimistic about the newly opened water restaurant on the banks of the Dama River, so he specially invited Xia Xiang to get together to calculate the time, and it was time to meet Xia Xiang again.

Face-to-face may not be able to achieve the desired effect, but if it is not face-to-face, there must be no chance to achieve the effect.

Yuan Mingliang picked up a piece of mutton, stained it with small ingredients, and put it in his mouth: "It's okay. It tastes good. It should be the ancient lamb in Inner Mongolia." He picked up another piece of tofu. "Yanshi people love to eat. I have a deep adjourned, that is, in the recent period of time, there are not a hundred new restaurants, and dozens of them have been opened. The survival rate is very high. Some restaurants that look very tasteless and have no characteristics can also survive, which proves that the people take food However, Secretary Xia said that Steaming City is a city that is rich in the people. I have only come to Yan City for a short time. I feel that people in Yan City just love to eat and play. In other aspects, I haven't found out whether the citizens really have spare money in their hands.

Is the test coming? Xia wants to know that sooner or later Yuan Mingliang will lead the topic to the rise of housing prices and the affordability of citizens, and he also wants to take the opportunity to explore his words.

Xia wanted to laugh: "Yanshi people are not very enthusiastic about famous brands, so there is no high-end department store in Yanshi. A famous fashion store has been open for a period of time and has also closed down, which proves that Yanshi people are all low-key and pragmatic. However, Yanshi people usually save, most of them have savings, and they still have a certain purchasing power.

"Hehe." Yuan Mingliang took a ha ha and continued to eat and said, "To tell the truth, Secretary Xia, I just bought a villa, and now I want to sell it. The house price has risen a lot, and now I can make a small profit."

Xia wanted to see Yuan Mingliang get to the point, so he laughed and said, "I don't think Mr. Yuan cares about this little money. The main reason is that you have sold the house now, and it's not cost-effective to buy it again, and according to the house

The speed of price increase, and the land will be further controlled next year, and house prices should also be. Xia wanted to pretend to say too much, waved her hand and smiled at herself: "Eat, eat, not to mention, the hot pot in this restaurant tastes good, compared with the little fat sheep."

Yuan Ming Liang is old and refined, and it is naturally different; he will continue the topic just now, so he followed Xia's words and said down: "The foundation of the little fat sheep is good, but it is too greasy, and it is easy to be slippery. Hot pot base, it's better to have more fragrance. Nowadays, the food people eat is too greasy, which is not good for health.

Xia wanted to smile, and suddenly his mind moved and asked, "When will the construction of the golf course of Changji Business begin?" There is only the golf course of Dacai Group in Xiama District, which can't meet the needs of the market. If the golf course of Changji Business can be put on, I promise that the district party committee and district government will take care of it in all aspects.

Yuan Mingliang didn't think of Xiaxiang and suddenly mentioned the problem of the golf course. To be honest, he almost forgot the land of the golf course. Although he spent hundreds of millions of yuan, now that the land has appreciated, he doesn't think it's a waste. He wait for the appreciation. Xia wanted to lift it suddenly, and he just wanted to raise the glass and slowly put it down.

"To tell the truth, I'm going to invite you to dinner today. I just want to talk about the land of the golf course." Without bright reaction, he quickly figured out the solution in an instant. "Changji Business decided to invest in a large supermarket and golf course plan in the Shimoma District, which was temporarily put on hold." Nie wanted to say nothing about Yuan Mingliang's decision, but asked, "What are the specific plans? Let's talk about it.

"As an emerging urban area, the Xiama District is not very sound. The golf course is a high-end consumption place. For a short time, it is not a high-end consumer market, but the supermarket is a necessary supporting beryllium in a crowded place. I decided to change the land of the original golf course to a large supermarket. Apply to the district government for the establishment of the project after the preparatory year..."

"My principle is not to interfere with the business ideas of enterprises. Investing in supermarkets is also a good idea. I have no objection." Xia Xiang expressed his position. He did not have much hope for Yuan Mingliang's statement that he changed his plan to invest in supermarkets. He thought that Wu Mingliang was just a strategy to shoot again. "You can directly negotiate with Comrade Li Han on specific matters, apply for approval and set up projects, which are all government affairs.

"I know this. It's a small matter to apply for approval and set up a project. I mainly want to ask Secretary Xia to give guidance and objectively analyze the market prospects of the supermarket." Yuan Mingliang picked up the glass again, toasted Xia for a cup, and at the same time, he lost the opportunity to flattered a little. "I have heard that Secretary Xia has a human eye for a long time, and he can accurately grasp the pulse of the market. Please give me some advice."

With the supermarket, he knocked on his prediction of the real estate market in the off-horse area. Yuan Mingliang is really a deep-hearted person everywhere. Xia wanted to think about it, turned his mind for a few times, and gently touched the wine glass with Wu Mingliang. Then he said, "Optimistically, it is estimated that the diseping The residential community was completed, and 50,000 employed people were arranged. In addition, four relocated households and citizens who bought and moved in in the Lower Horse District will move into the Lower Horse District. By the end of 2004, the permanent resident population in the Lower Horse District will break through 10,000 people. Generally speaking, a dense area of 50,000 people can make a large supermarket profitable. There are four or five large supermarkets in the xia area. However, this is only a conservative estimate, according to the normal progress. If the real estate market develops well, there may be more than 300,000 people in the horse area by the end of the year. It is said that you have invested in a large supermarket, and you can make money directly from two supermarkets..."

Xia thought that since Yuan Mingliang didn't care about his prediction of the real estate market in the xiama area, "he will give him a big optimistic prospect, so that he can firmly continue to enter the real estate in the xia area

Seeing that Wu Ming was secretly happy, Xia wanted to be a good person, so he followed the topic of the supermarket to the end, so that Wu Mingliang was completely relieved and did not let him doubt that he had seen any of his intentions.

"I have a friend, Feng Xuguang, who is the creator of Jiajia Supermarket, and is also ready to enter the supermarket market in the disetrod area. Ha ha, I would like to remind you that Feng Xuguang has a vision and courage, and Jiajia Supermarket has done a very successful job. If he enters the dema area, it will form Hit one one one one one one"

Yuan Mingliang nodded and smiled: "Thank you for Secretary Xia's reminder. I know it in my heart. If you want to get on the horse as soon as possible, you can't fall behind. If you fall behind, you will be beaten."

Xiaxiang also nodded and smiled: "Not only supermarkets, but also real estate developers. "The land in the Xiama area is limited. In order to control the expansion, the next step is to tighten the land. In the early stage, developers will have money to make money, and the latecomers will have to pay a lot more costs accordingly. However, a bad consequence of tightening the land is that it will directly lead to a rise in house prices, but this is the case with the market economy, and it is not easy for the district party committee and district government to be directly involved. D