official god

Chapter 679 To choose

But it is precisely because of the advocacy of experts and the deliberate guidance of the media that Chinese people think that drinking milk is beneficial. No matter how poor they are, they cry and shout to feed their children milk. In order to improve sales, various milk powder manufacturers have to come up with strange tricks of adding things to increase nutrients in the face of a group of fanatical and irrational consumers in the market.

The result is naturally to compare with each other. They all boast about how nutritious their milk powder is, how good the effect is, how much intelligence can be improved, and so on. The advertising slogan is messy. In fact, the more nutrients marked in milk powder, the more additives there are. In fact, almost all additives are chemicals. As long as it is man-made, it may cause damage to the body.

All nutrients that exceed the nutrition of milk itself are artificially added, and there is more or less the same harm as melamine.

Xia thought clearly that it is impossible for him to manipulate the market, launch a public opinion, and break the lies of milk powder many years in advance. It is impossible for him to be unrealistic. Citizens who are caught in fanaticism can only use strong medicine if they want to be sober, but it is too cruel to let melamine mutilate babies. It should be a great achievement to strangle this matter in the cradle.

He can't face Yang Guoying and tell her not to add melamine to the milk powder in the future, otherwise it will kill people and destroy the Siniu Group. If he says so, Yang Guoying will definitely think he is crazy and drive him out without mercy. It is not appropriate to block everything, but how to do it is a problem that needs to be carefully designed. Xia wanted to be lost in meditation for a long time. Suddenly, he thought of something and his eyes lit up.

There are thousands of mu of fertile land in the western part of Xiama District, which is located at the foot of the mountain. The climate is mild and the humidity is good. It is very suitable for growing crops. However, due to the construction of the Xiama area, land has also been expropriated and is now idle. Xiaxiang's original intention was to leave it to the last critical moment and give it to Yuanjing Xituan or Dacai Group to use a high-end community, so as to suppress housing prices and then contain the bright plan. Now he has changed his mind and decided to transfer the land to Siniu Group.

Until the development of Siniu Group, it is the time when it is necessary to expand the breeding base. The Xiama area is not far from the urban area, especially the reserved 1,000 mu of fertile land, which is absolutely very suitable for the construction of farms. If Siniu Group really builds the breeding base in the Xiama area, it means that the raw material production base is under the eyes of Xiaxiang. He has enough reasons to contact Siniu Group and then slowly exert influence. Xia wanted to call Chen Feng with just one phone call. Secretary Chen, is Siniu Group looking for a suitable place to build a farm? Xia thought that he was not polite, so he came up and said what he wanted.

Chen Feng was also used to Xia's sudden phone calls and questions. He smiled and said, "You are well-informed, and even the idea of Siniu Group? Yes, they want to find a suitable place to build a cattle farm. Qiaoxi District has submitted a report to the city, but the city has not replied yet. In principle, the listing does not interfere with the independent choice of the enterprise. Do you want to pull the farm project of Siniu Group to your disemerate?

Xia wanted to laugh: "If you live in the Xiama District, you have to love the Xiama District, and build the Xiama District. Leaders, there is a good field in the Xiama District, which is very suitable for breeding cows. You and Yang Guoying have a good relationship. How about you tell me?"

"I'm the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and I want a bowl of water!" Chen Feng laughed and scolded again, "Well, it is reasonable to say that the land is vast and sparsely populated, and some locations are indeed more suitable for building farms. However, Changshan County has heard the news for a long time. Now it sends people to the Siniu Group every day. If you want to pull the project, you have to hurry up the But in the end, the idea has to be taken by Siniu Group.

Xiaxiang naturally knows that with the current strength of Siniu Group, it is not easy for Chen Feng to speak directly and exert pressure. Although Siniu Group is a state-owned enterprise, it also has great autonomy. In principle, the listing committee will not interfere with the business ideas of the enterprise. At the same time, Xia thought that Chen Feng could easily get things done in one sentence. He was already psychologically prepared to fight a tough battle.

When I was about to call Qu Yaxin, the original intention was to let Qu Yaxin be specifically responsible for this matter. As the female deputy head of the dise-district, it should be easier to interact with Yang Guoying, who is also a woman. There is a common language between women. Suddenly, the phone rang and I picked up and saw that

Li Qin didn't have any contact with Xia Xiang during the Spring Festival. Xia Xiang didn't know where she was for the Spring Festival or what she did during the Spring Festival. He only cared about Li Qin's work ability and attitude.

Li Si's call was very timely, saying that it was timely, because her proposal just touched Xia Xiang's difficulties.

"Leader, all the real estate companies in Chiyanan are ready to officially enter the real estate market in Yan City. He entrusted me to choose a piece of land. I like the location of Chengxi Village in the western mountainous area. The thousand mu of good land in the west of the city is exactly the land that Xia wants to transfer to Siniu Group

"Although the location of Chengxi Village is far away from the city, the air is good, the climate is mild, and it is at the foot of the mountain, next to the mountain and water. In spring, spring is warm and flowers bloom. In summer, the mountains and rivers are beautiful. If you start to encircle the land now, the construction will start in spring, and it will definitely sell well. Li Qin's vision is very accurate. Her analysis of the area of the village in the west of the city is in place, which is fully in line with Xia Xiang's prediction. "It is a little far away, but with the popularity of private cars, the distance is not a problem. On the contrary, a good living environment is the most concerned issue for citizens who pursue high The community can not only improve the taste of the real estate market in the district, but also play a role in suppressing housing prices. Because the land price of Chengxi Village is much lower than that of the district center. At the same time, Nanxin Real Estate will contact several other real estates. If all the more than 1,000 mu of land is built into a large living area, it will definitely form an effective containment for the next action of Changji Trade!

Although Li Qin was not very clear about what Xia Xiang's next move was, Xia Xiang did not reveal to her the use of the land in the west of the city, but inadvertently mentioned a meeting. Unexpectedly, Li Qin's inference was not far from his vision. It was really far away.

In particular, Li Qin's analysis of the real estate market prospects of Chengxi Village is even more deeply inspired by Xia Xiang. It can even be said that among the several people around Xia Xiang at this stage, whether it is Sun Xianwei, Shen Lichun, Xiao Jia or Lian Ruohan, no one has a deep understanding of Li Qin's intention for him Li Qin's ice and snow are smart. But Li Qin's proposal is exactly what he is in a dilemma now.

Chengxi Village is one of his reserved killers, and it is also an extremely important part of the floating capital war against Changji Trade. But he suddenly changed his mind. In order to get close to the Siniu Group, and in order to kill the harm of melamine before it sprouted, he had to make another major choice to exchange the land of Chengxi Village for the influence on the Siniu Group!

Although both are based on the perspective of the country and the people, it is a small-scale thing to prevent Changji business after all, and the four milk powder harms thousands of babies. In a large and wide range, the whole milk powder market harms the next generation of China. In contrast, the consequences of the four milk powder are serious, so we can only catch the big one. The key problem is that he can't explain it clearly.

Xia wanted to hesitate for a moment, and also knew that he could only bear some things by himself, and he could only make decisions by himself. No one understood that no one supported it was not important. The important thing was to make a difficult choice, to have a clear conscience, and to live a life without burden, he must have something to shoulder! For the land of Chengxi Village, I have another aluminum. Nanxin Real Estate can find a suitable location outside the county.

As soon as Xia wanted to speak, Li Qin immediately expressed doubts and dissatisfaction: "I want to ask why? Leader, you said to let Ziyanan enter the real estate. OK, I support it and help him go through all the formalities in the capital. You said that Mr. Xiao should also transfer all the funds to the real estate project. OK, I still strongly support and obey. To be honest, in fact, the land of Chengxi Village, Qi's Nanxin Real Estate can't be finished. I think Mr. Xiao's Guangsha can also be a piece of the pie. I have even made a plan, but your words have disrupted all my plans. You must give a reasonable explanation.

Li Qin is Li Qin. She has developed the character of daring to contradict her superiors abroad for many years. As long as she thinks it is right, she dares to argue with Xia Xiang.

Xia Xiang actually likes Li Qin's straightforward personality. A person is used to flattery and lies. His mind is easy to make mistakes in judgment, and he will think that he is always right. He is the first in the world. Only when someone around him always knocks and doubts can he keep a clear mind and not be arrogant. If you are arrogant, you will not have a good end. You will either harm others or yourself. The greater the power, the more harm to the country and the people.

But Li Qin's question, it's really hard for Xia Xiang to give a real explanation. He pondered, "I just said, "I'm going to use it for the horse farm project...

"Farming farm?" Li Qin was even more puzzled. What benefits can the farm produce? Judging from the current situation in the following Ma District, no project has a high profit driven by investment in real estate, and a long-term interest chain. At the same time, it will also drive many downstream industries, which can make political achievements and improve GDP. Secretary Xia, a wise leader, suddenly made an unreasonable decision. Is it? Cow or sheep?"

Li Qin has limited knowledge about the breeding industry, so she knows cattle and sheep.

Change the number and] people, Xia Xiang is too lazy to let go of anything, but Li Qin is not an outsider, but one of his most reliable people at present. He also wants to give her a reassurance: "Well, please inform Shen Lichun, Sun Xianwei, Xiao Wu and Qi Yanan to have a meeting in Qinyuanchun in

Li Si was dissatisfied, and also knew that although Xia Xiang was kind, his authority was still inviolable, so he said unconvincedly, "Okay, I hope the leader will give me a satisfactory answer at that time, otherwise, it will make my morale low." What a low morale. He put down the phone. Xia wanted to laugh and shook his head meaninglessly.

It's time to meet again to discuss a big deal. At present, Changji Trade is ready to move, and has mastered more than 60% of the real estate resources in the disemission area. It is estimated that the next step should be to raise the price. Moreover, Xiaxiang also heard some news. The rise of Yuanliang's Changji Supermarket seemed to indicate that his strategy had changed slightly.

Of course, he also needs to discuss with everyone how to further broaden the development of the real estate market in the sub-horse area, so that several future reserves can officially enter the real estate market in the sub-horse area "blowing the horn of progress and ready to fight. After setting the tone of the evening meeting, Xia wanted to pick up the phone and call Qu Yaxin in person.

Generally, if a more majestic secretary wants to meet a deputy district chief, he will ask the secretary to inform him. Xia wanted to call Qu Yaxin in person, which greatly encouraged Qu Yaxin. He was very useful in his heart. He felt that Xia thought that he had not forgotten her old friend.

Qu Yaxin carefully combed her hair, buried her clothes, and specially looked in the mirror. Then she came to Xiaxiang's office suffocation lightly. When she passed in front of Chao Weina, she said, "I still don't forget to nod and smiled at Chao Weigang.

Chao Weigang is not impressed with Qu Yaxin, because he seldom deals with Qu Yaxin. In his impression, he has always felt that Qu Yaxin is not smiling. Only a few meetings have been met, and he has not said a word. He doesn't want Qu Yaxin to smile today, making Chao Weigang, who has not been in love

He was hit by Qu Yaxin's bright smile and mature amorous feelings in an instant. From this moment on, Qu Yaxin has been Chao Weigang's dream lover for a long time, resulting in Chao Weigang's love plot overflowing. Finally, he found a girlfriend who was 5 years older than him.

Chao Weigang stared at Qu Yaxin's disappeared in the back of the room, and couldn't help thinking about it. It turned out that mature women were the most charming and elegant. It turned out that the head of the Qu District was graceful and graceful, with amazing curves. Although her clothes were wide, it was still difficult to hide her natural beauty...

Fortunately, Qu Yaxin did not look back. If she inadvertently turns back again, she may return J! - She can be fascinated by Chao Weigang, and she has been addicted to it for the rest of her life. Although Qu Yaxin smiled at Chao Weigang just now, she had no intention at all. What she was thinking about was how to behave well in front of Xiaxiang to live up to Xiaxiang's trust.

Xia wanted to see Qu Yaxin come in and get up to greet her, which was a courtesy to her. Qu Yaxin nodded hurriedly: "Leader, please sit down quickly. If you have any instructions and instructions, please speak."

Xia wanted to ask Qu Yaxin to sit down. Seeing that she is radiant and charming today, she thought that Qu Yaxin is younger and more strange than Bian Xiuling. Bian Xiuling is better than mature in mature style, and Qu Yaxin is still slightly green in maturity. It can be said that each has its own advantages, which can be regarded

Among the deputy head of the district government, there is also a female deputy head of the district, named Qi Xinhua. Qi Xinhua's personality is a little similar to Qu Yaxin, but her appearance is not as good as that of Bian Xiuling and Qu Yaxin. She is more neutral, but she is a good person. At least she is very pragmatic and enthusiastic. Now she is a famous good man on the side of the district government.

Xia wanted to take back her mind and straightened out Qu Yaxin's performance when she came to the lower part of the horse area for a few months. Her evaluation was above average, and her talent and life were not bad, but sometimes she was not generous and calm enough when things happened. Of course, as a woman, considering the gender What's the shortcoming?" Yang Guoying, the general manager of the four cattle theft, do you know him? Xia thought he just asked casually. As the beginning of the topic, he didn't think Qu Yaxin would know Yang Guoying. Know.

" Qu Yaxin was afraid that Xia wanted to give her an incomparable task. If it can't be completed, it will make Xia want to have a bad impression of her. Unexpectedly, as soon as she asked Yang Guoying, her eyes became eager. "The leader has something to ask Mr. Yang. Do you want to buy milk powder for your child I happen to be familiar with Mr. Yang. It must be much cheaper to ask her to approve a note.

Xia wanted to laugh and cry. Qu Yaxin was really enthusiastic. As soon as he asked, he thought he wanted to buy milk powder. Also, his son was the age to drink milk powder. However, Xiaxiang dared not let Xia Dong drink four milk powder, because he had personally experienced the four milk powder incident, and he remembered it clearly in those years.

Such as "drinking Siniu brand milk powder, being the champion of the Paralympic Games", "one catty of milk a day, strengthening the Chinese kidney", "four milk powder, honorary production of Sanju Chemical Group" and so on, etc., it fully shows the helplessness and anger of the people. After the outbreak of the four milk powder incident, the None of the manufacturers were spared, and they all won the bid.

also proves the unspoken rules of the dairy industry from the side. Basically, there are more or less additives in the light and dark. It is not a question of whether there is or not, but how much it is.

Xia wanted to shake his head and said, "It's not to buy milk powder, but to let you come forward on behalf of the Xiama District Government to contact Yang Guoying and persuade her to build the farm of Siniu Group in Xiama District.

Qu Yaxin understood that Xia wanted to do business. She blushed and smiled: "I'll try my best. Mr. Yang is stubborn and difficult to convince. She has a high vision and my face is not big enough."

Qu Yaxin is telling the truth. She and Yang Guoying know each other because of Qiu Yan. One year, Qiu Yan interviewed Yang Guoying. Qu Yaxin joined in the fun and talked to Yang Guoying. Yang Guying had a good impression on her. The two of them chatted speculatively. Later, they had several contacts, which was regarded as an acquaintance.

She didn't expect that it was a big event that Xia wanted to give her, so she was a little uncertain. Because Yang Guoying is a big figure valued by leaders at both the provincial and municipal levels, he is a star entrepreneur in Yan Province, and because Siniu Group has changed from an unknown small factory to a top 100 enterprises in the country, Yang Guoying has played a key role, which makes Yang Guoying think highly of himself. Ordinary people don't pay attention to it.

But Xia wanted to entrust such a big thing to her, which was also a manifestation of her trust. Qu Yaxin secretly made up her mind to find ways to impress Yang Guoying.

Xia also knows that it's not easy to do. If Yang Guoying has made a decision in her heart, it is difficult for her to change her mind. Although Yang Guoying's life is not very clear, after the incident of the Siniu Group in later generations, Yang Guoying was sentenced to life imprisonment and can also be inferred...H