official god

Chapter 686 Chain of Interest

Xia wanted to stand on the spot and was stunned for a long time. Suddenly, he smiled and hugged Lian Ruohan and kissed him hard: "You are my lucky star. I understand, I understand!"

Xia figured out what. He did not explain to Lian Ruohan, but waved his hand and turned away with a smile on his face. Lian Ruohan looked at Xia's figure that wanted to disappear in the night and smiled happily.

Xia figured out what she doesn't care about. All she needs to know is that Xia's happiness is the source of her happiness.

Xia figured out the connection between Yang Guoying and Fu Xianfeng, and why Yang Guoying suddenly proposed to transfer the land to Zhongda Group. It turned out that the inner secret was that Yang Guoying had known Fu Xianfeng for a long time.

Not only does it know, but it may even have a very close relationship, because according to Lian Ruohan, the Fu family has been involved in the milk powder industry for a long time. As one of the top ten in the national dairy industry, Siniu Group absolutely has the shares of the Fu family. At the same time, it also explains why there was a sudden rise of dairy products in China a few years ago. Not only did high-level officials come forward to promote them, but also countless experts and professors sang and published various articles to advocate the benefits of milk. It turns out that the root of this is here.

When a family, a certain force, or a group wants to get involved in a certain industry and want to make a fortune from Zhongda University, it must first build momentum and instill theories into the people first. To put it worse, it is to brainwash first, and then it will trigger a market boom, so that the people can willingly pay out money, so The money in the hands of the people reasonably and legally becomes the profit in their own pockets.

A health master in later generations, under the operation of an interest group, "from an anonymous barefoot doctor to an ancestral three generations of old traditional Chinese medicine doctor, selling mung beans to everyone on the grounds of curing diseases and fitness. As a result, people who have lost their reason and judgment bought mung beans, cooked 1 catty of mung beans for food and water every day, followed by a soaring price of mung beans, up to more than 23 yuan per kilogram.

After the TV speech, traditional Chinese medicine sitting in the hall, and tooth publicity, after the hype of the trinity, he became famous almost overnight. It can be said that he has won the essence of many ways to manipulate the market. What he is concerned is the naive and kind nature of the people and the blind pursuit of health, using small mung beans Play a wonderful play to tease you.

In the end, I don't know which character can't be provoked, or Master Zhang's method copied other people's true biography. In the long run, it will be difficult for others to use the hype in the future. Therefore, the master was blocked and directly beaten to the dust.

In fact, what everyone didn't see clearly is that Master Zhang's name had already told the public the truth, but the public did not take the opportunity to associate. The meaning of the chapter error is that if you follow the rules, you will not have money to make money. You must misunderstand, misunderstand and go astray, which is the real ability. You must tease you to be regarded as a play in life and a market economy.

Yes, who said that the market economy cannot be manipulated artificially? As long as there are people, there will be errors in doing things according to the rules.

He learned about the connection between the Fu family and the dairy industry from Lian Ruohan, which also made Xia Xiang deeply feel his own shortcomings in addition to the surprise. In the past, he paid too much attention to the struggle of political forces and had a general understanding of the distribution of political power among the four major families, but he did not know much about their respective economic composition and which monopoly industry they were involved in. If he had known earlier that the Fu family valued the dairy market, Yang Guoying's behavior did not have to think about it.

It is not expected that he only came out of the consideration of containing the Sibu Group. He wanted to pull Xiang Ri of the Siniu Group, but he accidentally led out another clue. Is it possible that the problem that the world's milk powder in later generations is stoned has something to do with the Fu family?

Regardless of whether there is Fu's hand or not, Xia wants to be more determined to get involved with the Siniu Group to see if he can follow the vine and cut off the black hand behind the interest chain.

In the final analysis, after having a relationship with the Siniu Group, it is equivalent to mastering the weakness of the Fu family. Xia thought that there was really no possibility of reconciliation between him and the Fu family.

Xiaxiang is not a savior, nor is he purely noble. Originally, he pulled the Siniu Group to dise the horse area. First, he wanted to contain the Siniu Group, and second, he also wanted to find the interest group behind it through contact with the Siniu Group. Unexpectedly, Lian Ruohan's arrival gave him a surprise, let alone that the vested interest behind the interest chain was actually the Fu family.

Xiaxiang's mind was clearer and logical, and there was a solution for Yang Guoying's proposal to transfer the west village of the city to the big group.

The next day was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. In the morning, Xia Xiang and Li Han came forward to express their condolences and visit the party members and cadres working on the front line. Xie Yuanqing expressed his condolences to the workers on behalf of the district party committee and district government. At noon, Xia Xiang and Li Han attended the groundbreaking ceremony of Changji Supermarket and cut the ribbon. For a while, Changji Trade was in the limelight in the Shimoma area, and no one could reach it.

At the same time, provincial and municipal newspapers and TV broadcast the Lantern Festival in the Xiama District, praising the creation of a new tradition in Zao City and adding a festive atmosphere to the Spring Festival. The status of Xiama District in the minds of the citizens has increased significantly. The edited pictures of the news, the lanterns are shining, and the Xiama River is also full of river lanterns. With beautiful background music, it is beautiful, which makes the Xiama District like a fairyland. The Xiama River spreads all over Yan Province overnight and is famous in Beijing and Tianjin

Like Xia Xiang's conjecture and Yuan's bright expectations, on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, all the phone calls from the sales offices of the major buildings in the Lower Horse District were blown up. Everyone scrambled to inquire about the real estate prices on both sides of the Ha Ma River in North China and the first scene in the north.

The limelight of Changji business is on the surface, and the benefits are in the dark. It is a strategy to grasp both hands and hard both hands. Xia Xiang also secretly admired Yuanliang's cleverness. He was really a very smart figure. He sold the good of the district party committee and district government and won the favor of the citizens. At the same time, he made money in the dark and prevented others from seeing their real intentions, which has reached the invisible realm of commercial elephants.

It is not difficult to gain both fame and fortune. The difficulty is that there is only a good reputation, but others don't know that you have made a lot of money behind your reputation. There are also people who really do good deeds without a name. Of course, it's not Lei Feng, because Lei Feng will record the good things he has done in his diary. There are also many people who do good deeds and make money, but it seems that there is no benefit to do only good deeds on the surface. In fact, there is only one who makes a lot of money behind it. Within the sight of Xiaxiang, there is no bright person.

If Yuan Mingliang is not planning to sweep down the economic construction of the horse area, Xia is really willing to drink with him and make good friends. Unfortunately, he and Yuan Mingliang are destined to be opponents. And he is still an opponent who will not give up regardless of victory or defeat.

Participated in the foundation laying ceremony of Changji Supermarket. In the afternoon, as soon as Xiaxiang returned to the office to sit down, he received a phone call from Feng Xuguang.

"Leader, before the construction of my Jiajia supermarket has started, someone has taken the lead. It's too fast. What's the point of Changji Business?" Feng Xuguang heard that Changji Supermarket is very large, so he has a sense of urgency. He has always regarded Yanshi as his territory, but now he has suddenly killed a giant crocodile, and naturally has a sense of wary.

Xia wanted to laugh: "It's your fault that you don't hurry up. You always want to wait for the crowd to be more dense before you get on the horse. Now it's all right, and you're preempted. As the leader of a local supermarket, if you are occupied by a foreign supermarket, you will also have no face. After teasing Feng Xuguang, he briefly talked about the situation of Changji trade.

"It turned out to be a tycoon invested by Yijiai. No wonder he is slomp and courageous." Feng Xuguang didn't have much emotion, and said, "Competition is a good thing, and competition promotes progress. Come on, now immediately transfer elite soldiers and strong generals, make every effort to get off the horse area project, strive to surpass the Changji supermarket in the construction period, and do business in advance.

Xia wanted to smile and hung up the phone. There is a reason why Feng Xuguang has not been very enthusiastic about the supermarket in the sub-horse area, because he has never seen the market prospect of the sub-horse area. He believes that the permanent population in the sub-horse area is large and small at this stage, and it may be lost if he is in a hurry to get on the horse now. Of course, these concerns are not the main reasons. The main reason is that the expansion of Jiajia Supermarket in other places has accelerated recently, and Feng Xuguang is too busy.

Xia Xiang did not force Feng Xuguang to come to invest in the project day. After mentioning it once, he never said more. Xia wants to be sincere to his friends, but he only points it out once. If he doesn't understand it, it's someone else's business. He won't repeat it over and over again, otherwise it seems that he has something else. The first month: Although the district committee does not have a holiday in L month, you can also go home two hours early in the afternoon.

After 3 p.m., Xia wanted to go home and was in Yan City, and the girl also went to Lianju. Today was a good day for a big party, and it was rare for him to relax. Unexpectedly, he was not an uninvited guest. It's Zhao Kang.

Zhao Misu looked excited when he entered the door: "Secretary Xia, I already have the funds and I'm ready to do a big job in the Xiama District. You promised me to strongly support me."

To be honest, Xia Xiang doesn't like Zhao Kang very much, because he started by buying and selling short, not a down-to-earth industrial person. From his business dealings with Xiang, it can be concluded that there may also be illegal acts such as tax evasion. But Xia is not a judge or an angry youth. He will not make a conclusion about a person's past, and he has the face of the past. He still has to give Zhao Kang some care within his authority.

"How much starting capital?" Xia wanted to motioned Zhao Kang to sit down and smiled kindly, "It's not easy to get funds from Xiangbao Company. I heard that Xiangbao Company's success is not good, isn't it?" C