official god

Chapter 699 Planning and Conditions

Politicians not only look at the immediate interests, but also care more about the long-term interests. The uniqueness of the Wu family is the result that no one wants to see, including the Fu family who is about to cooperate with the Wu family, which is also an important reason why Xia Xiang has not been optimistic about the Wu family.

Xia Xiang did not deliberately fight against the Wu family, but judged the situation and chose the position that could best balance the situation. He promised Mei Shengping, put down the phone, and dialed Qiu Xufeng again.

Qiu Xufeng was not too surprised by Mei Shengping's invitation. He understood something with a slight thought and smiled, "I find that no matter how difficult it is, you are never in a hurry, and you can always think of a solution. Tell me what the secret is?"

Xia wants to have no secret, but he knows that when he encounters something, panic and panic are useless, so he will not be impatient easily. Of course, the more important point is that if you have no desire, you will be strong. He is out of the matter, and there is not much interest in it, which is also a prerequisite for him to face

Zangzhong did everything he had to do, and Xia wanted to deal with the affairs of the disema area again.

Compared with the ups and downs of the province and city, the Xiama District is basically calm, and the situation is under control, which is the greatest gratifying for Xiaxiang.

If the area is still a mess, Xia Xiang will not be as relaxed and casual as when talking to Qiu Xufeng. A person can only be calm and calm when he is out of the way.

But how long can the political situation of stability and unity in the xia horse area last? Xia thought of the trick between Zhuang Qingyun and Mu Yunshan, and then thought of Hu Zengzhou's preference for Zhuang Qingyun. He wondered if Mu Yunshan would eventually part ways with Hu Zengzhou one day because of Zhen Qingyun?

The current situation in the disestatement area is actually an illusion. Of course, Xia Xiang is very clear in his heart. Under the appearance of prosperity, Xia Ma District hides several landmines that may be able to find butterflies at any time, as well as Li Han's unclear political position, the cracks between Mu Yunshan and Zhuang Qingyun, etc. Once the problem of provincial and municipal candidates is settled, it is corresponding to It is also possible to reshuffle the cards. This is one of them.

Secondly, with the rise of housing prices, Yuan Mingming's layout has gradually deepened, and three new real estate developers, Nanxin Real Estate, Guangsha Real Estate and Wentai Real Estate, have entered the real estate market in the Xiama District, which has brought prosperity and turbulence. What is the development of new real estate at the same time Everything is still unknown.

The road ahead seems to be a bright road, and it seems to be full of thorns. There are also mines buried in a certain section of the road that will suddenly explode when you step on it. In fact, it can be said that it is a step-by-step crisis.

Whether it is a bright road or a minefield, Xia wants to know that he has no way to retreat and can only move forward bravely.

Xiama District is now based on the real estate industry. It should be said that in the early stage, the prosperity of real estate can indeed simply and practically drive economic growth. Don't mention the huge benefits brought by the sale of land to Xiama District, the surrounding economy driven by the development of real estate alone has very considerable benefits.

Xia wants to make a long-term plan for the Xia Ma District to lead the development of the real estate market in a healthy way, without deformity or profiteering, so as to set up a wind vane for housing prices in Yan City, so as not to bring about an out-of-control period of the rapid growth of housing prices in advance.

In later generations, the housing prices in Yan City also advanced all the way, reaching 6,000 to 7,000 yuan per square meter, and at that time, the per capita income in Yan City was only diversified. Driving 3cO kilometers north of Yan City is an expensive and hard-won place to live in the capital. There are many people with a monthly income of 3,000 to 4,000 yuan, but the housing price in the capital has climbed to 20,000 yuan. China's housing prices have entered the generation of powerful capitalism.

Xia thought that his heart lit up. Perhaps the same as the unspoken rules of the milk powder industry is that house prices are rising all the way, and there is also a behind-the-scenes giant manipulating everything, leading to the fact that one of the four major families has intervened in the real estate industry, creating the myth of rising house prices

The ancient myths and legends of China have been abandoned by the creed of materialism. As a result, in the hands of some people now, they have created myths of the new era with the rising house prices, stone milk powder, sky-high crystal lamps, and the new three mountains.

Xiaxiang is not a mythical terminator. He has no ability to turn the world around. He is not a myth maker. He just wants to create a healthy development model with new ideas according to his ideas rhythmically in his dise-horse area.

The basic idea of taking real estate as the leader cannot be changed. Without real estate, there are no high-rise buildings, no residential communities, and no infrastructure, other achievements can only be castles in the air. Just like a South Asian country shouting to catch up with China every day, its domestic traffic has lagged behind China for at least 30 years. The city's drainage system, power supply system and other infrastructure are in a mess, and it also believes that it wants to develop high-tech industries. Any high-tech industry is based on the premise of the improvement of various infrastructure. Just as software must rely on hardware, the hardware is not up to standard, and no matter how much software is, there is no source.

Human beings can only have higher needs after meeting the most basic survival needs. If even the place where you live is full of stinky water, and the train is as slow as an ox, you can't imagine that in such an environment, someone will wear a suit and talk to Gates about how many sets of winDOW operating system to buy with BM phone.

The infrastructure must meet the standards, and the necessary hardware conditions must also be met. First of all, the Xiama area should give people a new feeling visually. As a new area, there is no historical compliance that needs to be protected, so there are many high-rise buildings, wide streets, living communities, noble houses, large supermarkets, banks, etc. In order to achieve stable power and unimpeded broadband, investors can be given confidence and determination.

The real estate industry is not only driven by residential communities, not only to build houses for residents, but also countless commercial facilities, which should also be supported by the real estate industry.

Of course, the land in Xiama District is limited, and one day there will be no land to build buildings. Real estate can only be used as a primary means to boost the economy in the early stage, and it is not sustainable. Moreover, the house price is inflated to a certain extent, which is equivalent to kidnapping the bank and the government. It can even be said that the whole national economy has been kidnapped, and it has become a bubble that can be broken at once. No, it is a soap bubble that is easier to break than the balloon.

The economy driven by the real estate industry can only be a stopgap measure, not for a long time. Next, Xiaxiang's work will focus on the introduction of high-tech industries. High-tech industries have high added value and broad prospects. As a new area, if it is still a traditional industry, it will have no highlights and will not last. Moreover, the Xiama District has the Xiama River. If the Xiama River is polluted by some backward enterprises, Xiaxiang will become a sinner through the ages.

It is foreseeable that the Xiama District will eventually become the mother river of the people of Yan City. After all the water is completed, it will be a difficult and long-term task to protect the Xiama area, especially for many small and medium-sized enterprises in China. If the Xiama area is regarded as a sewage river, it will take a year to build the Xiama River, and it will only take one month for the sewage to get off the horse river.

Zhaoshi does not have the advantage of attracting high-tech industries to settle in. Too close to Beijing and Tianjin is an unfavorable factor, and another disadvantage is that it cannot retain talents. Xiaxiang decided to formulate a plan to attract experts and talents. On the one hand, it is necessary to solve the problem of household registration. In addition, it is necessary to provide practical benefits and benefits, such as the government-funded construction of expert professor buildings, the construction of supporting kindergartens and primary and secondary schools, etc., so as to completely solve the worries of experts, so Horse District.

The development of the tourism economy is also the top priority of the work in the Xiama area. After the Xiama River is connected to the water, the total length is more than lCo kilometers. Only the Xiama District is the only urban area with a river in the city. The tourism industry based on the Shimoma River is an important project that must be put on.

The amusement park of Yuanjing Group and the waterscape park, the landscape-linked community of Dacai Group, and the garden pier in the long-term planning of Xiaxiang, etc., fully enlarge the advantages of the Xiama River to create a tourism boom in the first city in North China.

There are many projects that can be developed, such as water playgrounds, artificial beaches, swimming pools, water parks, etc. As long as it can drive economic growth and improve the GDP of the disemercant area, it will be a green light all the way.

With a three-pronged approach, the economic take-off in the Xiama area is just around the corner. After the tourism reputation of Shimoma District, we can follow the idea of sanatoriums and conference centers in the forest park. "We will also build several water-based sanatorium centers in Shimoma District, which will definitely attract many retired veteran cadres and bring a lot of income.

Xia wanted to imagine a long-term plan for the off-horse area all afternoon. Fortunately, he was more leisurely in the afternoon, and no one disturbed him. Unconsciously, it was time to get off work. He stretched out his waist. When he was about to go home, the phone suddenly rang again. Xia thought that when he saw that it was a strange number, he hesitated for a moment and pressed the answer button. A familiar voice came: "Xiaxiang, I'm Fu Xianfeng!"

Xia wanted to be stunned for a moment. At this critical moment, why did Fu Xianfeng suddenly call? What was the intention? He pondered and said politely, "Secretary Fu, what instructions do you have from the leader? A business-like tone.

Fu Xianfeng's tone was very solemn: "Xia think, there is something I want to discuss with Luo. Can you see if Luo is convenient or not?"

"Please tell me, Secretary Fu has instructions, I will definitely do my best." Xia wanted to hear that Fu Xianfeng's posture was not high, and he kind of begged him, but he still straightened his attitude and didn't have anything to pinch.

"Wu Caiyang proposed to cooperate with the Fu family. The condition proposed was that the Fu family took the position of mayor of Yan City, the Wu family took the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, and the uncle agreed, but I thought it was inappropriate. The Wu family couldn't believe it..." At this point, Fu Xianfeng coughed and covered up

His embarrassment has two meanings. First, there is a complicated relationship between the Wu family and Xia Xiang, and second, the Fu family has indeed been to the Wu family once and suffered a lot of losses...

Ps: Today's first update is sent. Thank you to every brother who has supported, is supporting and will support behind his back. Not surprisingly, it is still ten thousand words today, and I will never give up to my promise. Thank you for bowing. Finally, ask for the recommendation ticket, the recommendation ticket! H