official god

Chapter 706 The Upcoming Counterattack

"In addition to his previous investment of 10 billion yuan, his investment in the Shimoma area is close to 0 billion yuan, close to saturation, and also reached our bottom limit. And I guess that at this time, Yuan Mingliang is ready to do a big job and fully manipulate the house price, but then sell one after another: i; . . . R. . . . "

Li Qin nodded and smiled knowingly: "The second stage is actually the stage when we continue to release water. The real estate we invest in is on the surface of price pressure and no brightness. In fact, it is still to disturb the sight of no light and prevent him from making him get what he wants. Finally, when he proposes an acquisition, we can propose a higher If you sell it at a price and make a small profit, it is equivalent to killing two birds with one stone. But the key to the question is, when is the most appropriate time to take action? That is to say, what price should the house price rise to in the lower horse area? Is it the psychological limit? Only in this way can we completely destroy the normal order of the real estate market while ensuring profits without avalanche?

Li Qin's perspective on the problem has always been very tricky and accurate. Her question once again asked the fulcrum of the problem that Xia wants to consider, that is, the key point of solving the problem.

According to Xiaxiang's speculation and the conclusion of his later experience, the average house price in Yanshi is now more than 2,500 yuan, and the price of boutique real estate has reached the price of 3,500 yuan. Considering the geographical advantages of Xiama District and the long-term prospects of Xiama District, it is more appropriate to have a maximum house price of 4,000 yuan in Xiama District. Of course, there are also boutique communities with an average price of about 3,500 yuan, a maximum price of more than 4,500 yuan, and villas with a maximum price of more than 5,000 yuan, which are also

Basically, the purchase price of the real estate at the time of Yuan Mingming's sale is about 2,500 yuan, up to no more than 2,500 yuan. Now most of them have reached about 2,800 yuan, and they will immediately break through the 3,000 yuan mark. In two or three months, it is expected to break through the psychological barrier of 3,500 yuan. And according to the construction period, the Xiama River will be fully connected before this summer. When the water of the Xiama River is completely unblocked, it will be the day when the housing prices in the Xiama area will rise again!

Unexpectedly, this fall, the housing price in Xiama District can hit a new high in the history of Yan City, and it is not impossible to reach a price of 3,500 yuan. Coupled with artificial manipulation, the price of 3,700 yuan can be reached in advance even before autumn.

At that time, if you buy it at the price of 3,700 yuan, the profit will be as high as 70%!

Of course, Xiaxiang is not an economist and will not accurately calculate the profit margin, but he also knows that, except for some necessary Qiaozhi and other factors, if his expectation is good, under the careful operation of Yuan Mingliang, it is not impossible for the profit to reach 60%.

Absolutely profiteering!

The above is only based on the most ideal state. It is impossible for Yuan Mingliang to sell all the houses. There must be some bad real estate in his hands, and then remove the normal loss. Even if part of the house is rotten in his hands, Yuan Mingliang can reach a profit of 50 of the eggs.

If Xia wants to know that when Yuan Mingliang and Zhao Xiaofeng negotiate, he still feel that the interest rate of 28% given to Zhao Xiaofeng is too much, he will sneer at the stingy. However, he is not Yuan Mingliang. The reason why Yuanliang is cautious is that Yuan Mingliang has planned to lose half of the money. He calculates the profit margin according to the most conservative algorithm.

Yuan Mingliang used to be optimistic that he could easily get 50% of the profit, but recently, a series of actions in the disbandment area, the fall of Bai Zhanmo, Xiaxiang's rise to power, and the entry of several new developers, made him more vigilant and automatically reduced the profit margin. And it is ready to withdraw funds at any time.

Yuan Mingliang is like a shrewd mouse. When he smells an unusual smell in the air, he will stop and observe carefully before deciding the next step.

Therefore, when he met with Zhao Xiao, he was always unwilling to give Zhao Xiaofeng a high return, and to be fair, he didn't even want Zhao Xiaofeng's investment. At that time, Zhao Xiaofeng said that it was easy to find good items at will. In fact, Yuan Mingliang saw that Zhao Xiaofeng did not have a good project to invest in. His 3 billion yuan is spare money, and idle money is a pile of waste paper. What's the use of money that can't make rutiles? Therefore, Zhao Xiaofeng finally agreed to a profit margin of 28%. It was not his magnosity, but his wise decision to judge the situation.

Yuan Mingliang's thoughts can't be clearly thought of Xia, and Yuan Mingliang's thoughts are even more unclear. If Yuan Mingliang knew that Xia wanted to make a series of blocking plans for his plan, he might have fled now.

If you withdraw your capital now, you can still make a profit. If you fall deeper and deeper, there may not be an unknown trap.

It's true that Xiaxiang is digging a big trap step by step, and cleverly set up a slow downhill slope, so that people can walk on it. They don't feel like they are walking downhill, and they also feel easy to walk. When he suddenly found something wrong, he looked around and it turned out that he had reached the bottom of the valley!

Although Xia thought that although he could probably know that Yuan Mingliang must have another plan to go to the capital, he also speculated that he might have economic cooperation with Zhao Xiaofeng, but he was not sure that Yuan Mingliang had been on guard. Fortunately, his strategy was still based on the method of not destroying the normal market order. He nodded and smiled and answered Li Qin's question: "I can't say when house prices will peak. I'm not a prophet, let alone an economist.

But there is a bottom line that after the real estate of several of our real estate developers announced the opening price, the opening price should be set lower, attracting some citizens who really need housing but have average economic strength to buy first, which is conducive to relieving our financial pressure. As the floor rises, the price has gradually increased to the average standard. Of course, each company has its own positioning, high-end or low-end, cannot be generalized, but it should also be in line with the average price. According to their respective advantages, they should appropriately maintain a certain price advantage with Changji commercial real estate. As for the timing of the overall rise of housing prices in the Xiama District, it should be related to the day of the full water supply of the Xiama River..."

"No wonder the leader has never mentioned the important role played by Vision Group in this battle. It turns out that it has always been your biggest ambush. When to open the water and when to release the water, with your influence on Vision Group, in advance or wrong, isn't it up to you? Li Qin covered up and smiled, with a proud face, obviously complacentened by her intention of Xia Xiang.

Li Qin did guess a little truth, but not all of it. Vision Group is Xia Xiang's ambush, and it is still the biggest killer. It will not be used until the last critical moment.

"Vision Group is a slap, but it's not all my cards." Xia Xiang smiled at Li Qin. Li Qin was too smart, and his business acumen made him admire him very much. "As the secretary of the District Party Committee, he still has the largest card in his hand, which can be thrown at any time." I see." Li Qin was the first to grab a word. Sun Xianwei opened his mouth and didn't say anything. He was snatched by Li Si again, and he was choked and rolled his eyes, expressing strong dissatisfaction with Li Qin.

Li Qin replied to Sun Xianwei with a white look, but he still couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart. He said, "The leader means that he can make a few false news for Yuan Mingliang, such as letting the district government tighten the ground, let the bank tighten the money, and let Mingliang make no mistake - thinking that there is no land Will it make him make a mistake in judgment?

I have to say that Li Qin's thinking has always been very correct, following his rhythm. Xia Xiang can only nod and admit: "I guess I'm not prepared, but this method is the biggest card, but it is also the least reliable card, because now I'm not the district governor, and district chief Li Han may not be with me."

Sun Xianwei finally seized the opportunity to speak and cried: "Li Han and Li Qin sound like brothers and sisters. If Li Han doesn't listen to the leader, let Li Qin come forward and recognize a god brother to ensure success. Li Qin was annoyed: "I'm talking about business. Can you talk less? Don't talk nonsense in a row?"

Sun Xianwei smiled and didn't close his words, but he also said the business: "Owe, listen to the leader's arrangement, step by step, and I will completely follow the leader's instructions. Anyway, I have been with the leader for several years, and I have never suffered a loss, and the leader has not benefited from me. "I 100% believe in such a leader. However, the Li Han that the leader just mentioned is really a trouble. Do you want me to deal with him?

"I don't need it for the time being." Xia wanted to wave his hand, "Many people in Yanshi know the relationship between you and me. It's not convenient for you to come forward... If there is a problem with Li Han, I have my own way to solve it. Don't worry."

As a bridge between him and Li Hanzhi, or as a spoiler of Changji Business, it is most appropriate for Zhao Kang to come forward. Although Zhao Kang could use it for him as he wished, Xiaxiang also had his own way to make Zhao Kang surrender.

It's too obvious for Sun Xianwei to come forward to contact with Li Han. People with discerning eyes can know what's going on. Not to mention that Fu Xianfeng will have resistance. After Ye Shisheng knows it, he may also feel uncomfortable. Moreover, Xia Xiang knows what Sun Xianwei is, and his means are everywhere. He has to fight in all directions. He has to pull Li Han completely into the water. In case something happens, someone who has the intention will admit that it is the secretary who framed the district chief.

"The last key step, how did the leader arrange it?" Li Qin asked the question she was most concerned about. If the first two steps are still what she expected, and the final stage of the final step, she can't guess what else she can do to her heart's content. If the second step is smooth, Changji Trade has successfully acquired all the real estate of the new homeless real estate company, and regained control of the overall situation of the real estate market in the Xiama District. Does Xia want to register a new real estate company like a trick, approve new land, inject new investment, and build new buildings? Plate, pull down the price again?

"House prices have risen from qg year to now, and there has never been a price reduction, but in the Xiama area, it may be possible to reduce the price. Guidance at the political level, and then there is a huge influx of capital on the surface, and then there are long-term considerations in commerce, etc. When the final decisive battle comes, first of all, a new policy will be introduced in the lowering area to calm down housing prices. Secondly, there may be relevant regulations in Yan City. If the above can't be The unprecedented huge amount of money fell from the sky, put forward the big concept of industrial real estate, directly invested 10 billion yuan to re-plan a new city in the estuary area in the west of the Shimoma area, as an extension of the Xiama area to the west, you can imagine that if there are tens of thousands of mu of land and dozens of communities in the Will the abnormal house prices in the Xiama area fall in response?

The idea Xia wants to say is not to open the river, but as early as the initial planning of the disema area, there were three sets of plans, one is a conservative plan, one is the current plan, and the other is the Great Leap Forward plan. What Xia thought just said is the prototype of the Great Leap Forward plan.

few people know about the Great Leap Forward plan. It is the result of his private discussion with Chen Feng and Cheng Dacai. Although it has also formed text and drawings, it has not been announced to the public. It is locked in Chen Feng's safe. Even if Hu Zengzhou hears it a little, I'm afraid he doesn't know what

Of course, since it is an outdated plan that has not been adopted, it has no practical value. But it is the best material to make articles, that is, the political guidance that Xia wants to talk about. Of course, only a political shaky shot is just a castle in the air, which can't have a substantial impact on the layout of Changji's commerce and trade. Xia Changxiang will not just set fire without lighting lights. He still has a backhand. The backhands are Vision Group and Dacai Group.

In those years, Cheng Dacai promised to lend him 5 billion yuan. What he wanted was not the real 5 billion yuan, but the 5 billion yuan that Dacai Group announced in a high-profile way for the eyes, or just the 5 billion yuan on the book. At the same time, Yuanjing Group will also make more than 5 billion yuan at a critical moment. The two groups will work together to respond to each other. The housing prices in the Xiama District will inevitably fall rationally under the attack of the most powerful developers in the minds of the people of Yan City.

It's not the rationality of house prices, but the rationality of consumers. In the final analysis, in the final moment of the decisive battle, it depends on the minds of consumers and which developer has more!

Of course, Xia wants to have a last move after Vision Group and Dacai Group. I hope he doesn't have to be forced by the situation and use the last resort.

However, Xia thought that he still did not disclose much about the last-hand layout. He only clicked a little and said, "In a word, there are three principles in this battle with Changji business. First, the profit we deserve will be guaranteed. Second, allow house prices to rise reasonably. Third, don't let Changji trade sweep away the blood and sweat of the people of the city. If we want to develop in Yan Changyuan, we will not allow outsiders to destroy the normal market order and don't let people with ulterior motives kill chickens to get eggs!"


Li Qin took the lead in applause, and there was thunderous applause at the scene.

The meeting was very successful. Xiaxiang's explanation made everyone very satisfied and made their hearts surging - political situation. Changji trade destroys the whole normal market. If it is not stopped, the market will be in a mess in the future, which will damage the long-term interests of everyone.

cheng one

The meeting reached a consensus. Within half a month, each family broke ground one after another, opened in a high-profile way, and grandly launched the opening price with a price advantage, starting the first shot of the second stage of the blocking battle!

At noon, Xia wanted to stay for dinner. There were too many things to do in the dismounting area. He hurried to the district committee and gave him a lot of reports. When he was about to have lunch, Mu Yunshan knocked on the door and asked several section-level cadres to report on the work adjustment.

Xia wanted to ask Mu Yunshan to put down the materials first, and he would look at it later. Mu Yunshan answered. After putting it down, he stood still and hesitated to say, "Secretary Xia, it was my fault that I didn't ask you for instructions in time about the promotion of several deputy section-level cadres last time. However, after my investigation, I found that Secretary Zhuang deliberately made things difficult; doubt, because one of his relatives was on the promotion list However, he was taken down by me because he did not meet the conditions for promotion, so he was very dissatisfied with me..."

Xia wanted to look up at Mu Yunshan. Well, Mu Yunshan's counterattack came, and he directly put Zhuang Qingyun on the line, revenged privately, vented his personal anger, and put a big hat on Zhuang Qingyun.

At the same time, Xia wanted to sigh secretly in his heart. Hu Zengzhou's vision is indeed not vicious enough in terms of using people, which is far less than Chen Feng's vision and wrist. Otherwise, if Zhuang Qingyun, Mu Yunshan and Teng Fei are consistent in the dismounting horse area, it is indeed a force that cannot be Fighting for favor, Tengfei and listening to Mu Yunshan, the three people are divided into two factions, fighting in the nest, greatly weakening the strength.

"I know. I have time to find out what's going on with Qingyun. If the situation is true, I will criticize him. As a leader, Xiaxiang must have a fair attitude. If he does not adhere to a fair position, he will have no prestige. After lunch, Xia wanted to take the driver and Chao Weigang and go straight to the municipal party committee.

When he arrived at the municipal party committee, he went straight to Chen Feng's office. It was in line with the rules to meet Chen Feng first. After all, Chen Feng is still the leader now.

Chen Feng was writing some materials by hand. As soon as he saw Xiaxiang, he stood up and came to Xiaxiang. He smiled, "I'm going to the capital. I'm really a little reluctant to leave Yanshi."

Is there a letter of Chen Feng's where he is going? Xia wanted to congratulate with a smile: "Congratulations to Secretary Chen, I'm here to pay for my new job, and I'm proud to be close to my hometown... Congratulations! Which ministry is it?" Vice Chairman of the Development-re Reform Commission. Chen Feng pointed to the sofa with his hand and motioned Xia to sit down, "How's it going? Do you have any feelings?"

"Ranked first?" Xia thought about it and asked the key point of the question. With Chen Feng's transfer experience, it is impossible to rank low. After all, as the secretary of the municipal party committee of a sub-provincial city, he also has the title of member of the Standing Committee of the provincial party committee. Chen Feng's seniority is very dazzling. If you go to the National Development and Reform Commission as a deputy director, you should take a transitional nature.

Chen Feng nodded with a smile.

Xia thought and laughed: "A transition of one year or half a year? After the transition, should it be directly straightened or released?

P: If the brothers understand the importance of the monthly ticket to an author of a hard-working code word, and know that Lao He is taking care of Lao He and taking good care of the children, they still gritted their teeth and insist on the ten thousand updates every day, just because they don't want to give up a man's promise. The brother Still by my side? F