official god

Chapter 712 Illusions and Surprises

Xiao Shengping was rude to the ground! "Exactly speaking, when the two old men sat together in the middle of the night, this is the first time, but it is probably the only time

After Qiu Xufeng and Mei Shengping finished speaking, he continued to smile and said, "The three old men are dispatched at the same time, and the power is not small. That night, the rumor spread to the high-level officials. The next morning, the three old men made phone calls almost at the same time, and then all the forces of the three families were mobilized. Originally, the candidate nominated by the Wu family was stuck in the last level, and the result was that the highest-level meeting was immediately held. An hour later, the result came out, and the Wu family was out

Although Mei Shengping and Qiu Xufeng said it easily, Xiaxiang, as an outsider, although the matter has passed, he can still experience the sword and tension at that time, and clearly realizes that the power of the four major families is indeed not small. Even if it can't completely influence the national government, it is also related to personnel and so on. On the important side, it has a certain influence to change high-level decisions.

It's the same. The decree can't express the feelings of Zhongnanhai. It's not an empty word, but a helpless voice from the senior management of the central government. Thinking of how many years Li Duan's industry has been criticized in later generations, and how many years have been complained by the people, but it is still a monopoly butcher's knife, cutting off a lot of profits from the people. Why? To put it bluntly, it is still the huge power of the family, and it is still the foundation of the high-level central government that can't shake the family power!

In addition to sighing, Xia also found a problem, that is, the three old men were dispatched at the same time. Wu Caiyang's attack immediately collapsed, but from beginning to end, there was nothing wrong with Mr. Wu. Could it be said that Mr. Wu had been watching on the wall and did not give Wu Caiyang any substantial help?

Mr. Wu's attitude in this incident has always been thought-provoking and has always puzzled Xia. The old men of Qiu, Mei and Fu are still there, and Mr. Wu is not a sick cat. He doesn't say a word. Which one did he sing?

Mei Shengping and Qiu Xufeng did not notice the abnormality of the Wu family, Qiu Xufeng said. Looking at Mei Shengping, Mei Shengping took over and said, "Mr. Wu has been hiding behind the scenes without any movement. Xiaoxia, do you have any ideas?"

Ask him if he has any ideas. In fact, he also wants to ask him if he has been in contact with Mr. Wu.

Xia wanted to shake his head: "I've been wondering, I don't know what medicine is sold in the old man's gourd. Mr. Wu and I have always been in contact unilaterally. If he doesn't contact me, I will never call him

Xia thought clearly told Mei Shengping and Qiu Xufeng, and he didn't know the deep meaning of Mr. Wu's behavior.

In fact, Xia thought that he could more or less guess the intention of Mr. Wu, but he was not sure and it was not convenient to disclose, so he didn't mention it.

"Do you still need to guess who is the secretary-general of the provincial party committee?" Qiu Xufeng smiled and raised his glass to signal to Xia.

Xia wanted to give back a cup and laughed it: "I almost guessed who it is"

Qiu Xufeng was shocked: "Really?

Xia wanted to laugh, dipped his hand in wine and wrote a word on the table. He smiled and asked, "Is this the last name?"

Mei Shengping was also attracted by Xia's behavior. He also poked his head over and couldn't help laughing: "It's really right for you. You, you really have an incommeable head

Qiu Xufeng also smiled and patted his head: "Awesome, I bet with Minister Mei that you can't guess who it is this time anyway. I didn't think about it. You guessed it again. What an evil way! He has been away from Yanshi for several years. You can still think of him, and you can also get involved with the Qiu family. I'm really impressed with you." Reveal, how did you guess?"

It's Xia's turn to make a mystery. He has chopsticks in his left hand, a wine glass in his right hand, a mouthful of vegetables, and a mouthful of wine: "Eat vegetables, eat vegetables.

Drink, drink. Mei Shengping and Qiu Xufeng looked at each other and smiled helplessly at Xia Xiang's tricks.

On Friday morning, Xia wanted to hold a meeting of middle-level cadres in the disequitment area.

Xiaxiang first affirmed the work achievements since the establishment of the xiama area, and pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of the xiama area at this stage. The advantages are: first, the economic growth is fast, and compared with other sister districts and counties, the growth rate is large; second, there is more investment attraction information, and the project quality is good; third, several large projects have been successfully started; fourth, the environmental outlook has changed greatly; fifth, the spirit of cadres is good. But at the same time, he also stressed that the current disequest to the horse area is "highly demanding and difficult". The dilemma is highlighted in the high expectations placed on the dismounting areas at the provincial and municipal levels, the current rapid policy changes, many constraints, the unsatisfactory completion of the task, and the unfavorable social public opinion, which is a severe test for the dismounting areas.

At the same time, the economic structure of Xiama District with real estate as the main body is not reasonable. It should establish a comprehensive industrial structure with the real estate industry as the leader, high-tech industry as the auxiliary, and tourism and leisure as the extension, which is the fundamental way for the reasonable, stable and long-term development of Xiama District.

Li Han's subsequent speech first affirmed Xia Xiang's speech, pointing out that under the guidance of Secretary Xia's speech spirit, he should strive to create a new and humanistic disemorator for Yan City this year, and hand in a perfect answer to the provincial and municipal leaders. At the same time, Li Han affirmed the pulling effect of real estate on the whole economy. He proposed that in order to build the Xiama area into a habitable humanistic new area, it is necessary to introduce more developers, develop high-, medium and low-end all-round communities in the Xiama area, and even luxury villas. We should make full use of the advantages , build the Xiama area into a first-class harmonious and beautiful new home.

Finally, Li Han stressed that in the next stage of the disema zone, we must seriously do a good job in five tasks: First, do a good job in attracting investment. Adhere to the principle that the original commitment remains unchanged, the original policy remains unchanged, and the original negotiating subject remains unchanged. In principle, speed up the arrival of foreign capital and ensure that the target tasks are completed on time; the second is to do a good job in project services. Organize a weekly docking meeting for new enterprises to help coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the process of project construction; the third is to pay attention to the characteristic industries. In accordance with the requirements of the district party committee and the district government, we will speed up the formulation of three characteristic industrial park plans for new materials, biomedicine and medical devices, and cultural creativity; the fourth is to do a good job in the construction of functional platforms. Continue to improve the infrastructure of the park, do a good job in demolition and resettlement, and accelerate the construction of the top ten livelihood projects. Fifth, earnestly solve the bottleneck of factors.

In addition, Li Han also made important instructions on the current stability work of Duhui, party building and cadre team construction. He called on all cadres in the xiama area to maintain confidence, unite and cooperate, and achieve good results together.

As a frequent middle-level and above-level cadre meetings, Xia Xiang and Li Han's speeches are all in a stable tone, and there is not much new ideas. After all, it is just a regular meeting. However, the person with intention still sensed something from the small differences in Xia Xiang and Li Hai's speeches.

The secretary and the district chief have different views on whether real estate is the leader or the main body. Secretary Xia means that real estate should be the leader and should not excessively pursue the short-term benefits brought by real estate. In District Chief Li's speech, he vaguely revealed that he wanted to make every effort to develop real estate and build the Xiama District into a new area. Although he also said a few words according to Xia Xiang's speech later, he wanted to develop high-tech industries, but his strength was much weaker.

If Secretary Xia's vision for Xia's Xia Ma District is to develop real estate, introduce high-tech industries, and pay attention to tourism, then Li Han's plan for Xia Ma District is that real estate is the first element, high-tech industries can be unnecessary, and tourism is not important. Small Xia Ma District can even be completely residential communities, which can Those who come to the Xiama area to live and improve the economic total and external image of the Xiama area.

Xia Xiang naturally heard Li Han's long-term plan for the disembarkment. He smiled indifferently and did not say anything, but he was clear in his heart that Li Han's position gradually became clear, proving a problem, and Fu Xianfeng's strategy began to work.

I think of now that Ye Shisheng still approached Cui Xiang, and deliberately alienated him, and then there was a rumor that the relationship between Li Han and Ye Shisheng had been rebuilt. Xia Xiang had a trace of understanding in his heart. The clearer Li Han's position and the firmer his attitude was, it proved that the closer the relationship between him and Ye

Last time, he was able to lay out calmly. Without any resistance, he let several developers re-enter the market, and also successfully pulled Zhao Kang's Wentai real estate into the real estate market in the sub-horse area. It was entirely because Fu Xianfeng was focusing on the position of the mayor of Yan City and could not spare attention to the situation in Now, after the dust is settled, in the next step, Fu Xianfeng will inevitably strengthen the control of the disemerging area, which will inevitably step up the secret control of Li Han.

It is foreseeable. With Fu Xianfeng's appointment, the situation in the disema zone will be tense again, and the division of factions will be more obvious, the original Bai Zhanmo's faction. It will definitely gather around Li Han again. Even Li Han's power in the lower horse area is better than that of the Bai Zhanmo era.

Because once the news of Li Han and Ye Shisheng approaching comes out, many swinging people will immediately fall to Li Han. Just kidding, the district chief with the secretary of the provincial party secretary is much more dazzling than his secretary of the district party committee, and in the eyes of outsiders, his biggest support, Chen Feng, will be much weaker as soon as he left!

Xiaxiang also knows that people's hearts are changeable, and there are many wall-like figures wherever he goes. It's not a worry. In political affairs, it is always good to use three points for struggle, three points for human kindness, and three points for economic development.

The remaining point depends on luck.

But when he saw Mu Yunshan's eyes floating around. When it fell on Zhuang Qingyun and Li Han from time to time, a trace of worry flashed in his heart.

Although the personnel changes in provinces and cities have spread all over the world, it will take a few days for the real implementation. Xiaxiang has basically understood the candidate for the secretary-general of the provincial party committee, and he is much more at ease. Politics has always been the product of balance. If there is a mistake, there must be a gain. The candidate for the secretary-general of the provincial party committee is still a good news for him.

On Saturday, Li Han attended the opening ceremony of Zhao Kang's Wentai Real Estate. Originally, Zhao Kang also invited Xia Xiang. Although Zhao Kang took Li Han's route in private, in Zhao Kang's heart, he still felt that he had the closest relationship with Xia Xiang. Xia Xiangyuan rejected Zhao Kang. First, he wanted to participate in the opening ceremony of Yuanjing Group, and second, he also wanted to deliberately keep a certain distance from Zhao Kang to create an illusion for Li Han and Yuan Mingliang.

An illusion that he has a deep relationship with Zhao Kang.

Ordinary people can't find out the relationship between Zhao Kang and him, because there is an old man in the middle. There are many people who know about his dealings with Lao Gu, but there are not many inside stories in it. Although the origin of Lao Gu can be found on the surface, few people know his political position.

One day on Saturday, there were two new districts in the Xiama District, which were very lively and eye-catching.

The community of Zhao Kang's Wentai real estate is named Wentai Community. A total of old high-rise residential buildings are positioned at the top of the middle level. The starting price is fierce, and the average price is sharp. Above Yuan, the positioning is basically clear, not eye-catching, and it is also in line with Xia's speculation about Zhao Kang.

The opening ceremony of Wentai Real Estate was scheduled for 8:08 a.m., which was relatively early. When Xia wanted to arrive at the landscape of Cai Group, there were too many points. The opening ceremony of Wentai Real Estate was over. At the construction site of the city connected to the mountains and rivers, the phone rang.

As expected, it is Jin Hongxin's phone call.

As the steward of the government, Jin Hongxin has also initially won the trust of Li Han, because although it is a well-known fact that Jin Hongxin and Xia Xiang were close to the district committee in the past, Jin Hongxin is exquisite, and he is very good at talking and doing things. It is estimated that he has also won the recognition of Li Han Han thought that he wanted to get close to Xia before because of the ICBC relationship. No matter how he made Li Han believe him, no matter where Li Han goes now, there is a golden heart to follow.

Therefore, Jin Hongxin was given the opportunity to learn more about Li Han's movements and ideas.

"Leader, Wentai's opening price may be a little high, and the pre-sale situation is not ideal." Jin Hongxin was really smart. Knowing what Xia wanted to care about, she came up and reported the sales situation to Xia.

"Well, preliminary estimate, how many people come to consult?" Xia wants to estimate that Zhao Kang has just entered the real estate industry. Although he has also invited some people in the industry, he is still a novice after all, and his pricing is a little too high. In fact, in terms of the scale, greening rate and supporting facilities of his community, the price is not inflated, but because there are many powerful famous brand developers in Industry and brand effects cannot be ignored. As an emerging developer, Wentai Real Estate has little appeal.

The key is that there are several new openings of real estate at the same time, which gives consumers more choices. Correspondingly, the sales prospects of Wentai are greatly weakened, and it is reasonable that the pre-sale is not ideal.

Xia wants to estimate that Zhao Kang will either ask him. Either the strategy will be adjusted. Anyway. There will be a lot of changes in the sales policy of Wentai Real Estate. Otherwise, after the opening price of Tian'an Real Estate, Jiangshan Real Estate and other new real estate developers familiar to the people of Yan City is announced, the sales prospects of Wentai Real Estate will be more worrying.

Regarding Xia Xiang's question, Jin Hongxin pondered for a moment, as if she had thought for a while, and then said, "There are about a few hundred people. On the surface, it looks relatively lively, but there is not much deposit

Xia wanted to laugh. Zhao Kang didn't learn anything else. He organized people to pretend that the way to buy a house was clear, and the hustle and bustle was lively, but there were not many dealrs, which explained the problem. It is estimated that many of them were hired by the children.

Spend money to hire people to queue up to create the illusion of hot sales, let each of their employees buy real estate, withdraw funds from banks, etc., real estate developers have a set of untext hungry marketing methods, which is almost the consensus of the industry. There are also the skills of covering sales. In the early stage of the prosperity of real estate, many Chinese people have been fooled for a long time, which is also one of the means behind the rise in house prices.

Xia wants to put aside the matter of Wentai real estate for the time being. Because he was stunned as soon as he got out of the car, it was Cheng Dacai who stood in the distance and greeted him with a smile!

Shen Lichun did not tell him that Cheng Da would come to the opening ceremony in person. Cheng Dacai was busy with affairs and rarely attended various ceremonies, and few people had to invite him to come out in person. Therefore, Xia wanted to see Cheng Da in person at first sight, but he was still overjoyed. Because he hasn't seen Cheng Dacai for a while.

Cheng Da just took a few steps forward. Before Xia Xiang was approaching, he took the initiative to come to Xia Xiang's front, which was regarded as giving Xia Xiang enough courtesy. Then he smiled: "Secretary Xia, today because of my interest, I suddenly made painstaking efforts**, and I want to come down the horse area to have a look. Will it be unwelcome?

"How dare, how dare you!" Xia wanted to hold Cheng Dacai's hand tightly, and he was very moved, because Cheng Dacai did not come to attend the commencement ceremony, because he clearly saw that behind Cheng Dacai, there were media cars of provincial and municipal TV stations, and the long guns and cannons of countless newspaper reporters flashing non-stop. Cheng Dacai was prepared, and And it's still carefully prepared!

"Welcome!" Xia wanted to know that Cheng Dacai gave him a big gift. On the surface, he came to cheer for a project of Dacai Group. In fact, he came to cheer for the diseping area, or to wave the flag for his plan. He knew it and was secretly grateful.

Sure enough, Cheng Dacai whispered, " Lichun told me what you said at the meeting. I was very touched not to let outsiders sweep away the hard-earned money of the people of Yan City. This is one. The heartfelt words that parents and officials should say is the heart that officials should keep for the country and the people.

Xia wanted to shake his head and smile at Cheng Dacai's praise: "In his position, to seek his government, I just did everything an official should do, and adhered to the ethics that an official should have. It's not worth Mr. Cheng's praise!"

Cing Dacai visited the landscape connection project of Dacai Group in person, and also brought a large number of media, showing that Dacai Group attaches importance to the Xiama District project, which is equivalent to announcing to announcing to the outside world that Dacai Group has high expectations for the Xiama District project, and even Cheng Dacai himself Of course, there are more intriguing meanings.

PS: Brothers, it's almost the Spring Festival, can't you support Lao He more? Monthly tickets and recommended tickets are all smashed, so that Lao He can be motivated so that he can continue to forge ahead in the coming year. Lao He insisted on updating 10,000 words a day for a whole month. If he still wants to continue to update 10,000 words for more than half a year in the coming year, Lao He affectionately calls for your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets at the end of the year. Brothers who have voted for the monthly ticket, please remember to support the recommendation vote. Call the recommendation ticket fiercely! H