official god

Chapter 734 Order in Chaos

In the heart.

The development and growth of Jijing Group in Zhejiang Province in Yan Province is also a small contribution. If it hadn't been for Xiaxiang's careful planning and long-term vision, Yuanjing Group would not have had today's gratifying results.

Of course, Xiaxiang also borrows chickens to lay eggs.

Before Vision Group came to Yan City, it was already a large group company, and he was just the icing on the cake.

Xia wanted to hold Lian Ruohan and Lian Xia in his arms.

He smiled and said, "The wife is good and the husband is prosperous, and the words of the ancients should be remembered."

Although Lian Ruohan is not as good as Cao Shuhui, it can't be regarded as the wife that Xiaxiang Mingming is marrying, she and he also held ceremonies abroad.

In her mind.

He and she are also a formal couple.

However, listening to Xia's words with her own ears that she wanted to say that she was his wife, she was still secretly happy.

In a woman's life, no matter how much she has billions of wealth, it is also necessary to have the virtuousness of her husband and children to have a perfect life.

"The funds that Vision Group can use now should be about 100 million yuan.

American network companies can also borrow Xin B US dollars. It should be enough, right? In front of Xiaxiang, Lian Ruohan had no secrets.

Except for some private words between her and Cao Shuhui, she basically has nothing to hide from Xia.

Don't be 100 million, that's enough.

Xia wants to estimate the actual funds invested in the lower horse area in Yuan Mingliang's hands. In addition to the hundreds of millions of real estate in Changji Supermarket, most of them are pressed in the real estate. In addition to Zhao Xiaofeng's ugly billion, Yuan Mingliang's hand is Gan Fuyou's funds.

There should still be, about 400 million has not been realized.

Recently, although the real estate under the name of Changji Trade has also been sold in the promotion war.

But compared with the huge base.

The proportion is still extremely low.

And Yuan Mingliang should think that the profit is too low.

has been adopting the strategy of covering the market and selling. It has not been released to sell, which has artificially created a tense atmosphere of housing resources.

Recently, house prices have rebounded and risen a lot. Buying up or not buying down is the general psychology of consumers. As soon as house prices rise, sales volume will rise immediately. According to a rough estimate, Yuan Mingliang has cashed out some real estate.

Because the price did not reach his psychological price.

The number should not be too much, at most hundreds of sets.

Zhao Xiaofeng's newly invested capital, Yuan Mingliang, should not have taken action, because several developers have not heard the news that they have reached an agreement with Yuan Mingliang.

Based on Yuan Ming's personality, Zhao Xiaofeng's ox billion will definitely be invested.

He will not use the profits in his hand to subsidate Zhao Xiaofeng.

In addition, several new developers such as Wentai Real Estate have entered the market, which just gives Yuan Mingliang a chance to take advantage of. He does not take the opportunity to buy, and it is not his style of doing so.

Xia wants to take Vision Group not to fight a price war with Yuan Mingliang, but to trap Yuan Mingliang's funds.

"Yes, that's enough."

Xia wants to nod and smile, "How to operate the funds, you say hello to Mr. Gao and let Mr. Gao listen to my command in the near future. I will tell him first." Xiaxiang still has a very respectful attitude towards Mr. Gao.

"All in.

It's up to you."

Lian Ruohan's sweet smile is as beautiful as a flower, pink and touching, and the eye waves are flowing, like fog like water, which is obviously the expression of emotion.

Xia wants to know as he grows older.

There will be more and more requirements for women in some aspects, and he asked, "Why didn't Wei Xin come? Let her accompany Lian Xia."

Lian Ruohan's face was immediately rosy. Obviously, she recognized Xia's implication. She pointed upstairs with her hand: "Wei Xin arrived early, upstairs.

She deliberately left room for us.

You're well.

You have to say it so loudly," Wei Xin naturally heard it clearly upstairs and knew what Xia was thinking about, so he blushed and came down from upstairs to take Lian Xia away.

Unexpectedly, Lian Xia didn't give face and refused to leave.

He insisted on holding Xia's neck and refused to come down.

In the end, there was nothing I could do. It took a long time to coax Lian Xia away.

Xia wants to achieve good things with Lian Ruohan.

The phone rang again, so he had to smile helplessly and answer the phone.

The call was made by Zhao Kang.

"Secretary Xia, help me make an idea.

Yuan Mingliang talked to me and said that he wanted to fully acquire my real estate, and the price was Du.

yuan, and all in one lump sum.

The payment terms are very attractive.

The price is a little lower, so I can't make up my mind.

Did Yuan Mingliang come forward in person? I really wanted to be stunned, and then smiled. It seemed that Yuan Mingliang also guessed his intention, which was equivalent to no longer covering and hiding.

Instead, it's face-to-face.

It's time to solve the problem face to face. When things come to an end, there will always be a day when the cards will be revealed! Don't be afraid of face-to-face.

Anyway, when they are face to face, everyone is also smiling.

No one will say what's behind it.

In fact, it's the same as the trick between political figures.

The secretary and the mayor are always in harmony on the surface and secretly compete in interests.

There have always been a lot.


The price of

yuan is not up or down.

It's very tickling, and Yuan Mingliang is a great man.

It can be seen that Wentai's real estate is not well funded.

gives an uncomfortable price.

Shout out.

I always feel that I earn too little. Maybe after half a year, the price will rise to play.

If you don't take action, it's a rare opportunity to clear and sell at one time.

Slow down the loan pressure for the return of funds.

Da Zhao Kang is moved.

Xia wanted to hear that he wanted to take action, but he was unwilling, so he wanted to listen to his prediction of the real estate market.

Xia Shenwei pondered and said, "The housing prices in the lower horse area are rising sharply, and it should be difficult to control in a short period of time.

With the opening of the whole line of the Xiama River in August, the cruise ship pier was built.

will drive the tourism market in the horse area, and housing prices may still rise," Zhao Kang heard Xiaxiang's meaning and laughed: "The leader said so. The main reason is that the conditions for full cash payment are very attractive.

I'm a little short of money now, and it's inevitable that I will be tempted. Hey hey, if I don't take Yuan Mingliang, I will easily get in the way, and it's too cheap for him. Xia wants to continue to induce Zhao Kang: "For developers, it doesn't make much difference whether consumers buy a house

Anyway, wait for the consumer's loan procedures to be completed.

The bank's money will also be transferred to your book, and the rest is the loan repayment relationship between the consumer and the bank, and there is no need for the developer to repay the loan.

Yuanliang's full cash is not a particularly generous condition, if he really wants to buy Wentai Real Estate.


The price above

yuan is more reasonable.

Zhao Kang fully understood what Xia thought meant: "I see, leader, I opened the button.

The price of


While raising the price of the real estate, it also applies for a loan to the district government.

Xia wants to think about it.

Zhao Kang is also an old fox, which can be seen through at one point.

Since Zhao Kang found a way to delay.

He smiled and said, "Lao Gu said he would come to Yanshi, but he never came.

What have you been busy with recently? How could Zhao Kang not know that the intention of Xia to skip the topic just now was to acquiescence? He laughed knowingly: "The chief has often walked around the army recently. It seems that there is something to do to An Sheng." Thinking of it, it may have something to do with the promotion of a group of major generals."

Lao Gu is really not old-fashioned. In the past, Xia didn't think that Lao Gu had a lot of things to do.

Since Lao Gu introduced him to participate in the last Na Ding, Xiao Xia obviously felt that Lao Gu was busy after the meeting.

It seems that he is still interfering in all affairs.


Xia wanted to laugh secretly. Was it because he didn't notice the other side of the old man before, or did he think that the old man was idle, an illusion? After Zhao Kang finished his call.

Xia thought that she finally got the right time.

and Lian Ruohan have achieved good things.

A few days later, Xia Xiang received another message from Qi Yanan and Li Qin. Yuan Mingliang sent someone to discuss with two developers, Nanxin and Guangsha, to negotiate the acquisition.

But it was not negotiated.

The reason is that Nanxin and Guangsha are both strong.

The high price of

yuan is the same as the price of Wentai real estate.

A week later.

Li Han inspected the dredging project of the Xiama River.

A large number of media reporters were invited to accompany him.

I took a detour around the Xiama River.

Vision Group sent Gao Lao and two vice presidents to accompany him.

After Li Han inspected the Xia Ma River, it was announced that the construction schedule of the Xia Ma River was expected to be completed in July.

Li Han's voice just fell.

The major media in Yan Province are scrambling to report.

Smpt a moment.

House prices in the Xiama area have risen again! In the face of Yuan Mingliang's secret acquisition, and Fu Xianfeng's use of Li Han to create momentum on the surface.

Xiaxiang seems to have nothing to do.

Because Xia wanted to take it as if nothing had happened.

There is no action on the surface, and he is honest in the dark. He goes to work and from work every day, as if he has recognized the fact that Yuan Mingliang's family is dominant.

In fact, Yuan Mingliang also has something to worry about, because although Li Han used the momentum of taking advantage of the horse to raise the house price again, Jiangshan real estate did not move, and in the midst of the price increase, although it also raised the price appropriately.

But the range is not large.

still brought him a lot of trouble.

In fact, Jiangshan Real Estate is not the most worrying place for Yuan Mingliang. What makes him most reassuring is Wentai Real Estate.

After several contacts, the two buildings in Dongmei Xili have basically reached a consensus, and Yuan Mingliang also recognized Qiang.

The price of the acquisition, because now some good apartments in Dongmei Xili have risen to the point of ugliness.


yuan, which is exactly higher than the original opening price.

And it is still rising.

The success of Dongmei Xili lies in the interest.

Novel and unique, it has attracted the attention of many consumers who think they have style, and the sales volume has always been high.

According to Yuan Ming's judgment, the real estate of Dongmei Xili Community is ugly.

The price of

yuan is in his hands.

Cooperate with his plan and continue to hype, and finally it will be effective.

Yuan is not impossible.

In just two or three months, you can earn hundreds of yuan per square meter, which is definitely a good business.

But Wentai Real Estate also has a price to continue.


makes him feel a little worthless.

Although it is not worth it, Wentai Real Estate also has its own unique features. It is the first intelligent community and the first network community.

The first modern community, and so on.

Many new concepts and characteristics also attract the attention of young people who pursue high-tech.

Now house prices have also risen to refutation.

More than yuan, break the rainbow.

Yuan is just around the corner.

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