official god

Chapter 744 About to detonate

Fortunately, Xia wanted to be on the scene to command. Fortunately, Huang Jianjun came to the scene in person. The authority of the district party secretary and the director really worked, and all the police forces were mobilized. Two hours later, Xiao Laoquan's family was invited to the scene.

Xiao Laoquan has a son and a daughter. His wife died early. His son, Xiao Bo, is 30 years old. Daughter Xiao Li, 26 years old. Sure enough, both of them are employees of Siniu Group and are also working on the farm.

As soon as Xiao Bo and Xiao Li saw Xiao Laoquan's body, they immediately cried loudly. They hugged their father's body and cried in great pain. Xiao Li was in a coma several times. The scene was touching and sincere that people couldn't help but shed tears of sympathy. Family affection in the world is better than that.

After the two of them stabilized a little, Xiaxiang and Huang Jianjun brought them to the District Public Security Bureau and decided to find out the truth overnight. They can't relax at all. There must be a lot of facts about this matter.

In the District Public Security Bureau, Xiaxiang and Huang Jianjun properly arranged Xiao Bo and Xiao Li, poured tea for them, and arranged them in ordinary rooms instead of interrogation rooms, in order to create a relaxed atmosphere of conversation. The two were a little nervous at the beginning. Their father died unexpectedly. In addition, Xiaxiang and Huang Jianjun in front of them were rarely seen officials. They looked at me, I looked at you, and they didn't dare to talk much.

Xia wants to be an ordinary person in the world. He knows the fear of Shengdou Xiaomin. He is afraid of officials. He is afraid that one sentence will get into trouble, so he said patiently, "Xiao Bo, Xiao Li, you don't have to be afraid. You don't have to think that I and Director Huang are officials. The two He is a bystander who is curious and angry about Xiao Laoquan's death. What we want to know is that an old man in his 50s, with two children and a good job, why did he jump into the river and commit suicide? Why did he leave his pair of children and jump into the turbulent Xia Ma River? I am also a father. I know that whether a senior official or a commoner, the most is always his own children. I will never want my children to be hurt a little, and I will never be willing to leave the children!"

Xia wanted to feel it, think of the deep affection between him and his father, and think of his involvement in Xia Dong, Lian Xia and Mei Ting, so he threw a pair of children into the river and committed more grief, indignation and sympathy for Xiao Laoquan.

Xiao Bo and Xiao Li finally moved Xiao Bo and Xiao Li. After crying, after crying, Xiao Bo hesitated and said, "Thank you, Secretary Xia, but my father committed suicide because he couldn't think about it for a while. He is usually a little stubborn, and there is nothing to say."

Do you still have scruples and don't tell the truth? Huang Jianjun looked at Xiaxiang and said gently to Xiao Li, "People die. No matter what the old man died for, he is a respectable father. It's just that he didn't want to tell the truth until he died, and he also left a suicide note. The old man said that he had nowhere to complain and would not close his eyes.

Huang Jianjun has rich experience in solving cases and knows how to make full use of the weaknesses in human nature. After taking Xiao Bo and Xiao Li, he did not tell them about the suicide note, but made an ambush.

Xiao Bo was stunned, looked ashamed, and bowed his head and stopped talking.

Xiao Li burst into tears and was stunned for a moment. Finally, she couldn't help kneeling down in front of Xiaxiang: "Secretary Xia, please make the decision for me, and you must give my father justice! He...he was actually forced to die!"

Xia wants to look at each other with Huang Jianjun, and there is a case in the case!

Xia wanted to help Xiao Li up: "Don't kneel down. As a man, you have to kneel down in the world, kneel down to your parents in the middle, and I don't take you to kneel! Get up and talk, say injustice, and talk about something.

Xiao Bo and Xiao Li looked at each other, and you said the inside story.

Xiaxiang and Huang Jianjun were originally listening quietly. The more they listened, the more solemn their expressions became. At the end, Xiaxiang still kept a serious face, slightly shocked and angry, but Huang Jianjun's eyes were angry and couldn't suppress his anger. He couldn't help shooting the case: "It's too lawless, a deputy of Anyway, who do you think you are? To put it all, he really thinks he is both a policeman and a judge!"

Xia thought that he didn't show lou on the surface, but in fact, his heart was also burning with anger. He should have been happy, because the truth of Xiao Bo and Xiao Li's lou is definitely a surprise. It is an excellent inside story for him to open the fortress of the Siniu Group from the inside. At the same time, it is also a powerful counterattack against the vanguard's use of the hand of the Siniu Group to hype about the water But because of Xiao Laoquan's grief and indignation, and because of the shocking inside story of Xiao Bo and Xiao Li, it made him angry, made him hate, and made him have no joy.

Because Xiao Laoquan was indeed forced to die alive, and his death was wronged, helpless, unwilling, and the injustice of the world!

The ominous suicide note left by Xiao Laoquan is also the last unwilling move he made at the last moment of his life - not only to make people aware of his grievances and struggles, but also not to involve the lives of the two children - because Xiao Bo and Xiao Li also work in Siniu Group, although it is only a farm. General employees, but the treatment of Siniu Group is very good. It is impossible for ordinary people to work in Siniu Group without spending tens of thousands of yuan or trusting on people.

Xiao Laoquan's death made Xia Think both sad and helpless, but he secretly shouted for his feat. Good job, old man, you don't want to collude with some people, don't want to do evil things that harm future generations in person, but you are powerless to resist, dare not dare to resist, conscience is uneasy, and Well, the family will be expelled from the Siniu Group. In the end, they will be discredited. Because the Siniu Group is too powerful and powerful, in the end, they have to resolutely go to the dead end. With a leap of determination, what lights up for the world is the rare conscience and humanity!

Xiao Laoquan is an old man worthy of respect. His death was the right place. Xia Xiang secretly clenched his fist and made up his mind that Xiao Laoquan would not die in vain. His death must alert many people and ring the death knell for some people!

Xiaxiang's mind gradually has a clear vein.

According to Xiao Bo and Xiao Li, Xiao Laoquan was originally a breeder in the farm of the Four Cattle Group. He is responsible for feeding more than a dozen cows, with a monthly income of nearly 2,000 yuan, which is higher than the salary of ordinary civil servants in Yan City. Although the work is not decent, the salary is absolutely decent, so the elderly

Xiao Bo and Xiao Li also work in the farm of Siniu Group, and their monthly income is also about 2,000 yuan. A family of three is definitely a well-off family in Yan City. Originally, Xiao Bo got married, Xiao Li got married, Xiao Laoquan also had something to rely on, and the family was beautiful, and the prospects were promising.

But since the farm moved to the lower horse area, all happiness was suddenly broken by an inexplicable order. Xiao Laoquan received a notice from the supervisor that when feeding cows in the future, he should add something to the feed. Xiao Laoquan did not know what it is called. It's good. It's bad. He doesn't understand. If there is a life, he can just do it.

Xiao Laoquan, who has decades of feeding experience, soon found abnormalities. The cows ate too much and the milk production was high, but the spirit of the cows was not as good as before. Although he didn't know what was added, he knew that it was not a good thing, so he went to the leader to argue that forcibly increasing the milk production was an act of killing chickens and taking eggs, which was not advisable.

The leader not only ignored Xiao Laoquan's words, but also scolded Xiao Laoquan severely and warned him that nothing could be said to the outside world, otherwise not only his work would not be guaranteed, but his family's work would not be guaranteed. In addition, not only could he not get a penny of his pension, but the company would also sue He can be sentenced to life imprisonment at least.

Xiao Laoquan is a commoner. He is usually frightened when he sees the leaders of the company, not to mention the lawsuit. He is suddenly so scared that he is speechless and dares not say more. But later, after getting drunk, he told the truth to Xiao Bo and Xiao Li. However, at this time, the company also realized the seriousness of the situation and stopped feeding some additives, because the abnormal deaths of cows one after another were obviously caused by the added feed.

Xiao Laoquan was heartbroken when he saw more than a dozen cows dead. Although he is only a breeder, he has feelings for cows. In addition to sadness, it is also a blessing to see the rest of the cows escape. Originally, I thought that things would be over, and there would be no more problems. I didn't think it would be long before there would be another incident.

This time, the company invited technicians from nowhere. Instead of feeding the cows to eat inexplicable things, they added things directly to the milk, and then added and tested them at the same time.

Xiao Laoquan knows that milk should be produced into milk powder and then circulated in the market, which is related to the happiness of thousands of families. He asked the technician curiously what he had added, but no one paid attention to him. After asking too many questions, he was rushed to one side and never let him get close again. Although Xiao Laoquan is weak, he is kind by nature. He is the most evil thing, especially milk powder for children, which is related to the growth and development of the next generation. How can he fool about it?

After all, Xiao Laoquan has worked on the farm for many years. He is popular. He knows who has a good temper to deal with, and knows who drinks wine and will have a big tongue. When drinking with a technician, he tells the truth from his mouth - it turns out that a chemical called protein essence was added to improve the detection of protein in milk powder. Quantity. The protein content has been improved, which can not only pass the test of milk powder, but also improve the grade of milk powder, so as to get a higher price...

What shocked Xiao Laoquan most was that he also learned from the technicians that the added protein essence was an industrial material. Although the dosage was very small, he could not guarantee that something would happen after eating it!

Xiao Laoquan was angry. What are they doing? Do they still have conscience? Do you know shame? Do you still have any public morality? They sell milk powder, which is for future generations, not dog food and cat food for animals! As long as it is a human being, how can it do something that harms future generations? As long as it is a human, why is there no moral shame? In order to make money, he does not hesitate to poison the next generation of the Chinese nation with chemical things?

Tiger poison does not eat children, are they still not human?

Xiao Laoquan found the leader while he was drunk and asked to stop this shameless behavior. Of course, he was despised and warned by the leader. The leader seriously warned Xiao Laoquan that if he dared to do more, he would immediately fire him, and blamed him for the death of all the sick cows and asked him to compensate him. More than a dozen cows were worth hundreds of thousands of yuan, and Xiao Laoquan could not afford to pay even if they went bankrupt.

Xiao Laoquan compromised and retreated. When he got home, he told Xiao Bo and Xiao Li, and cried bitterly again. He decided not to mind his own business in the future. Just feed the cow at ease. It doesn't matter who will eat the poisonous milk powder. Anyway, his relatives and friends don't eat it.

... Unexpectedly, not long after Xiao Laoquan told Xiao Bo and Xiao Li, today's river incident happened. Just the day before yesterday, the leader also talked to Xiao Bo and Xiao Li separately and told them earnestly that Xiao Laoquan did not work seriously and fed more than a dozen cows in the group. He thought that he worked conscientiously for the group. After working for more than ten years, I decided not to let him compensate for the losses, as long as Xiao Laoquan worked well.

At the same time, the leader also solemnly warned Xiao Bo and Xiao Li that although the group decided not to hold Xiao Laoquan accountable, as long as Xiao Laoquan, Xiao Bo and Xiao Li do anything unfavorable to the group, including spreading rumors, including telling the internal affairs of the group without the group's permission, as long as the group finds The procedure of recovering compensation will be started. Xiao Laoquan was sentenced to heavy duty. Heavy, even Xiao Bo and Xiao Li will be implicated.

Xiao Bo and Xiao Li are honest people who have not seen much in the world. They are so scared that they are overwhelmed by the leaders' threats and dare not come out!

Today, the two did not dare to tell the truth, and they were worried that they would be held accountable by the group, but under the persuasion of Xiaxiang and Yan Yuese, under the guidance of Huang Jianjun, and the loss of their relatives, they still had the courage to tell the inside story.


After placing Xiao Bo and Xiao Li, Xiaxiang and Huang Jianjun closed the door and held a closed-door meeting. After discussing for half an hour, they finally came to the conclusion that Xiao Laoquan's death was absolutely related to the milk powder additive incident. Tan Guanghong, the vice president of Siniu Group, who threatened Xiao Laoquan, was ines Tomorrow morning, no, tonight I will ask Tan Guanghong to the Public Security Bureau to assist in the investigation and open a breakthrough from him as much as possible.

Xiao Bo and Xiao Li are temporarily stranded in the Public Security Bureau and arranged someone to take care of their daily life. Before the incident is settled, it is best not to let them go back to the Siniu Group in case they are controlled by the Siniu Group.

The matter of the trial and the case process was handed over to Huang Jianjun. Xia wanted to no longer be specific, but only made a request: withstand all the pressure, never compromise, and handle the big case of the iron case. He personally went to the Municipal Party Committee to Secretary Hu to ask Sun Bureau for contributions to Huang Jianjun!

Just kidding, if he misses such a good opportunity again, he will fail too much.

When he said goodbye to Huang Jianjun, it was already past 12 o'clock in the evening. Xia wanted to open the window and face the cool breeze. He felt refreshed and clear in his heart. Although it was late at night, he was still very clear-headed and not sleepy. Today's accident was too timely and exciting. Although it made him feel a little heavy because of Xiao Laoquan's death, he knew that if the cost of life was a gratifying result, Xiao Laoquan would definitely smile if he knew it.

If you take advantage of Xiao Laoquan's death, under his promotion, you will eventually save the lives of countless babies and save the happiness of countless families. At the same time, you can get rid of the chaos, and get off the horse area in a clear sky, defeat the last glimmer of hope of the vanguard, and Pan, then Xiao Laoquan also died in his place, which is enough for his merit.

Xia Think's brain is running fast. In addition to being helpless and sad for Xiao Laoquan, there is a trace of sadness and indignation in his heart. The river of Xiama River is vast and endless, which can add fuel to the housing price fire in Xiama District, which can contribute to Yuanliang's sweeping plan, and can also turn over the clouds and rain in his hands to make profits for the people.

It's time to make a decision. Xia Xiang was in a turbulent mood and forgot that it was the middle of the night, so he directly dialed Li Qin's phone: "Tomorrow morning, a plenary meeting will be held to announce the final decision!"

Li Qin was sleeping in a daze and was suddenly woken up by the phone. At first, she didn't react. After hearing Xia's words clearly, she exclaimed, "Great, great, leader, I can't wait for a long time... Ah, what time is it? Why haven't you slept yet?"

Li Qin jumped up from ** and saw that the luminous electronic light at the head of the bed showed that the time was 1 o'clock in the morning. Only then did he know that Xia wanted to forget to eat and sleep until day and night. She jumped lightly from ** to the ground, ** with her upper body, wearing only a pair of briefs on her lower body, and walking back and forth on the wooden floor with her toes on her toes. Inexplicably felt that in the deep night, the feeling of talking to Xia wanted to be extremely wonderful, which made people wander away and wandering around, especially in the Beauty makes her not know where she is for a while.

Xia wants to be firm again: "I'm sorry, I forgot that it's very late now. I'm sure it's disturbing your rest. Well, I won't say more. You take a rest first and remember to inform everyone early in the morning.

"Okay..." Li Qin wanted to ask a few more questions, but Xia Xiang immediately hung up the phone. She couldn't help but be a little disappointed. Throwing the mobile phone to **, a person slowly turned a few times in the room. Thinking of not dancing for a long time, he turned on the gentle music and came to the huge dressing mirror. Looking at the perfect body and the wonderful curves in the mirror, Gu Ying felt sorry for himself and rotated in place. In the quiet and silent night, he danced a person Ballet..

A few hours later, it was bright, and the off-horse area began another day of arrogance and busyness. Many pedestrians hurried to work and greeted them, which would be an ordinary day. But for some people, today is an extremely important turning point in their lives, indicating that many things have solved the final mystery, and at the same time, it has also opened a new page.

Early in the morning, the provincial party committee, the municipal party committee and the xiama district party committee made a big rang for the phone. Many people's faces were nervous, such as facing the enemy, from the province to the city, and then to the xiama area. There was a bleak meaning, and the mountains and rain were about to

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