official god

Chapter 754 The situation is critical

Xiaxiang's guarantee was sonorous and powerful, and the ground was loud, which immediately attracted a burst of warm applause and cheers from the citizens around him.

Many citizens waved to Xia Xiang, and some of them came forward to shake hands with Xia Xiang.

"Good, Secretary Xia!"

"Secretary Xia, we believe in you!"

"Let's work with Secretary Xia to protect Xia Mahe!"

Xia wants to be slightly moved. The people are the kindest people. They are the most satisfied, the easiest to start, and the most vulnerable. No wonder the ancients regarded the county magistrate as their parents. Sometimes they held great power. When they saw the humble, kind and smiling people, they did have a feeling of being a parent.

If every official who plots his own government in his position loves the people as his own children, and has the awareness and feelings of being a parent, the world's great harmony would have been realized long ago. Unfortunately, everyone has selfish thoughts, and officials are even more, because they have great power in hand, the benefits are readily available, and because the people are weak and can be bullied, which has no impact on their personal future. Therefore, almost all officials regard the people as public servants and regard the people as farts.

Poor and lamentable.

Xia wants to be a person for two generations, and he has the deepest feelings for this. Although he did business in the last life and had millions of wealth, in the eyes of officials, he was also a small fart. A director with a big sesame and mung bean could ruin his family, which really echoed the ancient saying: destroy the county magistrate.

In this life, he has completed the transformation from a people to an official. In fact, in his bones, he really does not regard himself as a high-ranking official, but also as a member of the ordinary people. How unbearable the officials in the feudal society that have been widely publicized since the founding of the People's Republic of China are. In fact, if you really want to compare it, modern officials are not right, a hundred times better than the ancients.

The ancients were all scholars, and only elites could be officials. But since the Manchu Qing Dynasty had the system of donating officials, any cat or dog can be an official. It's the same now. From the earliest illiterate people to become national leaders, to forging academic qualifications, falsifying promotion, or only academic qualifications without conduct, which completely subverts traditional virtues.

That's why many experts and scholars have shouted that the current domestic education that focuses on academic qualifications and not morality is a completely failed education. Because a person has no morality and no morality, the higher the education, the greater the harm to society, and it is more handy to do bad things, because he has the ability but has no scruples!

As an old founding father once said, New China is exchanged for the lives of 30 million people. Whoever robs the country will be exchanged for 30 million people! ... Such heroic words are not courage or charm, but the true embodiment of knowing the lives of the people.

Xia wants to have a father from a poor background, a mother with a low education, a group of relatives who are still farming in the countryside, and many ordinary friends who live at the bottom of the city. In particular, he has experienced the explosion of information in later generations, experienced the baptism of the Internet, and the helplessness of knowing the fart people and fighting the With shouting, he has also deeply experienced the sadness and helplessness of the people at the bottom. He will not be regarded as a high-level figure. He is one of the ordinary people.

From another perspective, with the popularity of the Internet, how many blind and invincible officials have been dropped by netizens one after another and ended up infamous! What many people don't understand is that there is no essential difference between officials and the people. They are all greedy and selfish ordinary people. If you really want to put yourself on high, you must always beware of the danger of falling down.

And what Xia wants to be more clear is that he can be clean, because he has enough strength and a lot of money, otherwise he can't guarantee not to accept bribes. As long as he is an official, all aspects of ** is too big. Gift givers will do everything possible to give gifts, and they will inevitably have a preference in their hands. If they are biased, they can collect a lot of benefits.

But once the gift is received, it will fall into the handle, and there will always be a day when someone shakes it out. As a thief, I would like to ask which corrupt official is not worried every day, for fear that a member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection will suddenly appear in front of him and take him away?

Xia Chang's mind drifted away a little. A gust of wind woke him up. He pointed to less than 10 meters from the river with his hand and said loudly, "The flood control headquarters is built here, and the people are on the dike!"

The applause around him sounded like thunder, intertwined with the sound of wind and rain, making people's blood boil.

Guan Xinwang stood behind and looked at Xia's impassioned speech, and his heart was complicated.

Xiaxiang is only one year older than him, but he is already the secretary of the Xiama District Party Committee, a deputy departmental senior official, holding a lot of power and in charge of the government. Originally, when he met Wei Xin, he courted Wei Xin. He also thought that he was a technical engineer of Vision Group, with a monthly salary of more than 3,000 yuan, and another talent. Compared with most people, he should be good-looking, talented, high-paying and high-paying, and he was specially rewarded by the group for his special contributions. The set belongs to the family with a house and a car. No matter how high Wei Xin's vision is, he should be moved by him.

Unexpectedly, he hit a soft nail in front of Wei Xin.

Guan Xinwang is indeed very talented. He graduated from a famous university in China and went abroad for two years of further study. After returning, he joined Vision Group and was soon valued and appreciated. Vision Group came to Yan City for development. He was named by Gao Lao to bring it to Yan City, because of his achievements in civil engineering and drainage engineering.

After Guan Xinwang saw Wei Xin, he fell in love at first sight and was deeply attracted by Wei Xin's euphemism and water-like tenderness. For a long time, he thought that only women in the south had a gentle temperament like water. Unexpectedly, Wei Xin, who grew up in the north, was more gentle and charming than all the southern women he had ever seen, which made him heart flutter.

It's a pity that the falling flowers are intentional and the flowing water is ruthless. In the face of his fierce pursuit, Wei Xin refused coldly at first, and then gently refused. Later, he was really moved by his enthusiasm, so he reluctantly sat with him twice, but each time he was absent-minded.

Guan Xinwang couldn't stand Wei Xin's lukewarm attitude, so he asked Wei Xin what kind of man she liked and what kind of man she thought. Maybe Wei Xin wanted to let Guan Xinwang give up, or to talk to herself and give herself a dream, she told Guan Xinwang the perfect man in her mind.

Guan Xinwang didn't know who Wei Xin was talking about at that time, and he also felt that Wei Xin's conditions were too high. It was impossible for her to have a man in her mind. However, today, when he stood behind Xiaxiang and saw that Xia wanted to command Ruoding, he stood in the crowd at the age of less than 30 Leading the people to fight against the flood, and he was not only young, but also with a heroic face. Standing in the wind and rain, there was a spirit of "although tens of millions of people will go", which made him finally have a very sad cry...

Ji Shengyu, He Shengliang! Xiaxiang is the most perfect man in Weixin's center!

Guan Xinwang also knows that he can't compare with Xiaxiang. Not only is there no comparison in achievements, but also the courage to move forward in the face of difficulties. He also knows that compared with Xiaxiang, it is still much worse. He was right when it came to technical problems, but when the flood really came, he believed that he did not have the courage to stand on the river embankment without fear.

However, there is still a trace of doubt in his heart. Maybe when the flood really comes, Xia will not move forward bravely and may retreat as he said. Politicians always speak beautifully and really fall into practice. How many people can rush to the front?

At night, the rain doesn't seem to stop at all, and it still doesn't stop. The decline of the Xiama River has slowed down, and there are still faint signs of recovery. After a circle of walking along the Xiama River with Chen Tianyu, Guan Xinwang returned to the anti-inciation headquarters to report to Xia.

"The total amount of water in the Xiama River continues to rise, because the terrain of the Xiama River is low, and many of the accumulated water in the city has been discharged to Xiama Hanoi, and the situation is more severe than expected."

Xia wanted to look serious, and he was also aware of the possible serious consequences. Although it is not a heavy rainstorm, it is mainly because of the deadly drainage system in Yan City, which is old and old. Even the current rainfall cannot be emptied in time. As a result, the accumulated water in Yan City converges into a stream and all of them flow into the Xiama River.

The Xiama River is not the river of life in Yan City, but the river of life and death in the Xia Ma District. Xiaxiang is also inexperienced and did not fully consider the problem of the convergence of the city's water. Now he is sitting in the temporary headquarters and thinking about countermeasures.

The Lower Horse River cannot be decisive. Once it is decisive, the impact on the economy of the Lower Horse District will also be fatal, which is more thorough than Yuan's bright plan. The Xiama District is just on the right track. It is the time to stabilize the hearts of the people and vigorously develop the economy. A flood may destroy all his efforts.

Including his plan to defeat Yuan Mingliang in the early stage.

What should I do? Xia thought for a moment, but suddenly remembered something, and his eyes lit up: "Xinwang, in case the water level of the Mahe River is dangerous, what can be done?"

Guan Xinwang is a technical engineer. It's okay to deal with technical details, but there are some shortcomings in the overall situation. After thinking about it, he shook his head: "There is nothing we can do for the time being. No one expected that the once-in-a-a-century flood will make us encounter it. Sometimes during construction, in fact, many problems are not unexpected, but are ignored because they are not necessary. I think there is only one stupid way to alleviate the disaster of the river in the Xiama River, which is to organize dozens or hundreds of large water pumping machines to pump water directly from the river. Because the water is not rising fast now, this method can alleviate the river's rise to a dangerous water level to a certain extent.

The method of Guan Xinwang is not the one that Xia thought of just now, but Xia also knows that his method is not at the most critical moment and cannot be adopted, because it is not only dangerous, but also has great uncertainty. Although the approach of managing Xinwang is more conservative, it is effective.

Although it was late at night, the headquarters was still brightly lit. Xia Xiang, Li Han, Chen Tianyu, Fu Xiaobin, and several deputy district heads of the district government were all here. Several people gathered around Xia Xiang and were listening to Xia Xiang's deployment of the flood control plan.

The western part of the Xiama District is barren mountains and wasteland, which can be released at will. Chen Tianyu urgently asked the municipal government for help to support 50 large pumps to pump water and discharge the flood immediately. It's past 10 p.m., and the water level has risen above the warning line again, and the situation is very critical.

Chen Tianyu answered and took action immediately.

Xia Xiang asked Fu Xiaobin to be responsible for the security work at the headquarters site, responsible for logistics and various chores. If there is not enough manpower, let Jin Hongxin assist in the work. Fu Xiaobin also agreed with a serious face and issued a military order: "I promise to complete the task, please don't worry, Secretary Xia."

Now is the time to unite as one. Xia Xiang's absolute prestige in the disemerged area has now come in handy. Orders have been issued one after another. No one doubts it, and no one has pushed three or four obstacles. They all cheer up and devoted themselves to the flood fighting.

Because not only because Xiaxiang's authority is unquestionable, but also everyone knows that the Xiama River is the river of life and death in the Xiama area. Once it is flooded, no one can escape, and they must bear the corresponding leadership responsibilities.

After 11 p.m., something worrying happened. The rain increased, and the river in the lower Ma River was only one step away from breaking the embankment.

Xia wanted to wait left and right, but he didn't see Chen Tianyu come back. He was angry: "Call Chen Tianyu and ask him to come back immediately. Borrowing a water pump from the city for more than an hour is too cowardly.

Xia wanted to curse for the first time, and he also scolded his cronies Chen Tianyu, which made many people feel cold.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Xia thought of his words fell, Chao Weigang didn't have time to call out. Chen Tianyu hurried in with a rain face and an indignant: "Secretary Xia, Mayor Fu refused to lend us the water pump, saying that he would pull all the water pumps to the Nanshan Reservoir. Nanshan Reservoir is in an emergency!"

The water storage capacity of Nanshan Reservoir is more than 100 times that of the Xiama River. It not only supplies the people of Yan City with drinking water, but also receives a lot of domestic water from the capital every year. Yes, it is the capital, because there are few people and the water in the capital is not enough to eat, and it also needs In fact, the resources of the capital cannot feed tens of millions of people in the capital. If it hadn't been for the continuous supply of various resources in the capital, the capital would have been dying.

Nanshan Reservoir is in an emergency, which is indeed a greater danger, but in Xiaxiang's impression, the water capacity of Nanshan Reservoir is huge. With the current rain, it may not be dangerous even in the last month. Fu Xianfeng didn't give the pump. Obviously, he deliberately took the horse area.

Even Li Han was finally angry and said angrily, "The usual amount of water in Nanshan Reservoir is only one-tenth. It's raining now. How can there be a dangerous situation? Mayor Fu is too unfair. I'll argue with him!"

It is rare for Li Han to blame Fu Xianfeng in front of everyone. He turned around and walked out of the headquarters and called outside. After a while, he came back with an angry face: "Mayor Fu said that the water pump has been transported to the Nanshan Reservoir, so let's find a way to solve it ourselves. Damn it, at the critical moment, even the water pump has become a shortage of supplies! What should I do, Secretary Xia?

Xia wants to lead everyone outside. The river under the horse river used to flow gently and gracefully, but now it is roaring and galloping. In the past, the river was clear and touching, but now it is turbid and full of mud and sand. Under the strong light, it shows a ferocious turbulent state!

Xia wanted to stand by the river and feel the vibration and power of the river under her feet. Her heart sank to the bottom of the valley. At the critical moment, Fu Xianfeng pulled all the pumps urgently used by the municipal government to the Nanshan Reservoir. Theoretically speaking, Fu Xianfeng took the overall situation into consideration. From a selfish point of view, Fu Xianfeng deliberately targeted the disema zone.

But his decision is reasonable. Nanshan Reservoir is the life reservoir of the people of Yan City, which is indeed more important than the Xiama River. No one can choose Fu Xianfeng's reason, Hu Zengzhou can't, and Ye Shisheng can't.

Xia thought that he could not only blame Fu Xianfeng, but also could not say that Fu Xianfeng was wrong in front of everyone, otherwise, he was wrong.

Standing by the river and meditating for a moment, Xia Xiang suddenly made up his mind. He immediately took out the phone and called Li Qin: "Li Qin, immediately summon Shen Lichun, Sun Xianwei, Xiao Wu and Qi Yanan to mobilize them all, pull all the pumps from the construction site and transport them to the barren mountains in the west The water is flooded!"

The construction unit has its own water pump to pump water, but it is not a large water pump in the city, and the pumping volume is much smaller. But it's better than nothing.

Li Qin is not a government official, but just a businessman who came to invest in the disemeratement area, but because of Xia Xiang, she has been paying attention to the situation in the disemeratement area. She is always concerned about the possibility of flooding in the Xiama River, and she has not slept at night. As soon as I received a phone call from Xia, I immediately knew that the situation was serious. I hurriedly answered, "Yes, I'll go down and do it."

Ten minutes later, Li Qin called: "Secretary Xia, all the personnel are in place, just waiting for your instructions."

"All right, act now." Xia wanted to wear a raincoat, and Chao Weigang helped him hold an umbrella behind him at the same time, but there was still no dripping water all over his body. Xia thought that he hadn't eaten or drank water for more than ten hours. He was so hungry, but he was not thirsty at all, because he was almost the same as soaking in water.

Of course, it's not just that he didn't eat, but the main party and government leaders in the diseping area did not eat much. Xia wants to set an example as a leader, and others have to make the necessary posture even if they are reluctant. Moreover, most people are actually the same as Xiaxiang. They are worried that a flood in the The results of the district were swept up.

While waiting for the gap between major developers to support the pump, Fu Xiaobin and Jin Hongxin found someone to bring food. Xia Xiang felt hungry, so she gathered around the construction drawing of the Xiama River with everyone and had the most harmonious and shabby dinner in the history of the party and government leaders of the Xiama District. Although the food was simple, everyone felt the warmth of unity. At the moment of this disaster, the disembarkment area was still unprecedentedly united. Of course, it also had something to do with Xia not want to say empty words and big lies. He was in the lead and also played an exemplary role for everyone.

After 12 o'clock, the rain suddenly increased again, and the river water of the Xiama River has flooded the embankment and spread to both sides. At the same time, because of the low trend of the Xiama area compared with Yanshi, there has been more than two feet of water on the flat ground above the street.

PS: Complain a few words, brothers, don't blame. If you don't like the old man, you don't have to read it - Lao He is conscientious. Since the official god was uploaded, he has never rested for a day, and he has never stopped the update! In addition to the Spring Festival, there are 3K a day for 5 days and 6K a day for 3 days. As soon as I came back, I started full power and recovered 10,000 updates! In fact, you can be lazy once this month. There is no full attendance bonus, but all the persistence is for the brothers to see and be comfortable and happy, in order to put pressure on yourself and not to let yourself slack off. You are all old. You know how difficult it is for many popular authors to update once they slack off. One of the biggest characteristics of Lao He's doing things is a good beginning and a good end, but I also hope my brothers can spend more time with me. Monthly tickets, the encouragement of recommended tickets, is the greatest motivation to move forward. Lao He is not a master. As soon as he shakes his arms, monthly tickets come one after another. Lao He's is a stable update, and what he fights for is his character. In all the official documents, the achievements of the official god are not up or down. If you want to take a step forward, or it will last longer. But once you are discouraged, it is possible to retreat rapidly and then complete the book. The official documents in front of the official god are in the final stage. The official documents behind the official god are powerless in the follow-up. If the brothers really like the official god and are willing to let the official god go a little longer, just give more encouragement. Don't let the ranking of the official god drop again. Thank you, brothers. Now the official god's monthly ticket is indeed in a critical situation... V