official god

Chapter 757 Public revenge

Fu Xianfeng insisted on his own opinion, did not listen to anyone, and directly rejected Yu Fanran and Gao Hai's opinions. And what comforted him was that at dawn, the heavy rainstorm came as scheduled, but the torrential rain fell until 9 o'clock. Seeing that the rain weakened, the reservoir was still safe and sound, but the water storage capacity had increased a lot. He couldn't help but be secretly happy - the bet is right, and it will be difficult to think about underdevelopment in

Unexpectedly, as soon as Fu Xianfeng's happy thoughts ached, he suddenly heard a loud sound of the ground collapse, and he almost sat on the ground in fear. Before he could figure out what was going on, he heard a roaring and shrill sound in the distance, like thousands of horses galloping and overwhelming. In an instant, Fu Xianfeng's face turned white, and he couldn't even speak: "What...what's wrong? What's going on?"

As soon as the words fell, someone stumbled into the outside: "It's not good, it's not good, the mountain torrent broke out!"

What? Everyone present was shocked. Fu Xianfeng suddenly felt like a basin of cold water pouring from his head to his feet. Originally, he stood and sat down on the chair again. He stammered and asked, "How did the mountain torrent break out?"

This sentence was extremely unliterent and unlevel, but no one could pay attention to him. Although he was the mayor, the rumbling sound shook his feet. Everyone rushed out at the first time to see what had changed with their own eyes.

Fu Xianfeng also didn't care to accuse others of being rude. He also followed people outside the house and saw that on the distant mountains, boulders slowly and heavily dragged down, and then fell into the reservoir, stirring up a large number of waves.

After the boulder was dragged down, a dragon-like flood gushed out from behind the boulder and poured into the reservoir. Under the injection of more than a dozen water dragons, the water level of the reservoir was slowly rising at a speed visible to the naked eye. If it goes on like this, in less than a few hours, the water storage of the reservoir will reach one-third of the capacity, and it is estimated that the full capacity will not reach until the afternoon.

The person in charge of the reservoir management office panicked and said in a trembling voice: "Fu, Fu, Mayor Fu, it will be too late if you don't open the sluice to release water. The sluice design of Nanshan Reservoir is small, and the amount of water discharge is limited. When the mountain flood is discharged, the

Fu Xianfeng can no longer be interested in gambling. The waves are turbulent not far from his feet, and it seems that he can be swallowed up in a blink of an eye. Do you flatt the central leadership? It's important to save his life first. He quickly waved his hand: "Let go of water, let go of water quickly!"

The person in charge took the order and hurried back in less than ten minutes. He looked frightened. When he arrived in front of Fu Xianfeng, his legs softened and he actually sat on the ground: "Mayor Fu, something bad. Just now, a boulder was stuck on the gate, and now the gate can't be raised."

? Fu Xianfeng was so scared that the walkie-talkie that had been in his hand fell to the ground. The walkie-talkie bounced on the ground, as if he were a desperate diver, jumping into the Nanshan Reservoir. In the midst of the huge waves, not even a single wave splashed up, and disappeared without a trace.

Fu Xianfeng was frightened and hurriedly stepped back a few steps, lest he accidentally fall into the reservoir.

"What should I do? What should I do now?" He was also anxious. Things are full of coincidences. As long as it falls on him, one in ten thousand coincidences is 100% unfortunate.

Fu Xianfeng lost his calmness and command just now. The so-called leadership demeanor and decisiveness are completely lost, and all that's left is helplessness and despair.

Even if Fu Xianfeng didn't understand water conservancy and was not a technician, he could see that in the loud noise, several water dragons poured water with the momentum of swallowing mountains and rivers. During his speech, the water level rose by more than half a meter.

It's too scary and scary. Fu Xianfeng felt the power of nature for the first time in his life, and he could hardly stand still.

Of course, and the chain reaction caused by the serious consequences also chilled his heart.

"There's nothing we can do. If we had released the water earlier, there would have been no danger now." Huang Xiaoming ran over again from nowhere, regardless of Fu Xianfeng's mayor's face, "Mayor Fu, if you had known now, why did you have to do it at the beginning? Now there is only one way to go. It's important to run for your life. If it's too late, the dam will collapse, and your mayor will drown in the Nanshan Reservoir, which has become a big news.

Huang Xiaoming is really awesome. He dares to satirize the mayor face to face. In the future, he, a technician of Nanshan Reservoir, will not want to do it.

Fu Xianfeng's face was pale, but he didn't know the technology. When he saw that the person in charge of the reservoir looked at Huang Xiaoming eagerly, he knew that Huang Xiaoming was the most authoritative technician in the reservoir management station, so he had to ask patiently, "Comrade Xiaoming, it's not the time to say Come out, for the safety of Nanshan Reservoir, for the life reservoir of the people of Yan City..."

Huang Xiaoming waved his hand, rushed to the headquarters, spread a drawing on the table, and pointed to the top corner of the map with his hand: "There are three plans for flood discharge. The first is to blow up the gate. The trouble is that once the gate is blown up, the water in the reservoir will flow clean. After the rain stops, the gate will be repaired again, and then it will take at least a month for the reservoir to store water again.

Fu Xianfeng immediately rejected the plan: "No, there is no water in the reservoir for a month. What do the people of Yan City eat? If I let 3 million people in Yan City have no water to eat, Yan City will fall into chaos. The deeper worry that he dared not say was that even if there was still a little water to barely supply Yan City, he could not support the capital, he would be criticized by the central leadership for not being able to find the north.

"The second plan is to blow up the dam in the west and let the flood flow to the western plain. Otherwise, when the amount of water in the reservoir reaches a certain level, the whole dam may collapse." Huang Xiaoming pointed to the west with his hand.

Fu Xianfeng took a look and saw that not far from Huang Xiaoming's finger was the holy place of revolution. The flood is discharged to the west. At a distance of several kilometers, the water is downstream, and the revolutionary holy land can be washed into a country in dozens of minutes. Thinking of the number one person in the central government to visit the revolutionary holy land every year, and Yan City has also specially built a high-class highway leading to the revolutionary holy land to drain the flood to the revolutionary holy land? There is only one head on Fu Xianfeng's head!

In ancient times, it was the crime of killing the head. It is now that once he has done such a thing, in less than two months, his mayor's future will be over. No one can guarantee it. Will it be reactivated in the future? Ninety percent probably!

The political stain is too big. It's not a hornet's nest, but the highest-level eye. No wonder the highest level is not angry!

Fu Xianfeng shook his head repeatedly and rejected Huang Xiaoming's second plan.

Huang Xiaoming seemed to have expected Fu Xianfeng's choice for a long time. He pointed to the east with his hand: "The last plan is to blow up the dam in the east and discharge the flood to Yan City!"

Fu Xianfeng took a cold breath.

He now clearly understands the current situation. It's really the same as what Huang Xiaoming said, there is no way back! There are mountains in the south and in the north. If you want to blow up the mountains, it is a fantasy. In the west, it is a holy land of revolution. You don't have to think about it. At present, there is only one way to go to the east, and let the turbulent flood rush to Yanshi!

Nanshan Reservoir is 20 kilometers away from Yan City, and there are mountain roads and villages in the middle. There are not many villages, only two or three, which can be evacuated in two hours, and 20 kilometers of vast wilderness can just resolve the impact of the flood. Of course, the village will suffer heavy losses, but it can't be considered so

Fu Xianfeng made up his mind in an instant and said, "Let's discharge the flood to the east and immediately evacuate the people of the village along the way. In a complicated way, you are responsible for the safety on both sides of the highway, Gaohai, you are responsible for leading people to evacuate the village, and give you two hours.

Yu Fanran and Gao Hai nod firmly and immediately turned around and walked out.

Fu Xianfeng will also have a detailed topographic map of Yan City, sitting with Huang Xiaoming to study how to minimize losses. Although he was very satisfied with Huang Xiaoming, he felt that Huang Xiaoming was a little arrogant, just like Yang Xiu. Fu Xianfeng put up with it and temporarily regarded himself as Cao Cao. It's time to use people, let's get through the current difficulties first.

Half an hour later, the water level rose to one-third of the designed capacity of the reservoir. At this time, the Nanshan Reservoir was more than three times larger than usual. The smoke was vast and endless, and several water dragons were still surging, as spectacular as when a large dam opened the sluice and released water.

The reservoir is funnel-shaped, and the higher the water surface, the wider it is. At the same time, the greater the kinetic energy of the water flow. In other words, if it breaks, the impact force will be more amazing.

An hour and a half, after the crowd is evacuated, the water level can definitely rise to one-half, which will be the largest amount of water storage in history since the completion of the Nanshan Reservoir. Unfortunately, after a loud noise, it will be empty and wasted. If all of them can be left as a gift to the capital, what a political achievement it should be.

Fu Xianfeng secretly shouted that it was a pity, but there was nothing he could do. The once-in-a-century heavy rain failed to become his once-in-a-century opportunity. It's really time to wait.

I didn't expect that after only an hour, the water level had risen to one-half of the water level. At this time, looking at the Nanshan Reservoir, it was as magnificent as the sea. Standing on the dam, I felt the incomity of human beings and the power of nature, which made people involuntarily feel awe

On the phone, Yu Fanran and Gao Hai said that it would take at least half an hour to fully evacuate. If so, after half an hour, the water level may rise to two-thirds of the water level, which is very urgent.

Fu Xianfeng stared at the map and carefully studied the topographic map of Yan City several times. Suddenly, he found an important problem. After the flood of Nanshan Reservoir rushed to Yan City, the first hit was the Xiama District, and the farm of Siniu Group, located in the northwestmost part of Xiama District, was the place where the

The farm is the lifeblood of the Siniu Group, and it is also related to the vital interests of the vanguard. He has to act cautiously.

The terrain of Yan City is inclined from northwest to southeast. Once the Nanshan Reservoir breaks down, the flood will hit the trend, and the distance of 20 kilometers will not take long. I hope that 20 kilometers of vast fields can resolve and disperse the flood situation. When it comes to Yan City, only a small stream of water will be formed.

There is no way, and you can't care too much about it. In case of a decision, I'm afraid the loss will be worse.

But... Fu Xianfeng's eyes suddenly lit up. He drew a comparison of the distance from Nanshan Reservoir to Yanshi. Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind. If the breach was slightly tilted to the northeast, the first water flow was the farm of the four cattle. But if it tilts slightly to the southeast and the current hits Yan City, it will first be injected into the Xiama River in the west of Yan City!

Fu Xianfeng's heartbeat is tightening. Although he also knows that the Xiama River is also an emergency on the whole line, which is related to the safety of 100,000 people in the Xiama District, the Xiama River is the river of political achievements and the economic river of the Xiama District, and the farm is the foundation of the Siniu Group. If Let your interests be harmed a little bit.

Fu Xianfeng only hesitated for a moment and made a decision in his heart.

He was afraid that his calculation would be wrong, and called Huang Xiaoming to talk about his idea. Huang Xiaoming took the ruler and said for a long time: "In theory, the idea of paying the mayor is correct, but it does not rule out accidents. But it makes technical sense..."

Huang Xiaoming is just a technician. He doesn't consider the overall situation. No matter how different the opening bias of the dam will be, how different the losses will be.

An hour later, the water level rose to nearly three-quarters of the water level, and the blasting work was in place. Fu Xianfeng had asked people to inform the disema qu to prepare for the flood. However, it does not specify how much the flood will be and where the first place will be arrived.

After evacuating the village along the way, he returned to the reservoir headquarters in time. He wanted to observe the scene of the flood discharge closely and see if there was any place where the work was not in place. When Fu Xianfeng commanded the layout outside, he arrived at the room and accidentally found a map on the table. When he approached, he looked at the topographic map of Yan City. Then he took a closer look. Two blasting sites were marked with a red pen on it, and the flow and flow direction of each blasting site were marked separately.

Yu Fanran didn't care about it at the beginning. He just took a look and turned around to leave. Suddenly, he felt that something was wrong, so he turned around and returned. Then he took a look and found that the place marked twice. The impact point of the water flow first reached Yan City was completely different. One was the farm of four oxen

Xiama River? He suddenly had a stir. He knew that when Fu Xianfeng was in full command of the flood fighting today, he specially ordered all the pumps to be transferred to the Nanshan Reservoir. Although it has never been useful, no one can blame the mayor for his thoughtful side. However, he knew in his heart that Fu Xianfeng had the intention of taking the opportunity to make things difficult for Xia.

He also knew that the whole line of Xiamahe was in urgent need. When I saw the topographic map in front of me, I understood a little. As soon as he glanced, he saw that there was no one around. Only Huang Xiaoming bowed his head and drew a picture. He stepped forward and handed over a cigarette: "Comrade Xiaoming, your business is very skilled and a good comrade."

Huang Xiaoming looked up slightly and smiled helplessly: "What's the use? I have offended the mayor. After the incident, the Nanshan Reservoir Management Office will definitely have my place. I will definitely have to leave.

"I can arrange a job for you. With your talent, there are many places that need you." Yu Fanran smiled tentatively.

Huang Xiaoming was stunned and grinned: "Mayor Yu, if you want to know anything, just ask me. I will definitely say what I can say."


The river water of the Xiama River has returned to the normal water level at about 11 a.m. Xiaxiang finally took a nap, ate a little more, and regained a little spirit. He had received the notice of flood discharge from Nanshan Reservoir before, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. Nanshan Reservoir is 20 kilometers away from Yanshi. No matter how large the water is, after 20 kilometers of flood discharge, the accumulated water will not be too deep in dozens of square kilometers of fields on average. Although it is not a flat river from Nanshan Reservoir to Yanshi, it is basically a plain area, and the middle is vast and sparsely populated, which is also a good way to drain floods.

Xia thought clearly about the situation of Nanshan Reservoir. Both the north and south are mountains, and the west is a revolutionary holy place. There is only one way to discharge the flood to the east, but he did not expect that the Nanshan Reservoir would suddenly break out of mountain torrents, which was so critical that the dam had to be blown up

After the flood of Nanshan Reservoir reaches Yanshi, it will be the first to reach the Xiama area. At the current pumping speed, in a few hours, the river water of the Xiama River can be reduced by half. Even if the flood hits, it should be able to cope with it.

And the most comforting thing for him is that the rain has decreased a lot, and the heavy rain has turned into moderate rain.

For the concern of Yan City, for the consideration of Nanshan Reservoir, and the sacrifice of the overall situation, Xia can understand these big truths. The only thing he is worried about is that if it rains tomorrow and it will be fine. If there is another heavy rainstorm, it will be really untenable to go down the horse river.

Fortunately, the weather station's forecast said that it will be cloudy to cloudy tonight, and it should be sunny tomorrow, which made Xia Xiong breathe a sigh of relief. Basically, together with all the party and government leaders in the lower horse area, they are extremely tired. Some people are draining floods, some mobilizing the masses, and some people There is no free time.

Just as Xia wanted to breathe a little relief and was ready to let everyone take turns to rest, after 12 o'clock, he unexpectedly received a phone call from Yu Fanran.

"Xiaxiang, the situation is a little bad. Mayor Fu is a little biased on the flood discharge port. You should be careful to cause the water level of the Xiama River to soar again..." Yu Fanran naturally and Xiaxiang are single-minded. He doesn't want to see Xia Want to overturn the boat in the Xiama area because of He objectively told Xiaxiang what he knew for Xiaxiang's reference. He believes that the wisdom of Yixia's thinking is clear, and he should understand the intentions of Fu Xianfeng.

Xia wanted to thank Yu Fanran, and he was moved by the reminder of Fanran at the critical moment. Fu Xianfeng's approach is obscure and imperceptible. If it hadn't been for the complicated and carefulness, Gao Hai might not have been able to find the clues in it.

Whether Fu Xianfeng has a public revenge, Xia doesn't want to guess maliciously, but he can clearly understand the intention of Fu Xianfeng to protect Siniu Group. But now is not the time to blame him, nor is it the time to think against him. The most important thing now is how to defend the Shimoma River again!

Because as soon as Yu Fanran put down the phone, Gao Hai called and officially informed Xiaxiang that the Nanshan Reservoir had blown up the dam and released water, so that the dismounting area was fully prepared!

Full preparation? Where is the best strategy? Xia wanted to smile helplessly, so she had to cheer up again and immediately hold a plenary meeting to discuss countermeasures. However, when Xia wanted to gather the crowd and take out the topographic map, he was immediately surprised: after the flood bypassed the farm of the Siniu Group, the first place to hit was the place where the water was being pumped now!

It's terrible, it's not a big deal!

PS: Urgently ask for a monthly ticket, and the chasing soldiers is approaching fiercely. There is a difference of dozens of votes, and the officials and gods can drop several people in a row. Brothers, in times of crisis, why do you need your love! V