official god

Chapter 761 The mechanism is too smart

And I'm afraid that the faint heat is the fainting of Yao Ge, the highest in China. He was carried to ** by the Prime Minister and Yuekouchuan Province, which is not only unprecedented but also unprecedented. He is definitely the first person in China, and it is estimated that he will also be the only person.

In the face of all the rules of officialdom. It is difficult for an official who dares to be in front of the Prime Minister and directly unconscious without giving face to the Prime Minister.

Ye Shisheng hasn't said anything yet. Chen Tianyu and Bian Xiuling are also crooked and went to one side. Fortunately, someone next to him held him and didn't fall to the ground.

They are really tired, tired and bear too much burden!

He Dongchen's eyes were wet again, and how many officials spoke generously in front of him. He spoke boldly in front of him and smiled in front of him. Today, he saw three grass-roots cadres for the first time and fainted in front of him. They were not pretentious, not pretentious, and did not say empty words. With the courage to be unconscious in front of the Prime Minister, he truly showed the most touching scene.

He Dongchen has inspected countless times, and today's inspection is the most meaningful and touching.

The medical staff urgently asked Xia to take the temperature of several people and check their bodies. He Dongchen personally told them to check carefully.

Suddenly, Ye Shisheng's phone rang, which was called by Song Chaodu: "Secretary Ye, the farm of Siniu Group can't be kept."

What? Ye Shisheng was shocked.

Long before Ye Shisheng came to the disema area, Xiao Song Dynasty and Fan Ruiheng had gone to the farm to be responsible for the flood fighting work of the farm. The farm of Siniu Group is also a key flood control location of the top priority, which is related to the fundamental smallness of Siniu Group and cannot be wrong.

However, Ye Shisheng also heard Fu Xianfeng's report, saying that the flood may not cause too much impact on the farm. Having said so, it should not be taken lightly. After discussion, Ye Shisheng decided to let Fan Ruiheng and Song Chaodu go to the farm to guide the flood fighting.

I didn't want to get off the crisis of the horse river, but I received the news that the farm could not be saved. It really surprised him that once the farm was flooded, it shook the foundation of the Siniu Group and affected the plan of the Siniu Group. The blow to the Siniu Group was fatal. At the same time,

Siniu Group has something to do, and it is a painful and positive blow to Yan Province's famous brand strategy.

Ye Shisheng hopes that during his administration, he will have a few more famous brand enterprises in Yan Province, so as to expand the influence of Yan Province in the country. Siniu Group now has the first brand appeal in China. The sales volume has occupied the first place of similar brands for nearly ten consecutive years, which is the pride of Yan Province.

Ye Shisheng was in a hurry: "Prime Minister, there are thousands of imported cows on the farm. Once something happens, the loss will be huge

"Go, go to the farm." He Dongchen saw that the Shima River was basically saved, and he was also very concerned about Siniu Group. Then he said a few words and asked people to take good care of Xia and others. When Xia wanted to wake up, he told him immediately, and then he was with Ye Shisheng. Go to the farm of Siniu Group.

The Prime Minister specially asked what happened after Xia wanted to wake up. Obviously, he had the intention to talk to Xia wanted to think about it. Many people secretly envied Xia wanted's luck, which was really a blessing in disguise.

Shortly after the Prime Minister left, Xia wanted to wake up and turn around. When he learned that there was a problem with the farm, he was also surprised that he did not follow the accurate calculation of Fu Xianfeng. The flood should have only hit the Xiama River. Unexpectedly, even the farm was affected, which is really an old saying. People are not as good as God.

Xiaxiang doesn't have much idea of involving disaster. If the farm is damaged, the final loss will be passed on to the people, which is not a good thing. However, Fu Xianfeng is expected to cry. He has calculated thousands of calculations, but he has not counted God, and he must bear the corresponding leadership responsibility on the problem of the flash flood in Nanshan Reservoir.

Self-inflicted, can't live, maybe it's really necessary to add another oil to the fire! Xia thought for a moment, and there was a countermeasure in his mind.

Xia thought about it for a while, and Chen Tianyu and Bian Xiuling also woke up. When they woke up, they were very annoyed. At their level, it was difficult for them to meet the Prime Minister, even the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to have a face-to-face opportunity. As a result, I fainted in front of the Prime Minister and the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. It was really a shame.

Xiaxiang smiled and said, "The three of us are in a coma in front of the Prime Minister and Secretary Ye. I'm afraid it's unprecedented in China, and it's worth a special book. But don't worry. The Prime Minister and Secretary Ye are both kind-hearted people, and their hearts are like a mirror

Xia thought that the two of them nodded after eating reassuring pills.

was about to arrange the next step, when suddenly there was a heartbreaking cry outside: "Dad, Dad."

The county wanted to rush out of the tent with Chen Tianyu and Bian Xiuling. A man stumbled and ran to the drowned old man, holding the body and crying loudly. I rushed over and had a look. Xia was shocked to eat. Why is it Chen Guanghong?

Zhong Guanghong still had a fantasy that his old father could survive, but he didn't expect that there was no miracle. He felt the pain from the bottom of his heart and realized the cone-like pain of losing his close relative.

Xia wanted to walk over and comfort him and said, "I'm sorry for the change. Water and fire are ruthless, it is important to deal with the elderly as soon as possible

Chong Guanghong cried for a long time before he calmed down. Seeing that it was Xia, there were mixed feelings in his heart. I don't know what it was like.

Thinking of him forcing Xiao Laoquan to jump into the river and commit suicide, he thought he was proud. Unexpectedly, it was really ironic that his father was drowned by the flood soon.

It is Fu Xianfeng's trick to think of the idea of rushing the flood accurately to the Pingma River. If it weren't for Fu Xianfeng's magic dan. Maybe his old father will not hate Guanghong, but he has a substitute for a hundred and six

The person next to me said a word and told me how the body was found. Some people even told Zhun Guanghong that Xia wanted to take off his clothes to cover the deceased. Hearing this, Zhun Guanghong took a deep look at Xia, and lowered his head in shame, feeling ashamed that he had just gloated at home for the flood of the Xiama River.

Xia thought didn't say much. He just patted Chen Guanghong on the shoulder, comforted him, and then turned around and left. He still had a lot of things to do and couldn't care about Chen Guanghong's affairs.

Zhong Guanghong looked at the back of Xia Want to leave, clenched his old father's coat in his hand. It was Xia Want's shirt. His eyes flashed for a long time, and then punched heavily into the mud.

After Xia wanted to settle the workers at the scene, he had a rest and continued to finish the work. He asked Chen Tianyu and Xiao Wu to continue to deal with the aftermath, and then returned to the disarming area with Bian Xiuling and Huang Jianjun.

When they arrived at the temporary headquarters, Li Han and others were not there and had gone to the farm. Xia thought about the situation in the Xiama area. Seeing that the river of the Xiama River was flowing slowly, his heart finally fell into practice. The weather was also clearing up, and a few rays of sunlight were shining through the clouds in the Xiama River, reflecting the golden color of the Xiama River. The citizens of the Xiama area, who had been worried for more than a day, suddenly cheered when they saw this scene.

The disembarkation area is safe and sound. It's really a few happy families. I don't know what kind of chicken feather the farm is. No, it's a cow hair plus a wolf.

Xia Xiang returned to the district committee and received a heroic treatment. Everyone applauded him and stood up and saluted. Xia Xiang smiled helplessly and waved his hand to everyone. He was covered in mud and embarrassed. To be honest, it was really not like the same.

But in the eyes of everyone, Xia wanted to be covered in mud water, which showed that he had experienced a thrilling flood relief, proving that as a leader, he, absolutely jumped into the flood and fought against the flood with the officers and soldiers. No matter how greasy and bureaucratic they are, they also admire the pragmatic and capable leadership. Therefore, both Xiaxiang's supporters and opponents give enthusiastic and sincere applause to Xiaxiang.

Li Yingyong was in the crowd, bowing his head and regretting it. He also heard that the Prime Minister and Secretary Ye personally visited the pumping site, and he had just heard rumors that the Prime Minister had shed tears for the heroic behavior of Xiaxiang. Those who can move the Prime Minister to tears and write down his name will be difficult to think about it in the future.

It's really a mistake. Why did you miss a big thing because of a small cold? Otherwise, if you are on the front line of flood fighting with Xia, if you are praised by the Prime Minister, are you still worried that there will be no future?

Li Yingyong regretted that he wanted to hit the wall, and he was extremely envious of Chen Tianyu and Bian Xiuling. It's time to bet. The most dangerous place is also the most successful place."

It's useless to regret any more. When Li Han went to the farm, he didn't arrange for him to go. However, even if he is arranged for him to go, he will also find a reason to shido it, because the farm is unfavorable to resist floods, and whoever goes will be unlucky.

Li Yingyong is still thinking, will Xia Xiang also find a reason not to go to the farm? Definitely. I just made a contribution to protecting the Shimoma River. If I go to the farm again, I will regret myself. Who would be so stupid?

However, what Li Yingyong didn't expect was that Xiaoxia just wanted to explain a few words to the district committee, so he let Bian Xiuling stay in the district committee for the time being. He went to the farm with Huang Jianjun.

Huang Jianjun rushed to the front when fighting the flood. He was not praised by the Prime Minister and the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. He felt a little uncomfortable and felt that he did not receive the treatment he deserved. On the way, Xia thought seemed to say inadvertently, "Building the army, the prime minister's heart is bright. He can see clearly who really does practical things. Just do it, not to mention, even Secretary Ye is very clear who was at the scene at that time and who was not at

Just kidding, the people around the Premier and the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee are not the people who eat dry food. Although the Premier and the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee have left, their people still stay at the scene. Some are responsible for recording, some take care of the wounded, and some are secretly understanding of the situation. So many things don't have to be said in the open. If it is too deliberate, it will leave a bad impression on the leader.

Xia thought a little, Huang Jianjun immediately understood something and said with a ashamed face, "Leader, don't think I'm stingy. It's really rare to see even the secretary of the provincial party committee. Not to mention the Prime Minister, he was not received by the Prime Minister. It's a pity

The county wants to smile knowingly: "The Prime Minister hasn't left yet

Does it mean that the Prime Minister will go back to the lower part of the horse? Huang Jianjun's eyes lit up, and he thought about it. How could it be possible? It's good for the Prime Minister to stay in the Shimoma District for a long time. Will he return again?

Xia wants to just click until the point and is not responsible for explanation. Because his thoughts have fallen on Fu Xianfeng, he thought that it would be difficult to find out who was responsible for the problem of Nanshan Reservoir for a while, but the farm of Siniu Group was flooded, and Fu Xianfeng could not shirk the responsibility of the leader. I don't know how he should explain it to the Prime Minister and Secretary Ye?

Is it possible to say that the flood will rush down the Ma River. Who knows that it will turn halfway and not only rush into the Xia Ma River, but also flood the farm? Fu Xianfeng will not be stupid enough to admit his selfish thoughts during the flood discharge, right?

Of course, Fu Xianfeng will not admit that he is selfish, but now it is no longer necessary to admit that it is not to admit it. From the moment he received a phone call and learned that the flood had washed into the farm, he was stunned like a wooden chicken. He sat alone in the Nanshan Reservoir for five minutes without divination!

People's calculations are not as good as God's calculations, or the machine calculations are too smart, but they calculate themselves?

Yes, the flood indeed rushed into the Xiama River as originally thought, and almost drowned Xiaxiang. Of course, drowning Xia is not his original intention. He just wants the Xiama River to cause trouble for Xia. He just wants the farm not to be affected by the flood, but he never expected that the Xiama River was saved. The farm has not been preserved!

Fu Xianfeng wanted to cry without tears, and he was so angry that he almost scolded his mother. After all, he still didn't scold, because he didn't dare to scold God's mother except for his mother. But other than that, there is no one else's mother to scold.

No one blames me. I can only blame myself for my bad luck. I want to hurt others, but I hurt myself.

First, it failed in the command of Nanshan Reservoir, and then in the choice of the location of the flood outlet. He made another directional mistake. Oh, my God, Fu Xianfeng was so annoyed that he wanted to slap himself. If you listen to people's advice early and lift the sluice to release water, there will be no choice, there will be no helplessness to blow up the dam, and there will be no flooding to the east, and there will be no flooding of the farm.

Unexpected, it's really unexpected.

The flood hit the flood, but after arriving at the disemp zone, it suddenly split into two, all the way straight down to the horse river, and the other way straight to the farm.

Originally, I thought that the farm could rest assured, but I didn't have much precautions. Unexpectedly, the farm was washed away by the flood!

Immediately broke down the wall of the farm for a moment. He drowned the old cow. Fortunately, the breeding site is high and there is a buffer. Otherwise, under the first wave of impact, the farm will suffer heavy losses.

And it will be so serious that the vitality of Siniu Group will be greatly damaged, and Fu Xianfeng will want to hit the wall with his head.

He transferred almost all his strength to the Nanshan Reservoir. In the name of protecting the water source of the capital, the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee also raised the green light and responded. Yan Province has always kept up with the footsteps of the central government, and the officials of Yan Province like to look at the face of the capital. Everyone knows that Nanshan Reservoir has been supplying water for the capital, and the mayor said, so naturally spare no effort to support it.

Striking ahead, for fear of a poor work comment.

As a result, the Nanshan Reservoir was not preserved. When the farm needed flood-resistant materials, it was found that there was nothing available. There have been no major floods in the history of Yan City. It is true that there is no experience in flood fighting, but everything was transported under the east wall. The east wall was not preserved, but the west wall was about to fall again. Fu Xianfeng knew that he was in big trouble.

Others can tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall, and he doesn't even have a chance to tear it down and make up for it.

And what made him more headache was that after the Nanshan Reservoir exploded the dam, after the amount of water in the reservoir flowed, the mountain torrents also stopped, and the water storage in the reservoir was less than one-third of the usual. That is to say, it is almost impossible to supply water to the capital in the future.

The rain stopped, the wind stopped, and the flash flood broke out. Fu Xianfeng also completely understood a truth. He lifted a stone and hit his own foot, not talking about someone else, but him!

When he learned that the Prime Minister had come to Yanshi for inspection, despair rose in his heart. He also knows the Prime Minister's position. He has always had no good impression on the family power. It happens that he has committed a crime now and has fallen into the hands of the Prime Minister. How can he be good?

On the way from Nanshan Reservoir to the farm, Fu Xianfeng called his uncle and made a clear story of the matter.

After listening to Fu Xianfeng's words, Fu Boju didn't speak for a long time. Finally, he just said in a heavy tone, "First take the initiative to admit your mistakes, and then find a way to blame others. The Prime Minister will not directly investigate your responsibility. How to characterize your leadership responsibilities, you have to set the tone of As long as you don't provoke the Prime Minister's anger at the meeting, let's go through the test first.

Fu Xianfeng talked to Yang Guoying on the road again.

Yang Guoying told Fu Xianfeng that many cows were drowned in the farm. The loss of the cows was not the biggest loss, but the biggest loss was just a small "development". A successful batch of formulas. The milk powder is completely soaked, the direct economic loss is more than 10,000 yuan, and the indirect loss is immeasurable for the time being.

What made Fu Xianfeng even more frightened was that the laboratory of the farm was also washed away by the flood, and many confidential documents in it were washed away by the flood!

If some of them are announced to the world, Siniu Group will immediately lose its reputation, because the above record is exactly the first-class secret of the secret recipe. No one expected that there would be a flood, let alone that the water would come so suddenly. When the flood came, everyone was panicked. Where could they protect the documents, it was important to run for their lives.

As a result, the important documents were inadvertently washed away by the flood, and I don't know where they were scattered. Maybe it will be blistered, maybe it will be picked up, and it will be picked up by someone with intention. Finally, it will be announced, or it may rush into the mud, and finally rot. In short, anything can happen.

Fu Xianfeng even had a fantasy. The flood was very big. Under one blast, the documents would definitely be smashed to pieces. How could he rush outside? Even if you rush outside, you may not be picked up. Even if someone picks up, the person who picks up does not necessarily happen to be a kind-hearted person.

In fact, he also knows that at this point, he can only ask for some psychological comfort.

Defense: Thank you for the support of the monthly ticket of the brothers. The official god entered again and became famous. Thank you. I'm very touched!

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