official god

Chapter 764 A New Round of Competition

Even with the Prime Minister's attention, without three or five days, the provincial party committee does not want to have a formal opinion, and Xiaxiang doesn't care too much about what punishment Fu Xianfeng will carry in the end, because he still has more important work to do now. No matter how light the punishment of Fu Xianfeng is, it is just a premise, because he also knows that Fu Xianfeng cannot be dismissed for this.

If Fu Xianbing is defeated in Yan City, there must be more chips.

As soon as he went to work the next day, Xiaxiang immediately held a meeting of middle-level cadres, reported the achievements and shortcomings of the flood fighting work, praised advanced individuals, criticized some improper practices and individual party members and cadres who retreated when they encountered difficulties, and then arranged and divided the work on the post-disaster reconstruction problem.

After the meeting, as soon as Xia wanted to return to the office, Huang Jianjun knocked on the door and came in with a happy face: "Leader, there is an unexpected surprise."

Xia wanted to smile: "What's the good thing?"

"Last night, the district bureau received an anonymous report, which listed in detail the illegal methods used by Siniu Group such as additives to add protein essence to milk powder to improve the detection of protein. The reporting materials are very professional. The process and addition instructions are listed above, and there are specific recipes. At first glance, it is an insider..."

Xiaxiang didn't have the surprise that Huang Jianjun expected. He just said "Oh" indifferently and did not take the materials. Instead, he waved his hand and said, "Let's not mention the reporting materials first. At this stage, the main task is to be responsible for the safety of the Siniu Group farm. The flood washed down the wall, and there may be criminals jumping into the farm to steal, and the division bureau should strengthen the police force. In addition, the flood also washed away many facilities of the farm. I don't know if any confidential materials have been washed away by the flood? In addition, the general farm and the milk powder production workshop are not in the same place. Strangely, milk powder was found at the flood site of the farm. Doesn't Siniu Group worry about milk powder being stolen? There are many problems, Comrade Jianjun, you need to find out one by one, and there is a lot of work to be done.

Huang Jianjun and Xia thought that the time was not short. How could Xia think that he would not understand the hint? On the surface, there is no problem with the reporting materials at all. In fact, it is to let him check the many doubts just listed one by one according to the reporting materials.

It doesn't matter whether the confidential materials have been washed away by the water. The report material in his hand can be picked up from the water - the report material is from Tan Guanghong's hand, and Huang Jianjun knows it well - but Xia wants him to treat the report material as if it was picked up from the water, and I don't know what But the leader didn't explain, so he naturally didn't have to ask more. As for the milk powder that has been soaked in water, it can be used as evidence. A part of it can be extracted casually, secretly handed over to the quality inspection department for testing, and then compared with the reported materials. The facts listed on the reported materials are true or false, and the facts are revealed.

"Yes, leader, I have written it down." Huang Jianjun also held a grudge against the Siniu Group. He thought that Xia thought about taking the opportunity to rectify the Siniu Group, and he was naturally full of energy.

What Huang Jianjun didn't know was that after he investigated the farm of Siniu Group according to what Xiaxiang said, it became the fuse of the sensational "Siniumen"!

Two days later, the disestatement area was completely restored to order, and the Xiama River also regained its vitality. The construction on both sides of the strait was raised again, and people almost forgot the once-in-a-century heavy rain that almost swept down the sub-horse area in a blink of an eye.

The Nanshan Reservoir Reconstruction Team, headed by Song Chaodu, transferred elite soldiers and strong generals from everywhere and devoted themselves to the restoration work. Many people can notice that whether it is the reconstruction of the Nanshan Reservoir, the work of the Siniu Group farm in the Xiama District, and the important speeches and meetings of the Municipal Party Committee, it is rare to see Fu Xianfeng. Even if Fu Xianfeng occasionally shows up, he does not make any important instructions or make important speeches.

Mayor Fu's political future is worrying... Up to now, whether it is a person with or without a heart, whether it is a person in the officialdom or a person who does not pay much attention to politics, they all feel strange. Although domestic politics is not transparent, it is not traceless. It can be seen from the news reports.

When the Prime Minister first took charge of the State Council, others did not know whether Xia wanted to know, but he knew very well that many of the Premier's inspections and visits had either not been reported or greatly reduced in major domestic media, which also confirmed the rumors of the Prime Minister's unstable foundation from the side.

Therefore, the Prime Minister came to Yan Province to inspect the flood relief work this time, intending to take the opportunity to suppress the family's forces, not without the intention of winning back the game. The key depends on the position of the Yan Provincial Party Committee, whether it is in favor of the prime minister or the position of the family.

Everything depends on the decision to deal with the vanguard. Of course, Xiaxiang will not sit idly by. A good opportunity should not be missed. As the saying goes, he will kill you while you are sick. He is fearless in the fight against the flood. He also has a ruthless side when dealing with his opponents.

If it hadn't been for Fu Xianfeng's family power to rely on, the Nanshan Reservoir incident was enough for him to carry a big punishment, but Xiaxiang also understood that there was a backstage and no backstage, there would definitely be a world of difference in the face of punishment.

It really made Xia want to guess unfortunately.

Two days later, the Yan Provincial Party Committee imposed a major administrative demerit on Fu Xianfeng, the mayor of Yan City, who was under the leadership in the Nanshan Reservoir, and it was also an internal treatment, and there was no provincial notification. In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is notified or not. What matters is that people in the officialdom pay special attention to who and what to do. The only difference between not reporting is whether more outsiders know about it.

Do outsiders know what's different for officials? Anyway, they don't need the word of mouth and support of the people.

The punishment of administrative records is not light or heavy, which is in line with Xia's conjecture. The punishment shall be held for a period of 18 months, and shall not be promoted or commended during the period of punishment. For Fu Xianfeng's current level, it is impossible to be promoted in a few years. Nevertheless, the punishment still shows that the Prime Minister's will has been implemented to a certain extent in Yan Province, and Ye Shisheng still takes a slightly favor of the Prime Minister's position.

It should be said that this matter will make the Prime Minister slightly satisfied.

After the decision of punishment was passed to the Xiama District Committee, it did not cause much sensation. Because the provincial party committee delayed for a period of time - it was not the intention of the provincial party committee to delay, but after the report, the relevant parties of the central government suppressed it for a few days, and the Fu family must have been active - just when the curiosity was lowered to the lowest point, it was also intentional.

Of course, Fu Xianfeng's punishment decision still made many people in the diseping area fluctuate. Obviously, Li Han, who used to be very close to Mayor Fu, is now estranged from Mayor Fu, and it is said that there are conflicts between the two. Li Han is also much more low-key and pragmatic. I don't know who he has been instructed or enlightened. He obeys Xia Xiang's instructions and 100% cooperates with Xia Xiang's work.

In addition, Xia Xiang has just accepted the praise from the Prime Minister. Xia Xiang's prestige is unmatched in the Lower Horse District. It is also because of Li Han's deliberate low posture, and Xia Xiang is welcomed and respected by everyone everywhere. Whether it is man-made or a boost, it is a boost. In short The area is in the limelight, and the prestige is so high that he has become the first person.

Xiaxiang also has a clearer and clear idea in his heart. No matter who is behind the scenes, whether someone asks him to give up his seat or not, whether it is out of the overall situation, anyway, he has been in the dislocation area for a long time. If you are famous, it is not a good thing for people in the officialdom, but a spiritual burden and additional pressure.

It's just that after he left, if Li Han takes over as secretary, it's not a blessing to get off the horse. Li Han has more than enough to defend, but not enough to open up. It's not the time to get off the horse area, and we still need to move forward with a big head. If Li Han presides over the overall work, the development of the Xiama area may not be stagnant, but at least it will slow down a lot.

But from the current situation, no matter whether Li Han is instructed or what he sees, anyway, his current performance is the most suitable successor in the eyes of his superiors!

Xia Xiang frowned slightly. He carefully took care of the disemission area. Today, everything is on the right track. After Li Han takes over, he can't go back to the conservative and old route... But who will take over him is the most suitable candidate?

In Yan City in September, the plants are growing to its peak. Looking around, both sides of the Shimoma River, as well as the entire Xiama area, are lush and thriving. Because it is a new area, it pays more attention to greening, so the greening and ecology of the Xiama area are second to none in Yan City. At the same time, the new round of hot construction is also hot. The waterscape park and garden community of Yuanjing Group, the 10,000 mu ecological residential group of Dacai Group, and the cruise ship docks of many tourism projects have all broken ground after the flood to recreate a prosperous scene for the Xiama area.

There should be great prospects for the disema zone in the future. Xia Xiang sighed slightly. He is really reluctant to leave the disema zone and everything he has carefully managed, but the situation does not allow him to stay. The domestic political climate has always been like this, and he is unable to resist.

After the Prime Minister's inspection, Mr. Wu can only infer from certain sources that he must leave the disemaqu. In addition, the current situation clearly shows that he will not leave the disemaqu for more than three months.

In three months, the first is to leave a buffer to make the off-horse area smooth and excessive. Second, the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee should also arrange a suitable position for him. It should not be too high or too low. It can not show that he was secretly degraded by the flat tone, and it is not very likely that he will take another step, because his time at the level of the deputy hall is too short, and it is very reluctant to enter

Let them get rid of their headaches. Xia wanted to shake her head and sit back in the chair. Before leaving, he has a lot to do. He has to stabilize the situation in the sub-horse area and straighten out the development of the sub-horse area. Of course, the most important thing is two things, one is Siniumen, and the other is who will take over the secretary of the district party committee.

Who will take over the secretary of the district party committee needs to be discussed from a long-term perspective, and it is not easy to come to a conclusion for a while. However, Xiaxiang has already had a countermeasure against the problem of Siniumen.

Huang Jianjun received an anonymous report. Don't think about it, it must have been done by Tan Guanghong. Tan Guanghong's father was accidentally drowned. He was so angry that it was reasonable for him to be angry with Fu Xianfeng. Although Tan Guanghong has always been in his plan, which is a key move, he just didn't expect a heavy rain and an accident. Before he began to implement the plan, Tan Guanghong took the initiative to send confidential materials, which was also an unexpected harvest.

However, Tan Guanghong also took the initiative to send materials. If he was promoted by Xiaxiang's plan and forced to provide evidence, he would become the first victim to be hanged to pieces in Xiaxiang's plan. He will not only be discredited, but may also be sentenced to a heavy sentence. But now because of his father's death and the act of taking the initiative to report, Xia thought also decided to open the net and try his best to protect him. If possible, let him only be expelled by the Siniu Group. Whether he accepts the punishment or not, he can take appropriate care of one or two.

It's just that what makes Xiaxiang still worried is that it is unknown how powerful the Four Niumen can be. Because of the death of countless children in later generations, people's grievances caused the secretary and mayor of Yan City to step down. Now, the problem milk powder sold by Siniu Group to the market should not have caused any harm. Chinese people have always only looked at the established facts, had no foresight, and simply detonated with additive incidents. Will it not have the effect of alerting the world?

Is it necessary to add something appropriately?

After 3 p.m., I accidentally received a call from Mei Shengping. Mei Shengping's voice is still as lazy: "Xia think, do you have time in the afternoon? Let's go fishing together?"

The Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee took the initiative to invite a deputy department-level cadre to go fishing. If it was someone else, he must have been overjoyed, but Xia thought he was not surprised. He asked, "Minister Mei is busy with work and is willing to invite me fishing. There must be something important?"

"Can't you ask less?" Mei Shengping couldn't be serious in front of Xia Xiang. As soon as he heard it, he knew that he was pretending, "Shilixiang Fish Pond, at 4 o'clock, if you don't go, you will bear the consequences."

If anyone is lectured by the Minister of Organization to say "self-responsible", it is estimated that he will not even be able to eat. Xia Xiang smiled helplessly, shook his head, then explained it to Chao Weigang, and drove straight to Shilixiang.

Shilixiang is located in the southwest of the city, more than 20 kilometers away from the Lower Horse District. If it is fast, it can be reached in half an hour. If it's slow, it may take an hour. It's past 3 o'clock now, and there is no time to delay.

Fortunately, Xia wanted to get to Shilixiang in time. It's working time now. There are really not many people fishing. He saw Mei Shengping sitting under the umbrella not far away at a glance.

To Xia's surprise, Mei Shengping turned out to be single. He thought that Mei Shengping was looking for him and someone else was with him.

Xia wanted to come to Mei Shengping and sit down. He smiled and said, "Minister Mei is fishing, and those who wish to take the bait. I'm here. Please ask Minister Mei for instructions.

"What instructions do you give, say less official clichés, and speak human words." Mei Shengping pointed to the bench with his hand, "There is no sofa outside, just sit on the bench. Fishing first, whoever catches the first one has the right to speak.

Xia wants to smile: "You really have leisure. I don't remember that you have a fishing hobby? Compared with me, don't be angry if you lose.

Mei Shengping laughed and said, "When I was as old as you, I was idle at home for a period of time. When I had nothing to do, I went to the reservoir in the western suburbs of the capital to fish every day. It took me more than a year from a layman to a fishing master."

Many senior officials have had spare time. Everyone has different ways to arrange their time. Some people read books, some people fish, some people learn calligraphy, some people play Go, and some people even some people learn to sing Beijing opera, and so on. Mei Shengping once had a period of time with nothing to do. I'm afraid he is dissolute. Caused by.

After the fishing competition began, Xiaxiang caught a big fish in just a few minutes, and Mei Shengping got nothing, so he couldn't help sighing: "Fishing depends not only on strength, but also depends on luck. OK, you are lucky today. You can speak now.

"You asked me to come all the way here to fish. You don't just want to braid the fish I just caught, do you?" Xia wants to throw the fish in his hand into the bucket - the fish weighs at least two pounds, which is the most common carp.

"Of course not. It's not that you don't know. I don't like fish. I fish, but I never eat it. Without Xia's consent, Mei Shengping reached out and picked up the fish in his bucket. As soon as he raised his hand, he threw it into the fish pond. "The political thing is to fish and then release the fish. When the fish grows to a certain extent, catch it and then release it. Maybe sometimes the fisherman suddenly changes his mind, and it is possible to brail or steam the fish he caught. The fish doesn't even have a surprise..."

In the officialdom, in fact, everyone wants to be a fisherman, not a fish. But in fact, everyone is a fish, and sometimes they don't know who the fisherman behind the line is.

"I'm going to be fished ashore now." Xia wanted to shake his head and smile, and then threw the hook into the water. He looked up at the whole fish pond separated into four or five small ponds. "I don't know which pond it will be thrown to?"

The biggest advantage of Xiaxiang is that he has a good relationship with the minister of organizations at the provincial and municipal levels. Whether it is a transfer within Yan City or a transfer within Yan Province, he can know it as soon as possible. But it's just knowing, because when you know it, it's almost time to make a conclusion, and it's difficult to change it again.

Mei Shengping shook his head. In front of Xia Xiang, he has never played an official tone, especially outside the office: "Now there is no clue. If you leave the disema district, the provincial party committee has reached a consensus. Whether it is Ye Shisheng or Fan Ruiheng, um, as well as Cui Xiang and Hu Zengzhou, they But there is no conclusion on where to go. It should be said that there is still a big difference between a few people..."

"What's your opinion?" Xia wants to know that since Mei Shengping took the initiative to mention the problem of his going and staying, it is certain that Mei Shengping absolutely has any ideas. Does he also have any plans for his where to go?

Mei Shengping smiled and did not answer Xia Xiang. Instead, he raised his hand to look at his watch. He always took a look and said to himself, "Why not? It's too slow."

PS: It's very close to the threshold of 1,000 monthly tickets, only more than 20 votes left. It's almost the end of the month. Brothers, help me! V