official god

Chapter 767 Smoke

After midnight last night, that is, after 12 noon U.S. time, a new website suddenly appeared on the Internet.

Now, thousands of emerging websites are born every day and tens of thousands of them are closed down on the Internet. Today, the emergence of a new website is a drop in the sea, which may disappear after the rolling tide in a blink of an eye and will not attract anyone's attention.

However, as soon as this new website was born, it attracted the attention of many people at the first time. In just a few hours, it was recommended by major foreign websites, and even some websites were grandly introduced. The promotion was so extensive and the coverage was so large that it had set off a small wave on the Internet before the night of local time. Tide.

After the domestic network reacted, the news of the new website has been overwhelming, and the speed of transmission has once again confirmed that the slogan of borderless on the Internet is not just words, but actually affects all aspects of life.

The name of the new website is very simple, called "milk powder network", and it is also the first Chinese-English comparison website. The website is detailed and informative, listing in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the nutritional formula in milk powder for the growth of the baby.

It's like a professional nursery guidance website. Of course, the above content is not exclusive, because many websites also have similar content. However, the website also specifically pointed out that there are still many baby milk powders on the market in order to improve the protein content, and people have added an industrial raw material called "protein essence". Therefore, it is recommended that consumers must choose a manufacturer's brand without additives when choosing baby milk powder, because according to research, additives are available. It can cause kidney stones in babies!

At the same time, the website also announced that the formula and process of infant milk powder containing additives will be announced tomorrow to remind consumers to choose carefully. There will be major insider news announcements the day after tomorrow. Please pay attention to the website!

What a stone stirs up is not only a thousand layers of waves, but also a huge *. Because although the server of the website is in the United States, it is a comparison of Chinese and English, it has to remind people whether the origin of milk powder containing additives is China.

Although the website was published, it revealed many shocking inside stories. But if it can sweep almost all major websites in the United States in just a few hours, and even appear on the homepage of several major websites, people have to suspect that the behind-the-scenes drivers of the website must be industry insiders, and they are also rich, or have enough influence on major websites in the United States.

In the evening, experts and professors from all kinds of major news media and TV stations in the United States appeared one after another to discuss the dangers of additive milk powder and hold TV lectures.

In the United States, where commercialization has reached a certain tacit understanding, within a few hours, major * powder manufacturers have issued statements, claiming that their own milk powder does not contain any industrial additives and is a safe and healthy food.

A milk powder storm blew up from the United States and quickly swept over China, because the eye-catching Chinese and English comparison on the website is very dazzling, reminding the Chinese people of the fact that the additive milk powder listed on the website is most likely to be a domestic enterprise!

When major domestic websites reprinted, they added their own positions and comments. At the same time, they listed the top ten * powder brand sellers in China, and Siniu Group topped the list.

Because of Siniu Group's baby milk powder, it has maintained the trend of being the first in sales volume in recent years. Major websites ranked it in the first place, and also inadvertently ranked first according to the sales ranking, but in the eyes of people, it has become the major websites deliberately insinuation of

After Yang Guoying learned the news, he was first shocked, then angry, and then panicked. He hurriedly asked Fu Xianfeng to discuss countermeasures.

Yang Guoying's first thought was that the flood rushed out the secrets, the secrets were picked up by someone with intention, and then the website incident broke out? But Fu Xianfeng had different views. After letting Xia and others disperse, he and Yang Guoying held a closed-door meeting. His first sentence was: "I dare say, it's definitely Xia's handwriting."

Yang Guoying didn't believe it very much. He turned on the computer and opened the website. After a few glances, he was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat: "The formula and process are completely on our internal information. How can they be completely published? Xia wants to? Why is it Xiaxiang? What are the benefits of him doing this? It affects the interests of the Siniu Group. What benefits can he get?

Yang Guoying is an entrepreneur and runs an enterprise, not politics. Fu Xianfeng feels helpless that he can't understand Xia's meaning. The reason why he suddenly thought of Xia's handwriting is that the last time he pulled down Bai Zhanmo, there was a "recording door" incident. Although there was no direct evidence, he didn't have to think about it. It was definitely Xiaxiang's behind-the-scenes manipulation.

Xia thought about creating trouble by attacking the Siniu Group, and wanted to cut off the Fu family's back road under the economy. It's really heart to kill!

So far, Fu Xianfeng also guessed that Xia thought must have known the internal connection between the Fu family and the Siniu Group. This is not important. The important thing is that Xia wants to be bold, dared to cross the boundary and cross the thunder pool, and want to move the foundation of the family's interests. He really thinks that his life is

Do you really think that a small website can destroy a large group? It's too childish, too naive, and too simple. The more Fu Xianfeng thought about it, the angrier he became. First, he dropped the cup, then pointed to Yang Guoying with his hand, and scolded, "You did a good job. How can you put such confidential information on the farm and not put it in the group headquarters? It was a small matter for a good flood to kill the cow, but the confidential information was washed away. It was really a big flood to the Dragon King Temple..."

Yang Guoying was scolded by Fu Xianfeng and did not dare to refute it. Although he wanted to say that Fu Xianfeng's metaphor was not used properly and a little confusing, now is not the time to discuss whether the language is accurate. He pondered for a moment: "I report to the provincial party committee and provincial government in the name of Sini If the news media and websites publish any relevant news, it is up to you to the Central Propaganda Department.

Fu Xianfeng calmed down. Yang Guoying's proposal was just right for him. In the face of major changes, Yang Guoying could still keep calm. Thinking of the countermeasures, it also made him take a look at Yang Guoying.

In dealing with emergencies, Yang Guoying has more brains than Bai Zhanmo.

Fu Xianfeng nodded: "That's the only way. A website can't defeat Siniu Group, and the opponent thinks things too simply. However, you should also prepare relevant statements. You can prepare a few more versions. If the impact can be eliminated in time, it's okay. If it can't be eliminated, you have to hold a press conference to explain..."

"I have a number." Yang Guoying is much more witty than Fu Xianfeng imagined. He has prepared for the worst. "If he can't cope with it, he finally told the media that the contaminated milk powder was piled up on the farm and was about to be destroyed. When a flood happened to make the problem milk. The powder washed away..."

Fu Xianfeng nodded repeatedly: "Good idea. But if you can deny it, just deny it. Don't admit it first. If you really can't pass, use this method.

Yang Guoying picked up the phone and made several phone calls in a row. Suddenly, she remembered something and dialed another phone call. When she put down the phone, her face changed: "I suspect that the information on the website is not the information washed away by the flood, because I just learned about it again. The information on the website is more detailed and confidential than The level of data confidentiality in the laboratory is even higher.

"Are there insider thieves?" Fu Xianfeng was shocked.

"Tan Guanghong?" Yang Guoying immediately flashed and immediately called Tan Guanghong again. As a result, there was no one on the phone at home. He called his mobile phone and turned off the phone. His face was gray, "Is it really him?"

Fu Xianfeng also called: "Secretary Chen, I'm Fu Xianfeng. Please help me check the whereabouts of Tan Guanghong. Yes, he is the vice president of Siniu Group.

In a short time, Chen Yulong called back: "Mayor Fu, Tan Guanghong has just boarded a flight abroad." As the secretary of the political committee, it is not difficult to find out the whereabouts of a person.

Fu Xianfeng sat back in the chair and didn't say anything for a long time. Although a website really can't defeat the Siniu Group, he doesn't know why he always feels that there is a big net covering him, tightening him, and he doesn't know what kind of abyss to drag him to the other end of the net.

Fu Xianfeng's heart is getting deeper and deeper, and he feels a little breathless.


Unlike the hot speculation on the Internet, the media in Yan Province were collectively silent about the problematic milk powder incident. Not only did the media in Yan Province lose their voice, but none of the regular media across the country reported relevant incidents, because the Central Propaganda Department urgently issued a document requiring local media not to report unconfirmed foreign websites at will. Once the violation is violated, it will be severely punished.

Not only did the formal media not see a single-word report, but also quietly deleted the news from several major websites that reprinted the milk powder news earlier. Basically, in a day, the national network is in a harmonious wind. In addition to some small websites and unnoticed forums, major influential websites, such as deaf and dumb.

It can be seen that the state controls the media.

In order to strictly control the spread of news, the Fu family has made a lot of money. He not only made a heavy promise to Wu Caiyang, who is in charge of the Central Propaganda Department, but also made a lot of concessions in some aspects, but also made great efforts to ask major websites to delete the news, which finally prevented the further spread of

But even so, Fu Xianfeng is still uneasy, because if it is really the information revealed by Tan Guanghong, what inside story will the website reveal the next day?

The Fu family even used foreign forces to see if they could prevent the U.S. website from continuing to publish news, but got nothing. Because the press control in the United States is very loose, not to mention that you can't find the specific location of the website, even if you find it, you can't close it for a while. Even if it is a lawsuit, it may be delayed for a period of time. Basically, it can be said that there is no way for the Fu family to take foreign websites.

Thinking of Lian Ruohan's strong network share in the U.S. market, Fu Xianfeng believes more that it is Xia Xi's handwriting. But believing is one thing, and there is no evidence to blame is another.

The next day, the milk powder network continued to publish how to add some industrial raw materials to the production process of milk powder, which can greatly increase the content of protein. It can not only pass normal testing, but also increase the price to make huge profits. The website introduces the process, formula and how to pass the test in detail. Finally, it declares again that tomorrow, the website will continue to announce the names of industrial raw materials and how to detect additives in a scientific way. At the same time, it also throws an explosive news, claiming that whether in the United States or China, there are milk powder manufacturers adding industrial raw materials. When the time is ripe, the website will publish the names of American and Chinese manufacturers!

The explosive news suddenly caused a sensation in the United States. Many American milk powder manufacturers have issued statements, insisting that they will never add any additives to their products, which are completely natural, completely green and healthy.

However, the milk powder website has a detailed and detailed description of the process of adding industrial raw materials, as well as an elaborate animation demonstration, and the shocking introduction of the adverse reactions and consequences of babies after eating problematic milk powder, such as kidney stones in light and death in the heavy ones, which shocked most of the babies who are feeding their babies with milk powder. Young parents!

The U.S. dairy industry is in an unprecedented crisis. Even if major manufacturers make statements one after another and hold press conferences, there is no way to stop the further expansion of consumers' distrust of baby milk powder.

Indeed, after the outbreak of Siniumen in later generations, many foreign milk powder brands, especially from the United States, also detected industrial additives. The disclosure of the milk powder network is not groundless or alarmist, but comes from conclusive facts.

Finally, the American Industry Association had to issue a statement claiming that it would organize experts to test all baby milk powder sold on the market.

On the third day, just as everyone was eager to see the final inside story of the milk powder network, revealing the name of industrial raw materials and the milk powder manufacturer, suddenly, the website of the milk powder website was closed, leaving only one line of words on the web page: under pressure, close the website. When to reveal the inside story, one day!

Leave people with countless imagination space. After stirring up a storm, the milk powder network is like a gust of wind, coming and going quickly and disappearing cleanly.

Many people didn't give up, thinking that the milk powder network would reopen one day. Unexpectedly, after three days in a row, there was still no movement...

Fu Xianfeng sat in the office with a satisfied expression. After unremitting efforts, I finally found the behind-the-scenes promoter of the milk powder network through the relationship between the United States. It turned out to be Tan Guanghong's secret operation. I really didn't expect that Tan Guanghong also has such an IQ? Do you dare to play to create momentum?

But what can I do? It was not under his operation that he finally shut down the server of the milk powder network through bribery and solicitation. Although he did not catch the specific operator, closing the website was a big victory.

But he still has doubts. Is it true that there is really no shadow of Xiaxiang in the milk powder network incident?

Xia Xiang seems to have nothing to do with the milk powder network incident. He has been busy with a lot of work in the disema area recently. At the same time, Fu Xianfeng also heard that Xia wants to walk frequently with Qiu Xufeng and Song Chaodu, as if he is in the layout of the disema area after He didn't seem to pay attention to the vigorous event at all.

Fu Xianfeng still doesn't believe that Xia thought did not participate in it at all, but no matter whether Xia thought is behind the scenes or not, the website incident is over, and there will be no more trouble. Moreover, after the timely fire fighting work, although China has also been affected to a certain extent, and a few netizens who can climb over the wall have also learned some of the truth, but first, they have not specified that Siniu Group is the originator, and second, most consumers have not heard of this matter at all.

The majority of people who do not know the truth are easy to be deceived.

The most gratifying thing for Fu Xianfeng is that the milk powder network not only did not have any impact on Siniu Group and domestic milk powder manufacturers, but also hit the dairy industry in the United States, causing American consumers to distrust the local milk powder. Just yesterday, he also received a call from an American business group. Some American businessmen were very interested in the baby milk powder of Siniu Group and were interested in importing more than ten tons to the U.S. market.

Whether there is only Tan Guanghong behind the milk powder or Xiaxiang's hands and feet, Fu Xianfeng should thank them. It was because of their unremitting efforts that led to the chaos of the American milk powder market that the shrewd American businessmen came up with the idea of importing milk powder from Siniu Group. That is to say, it is the milk powder network that has indirectly created benefits for Siniu Group.

can also be said to have created benefits for him.

Almost since the flood, the visit of American businessmen is the most gratifying and happiest thing for Fu Xianfeng. Moreover, after the initial contact with Siniu Group, the American businessman also put forward the intention of a joint venture, which made him even more overjoyed.

The reception date agreed with the American businessman is two days later. Seeing that the National Day is getting closer and closer, if the joint venture intention can be successfully reached, and Siniu Group can make another export business, it is also a political achievement for him. Although it is not very big, at least it can make him stand up when he walks in the municipal party It's a little straighter.

Two days later, the American businessman arrived as promised. Accompanied by Fu Xianfeng, the American businessman first visited the headquarters of Siniu Group, and at the same time visited the farm, expressing a strong interest in the cooperation with Siniu Group. It is proposed to Siniu Group to import 15 tons of baby milk powder, but one condition is that it must meet the standards of the United States, and at the same time, the protein content must meet the standard.

Yang Guoying agreed to the request of the American businessman one by one. In the presence of Fu Xianfeng, Siniu Group and the American businessman signed a letter of intent for cooperation.

The U.S. business also kept its promise and received a deposit of $1 million three days later. Siniu Group immediately began to produce baby milk powder for the United States in accordance with the specific requirements of American merchants. After the first batch of milk powder is offline, it will be provided to American merchants for testing. Unexpectedly, a day later, the American merchant issued a receipt, saying that the protein content of milk powder was not up to standard, requiring Siniu Group to improve its production technology, otherwise it could not successfully open the demanding U.S. market.

Moreover, American businessmen also stressed that only on the basis of the success of the first cooperation will they consider investing in Siniu, which will invest at least $1 billion.

The billion US dollars of foreign investment is not huge, but if it is the achievement of Fu Xianfeng, it is also the most glorious one since he became mayor. Fu Xianfeng was very moved. After discussing with Yang Guoying, he decided to take the risk!

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