official god

Chapter 783 At the beginning, dial the clouds to see the sun

It's really bad to be manipulated. Xia thought swallowed a dumpling with great resentment and said vaguely, "Actually, the dumplings in Langshi are not bad."

Lian Ruohan was angry: "You are full now, and the whole family is not hungry, is it? Men are all moral and want to have a free day. Now that you are free, there must be a new person around you. Goodbye!"

It's really goodbye. The phone hung up, and Xia wanted to laugh dumbly. It was really a misunderstanding caused by a dumpling.

I wanted to call Lian Ruohan again, but the phone rang again. It turned out to be Gu Yu: "Would you like me to accompany you? I'm in the capital now, and I'll be there in an hour.

Xia thought that a dumpling choked in his throat and almost spit it out. How did Gu Yu speak in the same tone as Lian Ruohan? After he forcibly swallowed it, he asked, "Don't make trouble. Stay in the capital and be obedient."

"I'm teasing you. I'm in Yanshi, not in the capital. Even if I'm in the capital, I won't visit you. There is no cheap thing to send to your door. You have to take the initiative to come to the capital to see me. Gu Yu seemed to be eating. As he ate, he said, "Grandpa is also in Yanshi. I'm having dinner with him..."

Xia thought about it: "Are you having dinner with him and talking to me in this way in front of him?" But he was shocked. As soon as Lao Gu heard it, he could know that Gu Yu's almost coquettish tone was a woman's flattering tone to her man.

Gu Yu lowered his voice: "Tell you, Grandpa just met an acquaintance and went to talk next to him. He hasn't come back yet, but he is looking this way..." She is probably also deliberately playing tricks on Xia, just to create a tense atmosphere. "Oh, Grandpa is coming. I'm going to hang up the phone."

said to hang up the phone, but never hung up. After a moment of silence, she giggled: "Scared you to death, coward. OK, I won't make trouble with you. Let me tell you one thing. Grandpa said that the situation in Langshi is relatively special. We should focus on the big and start from the small.

Lao Gu should know a little about the inside story of Lang City. It's better to talk to him when you have time. Xia wanted to answer Gu Yu's phone call and was full, so she heard a man and a woman quarreling at the next table.

Male: "I don't agree with you to work in Excellence Company. Excellence Company is Chen's company."

Female: "No matter whose company I am, as long as the salary is high and the salary is good, I will go. Excellent company is so difficult to enter. I finally passed the interview. Do you think I won't go if you don't let me go? Do you support me? How much money do you earn in a month?

Male: "Oh, Chen is not a good person. You are so beautiful that you went to his company. In case he falls in love with you, can you escape from his clutches? It's not that you haven't heard of how many women he has harmed!"

Female: "That's an artificial rumor, and someone is deliberately slandering him. Oh, Chen is a great philanthropist. He donates the first place in Quanlang City every year. Besides, he is in his 50s. How can he like me? Don't be suspicious."

Man: "You don't understand. Men are the most persistent in one thing, and they will never change. That is, they like 18-year-old women at the age of 18, and 18-year-old women at the age of 28, and still like 18-year-old women until the age of 58!"

Female: "I'm 23..."

Male: "..."

Xia wanted to smile and got up and left the dumpling restaurant. Oh, Chen is the first philanthropist in Yan City. He has known for a long time that the municipal government has relevant information, but some people say that Chen is lustful and has harmed many women, but it is the first time he has heard of it. Sometimes it is better to listen to the voices of the people, which is more conducive to his understanding of what he has done.

Although in his opinion, the girl who just quarreled with her boyfriend is actually not beautiful.

In November, Lang City has fully entered winter. The night wind is blowing and the cold is coming. Xia Xiang walked through a dark alley, then entered an old community, came to Unit 3 of Building 3, went to Room 302, and knocked on the door.


Li Caiyuan is indeed sick, but it is not a physical illness, but a heart disease. Since the moment he heard that Mayor Xia was going to reactivate his secretary, he first burst into tears and lasted for several years. Unexpectedly, there was still a day to come out. He thought that he had been so mediocre all his life, but there was still time to work.

But one thing that happened immediately extinguished his enthusiasm.

Vice Mayor Tu Yun talked to him. After the conversation, Li Caiyuan felt like a basin of cold water falling from the sky on a cold day, which made him feel cold. Although Tu Yun said something implicit, he still understood that someone didn't want him to be Xiaxiang's secretary!

Thinking about it, Li Caiyuan also knew his current situation. There was no other way but to be obedient. Xia wants to come to Lang City for the first time. He doesn't understand the sinister situation in Lang City, and doesn't know the arrogant and hugeness of the evil forces behind him. He can't implicate Xiaxiang because of his future.

After all, Xiaxiang is the only one who appreciates him among the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee. The kindness of the meeting made Li Caiyuan grateful.

Li Caiyuan finally decided to take a long-term sick leave and temporarily escape for a period of time on the grounds of physical discomfort. He could not directly refuse Xiaxiang, and he did not dare to tell the truth, so he had to be an ostrich.

Li Caiyuan's family is not well off. His wife Shen Lexue is sick and sleeps in bed all year round. Fortunately, his son Li Xiao is sensible and can take care of people at a young age. He can already help his mother change clothes and help his father wash dishes. A 7-year-old man, just like adults, knows

Because the family is really poor, relying only on Li Caiyuan's salary, not only has no money to treat his wife's condition, but also eating becomes a problem. It's true that the children of the poor are in charge of the house early. Li Xiaoren is not big but knows the hardships of life. Every day after dinner, he cleans up the dishes and chopsticks before doing his homework.

After dinner this morning, Li Yixiao went to do his homework obediently. Halfway through the work, he heard someone knocking on the door.

In my memory, no one has been at home for a long time. Since my mother's illness, not only has no one visited, but also some relatives have no contact. The rich have distant relatives in the deep mountains, and the poor are in the downtown. Li Xiaoyi has seen more colder than his peers.

Who will

be? Dad was helping his mother massage, so he boldly opened the door and saw a strange uncle standing at the door. Uncle is young and handsome. In his opinion, he is a little more handsome than the most handsome English teacher in his school, which makes him immediately have a good impression: "Uncle, who are you looking for?"

"Is Li Caiyuan there?" Xia Xiang was slightly stunned and guessed that the child in front of him should be Li Caiyuan's son. Seeing that he was still holding a pen in his hand, he couldn't help thinking of his son. He felt pity and touched his head, "How old are you? What's your name?"

"7 years old, my name is Li Yiyi, which means a child of the Li family." Seeing that Xia wanted to be very kind, Li Xiao didn't want to be very kind at all. He opened the door to let Xia want to come in. Seeing that Xia Xiang was still carrying fruit in his hand, he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Not to mention eating meat at home, there is not even any fruit. Winter is the most expensive season for fruits. The fruits you want to buy in summer are also the most expensive varieties, which immediately aroused Li Xiao's greedy worm. After all, he is a child. He can't hide it, so he shows his timidity.

Xia wanted to take out a fruit: "Go, wash it."

Li Xiao shook his head, but he still didn't control the fruit **, and took it and ran away quickly.

Xia Xiang knew that Li Caiyuan's family was not well-working as soon as he entered the door. Except for a sofa and coffee table, there was almost no other furniture in the living room. There was not even a TV, and there was no decoration at home. Because of the age, there were many yellowish water stains on the wall, and the

As a deputy section-level cadre working in the municipal government, Li Caiyuan's life is too poor.

Li Caiyuan, who was about to massage Shen Lexue's legs in the inner room, heard a sound outside. He didn't expect guests to come. As he picked up the basin and walked out, he said, "One small, do your homework well and don't be distracted. The exam is coming soon, so we need to review it quickly.

As soon as he arrived at the living room, he was stunned. The person in front of him was not the new executive vice mayor, Xiaxiang, who could he be?

Is it really Mayor Xia? Li Caiyuan panicked, and the basin in his hand fell to the ground. With a bang, he splashed water all over the ground. He hurriedly picked up the basin and felt that it was inappropriate, so he put down the basin again and said incoherently, "Xia, Mayor Xia, why are you? Why are you here?"

"I'm coming to see you. I heard that you are sick? However, looking at your appearance, you should not be physically ill, but mentally ill. Xia Xiang smiled, bent down to help Li Caiyuan pick up the water basin and handed it to his hand. "You live on the third floor, and there are still residents downstairs. With a bang, it will startle the neighbors downstairs. It's not good."

In the impression of Li Caiyuan, although the main leaders of the Lang Municipal Party Committee also have a friendly side to the people, the traces of the performance are too heavy. Every year, they visit poor families on New Year's Day, say some clichés, speak official accents, and go on the news and TV... He has never seen him as approachable The leader is not pretending to be close to the people, but really touching.

A leader who is so careful that he is afraid of disturbing the neighbors downstairs when he drops a basin. He is not a high-ranking official. He is a living party member and cadre who makes people feel real.

"Mayor Xia, I..." Li Caiyuan stopped talking. Xia wanted to say what was on his mind in a word. He was indeed mentally ill, and there was nothing wrong with his health. He was very healthy.

Xia wanted to reach out to stop him: "Let's not talk about it first. Let's talk about what's wrong with my sister-in-law?"

Through the closed door, Xia wanted to see Li Caiyuan's bedridden wife, and her heart was inexplicably tight.

He didn't expect that Li Caiyuan's family situation was so difficult, and he didn't expect that Li Caiyuan would be a person who would not give up his sick wife in bed. Such a person would have problems with his lifestyle?

There must be a lot of articles in it!

"It's not a big deal. It's just a car accident, hit the liver, and can't get out of bed..." Li Caiyuan's eyes dodged and didn't want Xia to go in.

Xia thought he was not a doctor, but he also knew that the situation should not be very serious, so he asked sternly, "It should be cured. Why don't you go to the hospital?"

Li Caiyuan lowered his head: "There is not a penny at home that can be used to cure diseases. All the money has been spent."

While talking, Li Xiaoyi cut the washed fruit into countless small pieces, brought it over, and handed it to Xia Xiang first: "Thank you, uncle, for the fruit. I haven't eaten it yet. I'll treat you to the first piece."

What a sensible child. Xia couldn't bear to let the child down, so he picked up a piece: "Let your mother eat it first."

"No, let Dad eat first. Mom said that Dad has to go to work and take care of the family. He is the most tired. He is the pillar of the family. If he falls down, the house will fall down. When Li Xiaoyi spoke, he stared at the fruit on the plate and knew at a glance that he was greedy.

Xia wants to sigh with emotion. It's just a plate of the most ordinary apple, which makes the child greedy like this. This family is really stormy and falls down as soon as it blows.

When Li Yi handed the apple to Li Caiyuan and let him eat it, Li Caiyuan finally couldn't help squatting on the ground and crying loudly: "It's useless. I'm really useless. I can't even support my wife and children. I'm not a man!"

Xia wanted to help him up: "If you have anything to say to me, money, men can shed tears, but don't squat, even stand and cry!"

The room was dark and full of the smell of medicine. Xia wanted to come to Shen Lexue's bed and saw **'s woman with a sallow face and skinny. She seemed to be 40 or 50 years old, but in fact she was only 36 years old.

A year ago, Shen Lexue was a regular employee of a bus company. Although she worked a little harder, she also earned more than 1,000 yuan a month and lived a good life. Suddenly, one day on her way to work, she was hit by a car driving from the side, and then sent to the hospital. Although she saved her life, the company refused to pay another penny after paying the medical expenses in the early stage, and also fired her from public office, on the grounds that her work appeared some time ago. A major mistake.

While she had a car accident, Li Caiyuan also suffered the biggest turning point in his life in the municipal party committee. He was led by the child to the municipal party committee. As a result, it was the key time for him to promote Zhengke. When he was made a scene, he naturally ended up being beaten.

And he was hung aside from the deputy mayor's secretary and became an idle person who had nothing to do!

The more Xia wanted to listen, the more strange he felt. On the one hand, Li Caiyuan was framed, and on the other hand, Shen Lexue had a car accident. A good family was fragmented in a blink of an eye. Is it just a coincidence?

After Shen Lexue finished talking about her, she found that Xia wanted to stand by the bedside all the time. It was too much for a big leader to stand. She hurriedly greeted Li Caiyuan and asked Mayor Xia to sit down. Xia wanted to wave her hand and patted Shen Lexue's arm gently: "Sister-in-law, Arrange your hospitalization as soon as possible, and you can't put it off any longer.

Xia wanted to comfort me softly, and his sincere care made this family forgotten by society full of warmth. Shen Lexue burst into tears: "I dare not let Mayor Xia come forward for my little things. I'm fine. I can survive."

Li Caiyuan also hurriedly said, "Mayor Xia, don't worry about Le Xue. We are fine now. If we can live and have a mouthful of food, we will be satisfied."

Who is Xia Xiang? From Li Caiyuan's flashing eyes and painful expression, he has seen that there is definitely a major hidden feeling behind the matter. I'm afraid that Shen Lexue's car accident and Li Caiyuan's life style are caused by the same root cause.

Thinking of Li Caiyuan, who used to be Shao Ding's secretary, Xia Xiang vaguely felt that it was definitely the right choice to find Li Caiyuan today. Maybe Li Caiyuan is a key line. Otherwise, Qiu Xufeng would not have specifically mentioned Li Caiyuan as his secretary at the beginning!

Qiu Xufeng had left Langshi a few days ago. Before leaving, Qiu Xufeng did not inform Xiaxiang in advance, nor did he let Xia want to see him off. Instead, he called after getting on the highway: "Mayor Xia, I'm back to Yan City. In the future, Lang City will be alone, but I believe in your ability. I can't help you much. I can only introduce you to a good secretary.

Xia wanted to laugh and scold: "How can you introduce a secretary to me? It's just a mess."

"Li Caiyuan, don't look like a nobody, but if he uses it properly, it can be used as a big deal. But I don't know exactly what's of his use. Don't ask me. You can dig by yourself. I just listen to what others say, haha. All right, let's go. If you have time to go back to Yanshi, let's sit together.

Qiu Xufeng didn't tell him what's the use of Li Caiyuan when he arrived. Xia wanted to guess, but I guess he really didn't know.

It is precisely because of Qiu Xufeng's reminder that Xia wants to have today's trip.

Xia Xiang and Li Caiyuan came to the living room. Seeing that Li Yiyi had finished eating an apple like a storm. Xia Xiang sighed secretly and gave all the fruits on the coffee table to Li Yixiao: "Wash two more apples and eat as much as you want."

Li Yixiao didn't dare to answer, but looked at Li Caiyuan. Li Caiyuan wanted to say something, but when he saw Xia Xiang's firm eyes, he didn't know why he couldn't refuse in front of Xia Xiang, so he had to nod slightly at his son.

Li Yiyi went to the kitchen with the apple in his arms happily.

"What's going on with your life style?" Xia wanted to ask the key to the question directly.

"It's a former classmate of mine who has been secretly in love with me and wants me to divorce and marry her. I didn't agree, so she was annoyed and found the Municipal Party Committee to make trouble." Li Caiyuan looked at Xia Xiang with a guilty look and whispered.

"Her child, is it really yours?"


"Did you catch the driver of your sister-in-law's car accident?"

"No, the car was not licensed, and it escaped afterwards. The police have not solved the case."

"Now that Shen Lexue is disabled, you can take the opportunity to divorce her and then marry your classmates, isn't it just right?"

"I..." Li Caiyuan blushed, "I'm not that kind of person. If my wife doesn't go to court, I won't abandon Le Xue.

"Then you just want the red flag not to fall, and the colorful flag is fluttering? You ruined your whole family because of extramarital love, and Shen Lexue's car accident may have been caused by your extramarital love. Xia said very sternly.

"No, it's not my Lexue!" Li Caiyuan tried his best to defend himself.

Shen Lexue's depressed cry came from the room. First, she sobbed, and then it was like a bursting river. It was a kind of crying to the extreme of pain, as if the suffering of life had finally bent the backbone, so that the suffering finally had a vent.

"Financial resources, you don't have to take the blame anymore. Tell Mayor Xia!" Shen Lexue's voice came from the inner room, containing grief, indignation and unwillingness.

Li Caiyuan clenched his fist and looked at Xia Xiang for a long time, as if to make sure that Xia Xiang was credible. Finally, he gritted his teeth and knelt down in front of Xia Xiang with a plop: "Mayor Xia, I was framed, and Le Xue was deliberately poisoned. Please help our family!"

PS: Summon monthly tickets, recommended tickets! I briefly read a few books of the same kind. Well, the update is weak. Only the official god is still strong. Brothers, support Lao He, that's right. Please cheer for Lao He! V