official god

Chapter 813 Events, Resurrection

The place for dinner is set in Huahaizhuang, which is a remote and quiet yard. When Xia wanted to drive there, Li Li had been waiting at the door for a long time. Entering the room, after the noise, Li Li's first sentence surprised Xia Xiang: "Mayor Xia, I have something to report to you. Mayor Tu and the developer colluded to get a loan of 30 million yuan from CCB. Not only did they not pay it back, but they also let the bank pay out fake accounts to do it..."

Someone sends umbrellas when it rains, and someone sends pillows when they fall asleep? Xia Xiang looked at Li Li quietly. Instead of answering his words, he said, "Hua Haizhuang has a good name. What's the characteristics?"

Li Li knew that he was a little too impatient. Mayor Xia had just come to Lang City and had never known him. How could he believe the gift he sent to his door? It is completely understandable to be cautious about the trap of officialdom.

Li Li smiled shyly: "I'm so excited that I'm confused. Please forgive me. It is true that there are many special dishes in Huahaizhuang..."

I ordered and served wine. Because it was dinner, Xia didn't refuse to drink, so the two of them talked while eating.

Li Li is smart. Let's start with his own experience. Speaking of his own growth process, after three rounds of drinking, he won the initial trust of Xiaxiang.

Li Li graduated from Huazhong University of Technology. After graduation, he was assigned to Langshi Construction Bank. He did it step by step from the grassroots level, and has always achieved the position of president of the Dong'an District Branch of Langshi, almost all of which depended on his own efforts. Because he has no background and backer, he especially cherishes every opportunity and acts as a person. He is particularly cautious and dares not do anything too out of particular.

However, as the president of a branch, he has the power to approve loans, which will inevitably attract countless people to attack him. Fortunately, Li Li stood firm. Countless people were defeated in front of him, but only one person succeeded, which was Tu Yun.

The university town is built in Dong'an District, and he is the president of CCB, which has a close relationship with the construction industry. In the loan approval of the university town project, there must be a ruling power, and it is a hurdle that cannot be avoided. At the beginning, all loans could be successfully approved in accordance with the policy, but later, after the university town project was in trouble, according to the regulations, not only could not be re-loansed to the university town, but also must be repaid. But at this time, the problem appeared. Tu Yun personally found Li Li with the dignity of the deputy mayor and pressured him to relax his policy and continue to lend to the university town project that had fallen into a standstill.

"The investor of the university town project is a company in Beijing, called Beijing Foreign Enterprise Construction Investment Company. The person in charge is Chang Guoqing. He is from Beijing. He has a good relationship with Mayor Tu. Because after the gold chain of foreign investment was broken, Mayor Tu came to me several times and asked me to let go of the loan to foreign investment, but On the edge of bankruptcy liquidation, who dares to borrow money to throw a bottomless hole? Li Li shook his head helplessly and took a sip of sultry wine. "Mayor Tu is strong and keeps putting pressure on him. I can't give any face, so I symbolically approved a loan of 1 million..."

Xia thought for a moment and laughed out loud. With Tu Yun's character, as long as she came forward with a loan of 1 million yuan, she had to be angry. 1 million yuan was like insulting her, which was similar to sending a screamer.

Li Li also understood what Xia wanted to laugh at, and also laughed: "Mayor Xia guessed right. After hearing this, Mayor Tu was furious and called me again, threatening that if I didn't lend money to foreign investment, I wouldn't want to get deposits in Lang City in the future. In desperation, when Chang Guoqing found me again, I hinted that the loan was OK, but there should be a mortgage. Chang Guoqing understood what I meant. Soon after, he took out a 50 million deposit slip to apply for a loan. According to the regulations, he could directly approve the loan amount of 50 million yuan, but I knew that the deposit slip was forged. Under the pressure of Mayor Tu, he had to approve a loan of 30 million yuan to foreign investment. Sure enough, as I thought, the loan was wasted..."

Li Li was sweating profusely and did not dare to look directly into Xia Xiang's eyes. Whether he sincerely told the problem or acted, anyway, his expression was very painful and his attitude was very sincere. Xia Xiang nodded slightly and said, "The president of the bank is a high-risk profession. If he is not careful, ."

Li Li heard that there was a little acceptance in Xia's words, so he was somewhat relaxed. He was afraid that his conversion could not be exchanged for Xia Xiang's acceptance, which was equivalent to giving people a handle and not recognition, and he really had no way to go.

Xia wanted to take the initiative to tell Li Li. He couldn't say that he trusted him completely, but he did not doubt that Li Li had other intentions, because he knew very well that with his observation of Li Li, Li Li was indeed a cautious person. He had today's move, and the obvious purpose was to use his hand to be completely liquidated in At that time, I can get out smoothly without being involved.

At Chen's tea party, when Li Li approached him, he made it clear that Li Li would definitely look for a suitable opportunity to contact him. I didn't expect Li Li to come here today, but I gave him a big gift.

A gift that works properly enough to beat Tu Yun down the dust

Moreover, the timing of Li Li's choice is very **. Just after the outbreak of Tu Yun's style incident in the Standing Committee, he appeared. It can be seen that in the Standing Committee, the news media will not report it, and ordinary people will not know it, but the people in the circle, more or less people with some channels, will know it Chu Chu.

However, Xia Xiang still didn't show enough enthusiasm for Li Li. He only smiled gently: "President Li, it's not easy for you to be young and reach the position of president..."

Li Li understood something and smiled shyly: "To be honest, Mayor Xia, my father-in-law was the vice president of the Provincial Construction Bank before he retired. He retired two years earlier, and I got my current position. What's more, I know it's a little presumptuous to invite you to dinner today. Mayor Xia doesn't know much about me, but his father-in-law and Governor Cao also know each other, and they are not too estranged.

Yan Province said that big is big and small, and he can always find a relationship to know each other. Xia Xiang didn't care too much about Li Li's father-in-law's problem. He wanted to hear Li Li's journey of coming to surrender today: "President Li, I'm new to Lang City, and my foundation is unstable in

Li Li blushed, muttered a few words, and suddenly took a big sip of wine, as if he had made up his mind: "Mayor Xia, I, I'll tell the truth. Don't laugh at me."

Xia wanted to nod with a smile, but he didn't say anything. He had to look at the action and didn't listen well.

"Last time at Chen's tea party, I was close to Mayor Xia. I heard that you dared to clash with Chen face to face. I was not afraid of Chen's evil forces, so I tried to hand you a business card. When I heard a little news today, I know that there seems to be a little contradiction between you and Mayor Tu. Under the balance of balance, I think that in Lang City is not afraid of Mayor Tu's strength like you, and he is not afraid of Chen's black-handed senior government officials. Li Li's face turned slightly red, and there may also be the stimulation of alcohol, and perhaps the embarrassment of revealing his heart. "I just thought that sooner or later, the matter of Mayor Tu will be shaken out. I can't believe that the other leaders of Lang City. I only believe in you alone, and only you can give me a hand

Xia Xiang was speechless for a long time and looked out of the window. Outside the window, the city under the night is also very prosperous. It's just that behind the prosperity, I don't know how many sins are about to happen or are happening.

After all, a person's power is small, but Xiaxiang also has the confidence to break through the darkness of Lang City. Oh, Chen Zailang City has covered the sky with one hand for too long...

Finally, he took a long breath and asked Li Li, "Is there any evidence?"


After breaking up with Li Li, Xia wanted to go home. As soon as she entered the door, she received a phone call from Yang Wei. Although Yang Wei is the spokesperson of Zhao Xiaofeng, he can do things, has a look, and has a lot of ideas. Xiaxiang did not fully regard him as Zhao Xiaofeng's spokesperson, but felt that he could be useful.

"Mayor Xia, I'm sorry to disturb your rest so late. There is one thing I have to report to you. I went to the street today. I was punctured by a tire and smashed glass. Originally, this little thing was not worth bothering you, but the other party was too arrogant and left a note with a note asking me to get out of Langshi. He also said that if I was still in Langshi within three days, I would bear the consequences. Yang Wei's voice was very restrained, but Xia wanted to hear the anger in his tone.

Oh, Chen's heart is not dead, and he actually threatens Yang Wei? Xia wanted to ponder for a moment: "If you don't worry, you can go back to the capital and wait for the news. If you can trust me, I'll give you a call. You go to him. I've been with him in the past few days. No one should dare to mess with you again.

Yang Wei is not soft: "Okay, just listen to Mayor Xia. I'm not scared. I can be scared away with one sentence. It's too unlevel."

Xia wanted to give Xiao Wu's phone number to Yang Wei.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he hung up Yang Wei's phone, Xiao Wu called: "Leader, it's not easy to do. There are many companies that have been in initial contact with us. They had a good talk, but suddenly they stopped talking about it. They didn't explain the reason, but just said that they didn't want to cooperate.

Oh, Chen's hand stretched out very long. He not only wanted to try to stop Yang Wei, but also tried to prevent Xiao Wu's company from entering Lang City through improper means. It seems that the other party has begun to fight back against the Tu Yun incident.

"Did Yang Bin say anything now?" What Xia wants to care about is whether Yang Bin spit or not.

"Not yet, this boy is quite cunning. Although he believes that we are Chen's people, he has been sloppy, not telling the truth, and saying that he will not reveal secrets without seeing the old thief. There is no progress for the time being."

"No hurry, shut him up for two days." Oh, Chenshe hei, the power is so great, and the public security system is in the hands of Lu Hongzhan. Xia wants to make such a bad idea to let Xiao Wu pretend to be Chen's people and secretly take Yang Bin away on the grounds of protecting him. At the same time, Li Caiyuan is also speeding up the collection of evidence of Yang Bin's collision. Once the evidence is conclusive or Yang Bin admits it himself, he will be handed over to Yingcheng.

Yingcheng is also secretly investigating and obtaining evidence. He started three places at the same time. Xia wants to believe that within a few days, the results will come out.

Oh, Chen did not dare to threaten Xiao Wu and others by force, but adopted a curved approach to threaten every Langshi businessman who intends to cooperate with Xiao Wu. He is indeed superb. I believe that Chen still has no use his skills. After all, he has been operating in Lang City for many years and has his vision almost everywhere.

said a few more words to Xiao Wu. Xia wanted to put down the phone and was not sleepy at all. Things have progressed so far, and it has been almost smooth, except for what happened to Regan.

Xiaxiang later called Reagan again. Reagan was vague and his attitude towards Xiaxiang was neither cold nor hot, and Xiaxiang did not get any valuable information from him. I wanted to visit Reagan's house in person, but I couldn't find time.

Intuition tells Xiaxiang that Reagan must know Chen's big secret, or that he must have vital evidence in his hand.

Moreover, Xia wants to understand more and more. In those years, Chen Gao raised Regen and respected him as the first VIP of Tianzi. On the surface, it seems that Regen is the most authoritative person in Lang City. In fact, after in-depth contact with various members of the Standing Committee recently, he has reached a conclusion that Regan in the Municipal Party It's the same. It's about the same person

Because whether it is Zhang Yingji, Lv Yike or Liu Yilin, the three high-ranking figures in the municipal party committee rarely talk about Regen in front of Xiaxiang, and according to their style and methods of doing things, they will definitely not unite around Regen and take the lead.

Another thing that makes Xia think of the above inference is that although Ai Chengwen is not strong, he still controls the overall situation and maintains the authority of a leader on the surface. Gu Xiangguo is a strong man. He takes Tu Yun as a pawn. He is the same in the municipal government. He is really skillful. He and Ai Chengwen are at peace with each other, and he also have a firm alliance among the Standing Committee members, and he is in harmony with Chen Qian, with the support of underground forces behind him, which is basically unfa

It is said that Gu Xiangguo and Ai Chengwen divided the situation of Lang City equally, which raised Ai Chengwen. In fact, Ai Chengwen's statement at night during the day is not accurate. To be precise, Ai Chengwen only holds one-third of the power of Lang City, and the other two-thirds were divided by Gu Xiangguo and Oh Therefore, under the subdivision, Lang City does not have a Riggan market at all.

Oh, Chen Li praises Regan, I'm afraid it's a blindfold.

The fog of Langshi gradually shows signs of seeing the sun under the eyes of Xia Xiang, but although the first step has been taken, which has seriously hit Tu Yun and weakened the power of Gu Xiangguo, in fact, the other party's powerful Xia Xiang is also well known, and there may be a strong counterattack.

Xia wants not to worry about the pressure in the officialdom. The positive pressure is relatively easy to resolve with his political wisdom, but to be honest, the dark hand from Chen makes people unable to prevent, and it really gives people a headache. The main reason is that he can't command the police force, because he is not a leader. He is the overall work deployment under the leadership of a leader. As an executive deputy mayor, he can't reach that long.

Even if Ka Luhong can occupy a handful within the authority, it is just a stopgap measure. Only the establishment of a team within the public security system is the second step for him to open up the situation in Lang City.

The problem is that the first step is to unite several members of the Standing Committee. He has almost done it, but it seems that it is still difficult to open up the situation within the public security system.

Xia's mind fluctuated and thought about it. I don't know when he fell asleep. After sleeping in the middle of the night, I was suddenly woken up by a hurry phone. I took my mobile phone and saw that it was Li Li who called.

It's past one o'clock in the morning. Li Li is not a rude person. What's wrong with calling so late?

After answering, Li Li's panicked voice came from inside: "Mayor Xia, it's not good. My car was smashed, and the window was also broken by bricks. I received another threatening phone call warning me to stay away from you, otherwise my life may be in danger..."

What a good one, Chen, it's really arrogant

Xia wanted to suppress his anger: "Call the police first and put it on record. Don't be afraid. There will always be a day when things will be recovered.

As soon as he went to work the next day, Xia Xiang heard a news that Gu Xiangguo was going to Yan City to attend the provincial mayor's meeting. Because it was a temporary notice, it was urgent. Gu Xiangguo only briefly said a few words and then he started.

When the opportunity came, Xia wanted to make up his mind. As the executive vice mayor, he had the responsibility to exercise the mayor's power during the mayor's business trip. As soon as Gu went to the country, he immediately held an executive meeting of the government and deployed a city-wide anti-pornography and anti-illegal activities, requiring the public security system to obey the instructions of the municipal government and cooperate with unified actions.

Lu Hongzhan attended the meeting.

Lu Hongzhan wanted to object, but was looked at by Xiaxiang's careless eyes, and then swallowed the words back into his stomach. It is true that he is a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, but he is also the director of the Public Security Bureau. The director of the Public Security Bureau has to listen to the instructions of the municipal government. Now that Xia wants to be equivalent to the acting mayor, he has to obey his orders.

Fight against pornography and illegal publications, fight against Oh, Chen's pornography, and sweep against Chen's Fei. Obviously, it is Xia who wants to take a retaliatory action specifically against Chen. Lu Hongzhan took a look at several deputy mayors and found that except for Shao Ding, who was a little confident and might object, several others acquiesced without saying a word.

After the last Tu Yun incident at the Standing Committee, although there is no evidence of Xia Xiang's behavior, Xia Xiang's prestige has soared, and his authority in the municipal party committee has risen rapidly. Now he is the only member of the standing committee in the government team. Gu Xiangguo is on a business trip and Tu Yun is recuperating.

Lu Hongzhan brewed for a long time, or dared to ask, "Do you want to ask Mayor Gu?"

"Mayor Gu is in a meeting. Don't bother him in everything. I have asked Secretary Ai in advance, and Secretary Ai has no objection." Xia wanted to block Lu Hongzhan's retreat with one sentence. With the support of Ai Chengwen, even if Lu Hongzhan was reluctant, he would have to stimid the police. "What, if Secretary Lu still wants to ask the ancient mayor, you can ask for instructions."

Even if Lu Hongzhan asked for instructions, he could only make a secret phone call, so that he would not say anything in front of Xiaxiang, otherwise it would appear that he not only despised Xiaxiang's authority, but also ignored Secretary Ai's words.

Xia wanted to complete the deployment and focused on several places, so he let Lu Hong occupy a secret smile bitterly. It's all Chen's territory, and even Caesar Hotel and Jingxianju are on the list of surprise inspections. Xia Xiang is really crazy. It's just copying Chen Laodi's practice C