official god

Chapter 834 settled, undercurrent surging

Chapter 834 settled, undercurrent surging

When Xia wanted to receive Li Yanhong's call, he couldn't believe that Li Yanhong would call in person. He thought he would get a formal reply from the Commission for Discipline Inspection from Ai Chengwen. Unexpectedly, Li Yanhong sold his face.

"Mayor Xia, I haven't contacted you for a long time. I heard that your work in Lang City is doing well? Congratulations." " Li Yanhong's voice sounded very relaxed, and it was not a formal opening statement. "I just had a phone call with Cai Jiang. He is going back to the capital recently and said that he really wants to see you. You have time and Cai Jiang to talk. He may have something to tell you."

Li Yanhong mentioned Wu Caijiang first, which is a hint, which means that he talked to him for the sake of the Wu family. The following words were also deliberately said because they were in line with the interests of the Wu family.

Xia wanted to laugh and say a few polite words. Then he heard Li Yanhong say, "Tu Yun's case, after investigation and evidence collection by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, has been reported to the provincial party committee. The opinion of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection is to stay in the Party for inspection, remove him from the position of member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and suggest that the Lang Municipal People's Congress remove him from the post of deputy mayor in accordance with the law. The secretary's office meeting will be held soon. Without further ado, you can know it in your heart..."

She was removed from office, but she was not expelled from the party, nor did she mention criminal responsibility. Xia thought about it. It is the best result at present. It is impossible to open Tu Yun. She has a strong backstage, mainly Yang Bin died and Chang Guoqing disappeared. The last straw was gone, and Tu Yun was not defeated. The ground.

retains the party membership, and there is a possibility of a comeback.

This is the case with the political struggle, and the opponent's counterattack was really fast enough and grasped the key point, which made Tu Yun take a breath. However, Xia Xiang is relatively satisfied with the result now, and I believe that Li Yanhong has done his best. Otherwise, he would not take the initiative to call himself and reveal the wind in advance.

Xia wanted to hesitate for a moment, but he took the initiative to find Ai Chengwen and told the conclusion of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Basically, Li Yanhong revealed his words. I believe that the office meeting of the secretary will be approved, and there will be no change in the Standing Committee. In a few days, the provincial party committee will officially announce it to the public.

At the same time, the new candidates for the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Vice Mayor will be announced.

After hearing this, Ai Chengwen nodded slightly and said to Xia, "It's the best result, Mayor Xia, our opponent is still very strong. We must play twelve points of spirit and can't have a trace of relaxation."

Then he talked about the candidate for the new deputy mayor of the Standing Committee. Ai Chengwen and Xia thought the same idea. Either Shao Ding was promoted on the spot, or the provincial party committee parachuted. The biggest possibility was from the provincial party committee.

At noon, the investigation team came to Lang City. At the same time, the rumor about the Tu Yun case began to spread quietly in the municipal party committee compound.

After Gu Xiangguo heard the news, he made several phone calls in a row. Finally, he was so angry that he dropped the phone. He sat down and sulked for a while. Then he called Lu Hongzhan and asked Lu Hongzhan to take special care of the investigation team of the provincial department to prevent the investigation team from touching anything of value.

On behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, Xiaxiang came forward to receive the investigation team together with Xi Li and Yingcheng.

Yu Bing is the director of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Public Security Department. He came forward to show that the provincial department attaches great importance to the investigation of the scar face escape case. Although the 45-year-old Yu Bing was born in criminal investigation, he was very white-looking, a little white-faced scholar. He cleaned up very neatly, shook hands with Xia wanted to be kindly, and his attitude was very good.

It's not good. Yu Bing is very clear about the relationship between Song Chaodu and Xiaxiang. Originally, the provincial department wanted a deputy director to lead the team, but Song Chaodu named him to lead the team. It was Governor Song's trust in him. He was very excited and tried to make achievements to satisfy the leaders.

Li Fei rubbed his hands happily as soon as he saw Xia. After Xia wanted to leave, his life in the disequiting bureau was not bad, and Huang Jianjun also took care of him. However, because of Xia's absence, he always felt that he lacked a little motivation, and still felt that he had a future and running with Xia, so

Xia wanted to shake hands with Li Fei: "Well, are you interested in messing up the water in Langshi?"

A pun not only refers to the current investigation team, but also implies that it may let Li Fei come to Lang City in the future. I don't know if Li Fei understood it. Anyway, he was very happy to nod: "What did the leader say?"

During the dinner, Xi Li and Yingcheng reported in detail to the investigation team of the provincial department on the escape of the scar face.

The expression is a little depressed, and I guess he was criticized by Ai Chengwen. However, when introducing Scarface Escape, I still said it very seriously.

After the scar face was transferred to the detention center, because he was injured and had a single room. One day when he had an injection, he took the opportunity to kidnap the nurse. After running outside, he successfully escaped in the car after meeting with the person who responded to the outside. The police dispatched forces to block it, and finally let him escape. Now there are cards everywhere in the city, and they are setting up a trap to catch the scar face.

The escape was a little strange, but it really happened. The appearance also admitted that there were loopholes in the management of the detention center. At that time, he was on duty in the municipal bureau, and now the director of the detention center, Teng Yong, was also suspended for investigation. At the same time, the expression also excused Teng Yong, saying that the usual detention center was used to it and thought that no one would

Xi wanted to admit his mistake to Xia, saying that he would accept any punishment from the municipal party committee, but one thing is that he must wait until he catches the scar face with his own hands, even if he is removed from office.

It's not just a statement, but also a pair of scarred faces. Yingcheng added that it can basically be concluded that there is an inside traitor.

Yu Bing's perspective on the problem is very accurate. He put forward... opinions. First, look at the top-down investigation of the guard, starting from the escape route of Scarface in the detention center, to see which room he passed through, how he successfully took hostages and escaped from the infirmary, who he met along the way, and so on, The degree of familiarity. Second, how did Scarface agree on a time with the reception staff outside? Why didn't the police guard outside find suspicious vehicles in advance? Third, what is the main purpose of Scarface's escape? Is it to run for life or to revenge on society? It is necessary to send police forces to secretly protect the safety of Mayor Xia. At the same time, the list of all the people in Lang City who are related to Scarface should be reported and sent to the police to squat.

The last point can be started from the four little dragons. They must know what scarface has in this city.

As for the responsibility that the expression and Yingcheng should bear, Yu Bingti did not mention it. He came to independently investigate the Scarface escape incident. It was not a matter of collusion between the internal personnel of the Langshi Public Security Bureau. It was not the internal investigation and punishment of the Municipal Bureau, and he would not cross the boundary.

In the afternoon, Yu Bing and his entourage went to the Municipal Bureau for preliminary contact and questions. Lu Hongzhan made a speech at the party group of the Municipal Bureau. Comrades of the investigation team were welcome to come to the Municipal Bureau to investigate and collect evidence. They pointed out that the comrades of the overall situation must obey Work hard, make people out of others, and there must be no delay or delay.

At least, Lu Hongzhan has paid due attention to the investigation team on the surface.

The next day, the work of the investigation team was busy and intensely carried out, but Li Fei did not follow the investigation team to the detention center to collect evidence on the spot, but with Xiao Wu, he understood the current situation of Lang City in detail, and secretly investigated and visited according to Xiaxiang's instructions.

At noon, the results of Tu Yun's treatment came from the provincial party committee. The provincial party committee decided that Comrade Tu Yun would no longer serve as a member of the Standing Committee and member of the Lang Municipal Party Committee due to economic problems, and would be given a year's probation. At the same time, Comrade Chen Zhijie was nominated as a member and member

The Municipal Party Committee of Lang City immediately held a plenary meeting to announce that it would fully obey the decision of the provincial party committee, and requested the Municipal People's Congress to remove Tu Yun's position as deputy mayor in accordance with the law, and nominate Comrade Chen Zhijie as the candidate for deputy mayor.

As a result, the Tu Yun incident officially came to an end, marking the major defeat of Gu Xiangguo, which completely lost its absolute control over the municipal government and had no vanguard. Chen Zhijie's nomination also indicates the further expansion of the influence of the provincial party committee on Lang City.

Because Chen Zhijie was one of the few cronies in the Song Dynasty.

Xia was a little overjoyed, because there was no rumor about the nomination of the provincial party committee in advance, and even he was not sure. He didn't know who would come to the city to take office. In case it was Fan Ruiheng's nomination or the central government intervened again and put in a person from the Gu Xiangguo, wouldn't

Fortunately, Song Chaodu seized the opportunity in time. Xia wanted to take a deep breath. Chen Zhijie's arrival will greatly increase his voice in the Standing Committee and make his position more stable. At the same time, he also has a firm alliance in the municipal government.

Chen Zhijie is 38 years old. He was originally the deputy secretary-general of the general office of the provincial government. He used to serve as the county magistrate and the secretary of the county party committee. After being the secretary of the county party committee, he directly entered the general office of the provincial government as the deputy secretary-general. He has always had a

Xia Xiang and Chen Zhijie are not very familiar with each other, but they know each other and have met twice. The impression is not bad. I feel that he is an introverted and very independent person. He is not easy to deal with and has a personality, but one thing is that if he recognizes a person, it will be difficult to change his opinion

Fortunately, he also appreciates Xia. Xia Sang also heard it from Song Yifan's mouth. Chen Zhijie went to Song's house several times, mentioned him, and praised him a lot. However, Song Yifan didn't like Chen Zhijie and thought he was too rigid and boring.

Xia wanted to be happy, and he couldn't help sighing that the young Langshi was all a young member of the Standing Committee, which was basically a powerful concentration camp, and all of them had an extraordinary background. Yes, without a strong enough backer, how can there be a group of young deputy senior officials to get together?

After the meeting, Gu Xiangguo returned to the office without saying a word. Xia wanted to go back to his office and happened to pass his office. When he passed the door, he heard the sound of a phone call inside, as if he had called the capital. Of course, Xia was embarrassed to eavesdrop. She shook her head and returned to the office with a smile.

As soon as he sat down, he heard Li Caiyuan's slightly panicked voice: "Ah, Secretary Ai is here, please come in... Mayor Xia, Secretary Ai is here."

Ai Chengwen came in person, and Xia thought he had to come out to greet him. He quickly got up and went outside. As soon as he got to the outside, Ai Chengwen greeted him. He smiled and said, "You're welcome. I just came to have a look, and there's nothing to do."

While Ai Chengwen was talking, he looked back at Li Caiyuan: "Caiyuan, I have ordered Comrade Xiaoliang to deal with your problem. I believe that the punishment will be revoked for you in less than two days."

Seeing that the punishment he had recited for more than a year, Li Caiyuan finally said that it could be eliminated by Secretary Ai himself. He couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Thank you, Secretary Ai, thank you, the leaders of the Municipal Party Committee."

Ai Chengwen is rarely patient with Li Caiyuan. He smiled and said, "The person you should be most grateful to is Mayor Xia. If it hadn't been for his insight, you would still be a pearl now." Two idioms were used to describe Li Caiyuan in a row, which made him flattered.

Xia wanted to take a meaningful look at Ai Chengwen. He knew that Ai Chengwen's performance today had a lot to do with his hearing of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the appointment of the Provincial Party Committee in advance.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the office, Ai Chengwen gently closed the door and smiled: "It's a little unexpected, Mayor Xia. I thought it would be a deputy mayor from the capital, but I didn't expect that the initiative was robbed by the provincial party committee. Is there any inside story? Also, has the relationship between Secretary Li of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and you always been good?

Although the question was a little direct, Ai Chengwen's smiling face pretended to chat casually and ask questions casually, which also made Xia want to have no choice but to laugh and answer: "I also feel very sudden about the decision of the provincial party committee. I thought it would be delayed for a few days before the candidate, but I didn't expect Secretary Li and I had a relationship and had dinner together. For the rest, we didn't have a deep friendship.

The smile on Ai Chengwen's face did not diminish. Although he was skeptical about Xia's words, he also knew that with the relationship between him and Xia thought, and then asked in detail, he smiled and pretended to say easily, "Comrade Chen Zhijie has rich work experience. Lai Lang City as the deputy mayor of the Standing Eye-catching eyes. After the official accent, he cut into the topic again, "I heard that Mayor Xia also knows Chen Zhijie?"

A side-by-side attack to inquire about the inside story. Xia wanted to laugh secretly. Ai Chengwen also wanted to know the relationship between him and Chen Zhijie, so that he knew it well. Fortunately, he regained his position in the municipal party committee. He hesitated slightly and said, "I also know..."

gave Ai Chengwen an ambiguous answer, and it was up to him to guess exactly how Ai Cheng felt.

Seeing that Xia wanted to be very strict, he didn't force it. After a few gossips, he pretended to remember it and said, "Well, I remember who I've heard it before. Let me think about it. It seems that Mayor Rui said it once inadvertently, saying that Scarface had defected before. Chen, oh, People were afraid that he would be unfaithful and didn't take him in. However, Scarface has a good relationship with Chen Datou. Chen Datou likes to drink, and Scarface also likes to drink. The two of them have become wine friends..."

Ai Chengwen is not an unintentional word. He is an intentional hint to provide an extremely precious clue for Xiaxiang. It was not until half a day after Ai Chengwen left that Xiaxiang woke up from the shock. What an Ai Chengwen, a good old fox. When is it? There is still a big clue hidden. You have to wait until It was only half-covered and half-covered.

It must be admitted that he is indeed a very good politician. At the same time, it should also be admitted that Ai Chengwen opened another door for the investigation of the investigation team.


Hearing the secretary Liu Linyan relay that Ai Chengwen personally went to Xia Xiang's office to talk with Xia Xiang. Gu Xiangguo waved his hand with no expression and let the secretary go out. He closed the door and received the smoke one by one, and his face was terribly gloomy.

Xia's means are endless. He is an executive deputy mayor. When he ranks fifth in the municipal party committee, he can combine vertically and horizontally and quickly open the situation. He not only knocks down Tu Yun and suppresses Lu Hongzhan, but also forcing him in a few moves. Chen has no power to fight back. He is as smart as

Yes, what does Xia want to do? But what Gu Xiangguo is clearer is that no matter what Xia wants to rely on, he has won a preliminary victory in Langshi and is about to gain a firm foothold. With Chen Zhijie's appointment, Xia Xiang's voice in the municipal party committee will increase, and at the same time, his influence in the municipal government will also increase day by day.

Chen Zhijie is a person of Song Chaodu. Song Chaodu is Xia Xiang's largest backstage in Yan Province at present, and the ancient Xiangguo naturally knows it. Originally, the capital told him that it might be that the capital would parachute into a deputy mayor of the Standing Committee, and he would be single-minded with him. Unexpectedly, Yan Province resisted the pressure of the capital and quickly finalized the candidate and let his willingness to fail.

Gu Xiangguo had a feeling of being flashed, and because of too much force, he almost twisted his neck. It's just that even if you are angry, you must bury it in your heart. You can't say anything, otherwise you will be dissatisfied with the decision of the provincial party committee, and you won't be a man.

As soon as Chen Zhijie's appointment was announced, Gu Xiangguo immediately called the capital. He learned that at the critical moment, it was Ye Shisheng who was the one who made a decision to decide the nomination of Song Chaodu. He didn't even sell Mei Shengping and Fan Ruiheng's face. His attitude was very resolute, which was Because the relationship between Ye Shisheng and Song Chaodu has not been close for a long time, the two rarely cooperate, but on the candidate for the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee of Lang City, the cooperation is seamless, and Ye Shisheng has never supported Song Chaodu before, which surprised everyone. I don't understand when Ye Did the secretary and Governor Song suddenly approach?

Gu Xiangguo can vaguely guess, I'm afraid it's still because Xia wants to deal with it.

Originally, among the members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the candidates in the capital nominated by Cui Xiang won the support of nearly half of the standing committees such as Fan Ruiheng, Mei Shengping and Ma Xiao, while Chen Zhijie, who was nominated by Song Chaodu, only won the support of Wang Pengfei, Hu Zengzhou, Zhang Canyang Seeing that the situation was extremely unfavorable to the Song Dynasty, at the last moment, Ye Shisheng suddenly had an attack and strongly supported Chen Zhijie, and it was also an indisputable attitude, directly withstood the pressure from all parties.

is a tough statement that Ye Shisheng has never had before.

As soon as Ye Shisheng made a statement, both Li Yanhong and Gao Jin Zhou echoed Song Chaodu's proposal and successfully passed the nomination.

P: Update one chapter first, and the second chapter as soon as possible. He shouted loudly for the monthly ticket, and he was about to be caught up. Old He Lianian arched his hand and asked his brothers for help. E