official god

Chapter 846 Nightmare, Like Shadows

Chapter 846 Nightmare, like a shadow

Fang Yun is usually very low-key, but everyone who knows him knows that his low-key is a kind of pretend. In fact, he is the proudest in his bones and the most arrogant, because he always carries a pistol with him. If he is not angry, he will pry the gun at each other when he is angry.

Once he fought with a group of people. The other party had a lot of people. In the end of the fight, he was exhausted. When he saw that he was about to be defeated, he pulled out a gun. The other party thought that he didn't dare to shoot, and he still wanted to do it. He shot one by one and knocked down all five people on the other side.

Fang Yun's shooting is extremely accurate, and each shot is on the opponent's knee, leaving the opponent with a lifelong disability.

is also because he is very good at shooting, usually calm, calm, not very lustful, and handsome and majestic, so Chen asked Fang Yun to guard the flowers and the full moon. After all, those who come to the flowers and the full moon are all the leading figures.

When the first group of guests came, the doorman was still a little puzzled. How did the person not only have a fresh face, but also behaved strangely, and the walking posture was crooked? But I just thought about it and didn't care. There are all kinds of people who come to the dance hall. As long as they have money to make money, it doesn't matter whether the other party is good-looking?

The second group of guests surprised the doorman. Although his face was very raw, he made a familiar one. He patted him on the shoulder enthusiastically, said hello, and stuffed a large amount of tip, which surprised him. He couldn't help but be flattered. He couldn't help thinking, how good it would be to have more guests who A little tip.

After the incident, the doorman regretted and relaxed his vigilance for a moment, but did not warn Fang Yun in advance, otherwise he might be able to avoid a tragedy.

The two groups of guests didn't seem to know each other. After going upstairs, they asked for a private room, and it was also generous. I just don't know why, there was a conflict suddenly, and then the two groups of guests did not give in to each other. First they scolded, and then they fought, and they couldn't persuade them...

Fang Yun thought how fierce the fight was, such as blood everywhere, revealing broken legs with white bones, a few fingers falling on the ground, etc. Unexpectedly, at a glance, the two groups of guests shouted fiercely and pushed happily, that is, dragonflies a little water. If you touch me, I poke it, which is similar to a fight with a child

Fang Yun smiled. It's not a fight. It's just that the rich man drank too much. He wanted to pretend to be big garlic and didn't have real skills, so he had to make a bluff. He laughed: "Gentlemen, I'm Fang Yun, the manager here. Listen to my advice and take a step back.

Fang Yun is usually not so generous, because today, Chen specially said that he should keep a low profile as much as possible. It's better to have one less than one more thing, so he endured to persuade him to fight.

There were more than a dozen people in the two groups of guests, and the leading two stopped. One of them looked up and down at Fang Yun and asked, "Fang Yun? Are you Fang Yun, who shot an old man in half of the body?

Fang Yun's face changed: "Who are you?" When he was young and energetic, he fought with a group of people from the capital gang. In panic, he grabbed an old man passing by and used him as a shield. As a result, the old man was hit by a bullet and disabled for life.

The person who didn't answer Fang Yun's question and continued, "You are Fang Yun, who rushed to Niucheng after committing a crime and was taken in by a friend. Finally, his daughter broke the man's legs?"

Fang Yun held his breath and felt cold in his heart. The other party knew his details completely, and he was not an ordinary guest at all. He put his hand behind his back and secretly held the pistol in his hand: "Friend, which way? Is it revenge to find Mr. Fang or to eliminate disasters for others?

"Neither." The leader smiled gently and stretched out a finger and shook it in front of Fang Yun, "Just for justice"

As soon as the other party finished speaking, Fang Yun quickly stepped back, pulled out the pistol, and shouted, "Do it"

Four or five people who followed Fang Yun were about to rush forward with a "coax". Suddenly, another group of guests moved. As soon as they took action, Fang Yun's attention was attracted to one side. He heard a slight gunshot. When his hand was numb, he found that there was an extra blood hole in his hand, and the gun in his

He was shocked and didn't see that the other party was also a master of guns

But Fang Yun is Fang Yun. He was hit by his hand and didn't have time to pick up the gun. He turned around and wanted to escape. As soon as he took a step, his leg was numb, and he was shot in the leg. The other party not only had excellent shooting, but also added a silencer. In the chaos, the gunshot could hardly be heard.

Fang Yun fell to the ground and refused to admit defeat. As soon as he stretched out his hand and pulled out another knife, he raised his hand and was about to throw it out. He saw something flying in front of him. He couldn't dodge and hit the front door, only hitting his face full of flowers, and the pain was unbearable.

What happened later became a permanent nightmare in Fang Yun's memory. The two groups of guests who just looked like children fighting turned into a group of them. They were very cruel to him and his men, especially to him, and the other party was obviously an ex-connocist. He knew how to beat people to death but could be disabled.

Before he fell into a coma, Fang Yun had only one idea that he hurt and disabled many people all his life. Now no matter where the other party comes from, he wants not his life, but also to beat him to the cripple. Is it really retribution?

The same as the encounter of Aesthetic Time is that the person with a full moon called the police and waited for a long time without seeing the police. After that, they knew that the police force had been used in more important places, and they were even glad that the police did not come, otherwise they would be beaten by the police for the second time.


At the same time, the Rose Appointment in the west of the city also suffered its first heavy blow since its opening

The person in charge of Rose's appointment is Hong Quan. He has nothing to do with Hong Xiuquan in history, but he has the same ideal ambition as Hong Xiuquan, that is, he wants to arm all the underworld with a theory, brainwash all his men, and conduct systematic training. When the organization grows to a certain extent, it can bleach. Become a unique corporate culture of a business empire.

In those years, Hong Xiuquan formed the so-called Taiping Heavenly Kingdom by stealing some specious Western religious concepts. In fact, it was nothing more than artificially stipulating some brainwashing rules to satisfy his personal desires. Hong Quan graduated from college. He is educated, intelligent, and has business means. He is the only college student among all Chen's most valued subordinates, and the only one in the core of the second level. In addition to taking care of business places, he can also enter Chen's decision-making level.

Hong Quan wears a pair of rimless glasses. He is very white-looking, speaks very well, and smiles at everyone. But if you think that he is easy to talk to and is a kind-hearted person, it is a big mistake. Hong Quan is a real literary beast. It is most appropriate to describe him in one word - human face and beast heart.

Hong Quan also likes women, but unlike Zhang Wei and Fang Yun, he cheated. Although he is very rich, he still likes to cheat money and sex. He once cheated dozens of women and let them lose money. There are female teachers, policewomen, female nurses, and female journalists. In short, his goal is to deceive women from all walks of life.

Some of the women who were deceived by him were infertile for the rest of their lives because of his miscarriage, some committed suicide by jumping off a building for him, and some were abandoned by their husbands because of the exposure of their private affairs. After being driven away by him, they threw themselves into the river and committed suicide. Among the dozens of He also believes that if a woman is beautiful but has a low IQ, she is obviously born to be used by smart men to cheat money and sex.

Hong Quan has never really done the matter of killing and arson, but with the use of commercial wisdom and the help of the dark forces, he has squeezed many of his peers to destroy many people. Therefore, in Chen's excellent company, he is known as a dog-headed strategist.

It's heavy snow tonight. Hong Quan likes to find a woman to vent on rainy and snowy days. When he was struggling to roll with a woman with ** fat buttocks in the office, the phone rang. He was at a critical moment, so he didn't answer. It was not until after that he patted the woman's fat buttocks contentment, I couldn't help but be shocked.

All his men knew that if he closed the door tightly, there must be something important to do and it was not appropriate to break in, so they called him. He called back and asked what had happened. No one answered the phone.

What happened? Hong Quan was inexplicably panicked. He quickly put on his trousers and put on his glasses - he was highly myopic, couldn't see the road clearly without glasses, and ignored the seducation of the lazy woman. He pushed the door out to see what was going on.

Although the appointment of roses is not as good as the beautiful time to make money, and it is not as good as the full moon, because of the proximity of colleges and universities around, there are many female college students who come to consume, which has the convenience of getting the moon first. Oh, Chen's underground industry needs a large number of women, beautiful women, young and beautiful women. It is the best way to look for female college students. Whether it is a vain female college student or a female college student forced by life, as long as they are willing to sell it, it is the source of money for underground industries.

Even if she refuses to sell, as long as she is favored by Hong Quan, he can use all kinds of means to break through the other party's defense line first, so that the other party can't extricate himself, and then become Chen's money-making tool - this is also the fundamental reason why Chen attaches great importance to Hong Quan

I have to say, oh, Chen is also very knowledgeable and wise, so that his men can make the best use of their people, which is also one of the important reasons why Chen can sit in Lang City and call for wind and rain. He should not only have talent and skills, but also a group of loyal subordinates.

What Chen didn't expect was that on a snowy night, his most reliable subordinates, the strongest strength, lost more than half in a blink of an eye, which made him feel painful and heartbroken. He was almost so angry that he wanted to find Xia to work hard.

Oh, Chen has a group of loyal subordinates, and Xia thinks that there is also a group of born to death. If it comes to fighting alone, Xiaxiang's team may not be Chen's opponents. Unfortunately, in terms of strategy, layout, overall view and borrowing from the situation, Chen and Xiaxiang are still far from each other.

In addition, Xiaxiang himself stood upright and was a dignified government official, so in this battle, he hit Chen's seven inches at once

Hong Quan felt wrong as soon as he went out, because it was chaotic outside, and he also smelled the fireworks and caught fire? Hong Quan was shocked. The ballroom was a crowded place, and he was most afraid of fire.

He went downstairs from the third floor. As soon as he reached the corner, he saw several people rushing upstairs. As soon as he saw that he didn't know him, he asked more, "Who are you?" Upstairs is the office, and guests are not allowed to go up.

At present, one person suddenly asked, "Are you Manager Hong Quanhong?"

Because the other party's tone was very kind and showed a trace of respect, Hong Quan was in a hurry and didn't think much. He nodded and admitted, "Yes, it's me. May I ask if you are..."

There are three people on the other side. At present, as soon as one person waved his hand, the two of them held Hong Quan's arm. When Hong Quan was about to shout, he was covered his mouth and nose. A pungent smell came from his nose. He was immediately shocked. It was ether.

Hong Quan used ether** women a lot. Naturally, he was particularly familiar with the smell of ether and wanted to struggle, but he didn't have the strength of the other party. After a while, he was unconscious.

Downstairs, there is chaos. In fact, there was no fire, but I didn't know where the smoke came from. When everyone found that there was no danger, they didn't know that Hong Quan had been taken away.

After Hong Quan disappeared, there was news about a week later, but he went directly to the Public Security Bureau to turn himself in, and told all the criminal facts of his money fraud in the past few years, and finally sentenced to life imprisonment. As for why he turned himself in, was he found by conscience or forced? No one knows the inside story.


There is a manor with a wide area in the north of the city, which is called the Heart of Time. In private, the people in Lilang City and Beijing and Tianjin call it the Heart of Girls. Because in the heart of time, whether it is * Taiwan, the young lady, or even the waiter who serves the plate, they are all beautiful and young female college students, and no one is over 22 years old.

It is not an exaggerating to say that it is a girls' concentration camp.

The Heart of Time is not too far from the No. 9 Mansion. Yes, it is a place specially set up by Chen to compete with the No. 9 Mansion. Unlike the three simple dance halls of beautiful time, flowers and full moon and roses, the heart of time has both a ballroom and a place for leisure and entertainment. There are not only a private room where you can open a room and sleep directly, but also a tea room that can cultivate the mood. In Chen's original words, it is a good place to "not only be a Fang.

Of course, the above sarcasm was used by him to mock Wang Rose's No. 9 Mansion.

Although the Heart of Time has the intention of competing with the No. 9 mansion, it still has not taken away much of the business of the No. 9 mansion, and the positioning of the two is still very different. The No. 9 Mansion is mostly high-ranking officials and powerful, and the play is emotional and ambiguous. Most of the people who often come and go with their hearts are stying beasts, wearing suits and leather shoes in front of people, and evil tigers in front of people.

The name of the head of Time Heart is Xiao Yan. He is 38 years old. He is one of the core decision-making figures of Chen and one of the vice presidents of Excellence Company. He owns shares and a certain say in Excellence Company.

Xiao Yan is cold. When he walks, he looks left and right, and he is majestic. In his early years, he went to the sea in the south, making money first and then losing money. Later, he was almost killed by his enemy. Oh, Chen came forward to save him, and he followed Chen wholeheartedly, and also made great contributions for Chen.

Xiao Yan had a good family in his early years. After his family fell, he was abandoned by his girlfriend without mercy. From then on, his temperament changed greatly and he hated women very much, which also created his lonely and abnormal personality, and there was no woman around him.

On the surface, Xiao Yan had no human life in his hand, and he did not make any big mistakes, but his first lover later became incurable. Although the doctor's examination proved that he was given a chronic poison, he still died in the end.

There are also a few people who have offended Xiao Yan. Either their families are strangely destroyed, or they are suddenly found out of the old accounts, and eventually go bankrupt. Anyone with discerning eyes knows that it is Xiao Yan who secretly did bad things.

So someone in the circle made up a jingle: "It's better to offend the bastard than Xiao Yan." Of course, Xiao Yan is more of a bastard than a bastard.

With the heavy snow today, the number of guests in the Heart of Time Manor has been significantly reduced. Xiao Yan had nothing to do, so he listened to a small song, found someone to massage him, and was ready to go to bed early. He uses his brain too much, not like Fang Yun and Zhang Wei, who use too much physical strength. Using his brain too much is easy to hurt the mind. As soon as he hurts the mind, he likes to be sleepy.

Before he fell asleep, he was awakened by a phone call. A business opponent called him and begged him for mercy. Because the business of the business opponent was used by him, he had no way to go, so he offered him an exchange.

Xiao Yan is a character who takes advantage of your illness to kill you. He begged the other party pitifully for mercy without a trace of compassion: "The price is 1 million yuan. Mr. Ma decided to call me again."

The voice of the person known as Mr. Ma trembled with anger: "My 10 million industry, you only give 1 million when you come up, and you have to be sincere to send the beggar, Mr. Xiao"

Xiao Yan said lightly, "You're begging me, not me begging me." Sorry, Mr. Ma, I'm sleepy. I have to go to bed first.

Mr. Ma is in a hurry: "Mr. Xiao, I hope you don't have nightmares"

"Don't worry, I sleep soundly every day. People who are at ease will not have nightmares." Xiao Yan laughed, hung up the phone, shook his head and said, "I humiliated myself."

Not long after I lay down, before I fell asleep, the phone rang again. Xiao Yan was most annoyed by being disturbed when he was not sleeping. When he saw that the call was the call inside the heart of time, he answered impatiently: "What's the matter?"

A prompt voice of the reception manager came from the phone: "Mr. Xiao, a guest just came and asked for 20 virgins under the age of 20, and the other party took out 1 million yuan in cash at one time..."

Xiao Yan was completely sleepy. Although 1 million yuan was also a big deal, it did not surprise him a lot. What surprised him was that the heart of time had not been a group purchase for a long time. What is a good day today? What kind of wind is blowing? How can a tasteful big player come in?

It's not easy to find 20 virgins, but it's not too difficult. The difficult thing is that the other party's taste is tricky enough. Not only do they want to be virgins, but they are also required to be under 20 years old, which is a certain difficulty. The more difficult it was, the more excited Xiao Yan was. He got up immediately and said, "Wait, I'll be there soon."

When Xiao Yan rushed to the hall, he saw a farmer-like man sitting on the sofa, revealing the vulgarity of the upstart all over his body. With a slight frown, he came forward and took the initiative to reach out: "Hello, I'm Xiao Yan, the manager of the Heart of Time."

What Xiao Yan didn't know was that today, he really had the biggest nightmare in his life.

P: On the third day, ask for 100 monthly tickets. Please complete it. Thank you. Without further ado, Lao He tried his best to repay E