official god

Chapter 868 Low-key, ready to move

If you think about it carefully, it's almost really reminiscent of the ancients. I'm afraid there will be a big change in the army this time. The proportion of Lao Gu's direct line will increase again. Therefore, Lao Gu is so confident to support him to continue to work vigorously in Lang City, and I'm afraid that he also has the intention to demonstrate to some people.

Political matters. He always pulls a hair and moves his whole body. Xia wants to smile. He can't keep a low profile now. If the matter of the cold quality really detonates, it will involve Gu Xiangguo. It's definitely a big earthquake in the urban officialdom!

It will not only cause a headache for the provincial party committee, but also alarm the attention of the senior management of the central government. It may even trigger a dispute between the high-level officials of the central government. Since Lao Gu was full of momentum, he continued to keep a high profile. Visible. Lao Gu is still very confident in controlling the situation.

Xiaxiang was very gratified.

The people around him come and go, and the relationship that can be used is also changed again and again. Ye Shisheng of Zeng Jing. Now there is little contact, once cooperated with Fan Ruiheng, and now it is getting further and further away. Political borrowing, his most firm background and he believes that the long-term network is only Song Chaodu and Chen Feng.

Cao Yongguo as his father-in-law. Although it can also be used, with his understanding of his father-in-law, it is estimated that he may become a governor. There may be no possibility of serving as the secretary of the provincial party committee. But the future of Song Dynasty and Chen Feng is unlimited. They will also be the brightest guide on his official road.

And the strength of the military, only Lao Gu is his greatest reliance, so Lao Gu has gained power. Let him calm down!

There is reason to believe. With his steps getting bigger and bigger, and the formation of his political ideas, one day, there will inevitably be conflicts with the family forces. In front of him, there will be less and less contact with Mei Shengping and Qiu Xufeng, and the common language will come less and less, not to mention the shaking between the team and higher ideology in the future. At that time, it is completely foreseeable for Mei Shengping and Qiu Xufeng to draw a line with him at the critical moment.

Even the Wu family may turn against him. Therefore, he must ensure that he has enough strength to rely on as his last backer, such as the Song Dynasty, such as Chen Feng. For example, Lao Gu.

At the critical moment, if there is no manpower to support, there is no guarantee. There is only one dead end.

Gu Yu left after only one day in Langshi, although she was not in the mood to go into politics. But after all, people are still working in the leading group. The relevant rules must be followed. However, Gu Yu is not a restrained person after all. She told Xia that she wanted to go abroad and want to find a favorite country to settle in Europe. Live a quiet and leisurely life alone.

Xia didn't say anything. Between him and Gu Yu. There are feelings, but not unforgettable love. Dependence. It's not a lingering and warm feeling. He is like this to Gu Yu. Gu Yu is the same for him.

Gu Yu is simple and cute. She can't hold too much sadness in her heart. Simplicity is her strength. It is also her shortcoming. But Xia thought that he would not selfishly think that the more Gu Yu was attached to him, the better. And Gu Yu also said. If one day she gets tired of it, she will fly away alone.

Gu Yu is not tired of him. Maybe I'm not tired of anything. She just wants to live quietly alone, and Xia will not find a reason to keep her. It will give her the freedom and space to fly high.

After Gu Yu left, Wei Xin's news came back from the United States in time. The news was not good news. Wei Xin's condition was still not diagnosed, but the doctor said it was an extremely rare condition. It seems that some mechanism in the brain has lost its vitality and may slowly shrink. It may also be nothing. Because there is no precedent. The doctor is not sure.

The worst result is that Wei Xin may be in a certain sleep. Falling into a dream, you can no longer wake up, because the brain can't tell whether the dream is real.

But there is another possibility. That is, Wei Xin's self-control ability is very strong, the disease will never attack, and he will live safely until the end of the doctor. It's no different from not saying.

Let Xia think that there is a bomb hanging in his heart.

His mood can't stretch Wei Xin is the softest place in his heart, and it hurts when he touches it. Xia wanted to let go for the first time, and it was difficult to relieve the depression in his chest. He and Wei Xin had been on the phone for a long time. Wei Xin didn't cry. She was not depressed, and her mood was unexpectedly flat. She just told her to think about it. Even if there is only one life span. As long as you can be with him. She is also satisfied with Xia Xiang in the deep night. Holding a phone call from the ocean. Before the construction of the paint factory, there were a lot of tremors on the issue of site selection. First, the person who originally promised to provide the land suddenly repented. It is said that he transferred the land to someone else and would rather pay a large amount of liquidated damages. I don't want to provide the factory site again.

At the same time. University Town Project. There have been many conflicts between workers and local villagers. There were even injuries, and the project in the university town fell into a standstill.

Although the opponent's counterattack was simple and crude, it did hit the weakness of the two major events. Historically, foreign investment projects have been implemented at the time. Conflicts with the local area are inevitable. And local villagers are most likely to be encouraged to make trouble. It's hard to guard against. It's hard to find the mastermind behind it.

But for similar events. Xia wants to have a lot of experience. He had already figured out the solution and was ready to let Xiao Wu start to implement it, but he didn't expect it. Wu Ruotian suddenly came to Lang City in person.

Wu Ruotian came to Lang City and settled in a hotel. Xia thought he had just called to inform him that he wanted to meet him. Xia Xiang was slightly surprised and didn't understand why the Wu family attached so much importance to a paint factory that could not create much economic value.

Although the paint factory has invested 200 million yuan. But for the Wu family. Although Wu Ruotian is not very tall, after all, he is the only man in the third generation of the Wu family. He came to Lang City in person. It is not him himself or Wu Caihe, but Wu Cai's detailed approval.

Wu Ruotian hasn't changed much. He looks white and looks very young. You can tell at a glance that he is an unintentional person. Therefore, we can stay young.

A person with a deep mind. Most of them look uncertain, and it is easy to decline before they get old. Wu Ruotian's career is not smooth. It's not good.

In the private room. Wu Ruotian smiled with a shallow smile. Stand side by side, with a very friendly posture.

Wait for Xia to take the initiative to reach out.

Xia wanted to reach out and shake hands with Wu Ruotian, thinking of salute to others. There must be something to ask for. As Wu Ruotian, although it doesn't have to be a high-level posture. It doesn't have to be a very low attitude. He is so humble. If someone hadn't specifically made an explain. That is, he is measured and asks for something.

After the cold noise. Sitting down separately, Wu Ruotian smiled indifferently: "Mayor Xia, thank you for the matter of the paint factory. I'll come here this time. I just want to express my gratitude to you face to face.

Xia wanted to wave his hand: "Mr. Wu is too polite, which is beneficial to the economic construction of Lang City. I think Wu Ruotian, who wants to be strongly supported, thought. There are many ways to contribute to economic construction, but many of them cannot be implemented for political reasons. Although he has no local governance experience. But I also know the tricks in the place. Although everything is centered on economic construction, there are still a large number of human affairs projects and projects in the actual operation. Under the guidance of political factors, there are many unreasonable investments and repeated constructions.

What's more. The paint factory project itself also reported its great political significance. Wu Ruotian first conveyed the greetings of Mr. Wu and Wu Caihe to Xia. The topic changed and said, "Although the paint factory project can't make much money. But I also hope to make money and not lose money. Otherwise, I can't explain it. But in terms of business. I don't quite understand. I hope Mayor Xia can help. Find a suitable person to manage the paint factory.

Xia thought that he didn't answer, but was silent.

Xia figured out Wu Ruotian's thoughts. Wu Ruotian wanted to use this to show his ability and prove to his family that he has the ability to do business. Or there are other ideas that are unknown, but none of the above is the focus of Xia's consideration. Xia Xiang's starting point is that if he helps the Wu family arrange managers after implementing the paint factory project for the Wu family. One move falls into the eyes of those who have the heart. It has become a manifestation of his close relationship with the Wu family.

may even cause misunderstandings in some key figures. Thinking that he and the Wu family are approaching quickly, he may suspect that his political position has changed!

Lang City is too close to the capital, especially his current behavior must be paid close attention to. He must be cautious and cautious. What's more, Lao Gu also said that some people at the top of the central government were very dissatisfied with him. He has now become a controversial figure, if he gets closer to the Wu family. The controversy is even greater.

Wu Ruotian saw Xia Xiang's hesitation, and he smiled with a certain expression: "Some disputes in the senior management are normal. There are always arguments, Grandpa said, you don't have to worry too much about some people's dissatisfaction with you. It's a good thing that someone is dissatisfied with you. It proves that you have the ability to touch their interests. They will value you. That's why I'm slying against you. Grandpa also said. Don't be afraid. There is the Wu family as the backstage. At least you can guarantee that you can go to the provincial and ministerial level..."

If Wu Ruotian is moved by emotion. Xia thought that he might be moved, but Wu Ruo's promise in the sky made him feel unhappy in his heart. He is not a profiteer. Otherwise, we will not stick to the principle and not waver. No wonder Wu Ruotian's career is not smooth. It's not anyone's fault. It's all because he speaks and does things by himself or he can't handle it properly.

Although Wu Ruotian does not have the arrogance and momentum that the children of the big family habitually. But he still couldn't help showing a superior posture. He is restrained. He is far inferior to Qiu Xufeng and Mei Shengping.

Xia wanted to straighten up and waved his hand lightly: "It's not convenient for me to come forward to arrange the management of the paint factory, otherwise it seems that I have intervened too much. Besides, I don't have much experience in how to light camp and other issues, so I won't express more opinions.

As for the old man's words, thank him for his teaching..."

Wu Ruotian's face changed greatly.

Xia Xiang told him very clearly that he not only fully refused his kindness, but also did not take the kindness of the Wu family seriously at all, which was equivalent to not giving him any face.

Wu Ruotian's face is a little unstoppable. He put the chopsticks in his hand: "Mayor Xia, let's not to mention that the relationship between you and the Wu family is very close, even if the Wu family takes good care of you, you don't know how to repay your kindness, and you also refused the kindness of the Wu family. Aren't you a little too proud?"

Xia Xiang smiled: "Mr. Wu, I'm promoting the construction of the paint factory in Lang City, not because the paint factory is the Wu family. It's not because the paint factory is your leading project. It is because the paint factory is conducive to the benign development of Lang's economy. My starting point is completely on the foothold of Lang City, and I have no other concerns. Please understand this."

Wu Ruotian was stunned for a long time. He sighed helplessly: "It seems. Can't we talk about it today? Xia Xiang didn't pick up his words, but just smiled, but he felt sorry for the Wu family in his heart. Mr. Wu was shrewd all his life. The overall situation is extremely high, and there is no omission in my life. Although Wu Caixiang is a little self-reptive. But he is also very political, otherwise he will not cut thorns in the way, relying on his own strength. All the way to the high level at the provincial and ministerial level. Among the two generations of the Wu family, although Wu Caihe is not talented, there is also Wu Caijiang who is also a member of the province. But in the three generations, there is no talent?

It's a pity that Wu Ruotian is too bad. Gentleman's Ze. Cut off for five generations. The Wu family has only been handed down for three generations, and the follow-up is powerless.

After careful thinking about it, among the three generations of the Mei family. There is only one Mei Xiaolin. Among the three generations of the Qiu family, there is a Qiu Xufeng. Among the three generations of the Fu family. Although Fu Xianfeng is not a good person. But at least political skills. He is thick-faced and dark-hearted, and maybe he can achieve something in the future.

On the contrary, it is the most powerful Wu family among the four families, and there are no shifters after three generations. I have to say that it is a very embarrassing but serious problem that must be seen!

As soon as Xia thought it out, his mind suddenly flashed. He remembered that Mr. Wu had been taking care of him and his advice, as well as the accident to invest in a paint factory in Lang City. And the paint factory was used to re-establish the relationship between him and the Wu family, and also let Wu Ruotian come out to convince him in person. All the signs show. The intentions of the Wu family. It's very interesting.

Among the three generations of the Wu family, there is only one Lian Ruohan who has achieved great success in light business, and as Lian Ruohan's favorite person, "In fact, it is also the son-in-law of the Wu family who can't make public. Is it possible that the Wu family has reached an agreement behind the back and has

Looking at Wu Ruotian's angry face, he still wanted to ask him for a request. Xia thought and shook his head. Wu Ruotian has been polishing in officialdom for so long. It still can't reach introvertedness and savings, and the future official career can basically be determined. It won't go too far.

He waved his hand: "Thank you, Director Wu, for inviting me to dinner. I will definitely treat you back next time."

What did Wu Ruotian understand? What else do you want to say? Think about it. I still didn't say anything.

What Xia thought was unexpected was that three days later, when he went to the university town project to solve the dispute on the construction site. I don't know where the wind came from. He said that he may be transferred to the Ministry of Beijing to appoint a director. It is equivalent to a step up.

Unlike the last time, the wind came suddenly. And the momentum is huge. It also spreads like a nose and eyes. It is said that after Xia wanted to come to Lang City, he did a very good job and was deeply appreciated by the top leaders. It happened that a ministry in the capital was vacant and a director, and someone in the capital took a fancy to Xiaxiang's ability. I want to transfer him to Beijing.

Rumor has it that the ministry that Xia wants to go to is an unimportant ministry, and the director in the rumor is also a very leisurely department, which is equivalent to being marginalized, that is to say. The light rises and the dark falls.

No matter where the rumors come from. Who is interested in spreading it? There is a little bit of Xia in my heart.

is to bring him a negative impact. It caused the illusion that he would be moved away at any time.

After all, Ma Xiao mastered the group accumulation department and changed to the past. Mei Shengping's phone call calmed down the wind. Now the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee does not say a word and does not come forward to refute. The officials do not clarify the facts.

The result makes people who don't know the truth more suspicious. Is it true that Xia wants to be transferred?

Xia wants to be on the construction site. On the one hand, let people be responsible for coordinating disputes first. He called Song Chaodu directly.

"Rumors stop at the wise." Although Song Chaodu's current situation in the provincial party committee is better than expected, he still feels tied up in terms of personnel. So he can only comfort Xia. There is no proposal in the province to mobilize you. Besides, even if someone wants to touch you, you have to pass me first. You can work at ease, and someone in the province wants to take the opportunity to move you. Come and test my means. There is a chance.

I also want to give them a good surprise."

I heard that Song Chaodu had some anger. Song Chaodu's anger came from two aspects. First, he did obviously feel the pressure of Fan Ruiheng and Ma Xiao in the province. In terms of personnel, it is almost difficult to get involved. Mei Sheng is still neutral on the surface. In fact, he still favored Fan Ruiheng's position, which gave him a headache.

The other is that someone did deliberately release the rumor twice to move away from Xiaxiang, who is his direct lineage. Who doesn't know?

Dongxia's thinking is no different from slaking him in the face, just forget it once. There are two more.

I understand. Some people don't want to stop. I guess he also kicked Xiaxiang away from Langshi angrily, and at the same time, it was also to further hit his prestige!

The Song Dynasty decided to take a counterattack. Xiaxiang also decided to start a counterattack.

Political matters. It is a conflict of interest between you, especially at this stage. On the surface, it seems that a balance has been reached between him and Gu Xiangguo for the time being. But in fact. The contradictions have been accumulated for the time being. Waiting for a critical point will break out.

After all, he is between him and Gu Xiangguo and Lu Hongzhan. The resentment is very deep, and there are too many conflicts of interest. Whether it's from top to bottom. It's still a difference in political ideas, and so on. Basically, there is no possibility of reconciliation.

Li Fei secretly investigated the case of the cold party. Gu Xiangguo will not be clear. Lu Hongzhan is the same. I know that the two of them don't seem to have any counterattack wrists on the surface. In fact, he is also preparing for the war secretly and regaining the position little by little. Of course, there are also Chen and Sato. They are also waiting for an opportunity to take action.

Speaking of which, Xia wants to have allies in Lang City. But it's almost an enemy on all sides. We must take the first step. Only in this way can the opponent who has been staring at him not find a loophole.

Disputes over the university town project are not difficult to deal with. Xia wanted to make both sides satisfied quickly, and then it was just time to get off work. He didn't go back to the municipal party committee. Go straight home. When I got to the hug, I accidentally found a person.

...Yang Bei!