official god

Chapter 879 Situation, deadlock

To be honest, Xia wanted to agree to Fan Ruiheng very much. The relationship between him and Fan Ruiheng is not a simple superior and subordinate relationship, but also has a personal relationship, and the friendship between him and Fan Zheng has been maintained quite well. From the bottom of his heart, he is more or less grateful to Fan Ruiheng for his help.

Including the lowering of Fan Ruiheng's status and interviewing him with the dignity of the provincial party secretary.

But human feelings are human feelings, and principles are principles.

He can't give in without principle, this is one of them. Second, the positions between him and Fan Ruiheng are different. Since Fan Ruiheng accepted Gu Xiangguo's request and put pressure on him, it proves that Fan Ruiheng and Gu Xiangguo's backstage are on the same route, but it is obvious that the behind-the-scenes characters and Gu Xiangguo's background have different ideas.

What he wants is not only to prove it to the people behind the scenes, but also the principles he has always adhered to and the bottom line that he can't retreat

As for why Fan Ruiheng came forward against the wind and insisted on pinching him, Xia thought that he didn't think much for the time being, and he didn't care about the inside story behind the deep thinking...

The ancient country must fall, and Langshi must restore the Qingming weather. Oh, Chen must also be defeated. Those who travel a hundred miles are half ninety. He has been operating painstakingly in Langshi to this day, and what he wants is to hold up a blue sky for the people of Lang City.

For the sake of the country's life and death, how can he avoid it because of misfortune and fortune? It is his political philosophy and the bottom line of his politics. If you can easily give up your ideals and pursuits just because of the pressure above, Xia will not think about it, and he will not still be in the officialdom. It's better to use his intelligence to make a lot of money and live a free life.

"First of all, I would like to thank Secretary Fan for his kindness. I think my qualifications are still shallow and I can't hold the important responsibilities of Mayor Tianze." Xia thought that he did not let Fan Ruiheng wait for a long time, but directly said his original intention, "As for Comrade Bai Zhanmo's frame-up of me, I believe the organization will return my innocence. I'm not afraid of the shadow. Some people have their own problems and want to pull others into the water. The means are very bad... Secretary Fan, please believe in me."

Fan Ruiheng's face sank, and his eyes turned a few times. Finally, he was unwilling to say, "Comrade Xiaxiang, you should believe in your own ability, believe in the fairness of the organization, and obey the organizational arrangements."

When he left Fan Ruiheng's office, although Li Ri was in the sky, Xia thought that his heart was full of autumn. After this incident, although he and Fan Ruiheng did not turn against each other on the spot, they were almost strangers.

Although such a day had been expected for a long time, Xia still felt uncomfortable when it really came. The higher you go, the more likely the discord in political ideas is to cause antagonism. Now the distance between him and Fan Ruiheng is also because they adhere to the principle, or the difference in political concepts that everything can be exchanged.

At the same time, there are also considerations for the position of their respective teams.

In the provincial party committee compound in midsummer, the trees are shaded, and the tall poplar trees give people a feeling of silence and remoteness. Xia thought did not want to appreciate the rare moment of silence in the ancient provincial party committee compound. He came to Song Chaodu's office. After a heartfelt conversation with Song Chaodu, he took the step of the provincial party committee compound, which was unprecedentedly firm.

Xiaxiang did not stay in the provincial party committee for a long time, and returned to Lang City that afternoon. As soon as he left, he received news from the Provincial High Court and the Provincial Public Security Department. The coke electric case has made the latest progress and obtained the latest evidence, and the trial will be reopened in the near future.

is equivalent to a sharp counterattack against Fan Ruiheng's move in the Song Dynasty.

The news spread to Lang City, and Gu Xiangguo sat alone for a long time, speechless. He knows exactly where his fatal wound is. If you can't take Xiaxiang with both sides, how can it be possible?

Then he made a phone call to the province and learned that Bai Zhanmo's report had reached the table of the deputy secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. He was a little relieved. Another good news was that Ma Xiao had officially proposed to the provincial party committee to transfer Xia to be the mayor of Tianze. Fan Ruiheng has tentatively agreed and will hold a secretary's office meeting to discuss it.

The situation has entered the stalemate stage

After Xia wanted to return from the provincial party committee, he worked as usual without any abnormality, which made Gu Xiangguo secretly admire Xia Xiang's calmness. However, in addition to admiration, he also thought proudly that no matter what, Xia's time in Lang City will not be too long, and his efforts will be in vain after all.

As soon as Xia wants to leave, Langshi is still his world. What can Xia want to do if he is unwilling? Politics is a game that pays attention to strength. If I can't beat you, I can move you away.

And whether the evidence of Bai Zhanmo can have any negative impact on Xia Xiang. Gu Xiangguo is not very concerned about it. What he wants now is not to defeat Xia Xiang, but to let Xia want to stop or make way. No matter which one, as long as he can get through the crisis safely.

After introducing Zhao Xiaofeng's investment, Xia Xiang met several investors from the capital under the introduction of Yang Wei and negotiated several cooperation intentions. The investment intentions involved tobacco, electronic information, real estate and accessories manufacturing, and attracted nearly 400 million yuan of investment for Lang City.

Although it has not been really implemented, what Xia Xiang did has won his reputation and respect, making him a veritable second person in the municipal government. Even in the eyes of some people, he is more courageous than Gu Xiangguo.

At noon that day, Wei Xin flew back to China from the United States. After only one hour in the capital, he hurried to Lang City and wanted to meet Xia. Xia wants to see Wei Xin again, and there is a kind of joy and happiness for the rest of his life after the disaster.

He took Wei Xin home. As soon as it was arranged and he hadn't said anything, Xia wanted to receive a call from the provincial party committee. It was Gao Jinzhou. Gao Jinzhou's phone call was very brief. He told Xiaxiang a meeting to determine his fate: "The secretary's office meeting will be held soon..." He paused slightly and added some information about Bai Zhanmo's reporting materials. "The evidence of Bai Zhanmo is not very sufficient, but there is also a certain negative impact. It is estimated that it will still be Zhang, you have to be mentally prepared.

Xia wanted to be psychologically prepared for a long time - after thanking Gao Jinzhou, he specially asked for a half-day leave to accompany Wei Xin.

Wei Xin's mental state is not bad. There is no pathological expression, and his expression is normal, but the nostalgia in his eyes from time to time makes Xia want to feel sad. Under his questioning, Wei Xin told the specific results of her illness - in fact, as before, there was no formal conclusion.

However, after learning about the impact that Wei Xin had suffered, the doctor's answer was that it was possible that the unexpected impact caused Wei Xin's condition. That is to say, the culprit is still Ma Yangtian.

Mayangtian has fallen, but the ancient country, which has a complex relationship with Mayangtian, is still at large

Just when Xia wanted to ask for leave at home like nothing to do, in Lang City, a ridiculous news spread all over the streets and alleys like the flu: Chen Datou is incompetent, oh, Chen is stammering, and the Chen brothers are a pair of disabled people.

The news spread so fast that it was shocking that it made a lot of noise in the whole city for half a day.

Oh, Chen was trying to figure out how to get Chen's head out. Unexpectedly, he was exposed to his privacy, and he was furious.

He also knew that the news was not necessarily what Xia wanted to release. After all, with Xiaxiang as a person, he would not talk about Chen Datou and his secret illness. The municipal bureau should be the source of the news. In the past, he and Lu Hongzhan suppressed some police officers of the municipal bureau, and there were many policemen who offended them. Now they have turned over, and he can understand revenge.

is understandable, but I can't swallow this evil breath.

Although the gossip that can't get on the stage is vulgar, it is lethal. The direct consequence is that it once again affects the sales of the paint and the people's hearts of dealers. At the same time, it also makes the chaotic events on Chen's territory rise straight up, and some small gangs that have been suppressed by him are ready to move Take back some of the territory that originally belonged to them.

Oh, Chen once again experienced the feeling of being anxious.

Compared with Chen's anxiety, Ma Xiao, the head of the Organization Minister of the Provincial Party Committee, felt much better, because he didn't expect that today's secretary's office meeting would almost become a critical meeting against him

In advance, Ma Xiao had already ventilated Mei Shengping and Fan Ruiheng, and also obtained the acquiescence of the two. As soon as the secretary's office meeting was held, he proposed to transfer Comrade Xia Xiang to be appointed as Mayor Tianze after the assessment of the Organization Department.

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Chaodu put forward a tough objection: "I think the decision to transfer Comrade Xiaxiang to Tianze City is too hasty now. Xiaxiang is too young, and the working time in Lang City is too short. He has just made a little achievement in Lang City and has to move the place. Minister Ma, is the assessment of Did you play?"

Well, Song Chaodu choked when he came up, and Ma Xiao was angry. Governor Song usually pays more attention to his demeanor. What's wrong today? Of course, everyone has a seizure, but don't rush to him for the first attack, okay?

But unfortunately, Ma Xiao's worries came true. Today, Song Chaodu really aimed all the firepower at him.

Fan Ruiheng also thought that the Song Dynasty would be reasonable, but he did not expect that when the Song Dynasty came to the meeting, he fired directly at Ma Xiao, which made him understand that it was difficult to say whether Xia Xiang's political skills were in line with that of the Song Dynasty, but compared with Xia Xiang, Song Chaodu's political skills were better

Fan Ruiheng wanted to interrupt, but on second thought, Song Chaodu directly blamed the Organization Department. When he came forward to round the scene, he seemed to be too protective of Ma Xiao, and he swallowed the words back.

A total of five people attended today's secretary's office meeting. Fan Ruiheng, Song Chaodu, Mei Shengping and Ma Xiao and Wang Pengfei saw that no one answered, so he had to force himself to argue with Song Chaodu: "Gun Governor Song, the assessment of the Organization Department for Comrade Xiaxiang has also gone through a series of procedures, The assessment process is rigorous and moderate. I don't think there is a problem of child's play. Besides, Comrade Xiaxiang's achievements in Langshi are obvious to all. He has introduced investment and cracked down on the evil forces. His achievements are remarkable and fully meet the conditions for promotion.

"That's a good word, but Comrade Ma Xiao, don't forget that most of Comrade Xiaxiang's work in Langshi has just started." Song Chaodu seemed to be very angry and looked not good. "It's a good thing to promote him. It's the importance that the organization attaches to him. I I also believe that he will thank the organization for its trust. However, Xia Xiang is a comrade who does things from beginning to end. You ask him to put down his work to go to Tianze City, which is difficult to accept from his personal feelings. At the same time, it is not conducive to the future economic construction of Lang City, nor is it conducive to the work of Tianze City. Comrade Ma Xiao, have you ever thought about it? I have to obey the organizational decision, but if the organizational decision can't bring benefits to Lang City and Tianze City at the same time, why do you have to mobilize Xia to think of Tianze City?

"I think it is in line with the interests of Lang City and Tianze City..." Ma Xiao wanted to continue to distinguish, but was forcibly interrupted by the Song Dynasty.

"I think your idea is taken for granted." Song Chaodu's words were very rude, which is equivalent to completely denying his authority as the minister of organization. "It is a big deal to mobilize deputy department-level cadres, and I must ask for my opinion. If the party and government cadres are allowed to work with emotions, it has nothing to do It's good. The Organization Department is not a department of mechanically manipulated cadres. It should not only start from an objective and fair position, but also take into account each specific situation. It should be humane and understand what the party and government cadres are thinking, instead of drawing a frame to compare with the standards. If everything is done according to the standard, just write the computer program directly, and what else do you need? "

Ma Xiao had a fever on his face and said forcefully, "It's a good thing to promote cadres. Governor Song, don't blame indiscriminately. I am also the starting point of loving Comrade Xiaxiang..."

"Okay, okay, Comrade Ma Xiao, don't quarrel anymore." Fan Ruiheng had to reach out his hand to stop Ma Xiao from continuing to argue. He saw the situation. What Song Chaodu wanted was to cut the mess quickly. When he came up, he had to suppress Ma Xiao's momentum. He had to stand up and support Ma Xiao. "I also asked Xia Shen's personal opinion. He said that his personal qualifications were not enough Organizational arrangement..."

"Comrade Xiaxiang is still more willing to stay and work in Langshi." Wang Pengfei made a speech and casually looked at Mei Shengping. His eyes were very complicated. "Langshi also needs Comrade Xiaxiang. It is no exaggeration to say that if Xiaxiang is transferred now, the current good situation of Langshi will be destroyed. When the Organization Department considers the problem, it should consider the overall situation. It is not easy to train a cadre, and it is easy to crack down on the enthusiasm of a cadre. Comrade Xiaxiang's work in Lang City is obviously good. Why did he suddenly transfer him? Comrade Ma Xiao, your reason is very far-fetched.

Wang Pengfei's speech is very distinctive. At the same time, his speed is not fast. Although Mandarin with a slightly southern accent is not standard, his words are very sharp.

Ma Xiao was choked again.

He understood that Song Chaodu was the wind pole. When he came up, he aimed his firepower at him, and Wang Pengfei followed him, accusing him of being the head of organization. On the one hand, he did not work seriously, and on the other hand, the starting point was not correct.

Ma Xiao became popular: "Comrade Pengfei, please talk about the matter and don't make personal attacks."

"Where did I personally attack? Comrade Ma Xiao, don't be too **." Wang Pengfei smiled instead, "People who engage in propaganda love to be stingy."

"You..." Ma Xiao was so angry that he almost got up, but was stopped by Fan Ruiheng's eyes. He suppressed his anger, "Comrade Pengfei, please respect the work of the Organization Department."

Wang Pengfei did not continue to argue with Ma Xiao, but raised another topic: "In fact, I think Comrade Gao Hai is more suitable to be the mayor of Tianze."

Gao Hai is now the executive deputy mayor of Yan City, the main hall, and the mayor of Tianze is only flat, but after all, he is the official position, and Gao Hai has profound qualifications. After a transition in the position of mayor of Tianze, he can serve as the secretary of the municipal party committee, and even hope to enter the deputy provincial level before

Gao Hai's character is old-fashioned, which is very suitable for the transition in Tianze City. He does not seek merit, but seeks no merit. And Xiaxiang's character has a radical side. Tianze City... is not a good place for him.

Since the beginning of the meeting, Mei Shengping has not said a word. As usual, he looked closely at the ceiling, as if to study what mystery is hidden behind the ceiling. In fact, he is different from before. In the past, he could really stay out of the matter, but now a group of people led by Fan Ruiheng want to play with Xiaxiang, while another group led by Song Chaodu supports Xiaxiang. He is in the middle and is in a dilemma.

To be fair, he still has a good impression on Xiaxiang. He is determined that Xiaxiang is a friend and a promising young official. However, from the standpoint of the family, he was deeply disappointed that Xia wanted to go further and further away from the family power.

When Xiaxiang was close to the Mei family and the Qiu family, Mei Shengping thought that even if Xiaxiang was not a supporter of the family forces, at least a peer, would not stand on the opposite side. However, since Xia wanted to be transferred to Langshi, his behavior has become more and more clear that the higher his position is, the more likely he is to be detrimental to the family's power, and he will even take measures to suppress it.

In the long run, Mei Shengping naturally does not want to support a person who may cause damage to his interests, even if he is Xiaxiang.

But from another perspective, Xia wants to have a natural emotional close relationship with the family power. Unlike other people who hate the family power, there is a complicated relationship between him and the family power, and it is impossible to cut it off. If you blindly suppress Xiaxiang and don't let Xia want to take the position, there will always be others taking advantage of it. In case it is replaced by a firm opponent of the family forces, it is better to let Xia want to take the position. At least Xia wants to be gentle, and at the same time, he will think about love. It won't be too much.

Mei Shengping made a difficult decision on how to deal with Xiaxiang.

What worries him more is that in the past, Xia wanted to be hostile to the Fu family. Now it has been almost a year. There is nothing to do with him and the Fu family, so the weight of the Mei family and the Qiu family has been greatly reduced in his mind. The key is that the Wu family now has a tendency to get close to Xia, which Which direction does the political position tend to be?

Xia wants to be transferred to the behind-the-scenes pusher of Lang City, but he is a representative of the complete anti-family force

"Secretary Mei, tell me your opinion." Just as Mei Shengping's mind was drifting away, Ma Xiao's words interrupted his thoughts.

After Mei Shengping woke up, he found that the four of them stared at him with eight pairs of eyes. He knew that the two sides were evenly matched, and it was time for him to make a word about the universe.

PS: Well, the continuous ups and downs ** is coming, brothers, roar, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, Lao He is so eager for the support of the ticket, you know V