official god

Chapter 881 Lonely, besieged on all sides

Chapter 881 Lonely, besieged on all sides

To everyone's surprise, the first person to be affected is not Oh Chen, not any one of the Yan Provincial Party Committee, nor a member of the Lang Municipal Party Committee, but Bai Zhanmo, who is far away from the capital and has been far away from the center of power

If Bai Zhanmo stays in the Ministry of Agriculture honestly, there may be an end to retire safely and spend his old age, but he doesn't have to jump out to make waves. Maybe he thinks that the time has come. He thinks that there is a little evidence in his hand and wants to give Xia a blow to him. Instead, he doesn't think that The worst.

Bai Zhanmo's evidence of reporting Xia Xiang has been in Li Yanhong's hands. Li Yanhong's attitude is very resolute. The evidence is insufficient. If he does not file a case, Bai Zhanmo will be angry, but there is nothing he can do. He found Fu Xianfeng and wanted to ask the Fu family to find a way to put pressure from the top down, so that it was best for the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to file a case. Even if the case could not be filed, at least he had to make a show, put pressure on Xia Xiang, which made Xia Xiang confused.

But what Bai Zhanmo didn't expect was that Fu Xianfeng refused to come forward

Fu Xianfeng is not because Xia wants to save Fu Xian, but because the Fu family has gained momentum in the adjustment of provincial and ministerial cadres. At this time, it is necessary to keep a low profile. The so-called tree is a big move, and he is still carrying the punishment on his back, so he refuses to jump out and become the focus now.

Besides, on the issue of Xia Xiang's confrontation with Gu Xiangguo, the Fu family has no interests, so there is no need to come forward. There is no profit to get. Even if it can make Xia want to eat, it is not cost-effective. Of course, the more important thing is that Fu Xianfeng knows that Xia wants to do something with Gu Xiangguo, which involves a high-level competition. It's good for the Fu family to stay out of the matter, and the fool will jump in.

Therefore, Fu Xianfeng not only did not agree to help Bai Zhanmo, but also persuaded Bai Zhanmo to stop, keep a low profile and pragmatic, and be silent for two years.

Bai Zhanmo did not listen to the advice. Instead, he looked for people everywhere in the capital and wanted to take the opportunity to make Xia stink. He knew too well how powerful the characters behind Gu Xiangguo were, and decided that Xia Xiang was not the opponent of Gu Xiangguo. He added a fire to Gu Xiangguo. Gu Xiangguo would definitely remember his good and lay a good foundation for his future turnaround.

Bai Zhanmo is also ready to start with Cong Fenger. He also has the same thoughts as Chen's investigation of Xiao Jia, thinking that Cong Fenger and Xiaxiang must have an improper relationship between men and women.

I didn't expect that he hadn't come forward to find Cong Feng'er, but Cong Feng'er took the initiative to find him...

The specific story of the matter is like a nightmare for Bai Zhanmo, and he doesn't want to recall it afterwards. Only one thing he knew very well. He fell and fell into the hands of Cong Fenger. Unlike last time, he just fell last time, but this time, he fell completely.

What's wrong with Bai Zhanmo? Why was he played with by Cong Fenger again? No one knew the specific inside story, and even Xia thought was unknown, because even if Cong Feng'er didn't say it, he was embarrassed to ask to the end. Xiaxiang was just very grateful to Cong Fenger for his help. It was because of Cong Feng'er's accidental intervention that Bai Zhanmo fell to the dust. From then on, he completely said goodbye to the officialdom and became a prisoner.

... Bai Zhanmo was captured in a hotel. When he was caught, he was still holding a woman tightly and couldn't wake up. Women are famous characters in the paradise on earth, and the cost is as high as 10,000 yuan. Of course, if ** alone is not enough to have a fatal blow to Bai Zhanmo, there is also a video on the scene, which records the ** performance of Bai Zhanmo's ugly appearance, and there are also his drunken truth revealing the truth that he deliberately rectifies Xia Xiang. If the above can only ruin Bai Zhanmo's reputation, there is also a large number of evidence of Bai Zhanmo's embezzlement and bribery on the scene, and even his house certificate of a valuable quadrangle courtyard in the capital...

The evidence is like a mountain. After Bai Zhanmo was sober, he saw that the woman around him had changed. He remembered what happened before he woke up. Knowing that he was unable to escape from the disaster, he no longer had any illusions and admitted defeat.

Bai Zhanmo was directly opened. If nothing unexpected happens, he will spend the second half of his life in prison... When the news spread to Yan Province, Li Yanhong immediately held an internal meeting of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, passionately holding Bai Zhanmo's reporting materials in his hand, and scolding many people who are as bad-minded as Bai Zhan If you have problems, you still frame good people, turn black and white upside down, and create trouble. It is simply a scum among party members and garbage among cadres.

Liu Ya and several middle-level leaders of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection who were too close to Fan Ruiheng all lowered their heads and said nothing. What else is there to say? It is a great irony to report that others have been expelled from the party and public office. Who dares to believe the authenticity of the materials he reported?

Li Yanhong's authority has been further strengthened in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

For Fan Ruiheng, the Bai Zhanmo incident was like being kicked in the back, which made him extremely depressed.

First of all, he wanted to remove the relationship between the Xiaxiang incident and the characters behind the ancient country, but he misread the situation - after all, he is not a member of the Politburo, the foundation is not very solid, and the tacit understanding between the high-level officials of the central government is limited - as a result, the two It has already embarrassed him a lot.

Secondly, he actually has personal selfishness and wants to use the Xiaxiang incident to weaken the influence of Song Chaodu in the provincial party committee. In his opinion, Song Chaodu has always been like a sharp sword that hides light. Although it is not so sharp, the inadvertent momentum always makes people feel inexplicably chilly. Yes, it's not good not to be cold. It reminds me that after the Song Dynasty endured for more than two years, he finally found an opportunity to knock Gao Chengsong down. His heart and perseverance are not comparable to ordinary people.

Moreover, with the help of Xiaxiang, Song Chaodu had more supporters in the provincial party committee than him, which made the authority of the secretary of the provincial party committee not come true, and finally prompted him to gamble and take the opportunity to suppress Xiaxiang to get greater political benefits... Unexpectedly, the success was on the decline.

However, after Fan Ruiheng lost the Xiaxiang incident, after vaguely knowing the thoughts of the high-level officials of the capital through a certain channel, he was surprised and hurriedly called the chief to show his loyalty. The chief also forgave his mistakes - not to mention that the secretary of the provincial party committee will make mistakes, there are also mistakes in the decision-making at the highest level, no one can see the trend of history at a glance - and warned him that it is best to maintain a neutral position in the political struggle between Xia Xiang and Gu Xiangguo.

Fan Ruiheng is unconvinced. He has just been appointed as the secretary of the provincial party committee. He is the first person in Yan Province, and he can't even move a deputy department-level cadre? Where is the authority of the secretary of the provincial party committee? But he must be cautious about the chief's words. Although the chief is gradually losing power, Yu Wei is still there, and he must stand taller than him.

Fan Ruiheng was very glad that he did not interfere with the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to suppress Bai Zhanmo's reporting materials. Previously, Gu Xiangguo repeatedly asked the Provincial Party Committee to intervene in Bai Zhanmo's report of Xia Xiang. Fan Ruiheng ignored it. He can no longer maintain Gu Xiangguo, because if Gu Xiangguo can't serve as a bridge between him and someone in the capital, Gu Xiangguo will be of little use in his eyes. Another point is that he has already worried about Song Chaodu and dares not easily have conflicts with Song Chaodu.

Although he felt uncomfortable - no one would feel uncomfortable. As the secretary of the provincial party committee, he felt as tied as when he was the governor - he also knew that the period when the provincial party secretary of the provincial party committee in the era of Gao Chengsong was once again. Now the central government has introduced many policies to restrict the power of the head of the party Based on too many lessons learned in the past. As a special case, Gao Chengsong cannot be copied. Of course, Gao Chengsong's end is also very tragic. Even if he is a victim of political struggle, he is too dazzling and arrogant.

Fortunately, there was nothing to do. When the news of Bai Zhanmo's fall in the capital came, Fan Ruiheng was still secretly grateful for the wise decision at the beginning. Although he was still depressed, as uncomfortable as being kicked in the back, because he also used Bai Zhanmo's report to intimidate Xiaxiang

Now looking back on Xia's calmness at that time, Fan Ruiheng secretly admires Xia's calmness. A young man, in the face of the secretary of the provincial party committee, is not arrogant or impatient. Under the strength of the secretary of the provincial party committee, he can still calm down, not only at the level of political self-restraint, but also because he has enough confidence in his heart. Some people support him on the one hand, and on the other hand, he may be innocent, and there is nothing to be criticized.

Xia thought that he stood firm in several political struggles. In the final analysis, it was because he was hard enough to catch no loopholes.

After this incident, Fan Ruiheng learned lessons and acted more cautiously in the future. In the future, he did not let the political enemy catch the loopholes in the future conflicts with the political enemy. Speaking of which, he also wanted to thank Xia for bringing him the inspiration.


After the news of Bai Zhanmo's fall spread to Lang City, the rumor that Xia wanted to frame Bai Zhanmo was broken. In turn, Bai Zhanmo became the scum of thousands of people.

Everyone thought that Xiaxiang would definitely be happy. Unexpectedly, Xiaxiang was still as usual and still devoted himself to his own work. Recently, Xia wants to go to Wutang City, because Jiangshan Real Estate, Tian'an Real Estate and Wang Qiangwei have devoted their energy to the newly planned Jingdong New City project in Wutang City.

Jingdong New Town is a vast land demarcated by Wutang City in the south of the city - only more than 20 kilometers away from the capital - which is ready to be used to build a new residential city for house buyers in the capital. This move is also one of a series of measures taken by the provincial government in response to the positioning of Lang City in the Greater Beijing Economic Circle.

After investing in the university town project, Jiangshan Real Estate and Tian'an Real Estate have once again invested nearly 500 million yuan to prepare to enter the real estate market in Wutang City. Wang Qiangwei also plans to invest 1 billion yuan to seize a place in the Jingdong New Town project in Wutang City.

Chen, who has always been the leader of the real estate industry in Lang City, has not made a move so far, and I don't know what's wrong with him.

In fact, it's not that Chen doesn't want to invest in Wutang City. He doesn't want to. He really can't.

Oh, Chen Zailang has been operating in Lang City for many years, and he also has extraordinary vision. How can he see that the Jingdong New Town Project in Wutang City is an attractive cake? In the past, his position in the real estate industry in Lang City, just like the position of Dacai Group in Yan City, has unparalleled influence and strength. It can even be said that with his influence and underground power in Lang City, he is more authoritative than Dacai Group in Yan City.

A few months back, whether it is Jiangshan real estate or Tian'an real estate, even if Wang Qiangwei wants to calmly enter the real estate of Lang City, he does not nod, and if Xia wants to strongly support the municipal government.

It's just one moment at a time, and now Gu Xiangguo has converged its edge. He has been suppressed by Xia's efforts several times... But even so, with his current strength, he has enough ability to prevent Jiangshan Real Estate and Tian'an Real Estate from entering the real estate industry without any effort, and Wang Qiangwei also takes the opportunity Swallowing his sphere of influence made him feel a burst of pain.

But now it's not that he doesn't want to fight back, but he doesn't have the strength to fight back, and he can't spare his hand, because his business in the capital has a big problem

Oh, Chen sent a secret investigation into Xiao Jia's men. A few days ago, there was news that he was expected to get conclusive evidence. At that time, he was very happy and thought he had the opportunity to take advantage of it. Unexpectedly, one day, his subordinates who had been in contact suddenly lost the news.

Oh, Chen didn't panic at the beginning, thinking that he just lost contact for a while. Unexpectedly, after a day, there was still no reply at night, and he knew the bad things.

Oh, Chen's hunch is very accurate. His men were indeed controlled, but what he never expected was that the thunderous revenge that followed him tasted the pain of suffering for the first time

Oh, there are many industries under Chen's name, but most of them are still concentrated in real estate, especially the real estate projects in the capital, which account for the largest proportion. However, he took the situation of holding or equity participation, and there were not many investments directly in his name - even so, almost all of his projects were blocked and boycotted before.

All the projects he participated in were spared. It can be seen that the other party's deep understanding of him has already figured out his details.

Blocking, starting with a noble residential area he is building in the capital with an investment of nearly 500 million yuan. The sales data of the project originally named Lanyuan Community has always been good, and it has been rising all the way. Unexpectedly, since yesterday afternoon, the data has suddenly become abnormal. There has been no transaction for several hours. Not only has there been no transaction, but there are also many customers who have paid the deposit and asked to check out.

Strange things, great strange things, the project manager is about to summarize the data and report it to Chen's headquarters in Beijing.

At this time, the headquarters was in a mess, because a similar situation occurred in more than one place. First, the transaction volume was greatly reduced, and then there were customers who checked out one after another, and their attitude was very resolute. They did not listen to the advice and insisted on withdrawing.

In just a few hours, all Chen's real estate projects in the capital have encountered a decline in transactions and a check-out crisis

Oh, Chen's business in the capital has been in the capital for nearly ten years, and he has never encountered today's situation. He vaguely guessed that someone must be operating behind the scenes.

Who will it be? Could it be Xiao Jia? Thinking of the sudden loss of contact with his subordinates and the continuation of a series of related events, he immediately concluded that Xiao Jia must have taken action.

But the question is, will Xiao Jia have such a great influence in the real estate industry in the capital? Oh, Chen can't believe it.

No wonder, Chen ignored Xiao Jia's influence. It has been at least two or three years since Xiao Jia withdrew from the public eye. Now it is a rapidly changing era. Not to mention two or three years, it will be forgotten in a year or two. He does not think deeply about Xiao Jia's ability to call for wind and rain. Now that he has Late.

On the second day, not only were all real estate projects under Chen's name lost and blocked, but they were also blacklisted in the industry. Sales continued to decline, but also had a bad reputation in the circle.

Not only that, in the afternoon, the boycott began to spread to Chen's other industries in the capital. As long as he was involved in the industry, he was either blocked or maliciously acquired. In short, there were beacons everywhere.

I'm so anxious and embarrassed. Oh, Chen can hardly describe his mood. He's going crazy

Although Chen also has a strong background in the capital, and can even invite the vice premier, the problem is that it is impossible for the vice premier to dictate the normal business behavior in the market, let alone make a speech, requiring citizens to buy Chen's real estate, even for malicious acquisition and boycott, there is no Ways to stop it. Now is the era of market economy. Sometimes political power is infinite, but sometimes it is infinitely small. It all depends on the timing and occasion.

Two days later, oh, Chen's industry in the capital suffered heavy losses under the ban, suffered a sharp decline in profits from resistance, and was maliciously acquired to others. It was scattered all over the place, and it was initially estimated that the loss was more than hundreds of millions.

What a powerful sniper battle. Although it is estimated that the other party has also paid a lot of price, in the long run, Chen's loss is still immeasurable. Because several major real estate projects occupy a lot of his capital, if the sales are not smooth, his funds cannot be returned in time. If it is serious, it may cause the rupture of the capital chain.

The consequences are unimaginable.

At this time, Wang Qiangwei, Jiangshan Real Estate and Tian'an Real Estate took advantage of the opportunity to enter Lang City and began a series of siege and land-grabbing. Oh, Chen wants to block it from the front, but he has no strength. I want to start from the dark, but I don't have the confidence. Under the combination of the two, he could only watch the project that originally belonged to him, and let people be laughed at by Wang Qiangwei, and included in the bag by foreign Jiangshan real estate and Tian'an real estate.

Oh, Chen regretted that he should have provoked Xiao Jia. As a result, he didn't get the evidence, but he was trapped by Xiao Jia's series of wrists in the capital. He couldn't turn over and couldn't get out. He was miserable.

Is there any relationship between Xiao Jia and Xiaxiang at this time? Oh, Chen doesn't worry at all. What he thinks about is, how can he get out of the current predicament? Chen Datou was arrested. At present, it seems that there is no possibility of being released. Maybe he will be sentenced. There are rumors everywhere, and passers-by know the rumors about his and Chen Datou's hidden illness. Zhan Zhuqi is preparing to unilaterally terminate the agency contract with Chen Datou to find new partners. This alone will make him earn at least tens of millions less in a year.

Chu Ge on all sides. Chen Ju turned around in the room, like a sleepy wolf.

Saddenly, he remembered Xia's lethal weapon - Cui Jian. There are all kinds of signs that the strategy of encirclement and encirclement that Xia wants to adopt is to kill him and not to leave him a way to live.

What should I do? Fight for a dead fish and break the net

P: On the first day of the double monthly ticket, two tens of thousands of words will be sent at the first time. Lao He's dedication is 100% sincerity. Brothers, it's really up to you to make a turnaround. Ask for a monthly ticket, and ask for a monthly ticket crazily.