official god

Chapter 885 Both sides

Chapter 885 Both sides

Lang City in late August, it rained a lot.

Lang City is not a rainy city. It has always been hot and dry in summer and dry in winter, but today's summer is a little abnormal. It is often cloudy and rainy. It is always cloudy and rainy for two or three days.

The continuous rain is mostly not heavy rain, but light rain. The so-called yin rain is flying, cloudy and rainy weather, the climate is warm and cool, the most comfortable, and it is the easiest to attract people to drink and eat. Therefore, the continuous rainy days have brought excellent business to Oh Chen's bathing center, dance hall and various entertainment venues.

Unfortunately, a half-month key rectification action of "eliminating pornography and illegal publications" woke up Chen's dream

Since Ai Chengwen and Gu Xiangguo took office, Lang City has not held a powerful action to fight against pornography and illegal publications within the scope of the city. Today, at an important meeting of the Municipal Party Committee, Xia Xiang, the executive deputy mayor, proposed, supported by Ai Chengwen, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Zhang Yingyi, Deputy Secretary of the Cheng, and other members of the Standing Committee responded enthusiastically, Mayor Gu Xiangguo and several other members of the Standing Committee to oppose the opposition. Finally, they adopted a 15-day key action of "eliminate pornography and illegal publications" throughout the city, aiming to remove the dirt of Lang City and return the city to Lang City. Blue sky.

Unlike the previous ** refused to mention Oh Chen, this meeting highlighted that the key target of the attack is Oh Chen's industry. Oh, Chen was finally brought to the table for discussion at the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee of Lang City. He did not avoid medical treatment at all, which made many people see the fact that the situation has reached the point of tension, or, as the Gu Xiangguo, as Chen's biggest backstage, the voice of his speech in the municipal party committee has been Very weak.

What's more intriguing is that Lu Hongzhan voted in favor of Chen's proposal.

Many eyes when looking at Gu Xiangguo are full of sympathy and pity. The general trend of Gu Xiangguo has gone, and even Lu Hongzhan, the most determined follower, is against him. How can he fall to what he is today?

Gu Xiangguo was expressionless and turned a blind eye to everyone's doubts and contempt. It's just that under his expression of pretending to be calm, his eyes are erratic, revealing his inner struggle and helplessness.

The dull rainy weather can't stop people's enthusiasm and curiosity for gossip, because all the citizens of Lang City are suddenly surprised to find that there are a lot of meaningful scenes in the TV news. For example, the ancient mayor appeared much less than before, and even if he appeared, he talked about the ancient city before. What's different is that the current ancient mayor has a serious face, few words and little body language, which is similar to a puppet.

The performance of the ancient mayor can only be seen by citizens who have a certain nature of politics. The topic that most citizens are interested in is Lu Hongzhan, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and Director of the Public Security Bureau, at the city's public security work conference, announcing that a focused, deployed and Model's action against pornography and pornography and pornography, and not long after the news was broadcast, the scene flashed, and it was a picture of a group of public security officers who caught **** men and women. I don't know whether it was the photographer's intentional or unintentional negligence. When the camera shakes, a flash reveals the landmark building of the entertainment venue that has been checked - the bath girl's bath picture on the Roman column - is the famous bathing center of Lang City.

Who doesn't know, Fangcaodi is Chen's industry

Many people with intentions understand that they are sending a clear signal to the people of the city that this anti-pornography campaign focuses on Chen's industry. Or to put it more bluntly, it is the government's public declaration of war on Chen.

Xia Xiang is the commander-in-chief of this operation. Under the authorization of Ai Chengwen, all of Lu Hongzhan's actions should be reported to Xia Xiang.

Sitting in the office, looking out of the window at the continuous drizzle, Xia Xiang's heart gradually revealed a glimmer of light. Although the current situation is not optimistic, Cui Jian's hospital in the capital is still unconscious and poisoned. Yang Ming is also in the hospital in Lang City. He is in a deep coma. The opponent's strategy is very effective, which has indeed obstructed the progress of the case. Now the case is temporarily in a deadlock.

Fortunately, whether it's Yang Ming or Cui Jian, life is no big deal. Waking up is just a matter of time. It's time to take advantage of the current gap to sort out Chen's industries, what should be sealed up, what should be cleaned up, what should be acquired, whether it is malicious or in good faith, all will be acquired.

Aren't you going to fight hard? OK, try who is harder

Xia wants to be gentle on the surface, but in fact, the resilience of not giving up in his bones is stronger than anyone else's. If the other party's things are put on the surface, he will also use the means of softness, but if the other party does something wrong, he will also be stunned.

Oh, Chen thinks he understands Xiaxiang, but in fact, he is far from the complex side of Xiaxiang's personality. Xia wants to be comfortable in the complex network of officialdom, and can make a group of the most simple worker brothers share joys and sorrows with him, and treat him as a brother. His way of being a person has risen to the height of human nature, which is not just a wrist.

Wrists and means are clever and not enough to achieve great wisdom. Xiaxiang has gradually got rid of the hand of art and began to approach the threshold of the road.

Unfortunately, Chen Congxia's stumbling block on the way forward has become a stepping stone, which is the qualitative leap that Xia wants to make on the road of life.

... In Xiaxiang's vision, the final crack down on Chen is not only as simple as a fight against pornography at the political level, but also the enveloping and acquisition at the economic level.

Oh, Chen thought he could stop Yang Ming and Cui Jian from talking with violence, but he forgot that Xia Shang is not only politically mature, but also has strong strength in the economy. It is no exaggeration to say that it is not difficult to swallow all Chen's industries with the capital controlled by Xia Shang. Of course, Xia doesn't think he will do this. Fighting hard between funds, killing a thousand enemies and injuring himself eight hundred is an unwise child's behavior. What he wants is to erode Chen's industry and cut off Chen's interest chain under reasonable and legal means.

Any group is united because they have the same interests. Once the interests are no longer at stake, the group is not a united collective. It is economically constrained. Oh, Chen will inevitably lose a lot in strength. What's more, Xia thought clearly is that there are too many senior officials behind Chen's industry in the capital. If he is forced to a certain extent, Chen may be able to hold on, but some people can't afford huge losses and will compromise. The result of their compromise is to abandon Chen.

So Xia Xiang asked Xiao Jia and Li Qin to continue to suppress Chen's industry in the capital in an all-round way. After squeezing to a certain extent, they can consider acquiring. As for the sale after the packaging, or split or operation, it is the problem that Li Qin has to consider. Xia Xiang is too lazy to worry about it.

Xiao Jia and Li Qin naturally have no objection to Xia Xiang's instructions, especially Li Qin. After using the power of capital to hit Chen's industry, the belligerent leakage in his body rose. At the same time, she also found that, oh, many of Chen's industries, because there are too many people participating in shares, the reaction is slow, and the vision and courage of the decision-making level are not enough. After a few rounds, they will be beaten to the top. Li Qin's eyes lit up. It was a good opportunity to make an acquisition, and the opportunity should not be missed.

It happened that Xia wanted to put forward a proposal for acquisition, which made Li Qin firm her opinion. At this time, it is absolutely profitable to acquire Chen's industry, whether it is used for operation or split for sale.

So, oh, Chen's industry in the capital began to be blocked and suppressed. After heavy losses, the wind suddenly changed greatly, and the capital force began to intervene and proposed an acquisition, and the price was extremely low...

Although Chen's move won a breathing opportunity for Gu Xiangguo and temporarily delayed the trial of the coke electric case, at the same time, it also really brought disaster to himself. If Xia wanted to have a glimmer of fantasy before Yang Ming was injured and Cui Jian was poisoned. He hoped that Chen could stop in time. Now he is completely disappointed with Chen and has decided not only to uproot Chen, but also to annex all Chen's property, so that he will lose everything

Aren't you going to be cruel? OK, let's see who is cruel

Oh, Chen really angered Xia Xiang. Since the government, Xia Xiang has never had the idea of killing anyone. At the beginning, he even felt sorry for Yuan Mingliang, but now he is really angry with Chen.

Xia wanted to use Xiao Jia's capital strength and the financial strength of Lian Ruohan Vision Group, but he has never used Lian Ruohan's strong funds in American companies. Now, he has decided to show the terrible dollar offensive

After receiving Xiaxiang's phone call, Lian Ruohan heard that Xia wanted to deliberately call her funds and giggled: "I thought you didn't ask me for money all your life to maintain your man's poor self-esteem. Now I finally opened my mouth. Humph, I know you didn't think I'm an outsider in my

Lian Ruohan gave Xiaxiang a bank card of 5 million yuan earlier. Xia wanted to use it to buy a car, but under the compulsion of Lian Ruohan, the card is still in his hand. The money in it, the previous amount, has never been moved. It's also Xia who never cares about money and can see it.

But Lian Ruohan always thought that Xia Xiang didn't ask her to use money, which was a sign of her appearance. When a woman loves a man deeply, she is willing to share everything with him. But men have self-esteem and don't borrow money from women easily. However, a man will not be embarrassed about money in front of his wife. Therefore, as soon as Xia wants to open his mouth, he will make Lian Ruohan's heart bloom.

Xia Xiang laughed a few times: "Oh, Chen has a lot of industries in the capital, and there are some listed companies he controls. I mean, if you use the funds to operate the stocks of his listed companies, when the opportunity is appropriate, is it feasible to buy them in one fell swoop?"

Xiaxiang didn't know much about the acquisition and annexation of listed companies, so he just mentioned it briefly, leaving a difficult problem for Lian Ruohan to solve.

Lian Ruohan's expression Xia wanted to see, but her voice was jumping and flexible. Xia wanted to know her happiness and pride.

"Simple, the domestic capital market is still immature. Wanting to buy a listed company is a piece of cake for my American economists. Leave it to me, and the results will come out within a month. Lian Ruohan must be biting her tongue to speak, because her laughter is very seductive, "However, I have a condition..."

"What are the conditions?" Xia wanted to know that Lian Ruohan was not kind-hearted.

"You owe me a favor, how can you pay it back?" Sure enough, Lian Ruohan laughed.

"The human debt..." Xia wanted to know what Lian Ruohan wanted, so he pretended to smile seriously, "Meat compensation"

"Fang you, pervert." Lian Ruohan said, "I just want you to cooperate. It's normal ** exercise to have a daughter. It's not a simple one. Don't think wrong."

Xiaxiang laughed three times and put down the phone.

It is rare to have a relaxing moment in the tense confrontation. Xia wants to be in a good mood and has more feelings for Lian Ruohan.

To be honest, Xia Xiang is quite self-disciplined in the relationship between men and women. First, there is the reason why he is clean himself, and there is also the reason why Cao Shuyi and Lian Ruohan are too good to him, so that he doesn't want to do anything ashamed of them. Therefore, in terms of the relationship between men and women, unless it is caused by love, or if it is not, Xia wants to easily sleep with other women.

Men have a sense of responsibility, and cherishing themselves is also a very important aspect. Thinking of how much the woman waiting for him loves him, he will also feel guilty.

Gu Yu is another matter, which is a beautiful mistake in the accident. And Wei Xin is a real love, which makes Xia have no choice. His failure to accept Wei Xin's love will be the biggest responsibility of his life.

Mei Xiaolin is naturally even more wrong under the mistake. It is also a fork in life that Xia wants to never want to face, which also makes him and the Mei family have an inexplicable and can never be cut off.

As for Yan Xiao... let her go with the wind. Now there is less contact between him and Yan Xiao. There is no phone call almost a month, and the relationship is much weaker. Maybe one day, he will eventually become the most familiar stranger.

And Fu Xianxian is also an inadvertent ripple in Xia's mind. Usually, it may be calm, but once Fu Xianxian appears, there will be a circle of fluctuations. Of course, it's not an emotional concern, but more a kind of pity and love, because there has never been a woman who cried helplessly in his arms. After the hijacking incident, Fu Xian's helplessness and pity for a long time have been flashing in Xia Chang's mind.

Men are born with a heroism complex, especially in the face of poor women, they can't help but be full of pride. Xia thought, it's hard to escape the habitual inertia of men.

For the pair of sisters such as gold and silver jasmine, Xiaxiang really doesn't have any restless thoughts. It is true that as a man, he has the idea of sisterhood's privacy in his bones, and Xiaxiang also has it. But for gold and silver jasmine, he is more sad about his misfortune, and beauty is beautiful, but because of Chen's daughter, it is doomed not to have a good ending.

Beauty and life? Xia doesn't want to think too much. A pair of sisters that everyone cherishes, but in the fame and fortune market, more men want to occupy rather than appreciate.

The amazingly similar view of Xiaxiang about gold and silver jasmine is that, Chen sat in the office and saw a pair of flower-like daughters opposite him still making fun of him. He didn't know what the sorrow in the world was. He couldn't help but frown and worried.

The power of Xiaxiang is countless times stronger than he imagined

Oh, Chen doesn't want to give up. Not only because he has been in black and white for more than ten years, but also because his huge business empire has billions of wealth, but he knows very well that he is different from Gu Xiangguo. Even if the ancient country falls, it can save its life. If he loses everything, even if he is not sentenced to death, he will be killed by his enemy.

He has offended too many underworld forces.

It's nothing to die. It's enough to live in your 50s. But what about the two daughters? The daughter is the father's intimate cotton-padded jacket. Oh, Chen is the most cruel to others, but he is the most caring and considerate to his two daughters. He is afraid that they will be hurt a little bit, and he can't stand some dirty men to do unimaginable things to them.

He has seen too many shameless men and knows the greed and evil of men. Jinyin Jasmine is so beautiful. How many men coveted them, you don't have to think about it. What's more, he knows that if he loses his protection, Jinyin Jasmine will...

Oh, Chen said that it's false that he didn't regret it, but he was naturally unyielding and didn't want to look back on what he had done.

The industry in the capital, together in the open and dark, accounts for two-thirds of his total assets. Nowadays, two-thirds of the industry is being suppressed and manipulated. There is an invisible giant - powerful, which makes Chen stunned - is trampling on his industry from both positive and negative aspects, and the purpose is clear, that is, to cripple it first, and then buy it at a low price.

If the above suppression can also make Chen calm down and think that he can hold on for a period of time, he suddenly blows a huge wind that has no way out of nowhere and begins to manipulate the stocks of his listed company, which makes him completely panic...

Oh, Chen experienced a more miserable state than the ancient Xiangguo. Although the ancient Xiangguo was distressed on all sides, even if there was only one way to die, he knew how to die. He was better than Chuge on all sides, and he did not know who the enemy was, where he hid, and what the purpose was, and the enemy was Being familiar with the operation methods of the capital market makes him unable to defend and unable to fight back.

If a person knows that there is a way to die, he will be miserable. If he knows that he will die, but he doesn't know what the way to die is. Is he killed by a knife in the head or stabbed in the back? Death is not fear, the process of waiting for death, and I don't know what kind of death to face

Oh, Chen has heard all the bad news recently. If it hadn't been for his tenacity, he would have collapsed at the last moment.

The encirclement and containment of the capital's industry is only one aspect, and on the other hand, Lang's anti-pornography campaign also made him painful to the bone. The method of fighting pornography is very direct, and there is nothing new, but it is the most effective, and his industry has been taken care of, which makes all the entertainment venues in Lang City shut down.

The daily loss is hundreds of thousands, and it will last for 15 days. Is it really enough to go to the capital to ask the chief for help?

P: The second update will be sent, and there will be the third update soon. I will continue to beg for monthly tickets. I want to get 400 tickets today. Brothers, can you give me face? Now it's double monthly tickets, brothers. There is only one day left in April. Please vote for the monthly ticket as soon as possible and finally bow to thank the coquettish pig brother for the 100,000 yuan floating red award, and thank the beautiful jasmine coffee for the 50,000 yuan red award, becoming the 15th leader of the official god. Thanks to the fun brothers for the prize of more than 40,000 yuan, he became the 16th leader of the official god. In addition, there are also several brothers who also have rewards. Lao He Yi thanked the brothers for their subscription, monthly tickets and rewards in his heart. Every data is the reason why Lao He was moved. Thank you