official god

May's sincere vote declaration, must-see.

The sincere declaration of asking for votes in May is a must-see.

The third update of 15,000 words broke out, shouting loudly, ** came, guaranteed monthly ticket

May 1st is the full year of the official god on the shelves. Here, Lao He bows to thank the friends who have been with the official god for a whole year. It is your subscription that has brought the official god to where he is today, from a seedling to a big tree. Sincerely thank you for your brothers and sisters who have always insisted on

For the reason of being put on the shelves for a whole year, I beg for the guaranteed monthly ticket and angrily ask for the guaranteed monthly ticket. Brothers and sisters, please give the official God a good start in May. Please, thank you.

First of all, I apologize to my brothers for the April update. Although there are objective reasons, I have indeed failed to live up to my brothers' expectations. Lao He solemnly said: I'm sorry

At the same time, Lao He can loudly and justifiably announce that in May, 10,000 a day, and there are outbreaks from time to time, and there is no lie. Please look forward to the strong return of the official god. In May's update, it is not impossible to guarantee 300,000 words and more than 350,000 words, but Lao He is alone. On the first day of May, it depends on how many guaranteed monthly tickets the brothers will give to the official god, which will determine the update and wonderfulness of the official god in May, and also determine the fate of the official god. Is it perfunctory from now on, or continue to hit a new high? Brothers, it's all in your mind, whether to vote for the monthly ticket of the official god or abandon the official god, you are the hand that determines the fate of the official god

Why do you ask your brothers for votes with a sincere heart? There are several reasons.

The first reason for asking for votes, May 1st is the full first anniversary of the official god's listing, which is memorable and a special month. Please vote for the memorial.

The second reason for asking for votes is Lao He's birthday in May. I believe that on the next birthday, the official god has finished it. After more than a year of acquaintance, we have become good friends in real life. Since he is a good friend, he has a double monthly ticket seven days before May Day. A monthly ticket gives Lao He a double birthday gift. I think Lao He is still a author with character, and I think he is still a friend to make. Brothers, please send blessings to Lao He's birthday. Monthly ticket is the best gift. Please vote for your birthday.

The third reason for asking for votes, the official god's May, guarantee a minimum of 10,000, strive to break out once a week, and fight for it. At the same time, the plot is gradually smooth, and the thinking is completely open. There is both stable update and quality assurance. If you don't vote for the guaranteed monthly ticket to the official god who updates 10,000 yuan a day, Lao He can only have nothing to say and be sad. Ask for votes because of updates and outbreaks.

The fourth reason for asking for votes, the official god has now reached the bottleneck period, which is not the bottleneck of the plot, but the key period for the official god to be depressed or continue to work hard from now on. April's official god, because Lao He went out to study, was depressed a lot and was treated well by others**. Lao He hopes that the brothers will forge ahead with me. I will use updates and wonderful, and the brothers will use subscriptions and monthly tickets to regain the glory that belongs to the official god. Monthly tickets are very important. It is about whether Lao He can raise his confidence and courage and continue to write the key battle of the official god.

The fifth reason for asking for votes, if the above four points can't make the brothers be moved. First, don't put the commemoration of the first anniversary of the official god on the shelves. Second, don't you want to be a friend. It doesn't matter whether it's a birthday or not. Third, don't I gritted my teeth and promised that there will be 600 tickets today, and the fourth update will be delivered in the evening. If there are 700 tickets, I will continue to watch 35,000 tomorrow. If there are 800 votes, in the next four days, if there are 1,000 votes, it is impossible - Lao He is so tired that he vomits blood. On May Day, it is guaranteed to be more than 15,000 words a day, and the total update volume in seven days will definitely exceed 120,000 words

This is the proof that you will never give up to your promise

If you dare to vote for the monthly ticket, I will dare to update it. Or simply, take 600 votes as the benchmark, and add a chapter for every more than 150 votes. You know, now it's double, and 150 votes are only equivalent to 75 votes at ordinary times. In addition, Lao He's chapter is not 3 small chapters, but a large chapter of 5,000 words

With the above five reasons, sincerely ask for votes, five reasons, all sincere and sincere, brothers, if you don't vote for the monthly ticket at this time, when will you wait? Lao He wants to challenge his limits. OK, the monthly ticket comes quickly and see what kind of wonderful it will be

Langshi Da**, Xia wants a new journey, what kind of place will he step into? It's definitely worth looking forward to. It must be wonderful.

Monthly ticket, please give it to Lao He, who loves his brothers the most, and please give it to the official god A who never disappoints his brothers.