official god

Chapter 892 Unexpected Rebellion

Chapter 892 Accidental Rebellion

Xia wanted to be surprised.

To be fair, although he has no emotional factors for gold and silver jasmine, and is somewhat dissatisfied with what they have done, he must also admit that they are a pair of beloved sisters. They are not bad in nature, and they have no bad intentions. It is true that Chen has done some bad things intentionally or unintentionally, but they should not be reduced to being practiced.

Xia wanted to ask urgently, "What's going on? Please make it clear first."

"I, I, I..." In a panic, he lost the prestige of the past again. Oh, Chen finally stammered again and said incoherently, "I want their sisters to go abroad. I have completed all the formalities. Yesterday, they arrived in the capital. On the plane this morning, who knows that I can't contact them today I heard that they were taken away from the hotel in the middle of the night last night, and now their whereabouts are unknown..."

Xia wanted to be very angry: "Who is it?"


Xia wanted to be stunned. How could it be him? I couldn't help laughing bitterly again. Why can't it be him

Guo Huarui is one of the famous second ancestors in the capital, and he is also a very different person in the Prince's Party. Not to mention his uncle, who is one of the members of the Politburo, his father is also the boss of Guoyouhua, the most famous monopoly in China.

Guohan praises his people. Xiaxiang doesn't know much about it and has no contact with him. But it is by no means an ordinary person to be the boss of national oil. In later generations, there was an example of the boss of national oiling directly turning to the governor of any province, which shows that the boss of a large state-owned enterprise is as important as the governor of a province in the mind of the country.

But Xiaxiang still has heard a lot about Guo Huarui.

Guo Huarui is in his early 30s this year. It is said that he served as a deputy director in the Ministry of Commerce. It is estimated that he only cares about taking wages and not doing practical things. He has done nothing in politics, but because of his prominent family background, he was born with nothing missing, and he has always been taking pleasure in chasing women However, the difference between him and the four major flowers in the capital is that the four major flowers spend money to smash women, one is happy, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. When encountering the money offensive does not work, the four major flowers are not forced, so they only have an elegant name and no notoriety.

Guo Huarui is different. As long as he is the woman he is in favor of, he will spend money first. If you can't smash it, use all kinds of means to force the other party to comply. If the other party is a star, you can invest in a movie or find a director or producer through a relationship. Anyway, the means are omnipresent, and the only purpose is to go to bed. If none of the above means work, grab it directly, and the overlord will bow hard.

Guo Huarui's father is the boss of Guoyouhua, and his uncle is a member of the Politburo. No one dares to care about it in the capital. His overbearing woman is conservatively estimated to be more than ten or twenty people. Someone denounced him, and there is no follow-up. Some people later knew that he was so powerful that he could only break his teeth and swallow it into his stomach.

As a person of Guo Huarui, Xia thought that he understood it clearly through Yang Wei. When he heard that Jin Yin Jasmine was kidnapped by Guo Huarui, his heart sank, and he was afraid that the sisters would have more bad luck.

I think about it again. It's really not that the enemies don't get together. Chen Jiewen, the current secretary of the Tianze Municipal Party Committee, is Guo Huarui's aunt

Although Xia thought that he was not desperate, he hesitated a little and didn't say anything when he thought of Guo Huarui's background and his upcoming appointment in Tianze City.

Oh, Chen thought that Xia wanted to retreat and refused to help him, so he cried loudly: "Mayor Xia, no one is willing to help me now. For the sake of Xiaomo's good impression on you, for the sake of their almost dedication, you..."

"Stop talking, I will try my best to save them." Xia wanted to interrupt in a hurry. Chen's mouth was unscrupulous. He saved Jinyin Jasmine, not to covet their beauty. "Wait for my news."

Oh, Chen Lian repeatedly thanked him, sobbing, and couldn't say a complete word.

Xia thought didn't wait for him to talk any more, but hung up directly - time didn't wait for anyone, and he called Yang Wei as soon as he called.

After listening to Xia's words, Yang Wei immediately said, "I'll check the truth immediately."

Let Yang Wei come forward to find out things, which should be faster than all positive channels. Yang Wei wandered around in his early years and had contact with and understanding of all kinds of people in the capital.

Xia wants to point to the highway in the capital with his hand: "Go to the capital"

Xiao Wu answered and turned to the direction of the capital as soon as he hit the turn signal. A few cars followed closely, and they also followed. A total of three cars and six or seven people went straight to the capital.

Xia wants to sit in the back seat, squinting slightly and thinking about things.

Because he was transferred to leave Langshi, the incident happened suddenly. He had to devote all his energy to defeating Gu Xiangguo in the end, and he hadn't figured out how to deal with it. According to his original idea, oh, Chen must be brought to justice, because although he is different from the crimes committed by Gu Heguo, he is also full of crimes and deserves to die.

In fact, even if he left Langshi, Xiaxiang didn't plan to let Chen go. His plan is to wait until Tianze City and kill another horse gun. He only needs to wait until the dust of the Gu Xiangguo case is settled, and then go back to clean it up. Chen is too late.

Unexpectedly, the gold and silver jasmine was tied up unexpectedly.

Xiaxiang is not a saint. He has no male or female thoughts about gold and silver jasmine, and has no hegemony. But men are a very strange creature. After the last ** meat encounter, although Xia thought that although he didn't get gold and silver jasmine, he had the idea of going beyond the general friendship with them in his mind. Even if Jin Yin Jasmine is not his woman, in his opinion, unless Jin Yin Jasmine is willing and others force them, he must not stand idly by.

Even if he is the so-called second ancestor

Soon, Yang Wei's call came.

"Mayor Xia, I have found out that there is indeed such a thing. Oh, Chen's men betrayed him and told Guohuarui about Jinyin Jasmine's room. Now Jinyin Jasmine has been taken to Guohuarui's villa. It is not clear whether he has been approved by him..."

"Yang Wei, you can contact Guo Huarui, delay him first, and then go to his villa to negotiate with him. It will take me about an hour to get there. I'm afraid it's too late." Xia wants to know that as Yang Wei, he can talk to Guo Huarui, but Guo Huarui may not give Yang Wei face.

"I'll do it right away." Yang Wei has also seen Jinyin Jasmine. He doesn't know much about the relationship between Xiaxiang and Jinyin Jasmine, but when he saw Xiaxiang's tone, he was very anxious and knew that the situation was serious. "I tried my best, but the situation was not very optimistic. Guo Huarui was very proud, and he would not give me any But it's still not a big problem to delay him, but I have to remind you that it may not work if you come forward.

Yang Wei is telling the truth, and Xia wants to admit that he has no face in front of Guo Huarui. But in the capital, it's not that he has no network

The car drove quickly to the capital, racing against time and racing against time. What if Jinyin Jasmine is humiliated by Guo Huarui? Xia thought that he could not imagine the unacceptable consequences, and the anger in his heart gradually subsided.

What will be the serious consequences of the conflict with Guohuarui? He is not very worried. What Guohuarui has done can't be put on the stage, and no one will be willing to talk about it on the surface. But the problem is that it may be bad to trigger Chen Jiewen's stereotypes about him because of a small conflict. Before taking office, let the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee have an opinion on you, which is not a good start.

Although he is the mayor and the second person of the municipal party committee, he doesn't want to be at peace with the municipal party secretary at the beginning.

But now things don't allow him to flinch any more. Jin Yin Jasmine must be saved. He is not a man who has no responsibility.

Xia wanted to think about the matter all the way, and suddenly there was a big bend in his mind. He wanted to call Lao Gu and ask for his support, but now he changed his mind and called Qiu Xufeng.

The Qiu family is the representative of the family, and Xia Chang is not sure what political position Guo Hanqing, Guo Huarui's uncle, holds. Guo Hanqing's political position directly determined Chen Jiewen's political position, and Xia thought keenly found a fulcrum...

I haven't contacted Qiu Xufeng for a while. Qiu Xufeng's Minister of Organization in Yan City has done a good job. For another two years, if he is strong, he will directly serve as the secretary of the municipal party committee. If the opportunity is not good, he may become a mayor first and then become a secretary. In short, his career is

"Congratulations, Mayor Xia." When Qiu Xufeng received a call from Xia, he was packing up in the office and getting ready to get off work. Seeing that the holiday was coming and there were not many things to do in the organization department, he planned to go back to the capital early, so as to avoid staying in Yanshi to deal with the endless gift givers, which was also troublesome. He doesn't care about gifts, and he is not short of money. He doesn't want to affect his career by receiving gifts.

For Xiaxiang's unexpected correction, he also knows that it is the unexpected result of the political struggle, but he is still happy for Xiaxiang. The actual position of the main office is also the head of a city. Not everyone has such a good opportunity. Of course, there is also a little jealousy. He has always been higher than Xiaxiang. Now it's better. Xiaxiang has been on an equal footing with him. The key is that he is the Qiu family, one of the four major families. He has strong family power. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the crown prince, while Xiaxiang is from the grassroots.

It can't be compared. Maybe one day Xia wants to become a deputy provincial official, and he is still in the position of the main hall. At that time, he will have to look up to Xia.

Xia thought who was Xu Ren, and he suddenly heard a slightly sour meaning in Qiu Xufeng's words, so he smiled: "Brother Xufeng, call me Mayor Xia, do you want to draw a line with me, or complain that I didn't call you Minister Qiu before?"

Qiu Xufeng immediately replied, "You, you still don't forgive anyone at all. Well, Xiaxiang, it's a good opportunity to go to Tianze City. Congratulations. Let's sit down together later and have a good chat.

"Now I have something to do with you..." Xia wanted to talk about the matter of gold and silver jasmine being robbed by Guohua Rui.

As expected, Qiu Xufeng was silent for a moment: "Is it necessary to intervene?"

Xiaxiang's attitude is very resolute: "At all costs"

Although Xia thought did not say anything to ask him for help, Qiu Xufeng knew in his heart that Xia thought came to ask for his help. Although Xia's network in Beijing is not as deep as that in Yan Province, there are also many forces that can be used. If you don't look for him, it is very meaningful to come to him.

Qiu Xufeng pondered slightly. Before he made up his mind what to do, Xia thought and hung up the phone in a hurry: "I'll answer a call and call you later."

is a call from Yang Wei.

"Leader, I didn't contact Guo Huarui, and now I'm rushing to his house. But I heard that he was drunk last night, so I don't know if he did anything bad... I'll contact him when I get there."

Yang Wei hurriedly said a few words and hung up the phone again. Xia thought deeply appreciated Yang Wei's enthusiasm and ability, and became more and more convinced that Yang Wei could be handed over.

As soon as he hung up Yang Wei's phone, Qiu Xufeng called again. It's quite a friendship. If you can't wait for Qiu Xufeng's call, Xiaxiang doesn't plan to call him again.

"Xia Xiang, I contacted, but I haven't contacted anyone who is convenient to come forward for the time being. In this way, I'm just on holiday. Now I'm on my way to the capital. How about meeting you when I arrive?"

"All right, I'll wait for you in the capital." Xia thought he said politely and hung up the phone. In fact, he knew that Qiu Xufeng made an ambush. With the strength of the Qiu family, even if he failed in the adjustment of provincial and ministerial cadres, there would be no one to use it in the capital. The capital was the base camp of the Qiu family.

Qiu Xufeng is a slow-down. He said it well. It seems that he wants to come forward directly. In fact, it depends on the situation. It's a three-hour journey from Yanshi to the capital. Coupled with the traffic jam, it's good to get there in 4 hours. The cauliflower is cold early.

It can only be said that Qiu Xufeng didn't care.

Xia wants to shake his head slightly. Basically, he can conclude that whether it is Guo Huarui's uncle or his father, even if he is not a member of the family force, he has an internal connection with the Qiu family. Otherwise, with Qiu Xufeng's friendship with him, if the other party is an outsider, he will not hesitate to help.

Forget it, I don't expect Qiu Xufeng. What's more, he didn't put all his hope behind Qiu Xufeng. He just wanted to find an entry point to understand the political tendency of Chen Jiewen, Secretary of the Tianze Municipal Party Committee, who set up with him.

I picked up the phone and was about to call Lao Gu, but the phone rang unexpectedly. Xia thought that he didn't have time to pay attention to some meaningless calls now. He took a look at the number and didn't know it, so he directly refused to listen.

Unexpectedly, the other party's phone immediately called in again, refused to listen again, and called again. Xia wanted to be angry. After answering, she shouted, "Is it endless?"

"No" The other party was also aggressive and shouted, "What's wrong with you? I'll annoy you, I'll annoy you to death"

is pay first.

"First, it's you?" Xia wanted to calm down, "I'm in an emergency, so I won't talk to you."

"No, if there is anything urgent, you have to tell me first."

Xia thought that he had to simply say that Jinyin Jasmine was robbed by Guo Huarui, "I'm in a hurry to save people."

"I'll go" Fu Xianxian's voice suddenly increased by octave, "Son of a bitch, I hate men who force women the most. Guo Huarui is a son of a bitch. I went to find him and was the eunuch directly.

Ah... Xia wanted to eat a lot of surprise. When did Fu Xianxian be so fierce and violent? Before he could say a few more words, Fu Xianxian threw down a sentence and hung up the phone.

"I know where he lives, and I'm going to trouble him. Stinky man, go to hell"

Xia Xiang is speechless. Yes, I wanted to ask Lao Gu to come forward, or if it really didn't work, I asked Mr. Wu for help. The Wu family owed him a favor because of the matter of the paint factory in the United States, but now I don't need it for the time being. If there is a little witch coming out

Lang City is very close to the capital. Xiao Wu drove the car to the fastest speed. An hour later, the car had entered the capital.

According to the location given by Yang Wei, it took more than an hour for Xia to arrive at Guohuarui's villa.

Guohuarui's villa is located in the northwest of the capital. It is not remote, but it is not the city center. The location is not bad and quiet. The environment is good, the rockery is flowing, and the green trees and flowers are fragrant.

The villa is a three-storey single villa, which is very luxurious and beautiful, with European-style walls and iron doors. Unfortunately, the iron gate has been knocked off and fell aside. Looking at it again, a red Ferrari in the yard has been smashed, and there are a few pots of flowers on the cover, and several other cars parked in It's a mess.

Needless to say, it must be Fu Xianxian's masterpiece.

In the living room, Yang Wei is sitting quietly on the sofa, pretending to drink tea. Fu Xian angrily crossed his waist and swayed on the ground. Several bodyguard-like people, with a cold face, gathered around, but they didn't let Fu go upstairs first.

Upstairs, from time to time, there were women crying in horror.

Yang Wei looked at his watch anxiously and said to the bodyguard, "Please tell Guo Huarui that if he doesn't show up within five minutes, he will bear the consequences."

The bodyguard looked at Yang Wei with a contemptuous face, moved the corners of his mouth and said nothing. Fu Xian raised his foot and kicked the bodyguard. Seeing that the bodyguard was indifferent, he couldn't help shouting, "Guo Huarui, get down quickly. If you don't come down, believe it or not, I will burn your kennel."

A lazy voice came from the building, accompanied by a bad laugh: "Auntie, you can burn it casually. After burning, I will buy a new one. Besides, my brother will compensate me. I'm not afraid. Also, I just called your brother. He will come over in a minute. You can calm down, drink tea, and defeat the fire. When I finish the good thing, I will definitely go down and apologize to my aunt.

The tone reveals a sense of cynicism and disapproval.

Fu Xian was angry first. He grabbed the lighter from Yang Wei, pulled the tablecloth and lit it, and then threw it on the sofa.

Fu first had a little fire. Guo Huarui smelled the smell upstairs and laughed: "Okay, have guts. If you light a fire downstairs, then I will fire upstairs and have fun in the fire, which is simply a wonderful thing in life.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a cry of Jinyin Jasmine in horror: "No, no"

Yang Wei's blood surged up, and he suddenly stood up and was about to do it. Several bodyguards lined up and protected the stairs. It was clear that Yang Wei was not allowed to go upstairs, which means that if you want to do it, please do it.

Fu Xianxian was also anxious. He came forward and hit and kicked at the bodyguard. The bodyguard eagle grabbed Fu Xianxian's arm like a chicken, and Fu Xianxian suddenly couldn't move.

Suddenly, there was a loud "pop" sound, and the door was kicked open. Xia Xiang and Xiao Wu arrived in time and broke in. Xia wanted to hear Guo Huarui's unbridled laughter, and he suddenly became angry: "Guo Huarui, if you are a man, take out a man, don't force the woman**"

Xiaxiang, swear again, and then the real fire

P: Xia wants to be angry. During the double monthly ticket period, one is the top two. If you don't vote at this time, when will you stay? At this time, I don't save my sisters, I don't hit the second ancestor, it's not a man's monthly ticket. I want a monthly ticket and ask for the monthly ticket hoarsely. Please give Lao He the strength to let Lao He dedicate 15,000 words for his brothers today. How about that? Please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a free evaluation ticket after subscribing 10 yuan, please vote for a full score, which can help the official god rise to the evaluation A of three diamonds as soon as possible