official god

Chapter 911 Little things, big picture

Xia wanted to know Li Xiaomin's background, which was also inadvertently revealed by Fu Xianxian, because there was a call. Xia wanted to jokingly say that one of the deputy mayors was named Li Xiaomin. What she didn't know was a woman, but she was actually a big man. Fu Xian exclaimed exaggeratedly. It is said that she heard Fu Xianfeng talk about Li Xiaomin and Li Xiaomin from the department to the deputy office. From the front to the deputy hall. It's all the Fu family who came forward to promote...

There is a pay first. Many of the secrets of the Fu family are not secrets in Xiaxiang's eyes. If Fu Xianfeng knew about it, he would probably be extremely depressed.

"The annual maintenance cost of Mayor Xia's municipal government is staggeringly high. I think there must be some tricks in it, and it is necessary to strictly control it. And every year, Zhang Youcheng stirs up the project, which inevitably leads to the idea of power and money trading.

above the officialdom. Generally speaking, it is easy to make money. Li Xiaomin named Zhang You by name. Obviously, his dissatisfaction with Zhang You has reached an intolerable level. There is another thing that makes Xia wonder. The administrative department is the opposite of Daguang. But Bao Daguang is also the deputy secretary-general of Li Xiaomin.

If you delve into it, even he will bear part of the responsibility. What's Li Xiaomin's plan?

Xia Xiangyi was surprised that Li Xiaomin directly mentioned the tricks of the municipal government. The second is to understand Li Xiaomin's true intention. If he is not a family member. He would think that he was coming closer, but because of the Fu family, Xia couldn't help guessing.

"I really don't know much about the specific situation..." Xia wanted to be careless. If Lei hadn't told the truth after drinking, he really didn't know the inside story. "Xiaomin, please tell me in detail."

Li Xiaomin doesn't think what Xia wants to say is a lie. Mayor Xia has only been here for about a week. How can he understand that the Tianze Municipal Party Committee compound has a intertwined network under the stale and old atmosphere?

Although he is a little uncomfortable to call him Xiaomin in a kind tone compared with Xia, who is a few years younger than him, it is indeed in line with the tone of his superiors calling his subordinates. He can't let Mayor Xia also call him Mayor Li. In fact, he also knows that Mayor Xia called him Xiaomin in a kind way. After listening to him, Mayor Li was estranged.

"Although the municipal government's facilities are old. However, most of them can still be used normally, but the maintenance funds declared from the administration every year are more than 4 million yuan, which costs a lot of money. Should it be bad or bad? The annual report should not be bad. I don't see any maintenance, I just spend money, and it's like this every year.

There are also serious bloated people, and there are many children of leading cadres who don't go to work to get paid, and the annual additional expenditure is at least 2 million yuan. It's all the people's hard-earned money. It was thrown away in vain, which made people sad. Li Xiaomin was indignant. I have reported the situation to Mayor Mao many times. Mayor Mao always hummed and perfunctorily, saying that he wanted to reduce expenses year by year, but it increased year by year. The most ridiculous thing is that there is only one elevator in the whole municipal party committee compound, and a person is specially arranged to manage the elevator. What does she do every day? Just go to work at 7 a.m. and twist the key. Open the elevator. I'll go to work at night. Tate it again. Close the elevator. The working time of a day is less than a minute. You have to take 1,500 yuan!"

Xia wanted to see Li Xiaomin with impassioned enthusiasm and an angry face. Just a calm expression on his face. Not to mention the edge of the municipal government, he doesn't know anything about it, and he also knows some inside information. It's not that he is indifferent to it. It's just that he is the mayor. It's impossible to personally instruct some trivial things. What's more, he doesn't care about Li Xiaomin's anger. He first came to Tianze City. It is also a crucial position of mayor. To prevent being used by interested people and become the fulcrum of other people's interests, he needs to be cautious, observe carefully, and then make a decision.

"Elevator worker, whose relative is it?"

Originally, Xia Xiang's calm face made Li Xiao's forgiveness disappointed. He thought that Xia Xiang had been tempered into a bureaucrat in the officialdom. He only saw big things in his eyes. He turned a blind eye to small moths and was too lazy to investigate. Unexpectedly, Mayor Xia asked the essence of the matter as soon as he opened his mouth It made Li Xiaomin overjoyed. Immediately, I want to look at Xia differently.

Leader is leader, and the perspective of the problem is very cicose and tricky. At a glance, I found the fulcrum. "Her surname is Ma. They all call her Sister Ma. She is Bao Daguang's sister-in-law."

"Bao Daguang" Is it more than 50 years old? Xia thought that he didn't answer, and suddenly asked about other aspects.

58, I'll be back soon." Li Xiaomin's eyes are clear, and Mayor Xia is awesome, don't look young. Every sentence comes to the point.

"Li Qing's poverty seems to be only 4O right?.

"Yes, 42 years old." Li Xiaomin observed Xia Xiang's expression without changing his eyes. I want to see the mood swings of Xia Xiang. Unfortunately, he was disappointed. Mayor Xia's face was like a pool of water from beginning to end.

The water wave is not popular. Flat as a mirror.

"Xiaomin. How long have you been in this situation? Xia wanted to ask again.

"It's been more than a year." As soon as the words are spoken. Li Xiaomin knew that he was tricked by Xia Xiang and hurriedly explained, "I am indeed the deputy mayor in charge of Bao Daguang, but if Bao Daguang has something to do, he will either report directly to Mayor An or to the secretary. I can't help it..."

Another thing he can't do is that he became a sandwich pie. His work can't be supported by neither the secretary of the municipal party committee nor the deputy mayor. He is very helpless.

Generally speaking, even if the deputy mayor in charge has no power. The deputy secretary-general of the counterpart will not report to the extreme. Because superiors also don't like subordinates who report their work beyond the level, they will think that if you don't pay attention to your immediate boss, you don't know the rules. Of course. There are exceptions to everything. If it is true that a subordinate is at peace with his immediate superior, he has a good relationship with his boss. It is possible to report everything beyond the immediate boss.

"I heard that your relationship with Mayor Mao is not bad?" Xia Xiang won't trust Li Xiaomin. Is he coming to surrender or to sow discord? It still needs to be observed before he can come to a conclusion.

"Mayor Mao is a good man. He doesn't like to be in charge." After a few rounds, Li Xiaojiao found that Mayor Xia was more calm and intelligent than he thought. He thought that Xia was young, and secondly, it was rumored that Mayor Xia liked impulse and enthusiasm in Lang City and came to Tianze City. We should also be jealous of evil. As soon as he heard of the illegal incident that had the right to trade money under the eyes of the municipal government, it would definitely happen. Unexpectedly, Mayor Xia was still and found out a lot of his details. It made him secretly shocked and had to speak more carefully. When Mayor Mao became mayor, he was 50

In his old age, he just planned to retire after the last term. In addition, he has a good temper and let go of everything. In fact, in the government team. It's up to Mayor An to decide.

Anxingyi? Xiaxiang frowned slightly. He is not maliciously guessing An Xingyi's person,

And does An Xingyi love to stir up power or is it wrong? It doesn't have much to do with him, although An Xingyi is the person in the Song Dynasty. But it doesn't mean that Song Chaodu's eyes just look at Huai. What he was dissatisfied with was that Li Xiaojiao talked farther and farther, the more people talked about, and the bend was too big. Suspected of being a little clever.

Because until now. Li Xiaomin hasn't said what he really means.

Xia Xiang's eyes salted Li Xiaomin's shoulder and looked behind him.

Li Xiaomin immediately realized Xia's impatience. There is a quartz clock hanging on the wall behind him. When reporting work to the leader, if the leader intends to look at the time, it is a sign of impatience for you. Either the leader you reported is not interested. Or you did something wrong. It made the leader unhappy.

"Mayor Xia "..." Li Xiaomin knew that it was time to make up her mind. If she didn't say her true intention, she waited for Xia to drive him away. He had no chance. "I want to start to rectify the unhealthy trend of the administrative department and hope the leaders can support my work."

Do you want to take over the power with his support? In fact, Xia Xiang also probably guessed Li Xiaomin's intention,

But he won't point out, just wait for Li Xiaomin to say it himself.

Li Xiaomin wants to take over the right. As the deputy mayor in charge. The requirements are reasonable, and Xiaxiang should support it.

One more thing. Li Xiaomin will inevitably touch the interests of many people in the process of collecting power. The first one is Zhang You. And there is a large group of people behind Zhang You. Especially on the premise that the government team has not agreed on the issue of the housing project, it has first moved Zhang You's interests in the municipal government maintenance project. It is very necessary. And it's also a very good breakthrough.

There is still a big difference between the mayor and the executive deputy mayor. The executive vice mayor is the number one deputy mayor, after all, he is also a deputy. The mayor is the head of the government team. While having the right to decide. There will be a lot of people naturally approaching. Of course, more importantly, many things do not need to be done in person. You just need to hint or knock on the spot, and many people will guess the leader's intention.

Xia Xiang doesn't know much about Li Xiaomin's political prestige. Just try it: "The unhealthy wind must be stopped. Xiaomin, the administrative department is within your charge. What to do is within your authority. I only ordered a little. Then he suddenly asked, "What time does Sister Ma go to work?"

Leaving Xia Xiang's office, Li Xiaomin was still a little dizzy. Mayor Xia did not explicitly support his request, which made him very frustrated. Second, the topic suddenly changed. I asked Sister Ma about her working hours. What does it mean? He didn't figure it out. The leader never speaks a word of nonsense, but if you can't figure out the leader's intention, don't let the leader support your work.

He returned to the office. After thinking about it for a long time, I still couldn't figure it out, so I almost wanted to break my head. The more I don't understand, the more uncomfortable I feel. After a few turns, he woke up. What a great Mayor Xia. A few years younger than him, he was well stinged in the officialdom, and he was defeated by one face. He also wanted to pretend to be the hand of Xia to maximize the benefits, but he didn't expect to be manipulated by Xia.

First, I called Fu Xianfeng to report the progress of Xia's work in Tianze City. Fu Xianfeng didn't have any instructions. I dealt with a few words lightly. Just hung up the phone. Then Li Xiaomin suddenly got up with Peng Yunfeng. The last time I leveled the site. Peng Yunfeng did a very beautiful job. He must be able to guess Mayor Xia's words.

Li Xiaomin took a step and came to Peng Yunfeng's office in person. First, she pretended to ask about the job. After a few words, he talked about the commuting time of Sister Ma in the elevator.

Peng Yunfeng is the Secretary-General of the Government and Director of the Government Office. The relationship between him and Li Xiaomin is also reasonable. After listening to a few words, he guessed Li Xiaomin's intention and smiled: "Work for one minute every day. I get a salary of 1,500 yuan, which is higher than my salary. I definitely don't see anyone at the usual time, and I don't know if I'm still in the municipal party committee compound. That's right, there is only one elevator in the municipal party committee compound. There are very few people sitting. Even Secretary Chen and Mayor Xia go to the Standing Committee Building and usually take the stairs. The utilization rate is too low. It has been several years. Just like the new one, plus annual maintenance. There has never been a failure..."

Li Xiaomin's eyes lit up. He patted Peng Yunfeng on the shoulder with a happy smile: "Yunfeng. Speaking of which, we are still fellow villagers. I'll buy you a drink tonight..

Peng Yunfeng was polite: "How dare you invite me? If you are too polite, you can't do it. "It can't be avoided. You must sit down. Otherwise. It's just that I don't give face to my fellow villagers. Don't mention the position, just the fellow villagers.

Li Xiaomin is playing a family card.

Peng Yunfeng agreed: "Mayor Li's face must be given. Mayor Li's wine. Be sure to drink it. It's incumbent on the villagers to do things.

Li Xiaomin laughed and thought, why didn't he find that Peng Yunfeng was so good at things before? As soon as Mayor Xia came, his good political mind improved a lot. Is it because those who are close to the red and those who are close to the black can soar with Mayor Xia and the political level?

After work the next afternoon, Xiaxiang, accompanied by Peng Yunfeng and Xu Ziqi, walked around the municipal party committee compound at will to enhance his understanding. Unconsciously, I came to the Standing Committee Building. I don't know whether Xia wanted to come on purpose or Peng Yunfeng's inadvertent way.

Most of the buildings in the municipal party committee compound were completed before the 1990s, and only the standing committee building is a new building. And an elevator was also installed. But somehow, after the completion of the Standing Committee Building, only one meeting of the Standing Committee was left idle. Some people said that Secretary Chen did not like the Standing Committee Building. She thought the feng shui was not good, and she had a headache as soon as she went in.

As a result, all the meetings of the Standing Committee were still held in the old building, and millions of yuan were invested in a building. It's like the sky, as soon as it is released. It's been more than two years. I also heard that a director of the Municipal Party Committee once proposed to change the standing committee building into an office building. Solve the increasingly tense office disturbance in the municipal party committee compound. Soon after the opinion was put up, he was transferred from an important department to a leisurely elderly care department. From then on, no one dared to raise the issue of the Standing Committee building.

The standing committee building is the latest building in the municipal party committee compound. It is also the heart disease of everyone in the Tianze municipal party. Xiaxiang and his party came to the standing committee building. They got on the elevator and just got to the third floor. It suddenly broke down. Don't go up or down and stop in the middle. Xu Ziqi and Peng Yunfeng were anxious. He hurriedly called the administrative department, "Li Qingpoor is having a meeting in the office. Let's talk about saving money. If it really doesn't work, the staff reduction and throtling are on the rise, and the phone rings. He is most annoyed when he is interrupted by others during the meeting and takes a look at the phone. I didn't know, so I refused to listen. I just refused to listen. He was annoyed when he called again: "Hey, which one? I'm in a meeting. Let's talk about it later.

" Director Li, I'm Xu Ziqi.,

Xu Ziqi has just served as Xiaxiang's secretary. There are not many people who know his mobile phone number one by one, and his voice is neither humble nor arrogant. In fact, as the secretary of the second figure, he is fully qualified to talk to Li Qing poor in a condescending tone. Although he is the deputy department. But Li Qing's name is Director. In fact, it's just a section level. "Mayor Xia is trapped in the elevator of the Standing Committee Building. Send someone right away!.

Li Qing was stunned at first. It's impossible. The elevator in the Standing Committee building can't be used a few times a year. How can it break down? Then I suddenly realized something, and I secretly shouted in my heart that something bad was going to happen!

He didn't care about what to say. He immediately called the maintenance staff, ran to the Standing Committee Building in a panic and thought about something on the way, and called Bao Daguang again.

When Li Qingpoor rushed to the committee building, Mayor Xia was out of trouble. He hurriedly admitted his mistake to Mayor Xia and criticized himself first. Mayor Xia was not angry. He just asked casually, "Isn't it said that someone is responsible for the management of the elevator?" Then he looked at his watch and turned away.

Xu Ziqi followed Xia to leave. Peng Yunfeng stayed. He severely criticized Li Qing's poverty. Li Qing is hard to distinguish. I wonder why the elevator is not bad sooner or later. Did it go bad when Mayor Xia came? It's really unlucky.

Unlucky things are yet to come.

Li Xiaomin, the deputy mayor in charge of the news, came to the scene. After learning the situation, he was furious and immediately let the poor get rid of Sister Ma and re-mainhauled the elevator equipment.

"Now I just let the leader be trapped in it for a few minutes. What if the leader is caught in the elevator next time? Huh? Who can bear this responsibility? We should look at the question from the height of dissistance. Lao Li. If Mayor Xia asks in detail where the 5 million Xiongxiu funds will be spent in a year. Go and explain it to Mayor Xia by yourself!"

Li Xiaomin brushed his sleeves and left.

Peng Yunfeng also patted Li Qingpoor on the shoulder earnestly: "Lao Li, Lao Li. Confused, confused"..." The words were only half said. He shook his head and left.

Li Qing is as poor as a wooden chicken. I couldn't move for a long time until Bao Daguang called.

He just woke up and reported the specific situation to Bao Daguang.

Bao Daguang pondered for a long time and gritted his teeth: "Sister Ma can't stay. She will be fired. This year's maintenance cost. Press it down and don't be too eye-catching. Someone wants to take an operation on us. Lao Li must stand firm..

Li Qing was angry. There is Mayor Xia. Vice Mayor Zhonggu Li and Secretary Peng, and now Deputy Secretary-General Bao are putting pressure on a small director to him. Where can he afford to take the beam? The advantage is that he is not alone. Secretary-General Bao takes a big head and does not carry a heavy burden. Push it all to him. Who did he push it to?

Li Qing was poor who thought that if he fired Sister Ma, it would be too much to cover it up. What I didn't expect was. He wants to cover up someone but wants to make a big deal...

The leader has no small matter, it depends on how the people around him use the topic to play. An elevator trifle. It's getting worse and worse. In the end, it became a vigorous political event within the municipal party committee and the redrawing of power!