official god

Chapter 913 Inside Story, Knock

"Secretary and Mayor! There are disputes that are not terrible. Officialdom is originally a place of fame and fortune, and the most complicated and the most challenging place for human nature. The key is that after the dispute, the means to solve the problem is the key to the higher political wisdom of Facebook and the mayor.

The mayor focused on the economy, and the book kept on personnel. Chen Jiewen proposed to let Bao Daguang retreat and let Xia think of the people take over. On the surface, it was very sincere, but in fact, there was not much concession.

Bao Daguang is the deputy secretary-general of the municipal government, the deputy department, and the organization department can be assessed and appointed. Basically, there is no alarm. Besides, it is the secretary-general of the municipal government. It is necessary to ask Xiaxiang's opinion. It can even be said that Xiaxiang's opinion will be used as an important reference for the Organization Department. Of course, if the calligraphy has to intervene, the organization department will be more inclined to follow the instructions of the calligraphy.

Then again, if Xia doesn't nod, the appointment of the Deputy Secretary-General will not be easy to pass.

What made Xia want to feel more funny is that Chen Jiewen's insignificant Bao Daguang came to exchange. Did she think he would want to master the administrative department and let his people come to Chenglan Municipal Government's elegant repair project? Just kidding, one of his principles is that he wants to invest goods in the place where he is in charge. The first point is that he can't invest in the internal projects of the municipal government. Any ** zone where there is a possibility of money transactions should be avoided, and he should benefit from the market, not from evil ways.

The crooked way will not come for a long time.

Bao Daguang didn't want to retreat, but was afraid. He was afraid that someone would really investigate the whereing of Ya Xiujin. He couldn't eat the pocket, so he wanted to retreat super tight to avoid being investigated. Is Bao Daguang the best person mentioned by Chen Jiewen? Xia wants to be too lazy to think about it. All he needs to know is that the proposal of the gap book is to exchange expired sesame seeds for a good idea of a fresh watermelon.

If the idea is too good, it is often easy to be disappointed.

"Comrade Bao Daguang has strong business ability and works very well. There is no need to retire early. He can completely finish the last shift." Xia wanted to directly cut down Chen Jiewen's proposal. "Serney to the development and education of several sugarcane cities and the Beijing region have contacted me, and proposed that they can accept the premise that they can accept 30% of the advance amnesty. Each family is willing to devote their love to the housing project in Tianze City. Their strength is thicker, and they all have developed dozens of communities. Li Xia wanted to come the most. Chen Jiewen was suffocated at work alone for a long time. It's okay for Xia to think that he doesn't give any face at all. He has already prepared his backhand, but he didn't come into contact with new development and education. Doesn't he really want to ignore everyone's objections and act in full accordance with his own will?

This summer thought, too stubborn and the family is too stubborn. Do you have to say that it can't be the same?

There was a gentle knock on the door outside. It was Li Yifeng. Chen Jiewen looked calm: "Come in..."

After Li Yifeng came in, he smiled modestly: "Gan Shu Ji, Mayor Xia is a little inhumane." He went too far. After all, in Tianze Mou, "You are the leader..."

"Sit.! Except for "Chen Jiewen's frustration for no reason", "In the future, you will say less bad things about Mayor Xia in front of me, do your job well, and be a responsible person!"

Li Yifeng was so scared that he shrank his skin. He suddenly sweated coldly: "It's true." The leader criticized me so much that I wrote it down."

Chen Jiewen, who always calms down in front of outsiders, has lost and cursed people behind her back. No one knows Li Yifeng! Chen Jiewen is best at pretending that her family is completely different from each other, and only he knows her most true and honest side. Of course, she also inexplicably endured her anger for many times for no reason.

Back to the outside, Li Yifeng sat in his seat and thought impatiably that it was really unfortunate to follow a superior of a half-old Xu Niang. It is estimated that the menopause of the gap book has been fighting for the family, or he has been making a nameless recently, which makes him sometimes at a loss and never know what he has But the anger of the gap book is like a whirlwind. I don't know where the tongue comes from, and I don't know when the tongue comes from, which makes people unable to guard against it. "Wan has been with her for many years. He has been scolded for a long time, and sometimes it is inevitable to be scolded to anger

The first spark of the political swamp incident, which was re-scratched by the team and slit forces within the city wife, was first ignited from Sister Ma.

After Sister Ma was dismissed, she was unconvinced and argued with Bao Daguang many times. Yes, what a good job is lost. If you lose it, you can't find such a good job in the world. Every day, you just twist the key in the morning and night. It's easy to fall. Yuan, Yi Zun didn't delay other things and other time. She wanted to sleep every day - she couldn't swallow this evil breath, and because Bao Daguang was afraid of his wife, she reasoned with her sister every day.

Sister Ma's sister can't stand her sister's complaints. She asked Bao Daguang to arrange another easy and profitable Chen Jiewen for Sister Ma every day. Bao Daguang was tireless, and he was afraid of his wife's life every night, so he found Zhang You again. Naturally, Zhang You didn't have anything to say anything. He arranged a job to take care of the warehouse for Sister Ma, and worked 6 hours a day. The work was also 1,500 yuan.

People are greedy enough to swallow their homes. "Sister Ma is used to a good job that can earn 1,500 yuan by opening and closing the elevator every day, and only earns 1,500 yuan for 6 hours a day." She felt that she had suffered a big loss, and did not consider Bao Daguang's current situation in the municipal government, and she was not good in He was convinced that Bao Daguang refused to help her. If he had nothing to do, he went to the municipal government and went to Bao Daguang's office to find him. Her idea is very simple. "Anyway, Bao Daguang is afraid of her sister, and she can't do anything to her." She was so annoyed that Bao Daguang had no choice but to arrange more work for Bao Daguang.

As a result, Bao Daguang was provoked, scolded Sister Ma severely, and told the doorman not to let her in again. Sister Ma is also popular. She scolds Bao Daguang for being ungrateful. If she hadn't subsidized him back then, he didn't know which cat he was in now. Where can there be five or six people today?

Under the forgiveness of Sister Ma, she took the elevator to vent her anger. She didn't know why she came in - the last time she was fired, she still kept a key. "It was not taken back, so she took the key and opened it randomly, and as a result, she broke the elevator.

It doesn't matter if it's broken. Coincidentally, it was caught by Wu Mingyi on the spot. Wu Mingyi shouted loudly and called several staff members and escorted Sister Ma to the security office with her hands behind her back unceremoniously.

The matter is not big or small, but because the two parties are more eye-catching, it has become a sensational event in the city wife's compound!

Needless to say, everyone knows that her dismissal was made a scene in the city wife's compound because the cause of the matter was that Mayor Xia was trapped in the elevator. And Sister Ma's dismissal also involved the ** problem on the political swamp, which was regarded as the first small fire of Mayor Xia's new official to take office . So a small female elevator worker also became a popular figure.

The pro-salty relationship between Sister Ma and Bao Daguang is also known to have more tests and discussions. There is no small matter in Zhenguma. A small thing is related to the change of wind direction. They are waiting for when Bao Daguang will be removed by Mayor Xia.

I didn't expect that Bao Daguang hadn't moved yet. Sister Ma made trouble again and was caught by Wu Mingyi. This has always been like the city wife's courtyard of stagnant water, boiling like a hot pot.

Wu Mingyi is the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, the No. 3 figure in Tianze City!

And we all know that Wu Shuqi has long read Bao Daguang because Wu Shuqi wants his relatives to undertake the elegant modification and construction project of the municipal government. Bao Daguang has a hard waist, does not give face, and does not even share a cup of soup, which annoys Wu Shuji. Wu Shuji has never been able to find a chance to make a big light. Now it's all right. My sister-in-law deliberately destroyed public property and fell into his hands. Can he be good at it?

Xia wanted to listen to the report of Vice Mayor Zhang Yuchuan. If he further broadened the original travel ideas, Xu Ziqi pushed the door and entered without even knocking on the door. He hurriedly said, "Mayor, something happened. Except"

Xia wanted to look up at Xu Ziqi. Xu Ziqi immediately understood that he was too responsible for his account. As the secretary of the leader, he represented the third-shaped family. He was the first-shaped family. The third-shaped family. The secretary was the third-shaped family. The secretary was the third-shaped family. You should pay attention to the Unable to get around, he took a deep breath: "Sister Ma deliberately damaged the elevator and was caught by Wu Shuqi on the spot! All"

"Sister Ma? What sister Ma? Which sister Ma? In addition to "Xia wants to wave his hand impatiently, "I broke in with a fuss about everything. Didn't you see Comrade Yu Jia and I discussing work in the village? Except"

Xu Ziqi was stunned with Xia Chang's old time. He didn't immediately understand Xia's intention. How could Mayor Xia not know who Sister Ma was? He was stunned and answered. He woke up to know that he had just said the wrong thing. He shouldn't have said about Sister Ma's arrest in front of Zhang Yujia's face. He coughed awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry, Mayor, Mayor Li called you just now. I'm in a hurry, what... no."

Xia wanted to see Xu Ziqi to teach, and he didn't have too much for him, but he still looked stern: "Mayor Li's matter, just let him deal with it. I have no problem..."

Xu Ziqi understood Xia Xiang's spirit of instructions, nodded out, and immediately called Li Xiaomin. Li Xiaomin also just heard the news that Sister Ma was out of the season. When she was about to call Mayor Xia, she received a phone call from Xu Ziqi.

Xu Ziqi also learned to speak on the brown side: "Mayor Li, Mayor Xia is listening to Mayor Zhang's report on his work, and it is not convenient to answer the phone. After he heard about Sister Ma just now, he didn't remember which sister Ma was..."

Li Xiaomin immediately understood something: "Thank you, Secretary Xu..."

"Mayor Li is very kind. In addition to "hanging up the phone", Xu Ziqi felt his importance for the first time. His words represent the opinion of Mayor Fu. In the municipal government team, "no one has him closest to Mayor Xia. Anyone who wants to understand Mayor Xia's love and forgiveness of Yuan Le must pass him.

Zheng Yangyang was complacent for a moment. Suddenly, he thought of Mayor Xia's weight-lifting Zheng Nuo's wrist. He suddenly woke up again, but he could not show a trace of pride and complacency in front of the leader. Mayor Xia is younger than him, but he is definitely more keen than him in Zheng Nunuma. The words have been promoted to a very critical position, and can also be returned to its original form by Mayor Xia's words.

Xu Ziqi thought about it and broke out in a cold sweat. The more he looked for his side, the more he should guard against arrogance and impatience. Otherwise, if he is tired of him by Mayor Xia, his political swamp life will be ended, and there will be no day in his life.

He took a pen and wrote down the four sentences summed up from his many years of official career - an age is a treasure, and a diploma is indispensable. Ability to freeze reference, relationship is the most important!

Home... Guys... Xu Ziqi is still a little grumpy. Xia Xiang shook his head slightly. He was also very surprised that Sister Ma was accidentally arrested. He also heard that it was in Wu Mingyi's hands that he knew that there was a good show to watch.

Wu Mingyi's political position was not clear to Xia Xiang. After his PS came to Tianze City. I have never had contact with Wu Mingyi alone. But he is very clear about this fact. "Wu Mingyi is the Wu family!

It is not only the direct line of the Wu family, but also the distant relatives of the Wu family, so he has reason to believe that no matter whether Wu Mingyi and Chen Jiewen have interests and cooperation, and whether Wu Mingyi is willing to be consistent with him in the municipal party committee, he will never let go of Sister Ma's incident easily.

Zhengnuma characters, if there is no Zhengnuma ** sex, no one will reach the high position of the deputy hall. After he was trapped in the elevator, there was an incident of dismissal of Sister Ma, which itself sent a very obvious signal. In addition, the municipal government has not reached a consensus on the housing project, and the wife in the city is also well known to everyone, which reveals a strong political trend.

Because the two things seem to have nothing to do with each other on the surface, but careful people can see the connection between them. Sister Ma implicated Bao Daguang, Bao Daguang implicated Zhang You, and the undertaker of the Anju project is also Zhang You.

If Wu Mingyi can't even see this, he doesn't deserve to be a listed wife, and he is not qualified enough to become a member of the Wu family.

As for whether he has no intention or not, Xia doesn't care and doesn't bother to guess. He just needs to achieve his goal.

"Comrade Yu Jia... ..." Zhang Yujia was in her early 40s, with an old face, and it was not easy to call her Lao Zhang in neutral clothes, so he simply called her by her name. "Sandu City intends to jointly hold a tourism and cultural festival with our city. Shanyu City's wife Wang Shuji has a great With the idea of the tourism and cultural festival in Zhaonan, Tianze City will be led by you. Specifically, you can let Yunwei assist you in your work. In a single domain, the secretary of Wang Shuji will be the contact person for the time being... Guys, remove the family"

Zhang Yujia was in charge of tourism" was handed over to her to be specific and expensive. It was also Xia who wanted to see her careful work and how to promote the further development of tourism. However, Wang Kenmin was just a caged mention at that time, and did not specifically arrange a unilateral reason. Who takes the lead? Since Tianze City is led by a deputy mayor in charge, Qingding, Shanyu City, will also be led by a deputy mayor.

Earlier, it was said that the joint holding of the tourism and cultural festival between the two cities was regarded as the face of Xia An's examination. Xia also knew that it was half a joke. The secretary of the city's wife could not interfere in the affairs that the government should focus on. The non-compliance also had an impact on Wang Kenmin's political I am deeply honored by the heavy responsibility given to her by Mayor Xia, and I expressed my satisfaction: "I will successfully complete the heavy responsibility entrusted to me by Mayor Xia, and I will live up to the trust of the city's wife and municipal government..."

Xia wanted to start sorting out the documents on the table. Zhang Yuchuan saw the situation and knew that he had failed." He got up and said goodbye. When he came to the door, he remembered something and asked with a smile, "Mayor Xia, I have a Qinxian who also said that I know you. She is deeply impressed with you, and when she talks Except"

Xia thought about how to deal with the housing project. He didn't listen to Zhang Yujia's words carefully, so he reluctantly answered, "Is that right? No"

Zhang Yujia also saw that Xia wanted to be insensitive to her problem, but she also said it. It was not easy to take it back, so she said, "Well, yes, her name is Zhang Xinying. Maybe you still have a little Yinjia" Zhang Xinying? Zhang Yujia came for a long time, and Xia wanted to wake up. "The world is really small. Zhang Yujia actually discussed Zhang Xinying, and it was also a friendly relationship!

But the idea just flashed, and then he threw it again! Bian, because Peng Yunfeng came to ask for instructions.

"Mayor Xia" has two things to report to you. "One is that Zhang You found me through familiarity." He wanted to invite you to dinner, but I refused. The second is that Sister Ma deliberately threw up public property and is now locked up in the security office. What kind of instruction spirit do you have?

Peng Yunfeng did have a blind eye and could do things. Zhang You didn't say through who found him. He didn't say it. I guess it was a lot of face, but he refused directly without asking Xiaxiang. Obviously, the first is that Xiaxiang will not nod. Second, he went to Xiaxiang to show his firm position with Mayor Xia .

Xia wanted to not only appreciate Peng Yunfeng, but also was not 100% satisfied with his way of thinking. He was not 100% satisfied, so he felt the need to knock: "Yunji, it's not a big deal for Sister Ma to destroy public property." Since the situation is locked up in the security office. If the situation is not serious, it will be If it's serious, you and Xiaomin can come forward... Guys... Don't be confused about big and small things! Except"

Peng Yunfeng's heart thumped. Mayor Xia was not very serious when he spoke. There was even a smile on his face, but there was no doubt. He knew that it was probably Zhang You's invitation to dinner. He refused without asking for instructions. He was a little smart.

I was busy explaining: "Zhang Youto's acquaintance is from Xu... Guys... I also have a little friendship with Minister Xu. He is embarrassed to come to you directly and wants to ask me to wave his mouth first..."

Xu Xin, Minister of Organization? Xia thought, "Yes" and asked without hesitation: "Yunfeng, you have been the secretary-general of the government for more than two years." You are familiar with the suffocation under the government. Can Director Namu approve heavier snipers?"

Peng Yunfeng's heart jumped up fiercely... Come on...,