official god

Chapter 924 Both Hands and Two Hands

News is broadcast in the in-depth news column.

In-depth news is a column launched by the municipal TV station following the example of CCTV's focus interview. The purpose is to dig deep into the news behind the news and the reality and social significance behind the news.

The so-called reality and social significance is naturally to point directly to the essence, and deeply analyze the events behind the news. To put it bluntly, it is to beat the relevant departments, which plays the role of hitting the face and vigilance.

Jin Yanzhao is a producer and host, and it is also estimated that the reason why she has a backstage is to do the in-depth news column well. Although she has offended many relevant departments, even Chen Jiewen has hinted to the city's station director to let the in-depth news converge a little, but the words recorded in the book are The influence among the people is getting wider and wider, and it is deeply loved.

The Minister of Propaganda often complained that he once personally called Qian Jianru, the director of the city, but Qian Jianru kept complaining to Chang, saying that there was someone on the golden face, and he couldn't afford to provoke him. He also didn't know why Jin Yanzhao insisted on staying in the small temple of Tianze City. Even if she went to the capital to fool around, she could also go to Middle School...

The name of Zhong* Yangyi is so loud that one sentence blocked Chang's resentment. He will never ask about Jin Yanzhao again. Originally, he had an idea before. He had fantasized about holding the youthful and beautiful body in his arms, but after listening to Qian Jianru's hint, he completely gave up this immature idea.

He knows Qian Jianru's person, and he is also an old pervert. Since he avoids not eating the grass in his nest, and he doesn't even listen to Chen Shu's instructions, he knows that there must be an inside story.

Jin Yanzhao is a gorgeous rose with too many thorns. No wonder I have been in Tianze City for two or three years, and I have never heard of being spoiled by any municipal party leader...

The in-depth news on the city station is usually 20 minutes, of which three minutes broadcast the picture of Zhang You with an astronomical anxious red face, especially his famous "I said you are not qualified, and you are not qualified. I said that you are qualified, "You are also qualified to electrocute people", the argument has been repeatedly played two or three times. Of course, the words that say the mayor or something later have been edited, and the remarks that are easy to cause political disputes cannot be made public.

The arrogant, arrogant and scoundrel's face was vividly fully exposed to the millions of citizens of Tianze City. That night, the whole city was furious, and the phone call of the TV station was almost blown up! At the same time, the voice of questioning on the Internet also swept like a wave. The astronomical name became famous overnight!

The family homes and office buildings of the Quality Supervision Bureau have been thrown with countless bricks. Countless windows and more than a dozen office cars have been smashed!

Astronomy was washing his feet at home at night. He was scolded by Xu Ziqi at the scene. After slipping back to the bureau, he reported to the deputy director for instructions. As soon as the deputy director heard that the situation was serious, he immediately asked Director Liu Peichang for instructions.

Liu Peichang smiled and waved his hand disapprovingly: "What news report, nonsense! Do they dare to fool about the normal law enforcement actions of the Quality Supervision Bureau? I led the team directly to the city to find Qian Jianru and said, contrary to them, dare not to speak with the municipal party committee, is there any party spirit? Or is it not the mouthpiece of the party? Don't listen to Xu Ziqi's dog with chewing seeds!" He heard Director Liu's words conveyed by the deputy director, "The Heavenly Father thought the same way. Xu Ziqi is a villain. I guess he just said it just to scare people, so he didn't pay attention to it. He should eat and drink, and the deputy director also instructed It's just with Zhang You.

When he washed his feet, he turned on the TV and saw that his mouth was full of spitting. "The first reaction of astronomy was that he had never been on TV." It turned out that when he watched it on TV, his face was full of obscenity. No matter how obscene he was. The second reaction was, To be on TV is to be on TV, but not to show your face, but to be slapped in the face.

In shock, he forgot to wash his feet. He jumped up and turned off the TV. It seemed that his image could be restored to the front after turning off the TV. In a panic, he kicked the foot wash basin over the ground, and the foot washing water was sprinkled everywhere. He tripped again and fell to the ground.

I fell and became awake." He turned on the TV again, and his obscene image was gone. His golden face flashed like a flower on the TV screen, his beautiful lips closed one by one, and his voice was as beautiful as before, but every sentence was like a loud slap in the face, hitting him heavily. On the face.

Tianwen's face became more and more gloomy, his eyes spewed out anger, and he kicked on TV: "Bad woman, I'm going to sleep with you!" Then, the phone bell rang impatiently. Tianwen took it, and it was the deputy director who called. The deputy director first scolded him, and then asked him not to go to work tomorrow. He was suspended at home to reflect and wait for the bureau to deal with it.

God knows, it's a big deal, and he was ruthlessly abandoned!

Chen Jiewen usually goes to bed at 10 o'clock at night. The woman is old and can't stay up late, but her husband is not around. She is also used to single life. Basically, she goes back to the capital once a week to reunite with her husband. Of course, for her now, men are dispensable.

As a politician, the daily news of the central government, provincial and municipal stations is a must-see program. Today, she is a little tired, so she plans to go to bed early. The Dong Xiaoming incident made her very good. Mayor Xia seemed unwilling to give up, so she wanted to find an opportunity to have a good talk with Mayor Xia.

Dong Xiaoming can be a man and has a good relationship with the main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee. Mayor Xia wants to move Dong Xiaoming, but there is a lot of resistance. The key is that it is unnecessary. If there is a network in Tianze City, Dong Xiaoming is one of the key links. When Dong Xiaoming moves, many people will feel uncomfortable and oppose it.

Because of the Dong Xiaoming incident, Chen Jiewen's dissatisfaction with Xiaxiang is deepening. Today's day was big enough." The deputy mayor, secretary-general and secretary all came out and quickly solved all the difficulties for Zhang You. He also transferred large-scale equipment from the capital with great fanfare. Once again, he showed Mayor Xia's wrist and courage. "Young people" are young people after all. I don't know how tall they stand. Does it fall heavier?

Tianze City is not so easy to open the face. It is too backward and too conservative. Even with her cooperation, she may not make achievements. Moreover, she doesn't want to to toss around now. She just wants to make a smooth transition. When she is old, she doesn't want to take risks. She will wait for another two years.

Be sure to dispel the idea of thinking about tossing around in Tianze City. "A poor market" can't afford to toss the wind and waves" will eventually fail itself. If you don't count, "It's better to endure the seniority" with the backstage of Mayor Xia. The secretary and deputy department will be smooth sailing

Today's matter is a big deal. It has aroused a lot of response in the Tianze Municipal Party Committee and the business community. There has been a lot of discussion and everything he said. Chen Jiewen was sulking for a day, and she had a little headache. As soon as she saw Tianze News, the in-depth news

She didn't expect any valuable news in the in-depth news at the beginning." Jin Yanzhao is a little girl who relies on a family background. She came to Tianze City to gilded. Sooner or later, she will return to the capital to CCTV. If she likes to make trouble, she will be noisy. As long as she can't

Unexpectedly, the moment she picked up the remote control in her hand, she was stunned. Today's in-depth news actually pointed directly to the government!

Many relevant departments are hostile to Zhang You. "Chen Jiewen, of course, knows it, but pretends not to know. The mayor's superb means of "not directly asking the relevant director to mention his life" directly slap in the face in front of the people of the city in the news. This face is too cruel and loud!

Chen Jiewen quietly watched the in-depth news and immediately picked up the phone and called Chang Grievance: "The Propaganda Department criticized the random exposure behavior of the city station by name, and told Qian Jianru, "If you don't strictly check it", shut down the in-depth news." Then another phone call was made to Cai Ning, The second rectification action, improving awareness and rectifying discipline requires journalists to be strict with themselves. "Starting from the overall situation, all important news before it is broadcast" must strengthen audit management.

Chang Hao and Cai Ning both read the in-depth news and knew that something big had happened, which must have annoyed Secretary Chen. Therefore, after receiving Chen Jiewen's phone call, they immediately held an emergency meeting to study countermeasures and handling opinions.

The municipal TV station was also brightly lit. After Jin Yan shone on the program, it was called directly to the director's office. Not long after entering, there was a fierce quarrel." Then Jin Yanzhao rushed out of the door: "I'm right." I won't reflect! I have to continue to do the program. The city station is not allowed to broadcast. I will go to the provincial station to CCTV..."

Qian Jianru trembled with anger and looked at Jin Yan's back without looking back. He really couldn't figure out why she wanted to grow up for Xia Bu. In the political wind, he chose to stand on the side of the weak mayor of Xia?

It was also his negligence. He didn't review it carefully today. Generally, he had to check the in-depth news himself. However, there was something to do today, so he let the deputy director work on his behalf. "It must be that the deputy director was lazy." Or he didn't realize that the astronomy of a quality supervision bureau was actually a branch Point.

Qian Jianru also has a headache. If Jin Yanzhao doesn't have a backstage, he can decisively remove her, but now, not to mention being fired, is to criticize her, and she can reply a few words. It's really an aunt, let him be left and right.

Tonight's Tianze City is destined to be a sleepless night. Many people are destined to have insomnia, anxiety and at a loss.

The next morning, Chen Jiewen held a book * record office meeting to "criticize last night's news incident." Xia thought raised objections, and pointed out that the online public opinion was tide, applauding at the ugly phenomenon exposed by in-depth news, and the municipal TV station also received thousands of calls from the masses, and the public said about yesterday Great appreciation.

"It's the Internet era now" It will be very dangerous to hold the old ideas of the past. "Comrades" We are party members and cadres, and we should always stand at the tide of the times, instead of being eliminated by the times. TV stations can cover their ears and steal the bell, and newspapers can whitewash the peace, but the Internet exposes our dereliction of duty and ugly side every day, and most of our party members and cadres are still self-righteous, unable to recognize the situation, and think that the people are grateful to us? It's time to wake up "Don't continue to be an ostrich..."

Think back to the backward concept of the leaders of the Tianze Municipal Party Committee led by Chen Jiewen, which is becoming more and more disgusting and unbearable. The institutional style is not only over the case, but also holds the mentality of a good person. No one can offend them. It is just the idea of being good for the good for the long time. Tianze City will not wake up, and will never get rid of the fate of the penultimate in the province!

Chen Jiewen is not happy: "Mayor Xia is too radical." You just came to Tianze City and don't know much about Tianze City..."

"I understand, and now I know it very well..." Xia thought, "I think yesterday's in-depth news report is very good and profound." It is worth continuing to carry forward. At the same time, it is suggested that the parties should be expelled from public office and party membership as a sign of special comm.

"I don't object to the expulsion of astronomy..." Chen Jiewen said that the expulsion of astronomy is the meaning of the question. He can't stay. It's a big deal, and he must explain it to the citizens." "But Mayor Xia went online because of a TV program." It's a bit of a big deal..."

"It's not that I'm making a fuss, because the general book * repeatedly emphasizes that the interests of the masses are no small matter. It is precisely because some people don't pay attention to the interests of the masses. They even dare to fight the idea of the housing project. Where is the party spirit and the principle? "Xia wants not to let it go." He knows that it's time to show a strong side." Otherwise, he can't even stand firm in the municipal party committee.

"Mayor Fu is right" Chen Shu * Ji "The practice of the city station is correct" Even CCTV has a focus interview" Our Tianze TV station has an in-depth news, which also shows the enlightened position that the Municipal Party Committee is willing to accept the supervision of the news media! "Chen Tianyu's tone is also firmer a lot "His resonance" reminded him of the glorious years when he and Xia wanted to be in the Lower Horse District. He also thought that Mayor Xia had been flattened by the officialdom and worn out by the years. It turned out that Mayor Xia was still the exciting Xiaxiang in those years.

Chen Jiewen was choked. "I haven't said anything yet, and Wu Mingyi opened his mouth again.

"I secondly agree with the opinion of Mayor Xia. CCTV has focus interviews, provincial and Taiwan has news investigations, Tianze City and Taiwan has in-depth news, which is a good thing." And the facts disclosed by in-depth news are not false." I think we should dig deep and continue to report in depth. The municipal party committee should not only not critic ."

Today's book * office meeting was attended by a total of 5 people, including Chen Jiewen, Xia Xiang, Wu Mingyi, Chen Tianyu and Chang Yan.

Chang Yan didn't expect that today's meeting would be a meeting against Chen Shu*'s record. "He hesitated" because before the meeting, he received a phone call from the capital, hinting that he had better not to care about the matter of Jin Yanzhao, otherwise he would be at his own risk.

The consequences are still echoing in his ear. "His heart is still beating, and seeing the situation like this, he weighed the weight: "Open mind is very important." The spirit of the central direction is to think about what the masses think, "It is urgent for the masses, and everything should be based on the interests of the

Chen Jiewen looked cold. Today's meeting was the most failed one since she served as a book. The meeting was completely out of control. "Everyone stood on her opposite side" made her almost out of control!

After the meeting, she left a frequent complaint to continue to discuss the aftermath, and Wu Mingyi came to Xia Xiang's office.

"Mayor Xia, my personal opinion is that the in-depth news column of "Take a step back" will continue to open. Dong Xiaoming's question, raise his hand and it will pass..." Wu Mingyi came straight to the point and spoke directly for Dong Xiaoming.

Xia wanted to signal Wu Mingyi to sit down: "Mingyi, to be honest, how much benefit did you get from Dong Xiaoming?"

Wu Mingyi blushed" or told the truth: "Not much" is a villa, "Everyone of the municipal party committee has a share" "you have it" but it hasn't been decorated yet." ", a villa is worth less, how fierce" and not much?" Xia Xiang's expression seemed to smile, "The per capita income in Tian

Wu Mingyi felt a lot of pressure, but he still said reason: "I don't want it or can't do it." No, he was excluded from the circle. Not to mention carrying out work, he can't even stand still..."

On top of the officialdom, there is an atmosphere of pulling people into the water. Xia naturally wants to make it clear that "What you want is to be tied to a boat, and one glory does not necessarily lead to glory", but one death must die together. In the officialdom, we need to find an alliance on the verge of death, so as to ensure that it will not be plotted.

"Mingyi, I will have a series of measures in Tianze City. At that time, you will support me or be neutral, and it's up to you to choose, but one thing is that "Don't be my roadblock. I don't want to turn against you. After all, when I go back to the capital, I may have It left room for Wu Mingyi.

Wu Mingyi has no choice. He must be consistent with Xia Xiang, because... "..., he has received instructions from the Wu family: "I will maintain a high degree of consistency with you, but I also want to give you the bottom." In Tianze City, no one's hands and feet are clean, and I will withstand the pressure on big things." But I can't erase my face, and "If you have to implement a new concept of governance in Tianze City" will definitely touch the interests of many people, "I don't want to be a vanguard" and I don't want to be the target of public criticism..."

Wu Mingyi's request is not too much. Out of the consideration of Mingzhe's protection, he also doesn't want to offend too many people. Xia wanted to nod: "I understand your position and situation." Then he stood up and stretched out his right hand. "You have been the deputy book for more than two years. If the

Wu Mingyi is very clear about the weight of Xia Xiang in the Wu family. When he returned to the office, he was still a little excited. If he could cooperate with Xia Xiang's work well and say a few words in front of the Wu family, he could also correct it as soon as possible, so he officially entered the ranks of the main hall.

But he is vaguely worried. "He has been in Tianze City for more than two years, and he dares not say how much he knows about Tianze City. Mayor Xia will implement the new policy as soon as he comes. "Don't tie yourself up!

Wu Mingyi's worry is reasonable, because after the second and third fire of Tianze City was officially lit, it really burned the sky of Tianze City!