official god

Chapter 943 You come and go

When Chen Jiewen saw Yang Jian, Li Xiaomin fighting with Zhang Hexing and Fan Mingwei, she couldn't believe her eyes at first. After being stunned for a moment, she saw that many delegations heard the noise and came out to watch one after another. Many people pointed out and talked about it one after another, and she understood something at once.

Yang Jian is very smart and knows how to take advantage of the opportunity. He completely wants to take the opportunity to make a big deal of trouble, that is, to let the delegation see clearly. What kind of quality delegation is the delegation of Paoma County who put forward the temporary motion? Dare to beat the deputy mayor in public? Do they have political awareness? Do you have political literacy?

Seeing the onlookers sneered, some shook their heads, some sneered, and some laughed. Chen Jiewen only felt that the sky was spinning for a while and almost stood unsteady and fell to the ground. At this time, the wind and snow were just like her mood.

I moved a big stone, but I didn't move it up. I hurt my feet all at once, and it's still my feet. How unfortunate!

Chen Jiewen finally lost her temper and shouted with all her strength: "Shut up! No matter how much nonsense, Bian Youshui, Zhang Hexing, I will remove you from office on the spot!" The authority of the municipal party committee is inviolable. As soon as her words came out, Bian Youshui suddenly looked panicked. Zhang Hexing and Fan Mingwei were also sincerely frightened. They quickly stood aside and bowed their heads and did

On the contrary, Yang Jian and Li Xiaomin looked at each other and smiled. Everything was in silence. They patted the snow on their bodies as if they had nothing to do, and smiled: "It's okay, it's okay. Everyone is scattered. What should we do? Don't stare at the eyes..."

Xia wanted to see something, but he looked serious and didn't say anything. His eyes fell on Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing, and stayed for a while with great meaning. Mayor Xia's behavior will not be seen by many people with intentions. After thinking about it, Mayor Xia must remember Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing. "It will be strange if they have a good life in the future.

Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing are the same. Can you get a reward for taking such a big political risk to play a farce? Even if there is a reward, the price is a little too high. Um, hit the prestige of Mayor Xia? How can it be so easy! Before there was a spark, I was ashamed of myself first.

Dare to fight against the deputy mayor. OK, you have the guts. It's over in Paoma County. It basically offends all the government team. Will there be good fruits to eat in the future? Let's drink the northwest wind.

Chen Jiewen did not talk to Bian Youshui, but just stared at him fiercely, and then announced another emergency meeting. The heads of all delegations must arrive at the meeting. Whoever is one minute late will be notified of criticism.

When the meeting was held, there was already a layer of snow outside, "people walking on it" and squeaked. Everyone was thinking, "It's not too much to describe this year's National People's Congress meeting with the wind. It's really a sudden wind and snow, and I don't know how it will end?

At the meeting, Chen Jiewen first conveyed the spirit of the instructions of Mei Shu* of the Provincial Party Committee, and then announced several decisions: "First" the heads of delegations should take responsibility and not be allowed to make trouble again. The municipal party committee will ask who the accident is. Second, the Municipal Party Committee and the National People's Congress fully respect the proposal of the Paoma County delegation, but the proposal is not in line with the norms and will not be accepted. Third, I have assured the leaders of the provincial party committee that if there is another problem, ask me, so before you do anything, you have to think carefully before making a decision. I'm done with my speech. Please ask Mayor Xia to speak.

The rethinking is still calm: "I'm the mayor" will be subject to the review of the people's representatives. Comrades can put forward any comments, and you can ask me in person. The government should do a good job. "It can't be done without the support of the people..." The speech is very pertinent, and there is no trick." It does not show any personal emotions, which makes people confused about Mayor Xia's true thoughts.

No one expected that as soon as Mayor Xia's voice fell, Jinshan County Party Committee * Ji Dai Junlun stood up and said excitedly, "I promise Chen Shu * Ji and Mayor Xia that if there is a similar incident in the Jinshan County delegation, all the party committees * Ji of the townships in the county will be removed from office!" This was a It's all shocking.

Focusing on the party committee's letter *, it is obviously intended to insinulate Fan Mingwei.

Fan Mingwei was not present and was not qualified to attend the meeting. Bian Youshui blushed. Dai Junlun's high posture was obviously to show him in public to make him look good.

Chen Jiewen said unhappily, "Comrade Junlun, this is not a joke. What do you mean by saying that? Is it a continuous sitting? Xia thought said in time: "Comrade Junlun is just a determination, and his starting point is good. But then again, Comrade Junlun, I want to remind you that your words are over. "You can't say it anymore when you go out." I have seen Mayor Xia's intention to maintain Dai Junlun.

As soon as Xia finished speaking, four or five heads of the delegation immediately made a statement one after another. The heads of the delegations are all county party committees. They say the same thing closely behind Dai Junlun, which gives people the illusion of expressing their determination to Mayor Xia. Of course, did the five or six county party committee take the opportunity to show closeness to Mayor Xia? Everyone here has their own guesses, but Chen Jiewen's face is not good, and things are getting worse and worse, and it has become a meeting that Xia wants to win the hearts of the people.

The more Chen Jiewen thought about it, the more angry she became of Xu Fanhua. If she lifts Xu Fanhua out, at least she doesn't have to offend Yang Jian. Xu Fanhua is selfish and completely ignores the interests of the overall situation, which is equivalent to a good play in which he messed up the National People's Congress!

After a good calculation in the future, Chen Jiewen is angry and must stay rational. She even secretly calculated that "Tianze City, among the districts and counties, at least five county party committees * made a statement." It is not easy to judge if they don't go to Xia and want to get closer, but at least it shows that the district and county leaders led by Dai Junlun have an inclined idea to Xia.

Good, very good, a very successful conference. Originally, I wanted to crack down on the prestige and smear my face. Unexpectedly, Xu Fanhua first launched Yang Jian, which annoyed Mei Shengping. Then Yang Jian and Li Xiaomin also staged a good scene, so that everyone could see Bian Youshui, Zhang Hexing dared to fight with the deputy mayor What's the point of the proposal? It has completely become a self-slap in the face!

Wu Mingyi knew that it was time for him to speak and teach some people a long lesson, so he coughed: "Some people have no superior leaders. They not only dare to talk about their superior leaders behind their back, but also do not listen to the instructions of the provincial party committee, but also fight with the city leaders in public? Cheng He Detong!" When he began to speak, he looked calm. As he spoke, his face turned black, which was very scary. "I propose to give Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing a warning and punishment..."

As the deputy book of the person in charge of affairs, Wu Mingyi's words were so heavy that he was so scared that Bian Youshui trembled, but he still lowered his head calmly, refused to take the initiative to admit his mistake, and expected Secretary Chen to speak for him.

When Chen Jiewen saw that Bian had water and looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, she was even more angry. When did she expect her to come forward? A stupid donkey.

She scolded in her heart, but she had to open her mouth to cover up, otherwise she would chill other people's hearts, and she would become a person without responsibility. At this time, Chen Jiewen realized more and more that if there is no co-minded deputy book, at least there should be a single-minded secretary-general of the municipal party committee. Unfortunately, since Xia wanted to come, the deputy book has gradually drifted away from her, and the secretary-general is even more opposed to her. She has to come forward in everything by herself

"Just now, Lao Yang also said that the conflict with the delegation of Paoma County was a misunderstanding. Lao Wu came up and took a big label. Isn't it too much? It is a good thing to give comrades the opportunity to correct and punish the former and the latter, but in the end, it is still necessary to treat the sick and save people.

Wu Mingyi refused to give in: "Cuting the sick and saving people? I'm afraid that some people have become ill and have not taken out an attitude so far. How can I give him a chance? A good delegation that dares to beat the deputy mayor, who knows if their proposal has an sterrible political purpose? My opinion is whether it is necessary for the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to intervene in the investigation and check whether there is any insider trading..."

Wu Mingyi became more and more powerful. Chen Jiewen couldn't help saying, "Bian Youshui, what's wrong with your delegation? Huh? First, he suddenly put forward some temporary motions, and then he had conflicts with the city leaders. Why do they always make trouble? As the head of the regiment, you have a leadership responsibility that cannot be rejected!" Bian Youshui sweated profusely and had to stand up. First, he bowed to all the leaders of the municipal party committee present, and then sincerely apologized to Yang Jian, admitting that he did not restrain the members of the delegation and took the leadership responsibility, and finally admitted that the The temporary motion is underconsideration, which is a product of enthusiasm. I would like to express my sincere apologies to the leaders and delegations, and a detailed report will be submitted to the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal People's Congress.

Shi Dahai, director of the Municipal People's Congress, also said: "It's a good thing to realize your mistakes, but if you know deeply or not, it depends on the specific actions." He is not happy. If there is a problem at the National People's Congress, the director of the National People's Congress must pay the corresponding political responsibility. Bian Youshui is the person who drags him into the water. The more he looks at Bian Youshui's big round face, the more disgusted he becomes. It's really a pancake face. If only he kicked him again.

"Write an inspection to the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal People's Congress. If it's not deep..." Chen Jiewen has no way out. Things are completely moving in the opposite direction. There is no need to be angry at all, or even need to speak. Just sit still calmly. Someone will stand up for him, round up for him, and

Chen Jiewen felt a burst of sadness in her heart. Seeing that both Pi and Xu Xin were sitting still, with an attitude of being out of the matter, she was indifferent. Fortunately, Pei Yifeng was reliable and stood up in time to speak: "Comrades are a little on the line. It's all small matter. It's necessary to make trouble." The impact on Tianze City is not good..."

Pei Yifeng also wanted to talk a few more words, so as to support Chen Shu*. Suddenly, Li Yifeng came in panic from the outside and came to Chen Jiewen's side and whispered a few words... Chen Jiewen immediately turned into a big face. "The comrades of each delegation can break up, and all the Continue the meeting." Chen Jiewen's voice trembled slightly.