official god

Chapter 959 The inner curve is straight

Lu Sheng and Liu Yijiu used to be close comrades-in-arms. They were born and died together, as close as brothers.

During a mission, Lu Sheng broke a finger to save Liu Yijiu, and was seriously injured and hospitalized for three months before he was out of danger.

From then on, Lu Sheng was regarded as a life-and-death friendship.

After the transfer, one of them was transferred to the municipal bureau and the other to the county bureau. They were both conscientious in their respective jobs and made great contributions. Soon, Liu Yijiu became the captain of the criminal police brigade in the municipal bureau, and was later promoted to deputy director. Lu Sheng has been in the position of captain of the anti-drug brigade for 10 years, and there has been no progress for 10 years.

In the past 10 years, he has gone deep into the drug caves for hundreds of times and captured countless drug dealers, which made the drug dealers afraid and called him a lonely hero. Because he only has Wugen's fingers, he is called a nine-tailed fox by drug dealers. Lu Sheng has an unusual sense of smell and wit like the fox. He can not only find the hiding place of the drug dealer, but also wins in the competition again and again. The drug dealers are afraid, respect and hate him. It was also because he seriously hit the arrogant atmosphere of drug dealers that some people threatened to spend 3 million to buy his head and assassinated him many times.

As a result, he was able to escape the disaster every time. He not only had the wit of a fox, but also the vigilance of a wolf. His nickname was called Lu Fox Wolf by the drug dealers.

Because of his credit, he has been rated as the city's top ten outstanding youth, the winner of the provincial May Day labor medal, the winner of the provincial May 4th youth medal, the provincial outstanding member, the provincial ninth party representative, the national outstanding police * inspection, the national advanced worker, the national anti-drug advanced individual, the national outstanding young guard

However, such an outstanding hero should have been promoted step by step and deserved status and respect, but because he was too straightforward, he only knew to fight against drug dealers and would not meet him well. As a result, he worked in the position of captain for 10 years and did not rise. Not only that, he also received various A kind of unfair treatment.

First of all, He Linze, who originally promised him the position of deputy director, was the first to become the first step. He waited for a few years. A few years later, He Linze became the director, and his subordinate Lai Guangming crossed him to serve as the deputy director." And he was still the captain and did not move.

He also put up with it without moving, but he has been running around for years. His body is not only worse day by day. His wife, who is worried about him every day, fell ill first, and it is also a bottomless leukemia. To make matters worse, my wife's unit went bankrupt and was laid off again. The man was not knocked down by the vicious drug dealer, and was not lost by the drug dealer's millions of yuan. But in the face of the hardships of life, he wanted to cry but had no tears!

He repeatedly asked the leader to save his wife. He was willing not to mention the deputy director's request in the future. He only hoped that the bureau would save his wife and his family for his many years of credit. Whether it was Lai Guangming or He Linze, he either hummed the official's words or ignored him for help. No one raised his eyelids and looked at him more, gave him a word of comfort, which also made him feel the warmth of the organization.

Zhang Hexing and Bian Youshui had an indifferent attitude. At first, they pretended to comfort a few words, and finally perfunctory on the grounds of financial difficulties. In the end, Lu Sheng looked for more times, and the two of them were bored and simply avoided it.

Lu Sheng is finally desperate...

He was not defeated by all kinds of means by the outlaw's drug dealer, nor was he defeated by the ** promised by the drug dealer, but he fell into the hands of his own people. He was a tender man, but in the end, because of the hardships of life. Because of a group of bureaucrats shit, he completely lost confidence Go to the wrong way of knowing the law and selling drugs!

The former hero, the anti-drug hero who once frightened drug dealers, finally became a drug dealer. What a spicy irony!

And the current Propaganda Department of the Running Horse County Party Committee also needs to promote Lai Guangming as a hero, and reverse black and white as noble, which really applies the thick black learning of officialdom to the extreme!

Xia wanted to admit that he had seen a lot of deception in the officialdom, and had experienced a lot of political troubles. He thought that he was calm and rational enough. However, after hearing about Lu Sheng's affairs, it was still difficult to suppress the huge anger in his chest. He dropped the wine bottle on the spot: "Garbage! Scum! Bastard!" Mayor Xia, who was furious, cursed in front of Peng Yunfeng for the first time.

Peng Yunfeng was not surprised, but also believed that Mayor Xia had a righteous and warm-blooded side. He was a trustworthy and followable leader.

Xia thought that Bian Youshui was just a bureaucrat and a political speculator, so his temporary motion at the National People's Congress was nothing, and he did not intend to delve into it. But first, Runma County tosed things and had to report the heroic deeds of Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming. Then Yang Jian went down and found out the problem of illegal land. Now there is Liu Yijiu's bloody and tearful complaint. He knows that the buttocks of Runningma County can never be clean!

It's strange that it's clean. A series of things happened in a county. If it's a coincidence and a man-made fall, it's anecdotes in the world. Xia wants to make up his mind. If the matter is true, if he doesn't set off a tide in Paoma County, he doesn't dare

Seeing that Mayor Xia was furious, Liu Yijiu knew that he had finally found the right person, and suddenly became very angry: "Mayor Xia, as long as you give Lu Sheng justice, I will leave Liu Yijiu's life to you. In the future, as long as you say a word, I will never take a step back in the wind The tone of the voice is so straightforward and loyal that outsiders will feel that their scalps are numb when they hear it. It's too fake, but he believes that what Liu Yijiu said is completely from the heart, and there must be no false statement.

Xia wanted to make an exception and drank three cups in a row with Liu Yijiu: "One nine, you are a good police officer of the people, I'll give you three cups..." The mayor will not easily take the initiative to respect others. Even if he respects, one more cup at most, Mayor Xia's three cups. Peng Yunfeng was secretly

"Thank you, Mayor Xia. I just did the job I should do. Although I made a little achievement, I couldn't save Lu Sheng. I'm ashamed..." Liu Yijiu drank three cups in a row, "I'll replace Lu Sheng's family. Thank you for the great kindness of Mayor Xia!" He said, and he would kneel down in the first nine.

Xia wanted to pull up quickly and knew that Liu Yijiu's full and affectionate man knelt down, which was the most sincere interpretation of the love of his comrades-in-arms. "He was moved and ** in his heart. From Lang City to Tianze City, his blood was almost extinguished by a pool of stagnant water in Tianze City. Now Liu Yijiu has rekindled the long-lost impulse in his heart.

"Nineteen, I'm in charge of this matter." Xia wanted to say firmly, "Fine the evidence in your hand and protect Lu Sheng's safety."

"Yes!" Liu Yijiu stood upright and gave a standard salute!

"Fan Mingwei is not a good thing!" Liu Yijiu continued to expose the painting skin of Paoma County, "Who doesn't know the abnormal relationship between him and Ming Lanxiao? Inspection work at night? Bullshit, he went to the countryside with Ming Lanxiao. Originally, I wanted to live in Wenjian Township, but I received a phone call saying that there was a donkey meat banquet in the whole village, so I decided to eat donkey meat. As the saying goes, dragon meat in the sky and underground donkey meat. Fan Mingwei's two hobbies were greedy and lustful, and he died halfway. Bian Youshui is really good at Hulai, a drunken pervert book *, a poisonous deputy director, and also reported the hero propaganda materials. I really want to hit him with a big ear on his fat pig's face, what!" According to Liu Yijiu's grasp, Fan Mingwei and Lai Guangming absolutely have problems, but there is no direct evidence Pointing to Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing, but it is almost certain that Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing also have something to get rid of.

Xia can even be sure that if the investigation goes smoothly and follows the clues, it will definitely trigger an officialdom earthquake in Paoma County!

After thinking about it, Xia wanted to tell him: "Yunfeng, let someone pick up Lu Sheng's wife from Paoma County to the city that night, and then call the city hospital for free treatment first. If the medical conditions in Tianze City are not good, then send it to the capital." Then he made another phone call: "Lao Yang, there is something Face to face, there is a reporter from the capital. His name is Yuan Ye. He has some inside stories of Paoma County... I have something to go back to Yan City..."

Yang Jian was naturally happy to hear it: "I'm still in Paoma County, and I may go back in two days." "Well, I'll ask the field to go directly to Paoma County to find you."

The layout needs to be careful and rigorous. Don't give the other party a chance to breathe. As soon as the wind blows, with Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing's control of Paoma County, it is impossible for Yang Jian to contact the truth in the name of inspection.

The more you go to the bottom, the higher the level of deception. However, if Yang Jian has the help of the wilderness, he should be able to better contact a lot of inside information.

As for the unannounced visit of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Xia wanted to have no hope at all. At the level of a group of people in the Propaganda Department, he also thought of asking the truth below, which was basically for nothing.

Xia thought did not avoid the crowd. He called the field directly and asked him to go directly to Runma County to find Mayor Yang. Out of careful consideration, he still made an appropriate point: "The opportunity is often only once. It depends on your own grasp. The field, have you thought about it?"

Although Yuan Ye did not understand why Mayor Xia suddenly handed him over to Mayor Yang, he also knew that Mayor Yang was definitely the person trusted by Mayor Xia. Although he was sometimes shameless and even a bastard, he also knew the truth of the camera's behavior, so he said, "Don't worry, I have many shortcomings, but there are also convincing advantages. Actions..."

Liu Yijiu saw that Mayor Xia's command was determined, and he was considerate everywhere. He couldn't help but admire him. After all, he was a leader. He stood high and looked far away, much better than his wrist. There is not only a positive inspection work, but also a dark layout, which is very powerful.

Xia wanted to return home, and his mind was still extremely excited. He was not only ** turbulent for the upcoming turbulence, but also sighed for Lu Sheng's fate, and then he thought of Xu Xin