official god

Chapter 970 Wave

Pi Buji also came together to ask for it. He almost fainted after just a glance. Jiasheng's bold title came into his eyes with surprise: "Pi Buji can rest for old age and not die. It is a thief. Three questions about the book of the Commission for Discipline Inspection that kills people. Are you a ghost or an old thief?"

He couldn't surf the Internet. The first time he came into contact with the Internet, he was shocked by the questioning and strong dissatisfaction, as if he had returned to the "big-character newspaper" era. He was so shocked that he stepped back a few steps, sat on the sofa, and couldn't stand up.

The title is amazing, and the content is more wonderful.

"I don't know where to go. The current book of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Tianze Municipal Party Committee is * Ji. He is over 50 years old and looks like a ball. Although he is rude by nature, he is a good vassal and elegant. He claims to be a descendants of Pi Rixiu. If you know it, you will definitely look up to the sky and sigh. If your family is unfortunate, you will have such unworthy descendants. Since he served as the book of the Tianze Commission for Discipline Inspection, he has been mediocre and full all day long. Except for the fly camp dog, it is just a one-meter worm. Suddenly, he had a whim and wanted to rectify the political opponents, so he found the discipline of the municipal party committee, a discipline-level cadre, took the position of the deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection as the bait, and instructed the discipline wind sound to write insinuating the planting articles of political opponents. Ji Fengsheng was timid and afraid of things and did not dare to agree. He was both soft and hard, coercion and inducement, and finally succeeded in achieving the goal of forcing Ji Fengsheng to death! Unfortunately, Ji Fengsheng, who had been in the office for decades before climbing to the department level, was forced to death by the ball. Where is the conscience of heaven and earth? ...*..."

I have to say that the humanities of the post are good, very inflammatory, and there are detailed events behind it. The writing is delicate, describing the scene at that time, which makes people feel immersive.

The following are the posts and comments of netizens...

"The old and immortal thing is really scum, scum*..."

"Tianze City? It's not rare. That poor place is too poor, poor mountains and rivers, shrew. People, and" Tianze Municipal Party Committee Letter * is an old woman. You can't guess how old she is. It's past menopause. Under her leadership, Tianze City is becoming more and more promiscuous, which is not surprising. "Damn it, it's a dog's name. As soon as you hear the name, you know that people are not good things. Who will eat him? I'll wait for him at the gate of the municipal party committee and splash him with urine.

"Do you think Pi doesn't stop having an affair with Chen Jiewen?"

"Bullshit, if they don't have a leg, how dare they give an official to the people below? The book of the municipal party committee * is in charge of the official hat." "Damn it, it's too dirty. They are in their 50s and 60s. You can imagine how cheap the scene of them rolling together.

, "The thread starter is a pig" At first glance, it seems that someone deliberately framed and framed the skin. The skin is the secretary of the discipline inspection committee. Will he be so politically incomprehensive? The thread starter is a gunman, a Wumao party, and a piece of a bitch!", "That's right, take the money to post to kill the whole family!" "Two get out of here upstairs" Seeing that you are the Wumao Party, and you are still defending the corrupt officials, go to hell!" "Facts are better than eloqu "No one paid attention to it at that time, and now there are new clues. Everyone tops the posts and keeps it up. They will severely punish corrupt officials as soon as possible and redress the injustice for those who died unjustly." "A section chief can still be forced to die. In a sad society, we and other farts are even more cheap *..."

The reply below is dozens of pages long, and there are different opinions. "It's a sound of abuse. Anyway, it's an endless scolding." He also scolded Chen Jiewen and said that Chen Jiewen was the mastermind behind the scenes. The two of them were angry and embarrassed. What's worse, ** The accomplices in the officialdom have joined hands to govern Tianze City poor and backward, ranking first in the last place every year.

Chen Jiewen has been polishing in the officialdom for decades. She has been in contact with official articles. She writes either a lot of harmony or a lot of brocade. She has always been in a high position. What she hears in her ears must be respectful or skipped the horse. Only after Xia wants to come can someone dare to be in public. Hit her with a few words. In the past, she was simply the queen of Tianze.

Everyone has a problem. High energy goes up, but it can't go down. Knowing that it is her power that others are in awe of, she may not be herself. She is still intoxicated and can't extricate herself. It was not until today that she saw the posts on the Internet that she found that the outside world had changed a lot. It was not the next era of voice in the country. In the Internet era, thousands of people Tens of millions of people know a scandal, even if it is just a catch-up.

It's terrible, unbelievable, and so annoying.

She feels that her blood is rolling hard. The words on the Internet are too unpleasant. It's simply a naked personal attack, slander and rumors, and slander!

It's the opposite, it's the opposite of them!

She was furious and slapped the table: "Nonsense, nonsense! Let Pei Yifeng grab them, judge them, judge them well, and pry them open their mouths to see who is behind the scenes*..."

"Chen Shu*ji, this matter can't be handled like this." Xia wants to see that Chen Jiewen can't recognize the situation at all, and thinks that it's really sad to remember a book that is behind the times. Not only can't surf the Internet, but also deal with news events with the previous ideas. It's too "The website is a website all over the country, and the poster is not necessarily a person from any place. As long as it is not seriously untrue and the standard for filing a case is not enough, we have no way but to require the website to delete the post. Arrest someone? If people don't catch it, Tianze has become the target of netizens across the country*..."

"What is a netizen? Dare to make my rumors, I'll deal with them!" Pi couldn't stop sober up and was furious, "What's it all about? My mouth is full of shit and nonsense. I'm really pissed off..."

"Book * Remember, don't be angry. Netizens have not violated the law. How can you do it?" Wu Mingyi had to come out to relieve the siege. It was really a big deal. This blockbuster was too powerful to be thrown. "Chen Shu* also calmed down. I often surf the Internet. I know that there are often negative news on the Internet, and I can't finish deleting it. And sometimes it must be admitted that there are often first-hand materials on the Internet, and the more you investigate, the easier it is to find out the truth. I remember that a director of the Public Security Bureau drove a car and hit a person. It was originally a traffic accident crime, and finally he was sentenced to death under the pressure of strong public opinion. Before the director died, he also said that he was killed by the media... Don't judge this matter first. Just say that the current book * records the online incident that has been named, and the countermeasures must be carefully studied. "In case of a wrong step, it may not be easy to end." Wu Mingyi's words are not loud, and the speed of speech is It seemed to talk to himself, but it woke up Chen Jiewen and Pi.

"Yi Feng, let Chang Yuan come to the meeting immediately." Chen Jiewen immediately gave the order and looked at Xia. Her eyes were complicated. "Mayor Xia, why didn't you let Chang Yuan come together just now?" It was his propaganda that caused a problem. Xia figured out Chen Jiewen's dissatisfaction, and the Internet The mayor was the first to know about the incident instead of the book * record, which made her very uncomfortable. He explained, "I asked Lao Chang to put out the fire first. It is more important to put out the fire in advance than to report the work and attend the book * record office meeting first."

"Yes, yes, you always do the right thing. Hurry up to put out the fire." Delete the post, close the website, and arrest the responsible person. You can't be soft. Do you still need to inform Lao Pei to come to the meeting to study countermeasures?" Pibujuan hurriedly echoed Xiaxiang's statement. Now he dares to It's like a nightmare. He hates the Internet to the bone. If he is the leader of the country, he has to order to shut down all websites in the country. It's all the opposite of them. What do you want to say? Do you still want the state machine?

The country is also "If it goes on like this, the online speech * theory will be out of control, and there will be a danger of subjugation! In anger, Pi couldn't stop complaining about the country's attitude towards the Internet.

A few minutes later, he often came in a sweat. As soon as he came in, he said, "Report Chen Shu *, want the mayor. The situation is not very good. Most of the websites are in other provinces and the capital, and the propaganda department doesn't work." No one pays attention, so he can only ask the Propaganda Department of the . Just a while ago, the Propaganda Department received phone calls from more than a dozen news media, proposing to interview the paper *..."

"Let them come, I'm going to make a mess.

", Pi said angrily and waved his hand, "You can't let the Internet talk nonsense. This kind of behavior must be strictly stopped." After discussing for a long time, no one mentioned the essence of the problem, that is, whether Pi did you have forced Ji Feng in private.

Chen Tianyu has never said anything. After everyone said it, he said: "How to deal with the new situation and crisis on the Internet is a serious topic. Minister Chang must adapt to the situation. The times do not wait for people. If we don't adapt to the times, we will be eliminated by the times. The words don't sound good, but I have a question~ Of course, I don't doubt the person of the book. Why did the online suddenly accuse the book * remember to kill Ji Fengsheng?" Chen Tianyu's words were euphemistic, but the problem was very sharp, and he hit the endless weakness at once. Pi Buji's face was full of red and righteous indignation, as As soon as Chen Tianyu finished speaking, he sat back on the sofa stubbornly. His face turned gray, but he was still stubborn: "What is the Internet? It's absolutely nonsense. My comrades don't understand it. How can they intimidate Ji Fengsheng? Spread rumors, absolutely spread rumors!"

"I also believe in Lao Pi's person, but things on the Internet are not sure, and many times there is no wind and no wave." Xia Xiang said in a faint tone, "The crowd is boiling, and the people's mouth is golden, and I read the facts written above, and it doesn't seem to be fabricated. Lao Pi, comrade The people don't believe you, and the leaders of the provincial party committee don't believe you!" As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yifeng gently knocked on the door and came in: "Chen Shu*ji, the provincial party committee called!" It was so fast that everyone's heart jumped.

Chen Jiewen did not avoid everyone, but directly picked up the phone: "Hello, Minister Li, I'm Chen Jiewen"

"Chen Shu * Ji, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee is very passive!" After Li Feng replaced Ma Xiao as the Propaganda Minister of the Provincial Party Committee, he has been acting very low-key. The Propaganda ministers of many prefectures and cities have more speculations about Li Feng. Up to now, there are still incompress But the first sentence was very rushed, which directly made Chen Jiewen feel the anger on her face. "The Tianze Municipal Party Committee and the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee will report the details to the Provincial Wife Propaganda Department, and time does not wait for anyone!" Without giving Chen Jiewen the opportunity to explain and speak, Li Feng hung up the phone with a

Yan Province has always been very tight on the propaganda and has strict control over the media. Therefore, it is rare to see negative news in Yan Province in the domestic mainstream media. Now there are rumors of Tianze Commission for Discipline Inspection overnight. What's more unfortunate is that Li Feng accidentally browsed it when he was surfing the Internet. At this time, Tianze City did not have any news feedback, which made him angry.

Li Feng's mind is still open, and he accepts new things quickly. He must spend every day, browse the web for an hour, and pay attention to the latest news. Today, he accidentally discovered the scandal in Tianze City, and he was so angry. The superior leader was most disgusted with what had happened below. Now, it's good that he has found the problem. Tianze hasn't made him feel cheated yet.

The key is that the Commission for Discipline Inspection * remembers to kill people, and the impact is too bad, and he also saw that most of the things are true, otherwise the examples listed in the online posts would not be so detailed.

But as the Minister of Publicity, Li Feng doesn't want to mind his own business. He doesn't care about whether it violates discipline. He is only responsible for his own affairs. Although he called to criticize the Tianze Municipal Party Committee, after putting down the phone, he still ordered the people below to put out the fire in time and remedy it everywhere to minimize the impact.

It's a big deal, and the face of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee is not good.

The Tianze Municipal Committee urgently convened the Standing Committee.

At the meeting, Chen Jiewen patted the table and severely blamed the illegal acts of attacking party and government cadres on the Internet. She said that she must use technical means to lock the four addresses of the poster and bring him to justice. Chen Jiewen temporarily hugged her feet. With the help of Chen Tianyu, she also made up for the network knowledge requirements before the Standing Feng set up an office to deal with vicious incidents on the Internet, and mobilized capable forces to form a network justice army to deal with netizens who slandered and slandered the leadership image of Tianze and Tianze's party and government on the Internet. He did not hesitate to use all his strength to contain and counterattack. He should use the power of the people's cha What is a society ruled by law?

If necessary, cross-provincial cross-border pursuit will also be seized!

It must be Chengjing. Chen Jiewen's political struggle means are used very skillfully, and even put forward cross-provincial pursuit ahead of time. Xia can't help but secretly admire it, but he has to say that Chen Jiewen ignored the power of the network and did not recognize the current situation. This is not the era of blocking. If you Rely on smarter and more technological means.

Sure enough, when Chen Jiewen's anger was on the attack, she received the news that Ji Fengsheng's son, Ji Gong, posted his real name on the Internet, admitting that the facts exposed on the Internet were completely true!

Stonated the net...