official god

Chapter 976 It's the right time

The Qiu family's concession is not a basic emotional factor, nor does it value Cao Yongguo's XX talent. It is a wise move to take the most immediate interests that is completely based on the situation.

also made Xia Xiang sigh secretly that politicians are really sensitive to smell, otherwise no one will take the initiative to give in." They will firmly grasp the practical interests in their hands, and their eyes also look at the long-term interests.

Originally, Xia wanted to have a doubt. He also knew that after Jiang Xuesong was transferred, it was very likely that Xing Duantai would take over the book, but it was also possible for Cao Yongguo to help him in place, which was not very big. Because of the close relationship between Xie Duantai and Cao Yongguo, and they are all from Yan Province, it is unlikely that a very united team will take charge of a province, which is not conducive to the regulation and policy implementation of the Central Committee.

Sure enough, Xing Duantai was moved away, and Xing Duantai was still flat, which showed that Zhongyang was not optimistic about his prospects. It is optimistic that after serving as the governor of Qi Province for several years, if he could not take over the provincial party committee, because Xing Duantai served as the experience of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection in Yan Ren Weishu * remembers that Cao Yongguo and Yi Xiangshi's control of the Western Province is "beneficial to the Prime Minister" and also beneficial to the Wu family. Cao Yongguo is moderate and easy to be stable. Although the two have different positions, "but there will not be too much conflict" must be seeking common ground while reserving differences and making common progress together. The Prime Minister skillfully turned the wheel of interests and straightened up Cao Yongguo. It can be seen that in his mind, he also attaches great importance to Cao Yongguo's ability and political wisdom.

"Jiang Shu * is going to enter the Politburo..." First of all, he said from Ye Xufeng that Jiang Xuesong wanted to move up." Just now, Lao Gu also said that he wanted to move up. At the level of Jiang Xuesong, a small step up was also necessary to enter the Politburo. However, Xia thought still didn't understand which faction Jiang Xuesong was from.

"Beijing City Party Committee * Record..." Lao Gu said one thing and never hid a little, but he only clicked and said, "The adjustment of the Western Province also has an impact on the situation in Yan Province, and the good side is, think for yourself. Well, I won't say more. You should also know now that the Prime Minister is not letting go, but that he, as the Prime Minister, should look at the problem from an overall perspective..."

Lao Gu is also rare, which is equivalent to saying a good word for the Prime Minister.

I believe that the Prime Minister has also realized that there will be some provincial and department-level cadres with civilian forces, and he is dissatisfied with the fact that they can't get the support from above.

Although Xiaxiang was occasionally a little dissatisfied, he was still rational and knew the difficulties of the Prime Minister. But since Lao Gu said it, he laughed and said that he knew the leader.

For the situation in Yan Province, Xia Xiang can also understand the meaning of the old ancient times. Yi Xiangshi and Cao Yongguo are in charge of the Western Province because Cao Yongguo is a cadre of the civilian department, and Cao Yongguo and Song Dynasty also have a good relationship. Cao Yongguo's support is equivalent to giving Song Chaodu a dose of One direction is that the Prime Minister firmly supports the Song Dynasty.

After the news of the personnel movement in the Western Province, it is estimated that the rumors about the transfer of the Song Dynasty will be much smaller.

Of course, the above is not the most happy aspect for Xia. What makes him most happy is that Cao Yongguo is finally going to enter the ranks of the ministerial level, which is really not easy. From the department level to the deputy province is a key threshold, and it is even more difficult to go from the deputy province to the main province, and countless people will be stuck at each level.

My father-in-law can have today, and he finally raised his eyebrows. In the last life, he was hurt by Gao Chengsong and ended up at the department level, and was also squeezed out to the surveying and mapping bureau for retirement. It is estimated that he could only end up in a reckless end.

Xia wanted to hold back the excitement in her heart." Cao Shuxun hurriedly called home to answer the phone. She was quite surprised by Xia wanted to call again: "You're idle, and I haven't seen you so enthusiastic about me for several years. Did you do something wrong..."

Xia couldn't help but feel ashamed to ask a question, but he didn't have time to talk to Cao Zhuxun. He hurriedly said, "I'm not looking for you. I'm looking for Dad. Where is he..."

"I went out for a walk. What's so urgent..."

"Call Dad back..." Xia thought didn't say much, "Hurry up..."

Cao Shuxun said obediently, "Oh," he said, "Okay..."

In a moment, Cao Yongguo's voice came from the microphone, and he gasped slightly: "Why did you call me back again? I just went down to take a step...", "Dad, you may take a step forward in the western province!" Xia wanted to lower his voice. Although he knew that no one was eavesdropping, it may "It is said that the governor of Xing Province will go to Qi Province." Jiang Shu * recorded the capital, and Yi Xiangshi airborne as Shu * Ji. You sit on the ground to help..."

In an instant, Cao Yongguo stood on the spot and said nothing!

Basically, direct assistance in the West Province is much better than going to Qi Province. "The situation is easier to open, and the work is also continuous." But Cao Yongguo also knows that it is unlikely that he and Xing Duantai will jointly take charge of the West Province, and it is even impossible. Therefore, he has high hopes for going to Qi Province, because he does not think that Xing Duantai will leave the Western Province. Xing Duantai is much more likely to take over the letter in the Western Province than to serve as governor in the Western Province.

Who knew that the situation had changed, and the evil platform was moved to Qi Province, but he helped him smoothly.

Unexpected, it's so unexpected!

Cao Yongguo was not shocked on the spot. After the shock, there was a burst of ecstasy. Even though he had been in officialdom for decades, he was still ecstatic when he learned that he really wanted to be corrected.

"Where did you hear the news? Could it be empty wind? After asking, Cao Yongguo regretted it again. In his impression, Xia thought that he had said something uncertain in front of him.

Xia Xiang did not answer Cao Yongguo's question directly: "Dad" what you need now is to return to the Western Province as soon as possible" to work at ease, and report to Jiang Shu * for instructions, and it is still the same as usual..." The meaning is that you don't know anything.

Cao Yongguo smiled and said, "You underestimate me too much." I'm so shallow..."

Putting down the phone, Cao Yongguo's happy laughter was still echoing in his ear. Xia Xiang unloaded a big stone in his heart. He knew that all the preparations were ready, and the Ye family had no chips for the time being. At present, he was waiting for the right time to come.

The impact of the network incident slowly faded, but his reputation was bad. No one doubted that he was not the mastermind behind the death of Ji Fengsheng. Even many people of the Commission for Discipline Inspection who were loyal to him before changed their views on him. Yes, a person who can even force his colleagues to death, who can work with him again? Maybe he will force you to death sometime!

Of course, who is the specific operation of the network incident and who is the mastermind behind it? In the end, there is no conclusion. It must be over. Because everyone can see that Pei Yifeng is very negative about the pursuit of the culprit." Under Chen Jieshi's several urgings, he always said that the four members of the poster showed the United States, and he was powerless.

"It is difficult to implement, Chen Shu * Ji, cross-provincial arrest is still possible. If it is cross-border, I can only express strong indignation and serious concern!" Pei Yifeng's Ministry of Foreign Affairs learned the language vividly, and it did not spread much in the municipal party committee compound, and everyone learned a joke.

"It's not easy to implement, I can only express strong indignation..."

The joke spread to Chen Jie's ears, which made her sulk for a long time.

After several spring breezes, the trees in the municipal party committee compound were all dressed in green. Although the spring in Tianze City came late, it finally came.

While the economic construction was in full swing, everyone thought that Mayor Xia had forgotten the matter of Paoma County. The previous powerful investigation team went down to investigate for a few days, and finally there was no follow-up. Many people speculated that Chen Shu*ji had spared no effort on the maintenance of Paoma County, and Mayor Yang was tosss with One game, there was no harvest at all.

Of course, it's not that there is no harvest at all." Paoma County took the initiative to make a gesture and dealt with several relevant responsible persons, but they were all small shrimp, such as the deputy head of Lantian Township, the deputy director of the county government office, and the deputy director of the county land bureau, etc. "one was dismissed, and

However, the illegal land has not been ceded. Tianze Traditional Chinese Medicine said that it had been returned, but it did not reach the farmers. There must be another problem in the middle link. The farmers still petitioned and were still intercepted by Paoma County. It seemed that everything had returned to the original track. The foundation of Paoma County remained unchanged, and Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing still firmly controlled the situation of Paoma County.

Everyone couldn't help asking, did Mayor Xia let go and focus on developing the economy and ignore the vicious things that oppress the farmers?

Everyone didn't understand, and Mayor Xia didn't explain.

Just as the end of the restless vacation, the Municipal Party Committee convened another Standing Committee to study the publicity of the heroes reported by Running Horse County. Because of the last network disturbance, the publicity of heroic deeds was suppressed. Later, after Chen Jiesuo's instructions, he delayed for a few more days and finally annoyed Chen Jiesuo.

However, it is often rarely complained that it should be studied and decided by the Standing Committee, because the facts of the materials reported by Paoma County are unclear. Chen Jieshao didn't expect that the Minister of Propaganda would not act according to her intentions, so she patted the table. He often complained but did not give in. He still insisted on going to the Standing Committee to discuss it. Only when the Standing Committee passed it would he start propaganda in the whole city.

He often complains that Xia's warning is the first, so that he won't jump into the pit. If something really happens, the book will completely take the blame on him, because he is the Minister of Publicity! Knowing that it might be a big pit, he jumped down again. He was either a fool or a fool.

If he didn't jump in the past, he had to jump, because the mayor was not strong and could not be an effective containment of books. Now that there is Mayor Xia, what is he afraid of? Leaders can't always leave the blame to others. Without a responsible leader, the subordinates are not convinced.

Chen Jieshao had to convene the Standing Committee for discussion.

If you don't take a day off and don't return, you will be temporarily appointed by the Executive Deputy of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection * Liu Fengsheng to participate in the Standing Committee, which is an opinion on behalf of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. In order to distinguish him, he can only attend, not to attend.

What no one expected was that Liu Fengsheng, who attended the Standing Committee for the first time, blew another strong wind for Tianze City.