official god

Chapter 981 Counterattacked

As soon as Li Fei took office, he went down to Paoma County with Liu Fengsheng. I don't even have time to sit down and talk with Xia, but Li Fei is very interested. As soon as he comes, there is a big case to investigate, which is a good opportunity to make contributions.

What no one knows is that just as the investigation team was investigating intensively in Paoma County, Gu Yunfeng came to Mayor Xia's office. After being taught by Mayor Xia, he contacted a person online...

However, what Xia didn't expect was that Yang Jian also had a jealous justice in his bones. Although he received the spirit of Mei Shengping's instructions, he ostensibly promised not to ask about the illegal land, but he acted quietly behind his back.

Because he believes that now is the right time, because of the investigation of drug smuggling and trafficking in Paoma County, he certainly can't care about the problem of preventing illegal land. He just takes advantage of the situation and gets more detailed evidence, which may overturn the team of Paoma County.

Yang Jian's purpose is very clear. If he doesn't take Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing, it is difficult to understand his hatred. The main reason is that Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing do have something to do with him. Others don't see mud on their legs until they get out of the water. They are obviously in front of and behind. It is a disgrace for such a person to serve as the leader of the largest county in Tianze City. Yang Jian also didn't know how much of his righteous indignation came out of the public mind and how much of his private indignation, but no matter from which point of view, he believed that the overthrow of Bian Youshui was to eliminate harm for the people.

As long as a person has the right starting point, he will do crazy things...

After the investigation team arrived in Paoma County, it carried out its work in an all-round way as soon as possible, because the leaders were Bian Youshui and Zhang He was not familiar with or even unknown people. Bian Youshui muttered in his heart. He knew that he was so strong that he might not be able to avoid it.

Liu Fengsheng is not familiar with him, and he doesn't know Li Fei. The main forces of the investigation team are all new faces. Bian Youshui understands the fact that whether it is Chen Shu can't control the situation, or Mayor Xia is too strong or Pei Yifeng is the head of the wall, the current situation is that he must draw a

He Zelin can't keep it, and losing the car is the only choice.

The investigation team did not live in the county party committee's guest house, but in the guest house of Tianze Traditional Chinese Medicine's foreign business, which was very meaningful. Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing personally came forward to receive the investigation team and held a banquet. Liu Fengsheng and Li Fei also did not refuse to come. They were happy to go to the banquet. They should eat and drink, but they didn't talk about business during the banquet.

He Zelin, the director of the Public Security Bureau, did not attend the banquet. In order to avoid suspicion, he has now been suspended by the county party committee and county government. Liu Fengsheng also admired Bian Youshui's means and reacted at the first time. He did not have any resistance to the investigation team. He put on a warm welcome and extremely cooperative attitude. At least on the surface, he could not find out any problems in the investigation team. He also gave the investigation team a good sense of old deep-fried dough sticks, which were No leakage, scheming. As expected, there should be not much resistance to the investigation work of the investigation team. Because it is estimated that an agreement has been reached within Paoma County, He Zelin will not resist stubbornly. He is going to become a shield.

Li Fei first arrived, only looking at it, only listening but not talking. Bian Youshui said and listened to what he said. He looked like an old and good man. The investigation team was led by Liu Fengsheng, and he was so happy that he let Liu Fengsheng take the lead and wait for the opportunity to act.

Many people in Paoma County thought that as soon as the investigation team came, they must keep a distance from the county party committee team, but they didn't expect to accept the county's invitation, which made many people relieved. I guess it was the same as the last investigation team, the thunder and rain was small. Finally, they had Get some benefits and go back.

What no one knows is that after the banquet, Liu Yijiu quietly entered the hotel of the investigation team and had talks with Liu Fengsheng and Li Fei.

At the same time, in a secret place, Bian Youshui, Zhang Hexing are working on He Zelin's work together.

"Zelin, you can't wrap the fire in the paper. Lu Sheng is now in the hands of Liu Yijiu, and Du Fujian was also caught by Liu Yijiu. You have to stand at the height of the overall situation and consider the problem. The evidence is conclusive, and you can't deny it if you want to. But if you carry it alone, the whole Paoma County will remember your good*..." Bian Youshui's level of ideological work is also quite high.

He Zelin lowered his head and didn't say anything. He kept smoking and threw a pile of cigarette butts on the ground.

Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing came forward at the same time, representing the first-level party and government organs. It is an organization. Even if he does not agree, he will not be reused by the organization in the future. He Zelin also knows that he is unable to protect himself now, and he will not have a way to live. But one more condition is that when he took the first unclean money from the drug dealer, he thought that one day he would become a prisoner.

But he didn't expect it so soon. He thought he could escape abroad calmly.

If you don't agree, you have to agree. The main reason is that Bian Youshui and Zhang Hexing neither threatened him nor put forward any exchange terms. He just kept letting him put the overall situation first and consider hundreds of thousands of people in Paoma County, which gave him a sense of lofty and mission.

"I know what to say and what not to say, Bian Shu*, County Magistrate Zhang, thank you two leaders for taking care of me and cultivating me all the time. After I went in, I can't get out. It's not as bad as good as my family. Please ask the two leaders to place them for me. Even if I Don't say such depressing words, if you don't get to that point, He Xing and I will speak for you. Chen Shu of the Municipal Party Committee, Director Pei of the Municipal Bureau, and Pi Shu* will all cover up. Things may have a turning point...*..."

When he came out of the room, Bian Youshui immediately closed his tears. His face changed quickly, and in the night, it was a little ferocious and scary. He threw the cigarette butt in his hand to the ground and stepped on a few times: "How's it? Is the material real?" "It's not a big problem. As long as He Zelin bears it alone and our materials are handed over, he will be dead. It's too late to turn over the confession again." Zhang Hexing's face was a He looked around cautiously, and there was no one around.

"Running Horse County can't turn over the sky*..." Bian Youshui kicked the tree next to him with hatred and gritted his teeth. "If you want to beat me, I have to be slaughtered by others? If you don't protect me, at worst, you will die together. Who will be afraid of whom?" Zhang Hexing shivered, and he didn't know whether it was the late spring cold or was scared by Bian Youshui's words.

After going back, Bian Youshui thought it was not good, so he called Chen Jiesu again.

"Chen Shu * Ji..." "There is water, how many times have you said it, call me less recently. In addition, if you have nothing to do, don't come to the municipal party committee to report your work first*..." Chen Jiesui's tone is not very cheerful. Everything has not been going well recently, and she is burning in her heart. "Don't worry, the fire can't burn you. At most, He Zelin will get off the horse.

Lao Pi just called, and he will come back early tomorrow." It's a good thing for Pi to come back early. Bian Youshui was a little relieved. He didn't dare to annoy Chen Jiesuo for the time being. He whispered, "The main reason is that Pei Ju's attitude is unclear now, and his key to his It's very annoying, but it's hard to say clearly. She can't come forward to tell Pei Yifeng and let him do everything possible to obstruct the investigation of the investigation team... Many things in the officialdom depend on tacit understanding rather than clearly, and some words can't be said. Who knows if others have hidden the recording?

Chen Jieshao, who has been honed in the officialdom for most of her life, knows very well in her heart that there are some words that can't be said even if she dies. If she doesn't die, she won't die, and she won't be able to die.

"Don't care about others, take care of your mess of things first." Chen Jiesu is not willing to mention Pei Yifeng, "As long as the illegal land is not big, your position will sit firmly... Is there any problem with Tianze traditional Chinese medicine *..."

"No problem, it has been finalized. Now as soon as you check the illegal land, it will touch the interests of Tianze traditional Chinese medicine, and then the Qiu family can't sit still." Bian Youshui has already secretly arranged everything, closely linking the illegal land with the interests of the Qiu family, and what he wants is the effect of throwing rats.

... A night in Paoma County was a sleepless night, with countless people meeting or making countless phone calls. Strangely, a strong wind suddenly blew in the middle of the night, and the temperature dropped sharply, which made many people in Paoma County catching a cold.

The next morning, Pi was in a hurry to return to Tianze from the capital. As soon as he came back, he held an emergency meeting of the middle-level cadres of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. First of all, he conveyed the latest document spirit of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. It showed that he was not idle, but understood the spirit of the document to study. Then he expressed his strong dissatisfaction with the behavior of some people's deception, pointing Secondly, it is also the Commission for Discipline Inspection recorded by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, not the Commission for Discipline Inspection for personal revenge.

Pi didn't stop the name. Everyone knows who he is talking about. It must be admitted that Pi's words can still play a sufficient deterrent role. After all, he has been in control of the Commission for Discipline Inspection for several years, and many of the middle levels below are his cronies, but basically since the last online incident, his prestige has been minimized.

His prestige has decreased, but his power is still there. After all, he is the real leader of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

After the meeting, he gathered several cronies to teach the opportunity face to face. No one knows what they talked about, but everyone can guess clearly. It must be nothing more than two aspects. One is to limit the power in Liu Fengsheng's hands, and the other is to arrange the back hand and put small shoes for Liu Fengsheng. Everyone knows that he is an incessant person, cares about everything, and has a lot of power. Liu Fengsheng took advantage of his absence to mention the old case. Li Wei's case was known to everyone in the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. He knew that it was the one who slapped the table and pressed it down at that time. It was clear that he did not give him face and did not respect the authority of his head of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

It's strange that you can give up.