official god

Chapter 996 Public Resistance

Originally, Xia wanted to arrange a lot of activities for Yanjia's meeting. After the preparation meeting. Meet Cheng Dacai and look at Mr. Shi again. In addition, Xiao Kun's business has encountered some trouble, and he also wants to secretly help solve it. I don't want to. The meeting was very exciting.

In the province, there are seven mayors in seven prefectures and cities with steel mills in three prefectures, but it is rare that no one is absent. In the past provincial mayors' meetings, there were always several mayors who did not come for various reasons. Replaced by the executive deputy mayor or the deputy mayor of the Standing Committee. It may also be clear that this meeting is of great importance, and it is a rare time to have all of them.

Single city has single steel, charter city has Xuan steel, Qintang city has Qintang city has Qin steel, Tianze city has Tianze has Niu city has Niu steel, Yan city has Yan city has Yan steel, water but city has water steel, 11 prefectures, there are as many as 7 steel mills, I don't know. I was shocked. Yan Province is really a veritable province of steel resources.

The meeting was held at the Provincial Government Affairs Conference Center. Song Chaodu presided over the meeting, and Gao Jinzhou attended the meeting.

Among the seven mayors, Xiaxiang is the youngest, so it is particularly eye-catching. Many mayors have seen Xiaxiang for the first time. They often say that it is better to meet than to be famous. When they meet, they are even more surprised that Xiaxiang is young. At the age of Li Dingshan in his early 50s, he is not the oldest among the mayors. Xia Xiang's age of 31 has become the most concerned topic in private at the provincial iron and steel conference.

Li Dingshan has been the mayor of Shuiheng City for three years. The last time Wang Pengfei was promoted to a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, he thought that Li Dingshan could successfully take over as secretary. Unexpectedly, he still stepped forward. People who don't know the inside story think that Li Dingshan is not qualified enough. In fact, Li Dingshan has been in the hall-level position for a long time. It's not about seniority, but his last exceptional promotion made Mr. Shi run out of favors. Therefore, it is difficult for him to take another step forward, even a small step.

Li Dingshan and Xia wanted to sit together to attend the mayor's meeting, but they didn't feel embarrassed. He is very gratified that his former secretary is now on an equal footing with him. That is, Xia thought that if there was another person, he would feel uncomfortable. The secretary caught up with him, which was too useless. But for Xiaxiang, his feelings are very complicated and sincere.

Shuigang in Shuiheng City ranks last among steel mills in the province. The output value and scale are the smallest. But when Li Dingshan wanted to talk to Xia, he said that the prospect was not very optimistic. The main reason is that Secretary Niu is more resistant to integration.

Niu Zhiqiang, Secretary of the Shuiheng Municipal Party Committee, was airborne from the capital. Xia is not sure about his origin, but from his position, it can probably be concluded that he is probably a supporter of the family forces.

Before the formal meeting. Xiaxiang also exchanged views with Yu Fanran.

Yangang ranks fourth among the seven major steel mills in Yan Province. However, because Yan City is a sub-provincial city and the provincial capital at the same time, Yan City's attitude is very critical and symbolic.

Yu Fanran's opposition position was expected. Xia didn't expect Yu Fanran to dare to go against the position of the Wu family like Yang Jian. Although the composition of Yangang's shares is not complicated, the Wu family has no interests. However, Yan Gang's attitude is crucial, which directly affects the hesitant position of other cities.

Yu Fanran is obviously determined to put forward objections. Xia thought is also clear that the 7 mayors, single city and Qin Tang City are firm support positions, and the charter city and Niu city are the middle swing positions. Both Tianze City and Shuidan City are supported by the mayor and the secretary. The future is uncertain, while Yan City is firmly opposed.

The governor is also difficult. The introduction of every policy is full of resistance. After a group of mayors came, it is difficult to put the difficulties objectively. It is not difficult to implement, that is to say, there are difficulties in the local area, you can't do one-size-fits-all, you can't engage in egalit It must be implemented, otherwise it will be dismissed.

The governor is not the county magistrate. The county magistrate can slap the table to intimidate the director below, and the governor can't shout at the mayor.

Generally speaking, it is grand to have a similar meeting attended by the executive vice governor, but this time it is attended by Song Chaodu in person. It can be seen that the provincial government attaches great importance to it. In addition to the provincial governor and the executive vice governor attending at the same time, the relevant responsible comrades of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Labor and the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission also attended the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Gao Jinzhou spoke, and Gao Jinzhou was the direct line of the Wu family. Because of the reason of obedience to the overall situation of the provincial government meeting, he had to stand in a unified position with the Song Dynasty, which was also a very intriguing scene. Xia Xiang also understood that Song Chaodu intended to let Gao

Every political move is of great meaning. Whoever attends and who doesn't attend is particular.

Gao Jinzhou's speech is not long, and it can't be noisy. Because today's protagonist is Governor Song: "... All departments at all levels should unite as one and reach a consensus. We will resolutely implement the relevant requirements of the executive meeting of the provincial government, and actively promote the implementation plan of the integration of Yan Iron and Steel Group. The provincial government has set a clear integration schedule. All cities should take effective action and look at the problem from the perspective of the whole province. Through the joint efforts of relevant departments and enterprises at the provincial, municipal and county levels, we should promote the smooth progress of the integration of iron and steel resources in the province. All departments at all levels should continue to maintain the spirit of tolerance, harmony and taking into account the overall situation, strive to do a good job in resource integration, truly contribute to the integration of iron and steel in Yan Province, and do a good and practical thing for the people of Yan Province..."

Whether it is Gao Jinzhou's original intention or not, he must take a gesture. Because it is the spirit of the executive meeting of the provincial government, he now represents the provincial government, not the Wu family. The scene must be said enough.

Subs, Song Chaodu also delivered a speech: "We should set up Yan Province Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. as soon as possible, seize the opportunity to set up and clean up historical problems, accelerate the promotion of technical reform projects, and resolutely implement relevant measures such as energy conservation and consumption reduction and pollution reduction, so as to achieve both re

The above is a convention, and it is a necessary transition at the meeting. After speaking one after another, Gao Jinzhou said, "Comrades, please express your opinions."

The so-called expression of opinion is generally a statement of support for the decision of the provincial government, will make every effort to provide services around the integration of iron and steel resources in the province, and provide various guarantees for accelerating the integration of iron and steel resources in the province, such as so on. Basically, there will be no mistakes. They are all people in the officialdom, and they will do everything in the scene. As for the delay or poor implementation in the specific implementation process, no one will disagree with the governor at the meeting in the future.

Even Xiaxiang thought that there would be no waves in this meeting. The next statement should be a sound of harmony, and then a successful victory, and then the real competition was behind the scenes and under the stage.

Unexpected, when discussing the speech. Gan Ranran was the first to stand up. He not only sang the opposite, but also listed a lot of reasons to refute that the integration of steel resources is not conducive to the characteristic development of various steel mills. It is a one-size-size-fits-all backward idea. It will not only not raise the scale of steel in the province to a new level At a disadvantage.

"The mechanism of the market economy is to break the barrier and eat according to their own ability. Originally, the situation of steel mills in various places is very different, and they have to be forcibly integrated together. There is no advantage except for a big stall. Several iron and steel enterprises have their own advantages. They use administrative orders to integrate together, and they are still a large workshop-style group. There are countless examples of greed and failure. Despite the stunned eyes of others, Yu Fanran still said righteously, "Although the output value and scale of Yangang are not ranked among the 7 steels in the province, after investigation and visits, Yangang is opposed to integration. The opinions of the employees are very large, and it is not easy to persuade the work."

The strong and resolute tone of the complicated attitude is far beyond everyone's expectation. Even Song Chaodu's face darkened, and Gao Jinzhou obviously showed an unhappy look.

Li Dingshan naturally supports the position of integration. Although Shuigang is the smallest among the 7 steels, he must support Song Chaodu at a critical time, and said: "Be bigger first, then be stronger, which is in line with the objective law. And to be honest, the integrated planning is also very scientific. Only by eliminating backward production capacity, improving scientific and technological advantages, and increasing advantageous projects can the integrated Yan Province Iron and Steel Group have a place in the country. Although Mayor Yu's words also have some truth, it can also be foreseen that it is understandable that local governments in various places are resistant to integration work for the sake of their own interests.

As for the mayor's objections to employees, there is no need to consider it. The decision of the provincial government should consider the opinions of an employee, so no policy should be introduced.

Li Dingshan's words caused a burst of laughter, some kind, some echoing, and some sarcasm.

Yu Fanran smiled disapprovingly and did not refute Li Dingshan's words. What he wanted was to be an example, as the mayor of a sub-provincial city. He doesn't have to be afraid of Song Chaodu's eyes, or. The province also has influence on Yan City, but it is far less decisive than other cities, because the appointment of the secretary and mayor of Yan City is not under the jurisdiction of the province.

Several mayors stared at Yu Fanran with big eyes. It's too tough to think about it. If you dare to challenge the governor openly at the meeting, you are very bold. There must be someone in the capital's instruction.

Everyone here is very clear about Yu Fanran's origin. His speech represents the position of the Wu family. Thinking of the strong strength and cohesion of the family, everyone speculated that Governor Song's integration plan was not easy to implement, and he encountered public resistance before it was implemented.

The echo of Governor Song did not mean that he was going to sing against Yu Fanran. Therefore, except for Li Dingshan's refutation, everyone else kept silent, and the scene was a little cold for a moment.

Xia wants to know that it's time for him to take a clear position. "His next speech is sharper than Yu Fanran. More radical, it directly detonated the venue!

ps: The second update, urgently ask for a monthly ticket! Do it, the monthly ticket list has been exposed again and again. Lao He's pain is unspeakable, and he has been despised again and again. Lao He is ashamed. Brothers, his heart is cold. He dropped the keyboard and smashed the computer, and also asked for a monthly ticket! Lao He said that it may not be more than 10,000 words every day, but it will definitely be more than 300,000 words in June! Lao He's diligence has never been relaxed. There are many monthly tickets today, and the fifth update will pay off! Please help the old man at the critical moment. With only a few dozen votes, he will rush to two or three people and ask for a monthly ticket in tears! ( To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in to the starting point, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)