official god

Chapter 998 7 billion

Xia wants to come forward today to persuade Cheng Dacai to make up his mind. Although the billions investment of Dacai Group may not drive the prosperity of the real estate market in Tianze City, it is not only symbolic. At least it can play the role of a key locomotive, which can completely become a weather vane for the upcoming prosperity of real estate in Tianze City.

Dacai Group is not an investor in the general sense, but a leader in the real estate industry of Yan Province. Moreover, the projects invested by Dacai Group have never failed, and they have made a lot of money every time. Therefore, if Dacai Group finally decides to invest in Tianze's Jingbei New Town, it means that the project of Jingbei New Half.

The influence of Dacai Group has a great appeal in Yan Province and even the capital.

This meeting is of great significance to Xiaxiang. Whether he can successfully persuade Cheng Dacai to decide the success or failure of the Jingbei New City project. To be honest, he is also a little uneasy.

Cheng Da just saw that Xia wanted to come, and he was still alone as before. There was no driver or secretary, and there was no scene that the mayor should have. He smiled and greeted him: "Mayor Xia, the officials are getting bigger and bigger, and the airs are as small as before. Not bad, it's very measured."

Xiaxiang also smiled: "Mr. Cheng's business is getting bigger and bigger, and the flowers and plants are raised better. He must be very experienced?"

Cing Dacai and Xia wanted to shake hands, shook a few times, and laughed: "Don't learn from me. Be innovative. It's not promising to pick up people's teeth."

"The wisdom of our predecessors is the most precious wealth. We threw away too much wealth in the past, but now it's not too late to pick it up." Xia thought that he sighed for no reason, "Innovation should be. But the wisdom of predecessors must also be learned, just like Mr. Cheng's business experience, and many people can't learn it even if they study hard.

Cheng Dacai shook his head: "Don't learn from me, I won't be good at it. Everyone has their own way. How much can you achieve by following my footprints? While talking, he led Xia to enter the small courtyard. Green bricks in the courtyard. Leave a space in the south-facing corner. It is full of flowers and vegetables.

There are also several trees that have begun to take shape in the courtyard, lush, with a breeze blowing and rustling. Looking into the distance through the iron fence, it is green and endless fields.

I have to say. Cheng Dacai's villa. It has the taste of a paradise, and the elegance of quietness in the middle of the noise. Only the characters who manage their lives to the extreme can have such a state of mind. Most people are busy all their lives and get nothing. Or just food and clothing.

Xia wants to sit in the shade of the tree, enjoying the comfortable breeze and rare tranquility, and his mind is much wider. I didn't mention the investment in Beijing New Town, but talked with Cheng Dacai's interest.

Cing Dacai is also very interesting. He has both appreciation and the intention to make friends with Xiaxiang, and he is also very happy when chatting. I've been talking about it all afternoon, but I'm still not satisfied.

In the evening, Cheng Dacai stayed in the summer and wanted to have dinner.

Cheng Dacai's dinner was very simple, with tacos, porridge and pickles. He smiled and said, "If you hate a person, treat him to big fish and meat every night, and you will definitely kill him. The more you eat at night, the better, the more poison. The so-called breakfast should be good. Eating enough for lunch and eating less for dinner is the way to maintain health.

Xia wanted to agree: "Health maintenance is responsible for your own body and others. Only by having a healthy body can you contribute more to your family, society and the country. If you get sick every day, it will cause trouble to your family and society.

Cheng Dacai nodded repeatedly: "Well said, think about it in the opposite way, it's really this reason."

He picked up a piece of pickles. "When I was a child, my family was poor, and I ate pickles every day, which made me nausea. Now that I'm rich, I still have to eat pickles. Life is really interesting and interesting.

Xia wants to laugh.

Cheng Dacai said again, "Tianze City is poor now, so I want to develop the economy and get rich, but after being rich, I may not feel happy if I have more money." Then he shook his head and smiled again, "That being said, the poor will definitely say that the rich don't hurt to stand and talk. I want to ask you the truth. Xiaxiang, how big a stall do you want to have in Jingbei New Town?

After a whole afternoon of chatting, Cheng Dacai finally got to the point. It's not easy. Xia wanted to eat tacos with relish, put a piece of pickles in his mouth, and laughed: "I eat coarse grains and fine grains. I don't refuse, and I have a good appetite. Mountain delicacies can be eaten, and tacos can also be eaten well.

Cheng Dacai laughed and said, "To tell you the truth, I'm going to have a coarse grain banquet today to see if you can eat it and whether you can eat it, which proves that your hard work spirit is still there. Xiaxiang, tell me the truth, Jingbei New Town, how much investment do you plan to attract?

Xia thought about it and boldly said, "20 billion."

Cheng Dacai suddenly slapped the table: "You are so bold and courageous. I invested 7 billion yuan."

Xia thought it would be good to have 2 billion, but he didn't expect to eat a coarse grain, which made Cheng Dacai in a good mood. As soon as he made a shot, it was 7 billion, which was already more than one-third of his long-term goal, which made him overjoyed!

It is said to be 20 billion yuan. In fact, according to his mind, when he is in charge, it is good that the whole Jingbei New Town project can have a scale of 20 billion yuan. Cheng Dacai really has courage. A meal determines the investment of 7 billion yuan. Who has the pride of guiding the country so much?

Xia, a bigger tycoon, has also seen it, but people with the same temperament as Cheng Dacai are indeed rare.

It's also strange. In the eyes of outsiders, it may be a hasty and irrational decision. However, since Cheng Dacai's debut, he has been invincible, his attack is invincible, his eyes are accurate, and everyone is amazed.

Xia wants to raise a glass to Cheng Dacai: "Although Mr. Cheng's meal is a light meal, it is sweet in the heart, and the aftertaste is endless."

"Xia think, my coarse rice is all grown by myself. If you calculate the price, it will scare you a lot. Haha."

Xia wanted to understand the meaning of Cheng Dacai. He wanted him to take good care of his investment. Investment is not a favor, but a demand for returns and profit margins, so he nodded and said, "I believe that Mr. Cheng has also noticed the recent changes in Tianze City. The Jingbei New City project is put on the final agenda, because the Ze City has a weak foundation and a poor foundation. Now the foundation is being laid.

"The basic work is not difficult to do, and the traffic problems are not easy to solve." Cheng Dacai paid a lot of attention to Tianze City and also knew what the problem was. "You must want to solve the traffic problem as soon as possible. Haven't you found a way yet?"

Xia wants to actually have a way, but there are some relationships that he doesn't want to use, and he can't afford it.

"Li Hanning, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Communications, is an old classmate of Secretary Ye..." It's the end of Chengda's arrival, and I won't say more.

Secretary Ye naturally refers to Ye Shisheng, the former secretary of the provincial party committee. After Ye Shisheng went to the capital as a state councilor, Xia wanted to have little contact with him. Although he and Ye Shisheng have had a relationship, the relationship has not been close enough to be frequent. Although Cheng Dacai has identified Ye Shisheng's relationship. But he still gave him a difficult problem. He can't rush to contact Ye Shisheng and ask him to come forward to coordinate. The official god bar is provided by Qingcheng.

When he said goodbye to Cheng Dacai, it was already the first time of the lantern. Xia wanted to not call a taxi. He walked alone for a long time and thought about a lot of things, and his heart was a little heavy.

It seems that every time he goes to a place, he will always cause a series of conflicts. Is it because someone deliberately transferred him to the place where the contradictions are concentrated, or is it because of his personality that he can't see any injustice? It's okay to get off the horse area. It's Fu Xianfeng who instructed others to hurt him, and there's nothing he can do without overturning Bai Zhanmo. In fact, the Prime Minister deliberately asked him to break the deadlock. Maybe he was looking at his radical side.

Oh, Chen really, needless to say, it's not enough for the public to be angry. Gu Xiangguo, as Chen's biggest backstage, must also fall, and he also created an unjust and false case. There is more to death.

But in Tianze, it is really difficult for him to find a balance between economy and politics, not only to let the conservative forces give in, but also not to leave a radical and righteous image to his superiors.

The problem in Paoma County has a long history, and it is full of holes. It must be done in one pot. If it is not done, it is like a cancer that has been rotten to the root. There is only one way to remove it, and there is no choice.

But Tianze Municipal Party Committee... To be honest, it is also old to the bone, the old traitor, Pei Yifeng's two sides and three knives, Xu Xin's rigidity and conservatism, and Chen Jiewen's interests are supremacy, holding on to power, and so on. It is difficult to break the situation unless

It's impossible to replace people. Xia doesn't want to squeeze people away. If you can only work by squeezing people out of the road wherever you go, it is not an ability. What we want with the light is to assimilate others and master the rhythm of others, not to be assimilated by others. Pulled into the water.

Therefore, the road of Tianze City is still very tortuous, especially under the current situation that Chen Jiewen has indeed regained control of the overall situation. Among the next traffic dilemma and the integration of steel, there are two more hard battles to fight.

Xia thought a lot and also determined the next step. Seek common differences and attract differentiation, because he is clear about the problem of integrating steel. Wu Mingyi will not support him, and Pi Buji, Pei Yifeng and Xu Xin are likely to be in the same position as Chen Jiewen.

There is a lot of resistance.

When I got home, it was very late, and I remembered the trouble encountered by Xiao Kun. Xia wanted to make a phone call and asked Fang Ge to do it. A little thing, maybe Xiao Kun can't get over it. For him, he won't have to use him to come forward in person.

The next morning, he went back to the capital first. After arriving in the capital, he met Yi Xiangshi first.

Yi Xiangshi went to the Western Province to serve as the secretary of the provincial party committee. It has been finalized internally, but it has not been announced to the public. Yi Xiangshi has also begun to intend to do the finishing work. Preparing for the handover work.

Yi Xiangshi was very happy about Xia Xiang's visit, because he had something to discuss with Xia Xiang.