official god

Chapter 1025 Rangle Stage

Mr. Wu's eyes were also very accurate. He just looked at the number and guessed who called. It was really awesome. However, his comments on Qian Jinsong, "Xia thought he didn't dare to agree. He just nodded and smiled and went outside to answer the phone.

At this time, the sun has already setting, the heat is gradually subside, and a gentle breeze blows between heaven and earth, which makes people feel refreshed. Looking at the western sky from afar, there are large areas of burning clouds. There are also flocks of birds flying by. It's really an indescribable beauty.

Xia wanted to sigh for a moment, but he had no time to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the grassland sunset, so he hurriedly answered the phone.

"Xia Fengchang" I'm Qian Jinsong..."

Qian Jinsong called in person, which also surprised Xiaxiang. I thought that the last call from the secretary was Qian Jinsong's indifference, but he didn't want to call in person a few hours later. In this way, there was still something to say.

"Gendant Qian" first of all, congratulations..." Xiaxiang's tone is friendly and polite" "Lingnan Province is the largest economic province, and the burden on your shoulders is not light. Don't overwork, but also pay more attention to your health..."

One sentence narrowed the relationship closer. Qian Jinsong smiled gently: "Xiaoxia, he said that when he called in the morning, he was holding an executive meeting of the government. After the meeting, he listened to several deputy governors to report on his work. Until now, he has no time to breathe. There are too many things." Xia thought that he was At the level of Qian Jinsong, the governor of Lingnan Province, really didn't have to explain anything to him because of a problem of answering the phone, but he made an explanation, that is, he looked up at him, which is to attach importance to him.

Although he also knows that his father-in-law is the governor now, and Song Chaodu is also the governor's honor. Invisibly, he has increased his weight a lot, but Qian Jinsong treated him so politely, including some reason in those years.

Xia wanted to say a few polite words in time, expressing his understanding and thanks to Governor Qian.

"You're looking for me" must be in trouble. If you have something to do, just say something, and we don't have to say anything polite. There are still a lot of things... "Qian Jinsong's words are kind and dignified." In short, they keep the appropriate distance, and do not seem to be too estranged and very measured.

Xia thought about it and felt that it was still necessary to mention the matter of improving the sea, so he said it directly.

Qian Jinsong did not answer Xia Xiang's question directly, but laughed: "I'm going back to the capital in two days. If I have time, I'll just sit together..." Then," he seemed to sigh to himself, "I want to report to the Prime Minister..."

Xia thought that his heart was much brighter, and he also smiled: "It happens to be the most beautiful season in the grassland. You must ask Governor Qian to take a walk on the grassland of Tianze and have a look..."

"Good, good" I will definitely go." Qian Jinsong smiled and ended the call.

It seems that there is no progress, but Xiaxiang is very satisfied. The meeting is more practical than any verbal promise. And he also understood that Qian Jinsong did not say casually. He was very likely to come to Tianze, and he was likely to be prepared to come.

The situation, with the concerted efforts of all parties, has increasingly entered the stage of struggle. The next step is to see who makes the first to make the mistake. At present, it's like a tug-of-war. Both sides are doing their best, and from time to time there are new forces to join the regiment. It depends on which of the two regiments can't hold on and fall to the ground.

As soon as you fall, you may push down the first domino.

Back to the room, "The old man closed his eyes slightly" seemed to fall asleep. Xia wanted to cover him with his clothes gently. The grassland was cold and easy to catch a cold. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched out his hand, the old man suddenly opened his eyes and waved his hand and said, "I'm not old enough to fall asleep at any time. Although my energy is definitely not better than you young people, I am more patient and confident than >

also motioned that Xia wanted to sit down and continued, "Qian Jinsong's ability is average, and the opportunity is good. It's easy for him to stand firm in Lingnan. Well, it's difficult to open up the situation..." Just mention it, and then don't say more, as if his words are the same as the conclusion.

From the old man's attitude from Qian Jinsong's attitude, Xia thought that Qian Jinsong must have a deep meaning when he came to the capital.

In the evening, Xia wanted to have dinner with the old man again. The old man was very interested and had a few drinks. After dinner, go out for a walk. After walking for about an hour, the old man never mentioned the business, but said nothing, but occasionally mentioned the topic of the prosperity of the Wu family. "Xia Xiang had to deal with it vaguely.

Even Ruohan hasn't asked for much recently, but it's also a lot, but he hasn't been pregnant, and there's nothing he can do.

Everything, just let nature take its course.

Some things should be let nature take its course, and some things still need to be fought vigorously. After saying goodbye to the old man, on the way home, Xia wanted to receive a call from Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's first sentence was: "Some things should let nature take its course, and some things still need to be fought vigorously. Xiaoxia, you have been a little passive and slack recently." Have you relaxed your mind?

Chen Feng and Qian Jinsong are different. The relationship between him and Xiaxiang has long been polite. Everything goes straight and goes straight, and it's worry-free.

Xia wanted to know what Chen Feng meant as soon as he heard it. He smiled helplessly: "Mayor Chen" You are wronged a good person. I haven't been passive and impatient all day. I'm busy with work every day. I can't accept your criticism.

Chen Feng laughed and said, "I can't control you, but I'm still your elder. Your words are a little complaining..."

Xia thought, of course, knew that Chen Feng was joking, and also smiled: "Mayor Chen, you must not call to criticize me specifically." Is there any guiding spirit..."

"No, it's just a chat..." Chen Feng is still in the mood to cheat. "Why, don't you want to gossip with me..."

"I can't wait to invite you for a drink. It takes a day's leisure time to meet, and you have to have time." Xia thought it was clear that Chen Feng was definitely not here to talk about leisure. He had something important to talk about.

"You said, don't play tricks..." Chen Feng grabbed Xia's words, "I'll go to the capital in a few days and go to Jianze to have a look. I heard that the scenery of the grassland is beautiful now? And roasted whole lamb? I went, "You have to receive it well." Chen Feng is coming. Whether as the mayor of the mountain city or as a personal person, Xiaxiang naturally asked for it. He was busy and answered: "Welcome" warmly welcome. Citizens all day, welcome unanimously..."

"Okay, that's it..." Chen Feng said that he could also talk nonsense." He simply hung up the phone at once.

Xia wanted to park his car to the roadside. He was stunned for a moment and smiled again. It seemed to be an opportunity for the old man to come to Tianze, which attracted people from all walks of life to appear one after another. Qian Jinsong and Chen Feng both proposed to come to Tianze, saying that they came to relax and travel, which was absolutely a lie. They are not Mr. Wu. They are all major members and provincial leaders. How can they have leisure to relax?

But if you don't move, it will be gone. If you move, "two heavyweights will come to Tianze" proves that the situation is going to change, and it may be a great change!

The next day, Xia wanted to receive another call from Gao Hai as soon as she went to work. Yesterday, he wanted to call Gao Hai, but it was getting late, so he decided to talk about it early tomorrow morning. Unexpectedly, Gao Hai was really anxious and called early in the morning.

"How's it going, Xiaxiang, do you have any news from Governor Qian..."

Gao Hai's ups and downs in Guanhai is much longer than Xia's, but it is later than Xia wants to be in charge of the government. The key is that he has the wrong time to take office. It is a critical period for all forces to compete, and some of his gaffes are inevitable. It was also because he and Xia were familiar with each other that he didn't care much about the image of the mayor.

Xia wanted to talk about Qian Jinsong's upcoming return to Beijing to report and meet him, and advised Gao Hai not to worry and wait first. There is always a possibility that things will turn around. Gao Hai also knew that he was out of shape and said to himself, "If you are not in a hurry, you can't open the situation, and you will fail to live up to the heavy trust of Governor Song. I feel uneasy..."

Xia can understand Gao Hai's thoughts. "He originally had an ordinary relationship with Song Chaodu, but after several years of efforts, he was included in the eyes of Song Chaodu. He went out to Niucheng to shoulder heavy responsibilities. Whether he could successfully integrate Niu Gang" is related to his position in the mind of Song Chaodu.

However, Xia wanted to meet Qian Jinsong, which also made Gao Hai relieved. Qian Jinsong agreed to have an interview with Xia, which proved in his heart that Xia was a friend worth dating. Gao Hai secretly admired Xiaxiang's personality. Qian Jinsong and Xiaxiang did not seem to have a very close relationship in those years, but he could still take a look at Xiaxiang, which proved that he also appreciated Xiaxiang's personality and ability.

As soon as he put down Gao Hai's phone, the phone rang again. As soon as he saw that it was a call from the provincial party committee, Xia Xiang guessed who it was and hurriedly answered the phone. "Sure enough, there was no wrong guess. Song Chaodu's familiar voice came from the phone: "Xia Xiang" I

There is no impenetrable wall in the world." Mr. Wu's every move seems to still touch the attention of all parties. Mr. Wu has retired for many years, but he is the leading figure behind the family's power, or makes him the focus of all parties at all times. It's impossible to keep a low profile.

"Yes, I arrived yesterday and said I would stay for a while" for a holiday." Xia thought that there was nothing to hide. He told the truth, "We had dinner together yesterday and only said something irrelevant. The old man's political wisdom, hey hey, nothing can speak to the light." "The situation is getting more and more complicated. Xia Think, what do you think about the current situation..." Song Chaodu's tone is faint. "I can't hear whether it's worry or full of confidence.

"The time has not yet arrived, and there is still a little time before the critical point. Mr. Wu came over, distracted himself and beat me, each accounting for half. But..." Xia wanted to meditate slightly and said the strange movements of Qian Jinsong and Chen Feng. "Gun Governor Qian and Mayor Chen came to the capital at this time. I have a lot of intention. After I want to meet them, I can almost foresee the time to open the bottom card..."

Song Chaodu was surprised: "Qian Jinsong and Chen Feng are going back to Beijing to report their duties? Now is not the time to report..." He paused for a moment, and suddenly his voice raised a lot. "Xia think, the opportunity is coming, your opportunity is coming, you must seize it..."