official god

Chapter 1035 Burning Company

Originally, Fan [book] remembered the inspection of Tiangang. On the surface, it was a temporary intention. In fact, the fire boat had been arranged for a long time. When Fan [book] arrived, Tiangang had been cleaned up and waiting for the provincial party committee [book] to come.

The whole inspection work was smooth. After listening to the introduction of the person in charge of Tiangang, Fan [Shu] also asked with great interest the characteristics of vanadium and titanium metals, as well as the rarity of vanadium and titanium minerals and the unique resource advantages of Tianze City. An hour later, the inspection work came to an end, and Fan Ruiheng was ready to leave.

Unexpectedly, when I walked to the gate, something happened. There were hundreds of employees gathered at the gate, old and young, men and women. They lined up neatly. The banner was: "Please be the decision of Tiangang, oppose integration, and let Tiangang take the road of independent development!"

It's not a petition, it's better than a petition. The crowd was silent, and everyone looked solemn, creating a tragic atmosphere.

Fan Ruiheng got out of the car, strode to the crowd and shouted, "Comrades, the integration of the iron and steel industry in the province is a plan that benefits the country and the people. It is the correct conclusion reached by the provincial party committee and the provincial government after research and discussion. I have heard your voice, and I also understand your wishes, but integration must be implemented. The steel industry in Yan Province should be developed and have a place in China. We can't work together.

"Fan [Book], Tiangang can't be integrated, I'd rather be a Tiangang man!" Suddenly, a man rushed out of the crowd, poured a gasoline bottle on his body with a gasoline bottle in his hand, and then lit the gasoline on his body dozens of meters away from Fan Ruiheng.

In a blink of an eye, he became a fireman.

Provincial Party Committee [Book] When traveling, there must be guards and armed police accompanying, and countless security personnel guarding around. When the fire broke out, someone immediately put out the flames. But even so, people were burned to a severe coma.

Fan Ruiheng immediately changed his face. Without saying a word, he turned around and said, "Wang Pengfei and Chen Jiewen looked at each other and stood on the spot.

Xiaxiang was also angry. Who carefully arranged a farce? Anyway, he has received the due effect. He burned himself in front of the provincial party committee [book], fought against integration with violence, and taught well... The provincial party committee [book] was furious, and things made a big deal.

Xia wants to know that there must be a shadow of Chen Jiewen behind it. In anger, he directly crossed Chen Jiewen, scolded Pei Yifeng, and accused Chen Tianyu and Peng Yunfeng of not working properly, and immediately did a good job of appeasing. At the same time, he criticized Yang Jian fiercely and asked him to investigate the truth of the incident with the person in charge of sales immediately, and be sure to give the municipal party committee a clear statement.

Chen Jiewen was stunned. Xia thought that she had properly dealt with all the aftercare matters. She looked at Xia thought resentfully. Xia wanted to cross over her and command everything, which made her look very unlevel. "Originally, Xia thought of the face" and saw that Wang Pengfei was also angry. Obviously, she was very angry about what had just I swallowed the words back to my mouth.

Today's matter, whether it's a disaster or a blessing first. Anyway, it has happened. I don't know if it's in line with Fan [book]'s mind? It is the most difficult to figure out the leader's mind. If you are not careful, you may fall into the big pit and can't get out. But then again, in case of the leader's intention, it will be the harvest of four or two dollars.

When Fan Ruiheng and his party returned to the Municipal Party Committee, they all thought that Fan [Book] would make specific instructions and important speeches on the Tiangang incident. Unexpectedly, Fan Ruiheng just met Chen Jiewen and Xia, and then left by car regardless of the late sky. Before leaving, Wang Pengfei pulled Xia to one side and whispered a few words.

Chen Jiewen looked at it and felt uncomfortable. Wang Pengfei is obviously from the Qiu family. Under the situation that he is already tense, he still wants to maintain close contact with Xia. "It's too worrying. It's true that among the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, there are many people who are both antagonistic and cooperative with Xiaxiang. "Their position is not so firm, so she is really uncertain about the integration of Tiangang and dares not 100% to control the situation.

The cleverness of Xiaxiang lies in the eight words to seek common and save differences, both soft and hard. He can not only cooperate with Xu Xin and others in contradictions, but also win over and suppress Pi and Pei Yifeng, which makes people love and hate him.

Tianze's strings have been tense enough, and I don't know that Fan [Shu] will deal with Tiangang's self-immolation incident in this way.

That night, the night of Tianze was like water, huā Haiyuan huā clusters of brocade, people flowed like weaving, huā non-huā pushed the business of huā Haiyuan to **. Wang Qiangwei also came to the scene in person and brought several beautiful women from the No. 9 mansion to cheer up, and Huā Haiyuan became famous.

Compared with the nightless day of huā Haiyuan, the business of huāyuan has dropped by 70% again. The flow of people is scarce. In the past, the prosperity of people coming and going is no longer there. The waiters and beautiful women are listless and people are floating. Many people have discussed in private that the recruitment notice just been announced by Experience is preferred. The whole Huāyuan wants to change jobs, more than one-third of the people.

How can I go on? Pi Bu and Pei Yifeng were worried. Pi doesn't want to hold on. There is always a day when he sees the sun and the moon. Pei Yifeng has secretly revealed to Xu Ziqi that several of his relatives are interested in applying for management in huā Haiyuan. They all have rich experience. They have worked in Huāyuan for more than 3 years, and have gone through the process of huāyuan from silent ** to prosperous business, and have a lot of experience in the operation and management of the entertainment industry.

At the same time, due to the popularity of Tian'an Real Estate and Jiangshan Real Estate, the sales of Yayuan continued to decline. Chen Jiewen also wanted to insist that the developers of Yayuan could not sit still. They met Sun Xianwei and Xiao Wu in private, released goodwill, and put forward conditions for cooperation.

Compared with the interaction among the people, the courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee is full of awe-inspiring atmosphere. The Municipal Party Committee held a meeting overnight to discuss today's emergencies. Mayor Xia proposed to hold the relevant personnel accountable. Chen Jiewen proposed to treat the self-immolation incident rationally and re-discuss whether the integration incident is in line with the interests of Tianze and Tiangang. It is necessary to report the facts to the provincial government. Integration is a good thing, but it should also be dealt with specific to specific problems. It cannot be simply one-size-fits-all, and the voice of the people cannot be ignored.

At the end of the meeting, no consensus was reached, because the attitude of many members of the Standing Committee was ambiguous. Everyone knows how to draw a conclusion. In the end, it depends on the attitude of Fan [book].

The next afternoon, the provincial party committee sent the news that at the just-convened standing committee meeting, Fan [Shu] had a dispute with Governor Song, and did not reach a consensus on the next step of steel integration, which was equivalent to shelving the dispute.

The steel integration in Yan Province, because of the openness of the contradiction between Fan Ruiheng and Song Chaodu, has once again encountered major resistance. The integration plan is small, and it is on the verge of fame and reality!

A day later, the iron and steel integration plan of Qi Province also encountered the same crisis. Several steel mills, together with the famous provincial government, raised doubts about the integration plan, believing that it is not in line with the current situation of Qi Province. Integration cannot fundamentally reverse the fact that iron and steel in Qi province lags behind Yan and other provinces, but may It is suggested that the provincial government reconsider the integration plan, start from the actual situation of Qi Province, and think about the future of the iron and steel industry in Qi Province.

The steel integration in Qi Province has suffered a head-on blow.

At the same time, Henan Province and Neiyuan Autonomous Region signed a series of cooperation intentions, one of which is closely related to coal resources, which is obviously aimed at the encirclement of coal resources in Western Province...

Obviously, in response to a series of measures against the civilian series, the family forces launched a huge counterattack. It used to be a beacon drama, but now it's a fire!

The situation is very tense again.

In the current situation, just as the Shancheng Liangyi Group visited Tianze, Lingnan Province made another move and formed the Tianze Economic and Trade Group. Under the leadership of a deputy governor, a vast team of more than 100 people flew directly to the capital and turned from the capital to Tianze. The Lingnan Economic and Trade Group may not bring much capital, with only an investment of about 3 billion yuan, but the projects involved are eye-catching. They are all industries involved in by family forces, which makes people have to suspect that the purpose of the Lingnan Economic and Trade Group's move is obviously more of political than economic benefits.

Municipal Party Committee [Book] Chen Jiewen and Mayor Xia wanted to kindly receive the delegation.

Just after arriving at Tianze in Lingnan Province, Liangyi Group's investigation of the cultivation of traditional Chinese medicine in Tianze has been completed and has successfully returned to the mountain city. Before leaving, a press conference was held, claiming that he was very satisfied with the inspection and would submit a report on the opening of a branch factory in Tianze to the headquarters.

The press conference of Liangyi Group is thought-provoking, and the information revealed is very rich, which once again brings great pressure to Tianze Traditional Chinese Medicine and Fu's Traditional Chinese Medicine.

When the Lingnan Economic and Trade Group visited, it was the Wu family and the Mei family who felt the great pressure. Because the economic and trade group intends to invest in a vanadium-titanium fine processing plant in Tianze, it is interested in Tianze's rich vanadium iron resources. What worried the Mei family was that Zhang Xiaoxiang Group also sent relevant persons in charge to Tianze with the group. They were very interested in the wild almond resources of Tianze City and showed a strong willingness to build a factory in Tianze.

Compared with the short soldiers on the periphery, the current struggle in Tianze City is still making a big deal to resolve the pressure on the periphery.

The Lingnan Provincial Economic and Trade Group visited Tianze in just one and a half days. After signing more than a dozen letters of intent, it took the way south and went straight to Niucheng. If you pass through Yanshi and don't enter, it is clear that you will lose face in Yanshi.

Yu Fanran's face is not good-looking, but he has to put up with it. Political things can't go smoothly. He is also eager for investment in Lingnan Province, but at this stage, he is delusional. He simply doesn't want to think that after the economic and trade group arrived in Niucheng, he quickly signed a package It immediately pushed Gao Hai's prestige to an unattainable height.

As soon as the economic and trade group left, Gao Hai quickly opened the situation in Niucheng, held high the capital flag in his hand, attracted many wavering people to join his camp, and immediately integrated Niu Gang through the executive meeting of the municipal government.

With the opening of the integration of Niu Gang, another major event happened in Tianze City, which once again attracted the attention of the whole province, because when the integration plan seemed to be on the verge of life and death, Mayor Xia finally submitted the integration of Tiangang to the Standing Committee!

is a life-and-death battle!

PS: Xia wants to face the battle of life and death, and the official god also faces the double sky of life and death on the monthly ticket list. 100,000 people urgently call for support!