official god

Chapter 1056 Long-term Plan

Even Ruohan knew the existence of Ji Qin, and Qing Panxia thought that there was not only a political circle, but also an economic team, but she didn't pay much attention to it. Yes, compared with her huge wealth, Xiaxiang's economic team, Sun Xianwei, Xiao Wu, Qi Yannan and even Yan Xiao and Yang Wei are at most a small grass.

Compared with Lian Ruohan's Fengluo Company, it is definitely a towering tree that can enter the clouds.

The first time Lian Ruohan saw Li Qin, he thought that every woman around Xia Xiang was very excellent, and he was really not a worry-free master. Fortunately, it doesn't make people worry-free, and it can be more or less reassuring.

Xia Xiang's introduction specially emphasized: "Li Qin, Qi Yanan's fiancee."

In fact, Qi Yanan and Li Qin have been engaged for more than two years. Li Qin has been delaying from getting married, but he just doesn't want to take over Qi's business after getting married. Her favorite thing is to fight in the financial market, and she doesn't like the hotel business very much. Qianam also comforted herself that she had no choice but to accept her shortcomings 100% if she loved someone.

Li Qin's shortcomings can't be completely regarded as shortcomings. As a woman, she is too strong and too career-minded.

Li Qin was not satisfied with Xia Xiang's introduction and added, "Li Qin, a doctor of finance from Columbia University in the United States."

Lian Ruohan smiled, shook hands with Li Qin, and then thought for nothing, "Don't be sexist. What's the age? Don't add the attributment about men in front of women. We are not women who rely on men to eat. We are not like some female stars who marry into a rich family and are proud of a

In a word, it came to Li Qin's heart, and she immediately had a good impression on Lian Ruohan.

Xia wanted to ignore Lian Ruohan's words directly. He smiled and talked about the business.

Li Qin listened curiously at first. After hearing it, she began to frown slightly. After a while, her eyes began to shine, and after a while, Xia wanted to mention that the credit crisis may affect real estate, finance, energy, and other industries in the United States. What's more seriously, it may directly lead to several companies in the United States. The bank went bankrupt... "Li Qin was sitting opposite Lian Ruohan, so she stood up. Her impatient impression scared Lian Ruohan.

"Mayor Xia, you are so awesome. I doubt whether you are an expert on Wall Street." Your point of view is not only intuitive and sharp, but also amazingly prophetic, exactly the same as I expected. I had reported to Mr. Xiao and asked her to cash out all the funds, and then fight in the financial markets of the United States. She disagreed and said that it was too risky for me to convince her. Li Qin [Xing] Under the struggle, he forgot Xia Xiang's entrustment and blurted out Xiao Jia.

Lian Ruohan did not know that Li Qin was Xiao Jia's person, let alone Xiao Jia's existence. He thought that Li Qin was serving Xia Xiang as the Qi family or as a personal identity, so he was surprised for a moment: "Who is always Xiao?"

Li Qin knew that she had lost her words. Although she was a superhuman in economic mind, her ability to respond to changes when dealing with people was extremely average. She was so surprised that she was speechless when asked by Lian Ruohan.

Xia Xiang almost broke out in a cold sweat. Li Qin is really a double-edged sword. Her financial knowledge and economic mind are wealth, but her ability to deal with things is worrying. Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person." He smiled and patted Li Qin on the back affectionately: "Li Qin used to be the vice president of a company in the When I came to know her, I wanted to dig her over, but she refused. Later, she met Zia Nan, and after she was engaged to Yanan, through the double efforts of Yanan and me, she finally succeeded in jumping to our camp. Li Qin was very nostalgic and always felt sorry for the former boss, so when he mentioned Mr. Xiao, "She was just a little embarrassed."

Xia's explanation is reasonable. Even Ruohan is not a meticulous woman. Then he will not ask Xiao is always a man or a woman. What kind of business he mainly does. Even so, Xia thought still felt that his back was sweating coldly.

Xiao Jia is his biggest secret, but it can't be revealed. Xia Xiangming just took a picture of Li Qin, so that Lian Ruohan knew that there was absolutely no ambiguity between him and Li Qin. He also took the opportunity to appease Li Qin and let Li Qin face it calmly.

Li Qin winned at Chaoxia, which means that she understood, and then looked at Xia Xiang meaningfully, which means that men are hypocritical animals, and they have the courage to admit it.

Xia Xiang would not have discussed the topic of men and women with Li Qin. All he wanted was Li Qin's understanding of the U.S. financial market, coupled with his foresight, coupled with Lian Ruohan's strong strength, all three are indispensable. In the end, he can succeed in one fell swoop.

Xia Xiang is only responsible for providing the foreseeable consequences caused by the sub-credit crisis. As for how to fight in the financial market, how to sell short, and how to reasonably and legally plunder the hard-earned money of the American people, Li Qin, who has been educated by the American people, must be well aware of this.

"The sub-credit crisis will trigger a decline in crude oil futures, which is conservatively estimated to fall to at least a barrel of U.S. dollars. And it will also trigger a series of financial tsunamis, which will directly lead to the bankruptcy of countless small and medium-sized banks, and even the bankruptcy of large banks... I am only responsible for providing foreseeable consequences. Li Qin has the final say on how to operate. Xia wants to make his so-called foreseeable consequences as euphemistic as possible, and he can't seem too predictable.

In fact, Xia thought too much. Li Qin didn't care about how he came to the conclusion. Even Ruohan was too lazy to think about it, because both women had a blind trust in him.

After Xia wanted to finish speaking, Lian Ruohan bowed his head and said nothing, as if he was calculating. Li Qin thought about something, but looked out of the window.

Silence, the three of them were silent for a full minute. Li Qin said, "I take the liberty to ask, Mr. Lian, how much money can you use?"

Even Ruohan seemed to be psychologically prepared and did not hide it: "About 10 billion US dollars, not counting non-tradable shares..."

"If the non-tradable shares are mortgaged, I think there will be about 15 billion, plus some real estate, seven or eight, 18 billion should be there."

Li Qin stopped talking. He took the calculator and buried his head for a long time. He looked up and said, "If Mayor Xia's pre-existing results are realized, 10 times the profit can be guaranteed, and if it is properly manipulated, 20 times is also possible. Of course, if it can really trigger a series of financial tsunamis, it will eat the stocks of several American banks and oil giants at the right time, and it is not impossible to appreciate by 100 times..."

Lian Ruohan almost fainted and appreciated 100 times. Isn't it that she will have a wealth of trillions of dollars? Although she is not short of money, and now she has enough money for her whole life, she also knows what the concept of trillions of dollars is, and it is really rich!

If she really has a trillion-dollar industry in her hand, not to mention that every move will attract the attention of all high-level officials in China, it will also become the focus of attention in the world, and she will have the ability to call for wind and rain.

It's just that even Ruohan didn't believe in a good thing, so she looked at Xia Xiang.

Xia Xiang didn't think that Li Qin's words were a fantasy, but thought for a moment: "Li Qin's words are not unreasonable. Ruohan, please think about it carefully. For the sake of perfection, I think it's better to take out 10 billion yuan to test the water first.

Lian Ruohan hesitated: "10 billion, if you lose money, will you support me?"

Xia is happy: "I'm sure I won't lose money. At most, I just earn less."

Even Ruohan has no opinion: "Ok, you have the final say. Anyway, you helped me earn the money. If you want to take it all away, I'll give it all to you.

Li Qin almost fainted. She also knew that Mayor Xia was very charming, had a woman's popularity, and had the ability. She didn't expect to have such a ability. In a word, Mr. Lian would rather dedicate, fierce B dollars... What is this concept? Even the country [Lord] doesn't have the ability to take 10 billion dollars from others as soon as you open your mouth!

Li Qin admired Xia so much that he threw himself to the ground.

Subsequently, Li Qin and Lian Ruohan continued to discuss the relevant details, and Xia Xiang received a phone call from Peng Yunfeng.

"Mayor Xia, I have negotiated with Mr. Fu. Now I'm on my way to the Cultural City. When I get to the Cultural City, I'll report to you."

Xia thought and said, "Okay, continue to follow the plan."

Peng Yunfeng hung up the phone. Xia wanted to stand in front of the window and looked out of the window. The grass outside the window is so strong that people feel happy. It is the most beautiful season and the critical period when Tianze's economy is about to take off. However, someone wants to kick him away from Tianze, and Xiaxiang is inevitably indignant.

In the long run, if he has to show off with the family forces in the end, with the influence of the Wu family, even if he sits at the level of deputy province, he may be taken down directly. If the plan to search the United States is a little successful, he does not need to have a strength of trillions of dollars. As long as he has a strong capital of hundreds of billions of dollars, it is enough to leverage the interests of many people.

Even, you can directly compete with the alliance of the four major families!

A long-term move is also a very risky move. Although he still remembers the financial tsunamis of future generations, and clearly remembers the time of the sub-credit crisis and the bankruptcy of the three major banks in the United States, the financial market is changing rapidly, and a small mistake may lead to lose everything.

It's not that he can't afford to lose, or how much money he wants to make. In terms of life, there is really no difference between tens of billions of dollars and hundreds of billions of dollars, but if you want to achieve great things, you want to complete the ideals in your heart, and you want to change the peace and helplessness If so, he must have enough self-insurre can.

Politically, it is impossible to reach the sky in one step, but economically, the possibility of becoming fat in one bite cannot be ruled out.

I don't know how long even Ruohan and Li Qin have discussed. Seeing the sunset, the curtain fell, and Xia Xiang's phone rang again.

It's Peng Yunfeng again: "Mayor Xia, the meeting with Mr. Yan is over. Everything goes well."

Xia was very gratified and only said one word: "Okay!"

As soon as he hung up the phone, another call came in. As soon as he saw that it was Lang Shi's number, Xia wanted to know that there was another game that was about to break.