official god

Chapter 1060 It can be both a gun and a target

After Zhu Ruile returned to Lang City, he immediately had a closed-door meeting with An Xingyi, and then reported his work to Ai Chengwen.

Subsequently, Ai Chengwen and An Xingyi met again and reached an agreement. Then a joint meeting was held. Following the example of Governor Song's practice at the joint meeting, Ai Chengwen announced that several major projects in the city would be taken away from the deputy mayor Shao Ding, and Zhu Ruile would take full responsibility.

Shao Ding was so angry that his face changed on the spot.

Shao Ding originally had a very close relationship with Gu Xiangguo, but after the fall of Gu Xiangguo, he quickly adjusted his strategy and became much more low-key and pragmatic. In addition, he had an old leader who had a retreat in the capital. His status in Lang City was reasonable, and no one deliberately made things difficult for him.

But somehow, after An Xingyi arrived in Lang City, he was just wrong with him. Shao Ding was embarrassed several times at work. At first, Shao Ding thought that An Xingyi and Xia wanted to go all the way, but later he found that it was not exactly the same. An Xingyi was purely unpleasant to him, so he was very unconvinced.

Shao Ding's relationship in the province is not hard. The one who can speak for him is Li Feng, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda.

But Li Feng's speech is not heavy in the provincial party committee, especially in personnel, and he can hardly make his own voice. Because he has retired from the background of the capital for many years, although he also entered the Politburo in those years, after all, after a long time, things have been different.

Shao Ding feels that his future is bleak.

Suddenly, someone handed him a message to him, and then there was hope to go further. For people in a desperate situation, a straw is equivalent to a golden mountain, especially for people in the officialdom, either you or I go up. They always step on other people's shoulders, and what's more, they have to step on other people's heads to get promoted.

Shao Ding also knows that someone treats him as a gun. As long as there is hope, he is not afraid of anything.

Originally, after An Xingyi came to Lang City, the cooperation with Ai Chengwen was a little friction. The main reason was that An Xingyi was a little stubborn and self-righteous. Ai Chengwen had a lot of opinions about An Xingyi in private. Therefore, Ai Chengwen announced in public the adjustment of his division of labor in this joint meeting. Shao Ding knew the bad things. There must be behind-the-scenes figures, otherwise Ai Chengwen would not give An Xingyi face.

Because several projects are jointly responsible by the municipal party committee and the municipal government, An Xingyi alone has no power to adjust the division of labor!

Shao Ding's anger was difficult to calm down.

Then the matter is not over." After the meeting, An Xingyi talked to him again and asked him to go to the provincial government to send a document. Boss Shao Ding is not happy. The government has a group of secretaries-general and deputy secretaries-general. Why do you have to let one of his deputy mayors go there in person? But you can't say anything, because the task assigned by the mayor must be unconditionally obeyed.

What Shao Ding didn't expect was that when he went to the provincial government, he was actually targeted...

Tan Guorui has been in a good mood in recent days, because most of the problems left by the enterprise restructuring have been successfully solved by him. Song Chaodu wants to get stuck in this matter, which embarrassed him. It is impossible. It's useless.

In addition, there is a possibility of further in-depth investigation into the matter of An Xingyi, and the life of the Song Dynasty will not be too good. As soon as his life is sad, Xiaxiang can't keep it, so he has to slip away from Tianze.

Song Chaodu, Song Chaodu, people say that you are an evergreen tree in the officialdom of Yan Province, and some people even call you the godfather of officialdom. "I'd like to see, when will you collapse? Even if you don't fall, you'd better leave Yan Province as soon as possible and find a remote province to stay. Don't occupy the position of a good governor of Yan Province, and have to add obstacles to the central leadership.

Yan Province" can spread to the capital with a sneeze. [Book] Ji and the governor, is it so good? Tan Guorui believes that he has been an official in the capital for many years. He is well aware of the game between the high-level officials in the capital, so he feels that he is superior. In his eyes, all the large and small officials in Yan Province are short-sighted. No one is as tall as he is, and no one has the same eyes on the world

Unfortunately, everyone is limited to their own thinking. Everyone has a well. They all squat at the bottom of the well and look at the sky, thinking that the sky is so big, and the wellhead of others will be so small in the future...

To solve the problem of restructuring of provincial enterprises, Tan Guorui adopted the most direct but also the most effective way to demolish the east wall and repair the west wall. The appeasement promised by the Taiwanese company for the acquisition of provincial enterprises has not been received for a long time. These days, the livelihood of laid-off workers has become a problem. Whether you are the governor or the provincial party committee, don't give money, don't let you eat and dress, and beat you. Anyway, I'm afraid of my life!

If you don't have money, you can't solve any problems. Money is the source of all evil, and it is also the most direct and effective force of all means of appeasement. Without money, he, the member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the deputy governor, stood in front of the laid-off workers and shook his legs for fear of being rushed over by the angry crowd.

Why didn't the appeasement of the Taiwanese company arrive? Tan Guorui didn't know and didn't dare to ask, because the Taiwanese company came to Yan Province to invest, which was promoted by Fan [Book]. At that time, when the agreement was signed, the other party agreed very well, responsible for the placement of 30% of the laid-off workers, the remaining 70%, and each person will be compensated for a certain amount of security. In the end, the employee representative agreed, and everyone was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, when the enterprise was restructured and all the employees were laid off, the Taiwanese company fulfilled the agreement on the issue of the placement of employees, but on the appeasement fund, it has been delayed again and again, and a penny has not been received until today. When the workers who put rice into the pot quit and began to make trouble, they happened to make trouble in front of the representatives of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who came to investigate, which also made him lose a lot of people.

As for why the Taiwanese company's investment is in place very fast, and the laid-off workers of the concubine are also quite straightforward, but the issue of appeasement is still pending, Tan Guorui can't figure it out. He also interviewed the head of the company several times, and the other party replied that he would communicate with the headquarters, but there was no follow-up after that.

He wanted to put pressure but couldn't. The other party was Fan [Shu]'s guest of honor, and he didn't dare. It's good for the other party to be polite to him. Even if he ignores him, he can't say anything, because it's Fan [Shu]'s political achievement project.

Political matters are so complicated. You are the leader in charge, but it doesn't count. Behind every big project, there is the support of the leaders of the provincial party committee. It's either the first leader or the second leader. What do you care about it? Let you take care of it, not to let you find trouble and put pressure on it, but to let you solve the trouble.

Especially in front of the old comrades of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, he established a military order. If he can't solve the problem of laid-off workers, he can't do it. However, Tan Guorui, who lacked local work experience, really couldn't think of a good way. Fortunately, someone introduced Shao Ding to him. At the beginning, he looked down on Shao Ding at all. He thought that an ordinary deputy mayor could be very capable. Unexpectedly, Shao Ding really came up with a good idea for him. When he listened to Shao Ding's opinion A series of measures finally achieved a phased victory, calmed down the anger of laid-off workers, and successfully solved the problem of appeasement.

The Taiwan company refused to pay appeasement money by tearing down the east wall and repairing the west wall. Tan Guorui talked to the other party, claiming that the provincial government was willing to bear half of the appeasement money, that is, requiring the Taiwanese company must get the funds in place as soon as possible. The other party promised well and thanked the provincial government for its strong support, but he turned around and forgot that he still had no money. Tan Guorui had to retreat and mobilize the funds of several large state-owned enterprises with good benefits in Yan Province to directly transfer them into the account of the Taiwan company in the name of appeasement money for Taiwan companies, which were issued by Taiwan companies to laid-off workers.

Tan Guorui mobilized the funds of several pharmaceutical companies in the province, of course, for the temporary borrowing. Pharmaceutical companies dare not disagree. Vice Governor Tan is the deputy governor in charge of the pharmaceutical industry. Although everyone knows that the provincial government used the money, it was meat buns that beat the dog and there was no return.

Although there are certain risks, Tan Guorui thinks that he is worrying for Fan. As long as Secretary Fan does not speak, no one will investigate the source of funds.

Anyway, the problem has been solved, and his difficulties have been passed. Fan [book] has a light on his face. As for whose east wall is broken and whose west wall is good, it has nothing to do with him. He only needs political achievements, regardless of the process.

And his greatest confidence is that in the process of the merger of the provincial company of the Taiwanese company, he was innocent and did not benefit from the other party. The other party once gave him a card, but he returned it without looking at it. It's not that he doesn't like money, but that he has some money. He disdains to take it.

He is not an insatiable person. He has his own principles. In order to compete for the position of governor, he can't let Song Chaodu seize any of his handles.

Tan Guorui sorted out the relevant materials and was about to report the decentralization of appeasement Jin in person to Fan [Book], but he received an unexpected phone call saying that Shao Ding had come to the province. A trace of doubt flashed in his heart, and then he left it behind. Although the idea of tearing down the east wall by the west wall was made by Shao Ding, Shao Ding has at least mixed up with the deputy mayor. He should know the rules of officialdom and will definitely not talk nonsense.

When Tan Guorui learned that Shao Ding was coming to deliver materials, he was even more relieved and walked to Fan Ruiheng's office. He just called, and it happened that Fan [Book] was free. Although he is the deputy governor of the Standing Committee, he usually wants to report his work to Fan [Book], but he can't go if he wants to, so he must seize the opportunity.

When Tan Guorui went out, he accidentally looked outside and saw that Shao Ding's car was parked downstairs. He also thought that after reporting the work in a while, he would meet with Shao Ding and always encourage him appropriately. Shao Ding is also a usable person. He is still too few people in Yan Province.

... What Tan Guorui didn't notice was that as soon as he turned around and entered Fan Ruiheng's office. After Shao Ding got out of the car, it was not Chen Haifeng, the secretary-general of the provincial government, who greeted him, but the two comrades of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

It was Huang Lin and Liu Xu, who had been tried by Xiaxiang under the instruction of Gao Chengsong, known as the black and white impermanence of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. The nose forest said with a straight face: "Comrade Shao Ding, please come with us. There are some problems that need to be verified."

Shao Ding's face changed greatly.