official god

Chapter 1070 Dust settled, major adjustment

To be fair, Chen Jiewen chose to transfer from Tianze as expected. The situation in Tianze has been settled. At this stage, *** is stable and united, and the economy is developing rapidly. It is said to be the best period in the history of Tianze.

It's just a pity that, personally speaking, it is the best period of Xiaxiang, not Chen Jiewen's best period. She has basically become a decoration in Tianze City. If she stays any longer, it is actually meaningless and has no prospect.

She has no way to go. As a leader, she is completely covered by the light of the second leader. Can she stand it? Even if she can deceive herself, how can she ignore other people's strange eyes? Moreover, she took the initiative to propose that the team could not cooperate well. Since the province did not adjust Xiaxiang's work, on the surface, she also knew in her heart that the province must have a problem with her.

It's time to leave. It doesn't make any sense to stay any longer, except for shame and self-interesting. And when the province takes the initiative to move her away, it will be even more disgraced. It's better to take the initiative to leave.

Chen Jiewen was even disheartened for a while. If she really couldn't do it, she left the officialdom and went to a large state-owned enterprise to serve as the head of a key department. She has a lot of power and many benefits. Why do she have to rely on Tianze? Why bother?

But what puzzles outsiders is that Chen Jiewen is actually not necessarily angry. She can stay in Tianze shamelessly, do not act, do not object, and fully support what Xia Chang's behavior. In the end, her political achievements must be divided into half. Politics is politics. When something goes wrong, the blame is borne by the mayor. When she has political achievements, she has a big head. Why not do it? As for the face and light, there is no shortage of people in the officialdom and the corpse vegetarian.

But what is the intention of Chen Jiewen choosing to submit a report to the provincial party committee when Tianze's economy is about to usher in unprecedented changes?

No one can guess Chen Jiewen's thoughts, and Xiaxiang is even more lazy to guess. As long as he stays in Tianze and continues to complete the uncompetitioned career, it is enough. It doesn't make much sense for Chen Jiewen to him to stay. After so many things and changes, he has also seen through Chen Jiewen's person. Even if she is more than smooth, more than honest, less successful, more than enough to fail. As long as she doesn't make trouble, she doesn't stop his economic development plan, and Tianze's economic improvement achievements are the main, he won't say anything.

It's just that Chen Jiewen has always been conservative and stubborn, and has always regarded him as an imaginary enemy, because his reform and economic policies have touched her profits. As long as he can follow the trend, even if there are stains on his body, Xiaxiang is willing to cooperate with some people, such as Pei Yifeng and Xu Xin. However, Chen Jiewen blindly started from the *** struggle. Her personal interests outweighed the interests of the people of Tianze. She sat firmly behind, or came forward in person, or acquiesced. She carefully planned one good play after another. She either wanted to defeat him, or wanted to force him out of Tianze. What else could Xia think? After the initial concession, he had to resist when he saw that his policy was almost unsustainable.

As a last resort... How he didn't want to separate the victory or defeat with Chen Jiewen. How much he wanted to join hands with Chen Jiewen to govern Tianze better, and changed his radical image when he was in Lang City. He wanted to be in Tianze with the same dust, or even with the flow of the world, just to do a little

It's still squeezing and pouring, or waves of runs, and even the politics around him can't stop. Just because of the rumor from the provincial party committee, he may leave Tianze... It's simply too much bullying.

Chen Jiewen pretended not to participate in it and put on the other's attitude, but who doesn't know the close relationship between her and Pi's rest, and who doesn't know that Pi's rest will report to her?

Xiaxiang is really cold-hearted. He tried his best to invest and devoted himself to the economic construction of Tianze. He had to always beware of the villain behind the shot. He was more careful to deal with the pouring from the top. In the officialdom, he was shocked step by step. If he hadn't had a superb vision, he would not have If he doesn't have a well-woven network, he has been kicked out of Tianze for a long time, and may even lose his future.

But he has never been discouraged. The atmosphere of domestic officialdom has always been like this. The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. Just because he is too capable and dazzling, it is wrong to cover up the light of the leader. No matter how capable he is to do the country and the people, he makes the leader faceless, and the leader can't tolerate him.

In order to cherish the reputation, in order to make a good impression on the provincial party committee, in dealing with the endless entanglement of the skin, Xia wanted to endure it again and again, and finally let Pi think that he was easy to bully, so he almost rode on his head to do something. It's tolerable, which can't But even so, Xiaxiang took a round-trip plan and finally succeeded in killing the talent with a knife to cut off the horse.

If it had been in the past, he would have kicked the old thing away.

But now it is no more than before. After all, he is the mayor. After a mayor, he will really go to the most critical position in the domestic political system - the secretary of the municipal party committee. If the secretary of the county party committee is the stage where an official must grow, then the secretary of the municipal party committee is the mature stage that an official must go through. Whether an official is *** qualified, reliable in conduct, and has excellent ability, all experience in the position of municipal party secretary.

After all, the county party secretary is at the grass-roots level. What he does is specific affairs. What he does is exercise is the basic ability to be familiar with the people's livelihood and understand the political system and structure. The secretary of the provincial party committee is a provincial member who leads the whole province. What he wants is the overall view and rises to the Continue to strengthen the ability to be familiar with people's livelihood and develop the economy, and cultivate the overall situation view, overall awareness and initially lay down your own ideological and theoretical system. It is a very broad political stage and the best power stage for personal talents to be displayed.

Xia thought clearly that whether it is the prime minister or Mr. Wu, the final conclusion to him is still up to his appointment as the secretary of the municipal party committee!

But the mayor's term is a rehearsal of the secretary of the municipal party committee. He has tried his best to only seek development, regardless of the right and wrong of some small issues, but it still doesn't work. Some people still want him to fail. Fortunately, in the end, Pi's endless fall, at least on the surface, it had nothing to do with him. He tossed himself around, and finally drowned himself.

As a mayor of Tianze, Xia wanted to think highly of himself, but he could barely get 60 points. If his ruling intention can be fully implemented in the end, the economy of Tianze City can take the fast lane from now on, which can also be added ten points.

As for Chen Jiewen's choice to apply for transfer from Tianze at this time, she either wanted to win the sympathy of the provincial party committee, or because she had no place to be ashamed and had no face to stay in Tianze... Let her go. Xia wanted to neither evaluate nor pay attention to what she did. He just wanted Exhibition, because there are still many things to do next, and there are still a lot of funds to be introduced.

The time has entered August. Basically, the projects introduced in the early stage have seen results so far. At present, there are two major problems in front of them. First, although the establishment of the Jingtian high-speed railway project has been approved, it has not been included in the priority project of the Ministry of Railways. It is possible that the funds will not be On the agenda.

The second is Beijing North New Town.

With the opening of the Beijing-Tian Expressway, the popularity of Jingbei New City has increased a lot more than before, but there is still a big gap from Xia Xiang's expectations. The main reason is that after the Beijing high-speed railway project was approved, it gave the developer great confidence, but then the project was not followed, and the developer's enthusiasm

Dacai Group, which was supposed to come to negotiate earlier, was also put on hold because Cheng Dacai went abroad temporarily. After a rain, many lands in Jingbei New Town were overlaid, and people began to gossip, saying that they would run horses in the enclosure, following the example of the Manqing Dynasty of that year, they were going to build a horse farm in Tianze.

Xia is not in a hurry. It took him a year to compete with Yuan Mingliang. Now he has only been in Tianze for a year, which is basically equivalent to just standing firm and opening up the situation. If he wants to pave the stall in an all-round way, he still needs a long way to go.

You can't be fat in one bite.

But another plan to become a fat man in one bite is going smoothly. It is the money-making plan discussed by Li Qin and Lian Ruohan last time to intervene in the sub-credit crisis in the United States. Lian Ruohan called it a profiteering plan. Li Qinmei is called the take-off plan. Xia Xiang has no idea of naming, I'm relieved.

Of course, it is more gratifying that Li Qin has never mentioned Xiao Jia since then, and she has learned to be obedient. She knows that she can't cross the boundary, otherwise there will be no stage for her to display her talents. However, what made Li Qin very excited was that after Xia wanted to enlighten him, Xiao Jia also cashed out many of the stocks in his hand, as well as some real estate, a total of more than 50 million US dollars, all of which were left to Li Qin to take care of, so that Li Qin could invest all of them in the financial market in the United States, and

Li Qin was very happy, not only because she had a large commission to earn, but also because Xiao Jia's complete trust in her made her full of pride and a sense of mission. Think about it, she can now mobilize more than 10 billion US dollars, just like a general who commands thousands of troops. How powerful she is in the financial market in the United States.

In contrast, the wealth of hundreds of millions of yuan of Qi Group is really not worth mentioning in her eyes.

... It rained lightly today, and it rained outside. It was particularly cool and refreshing. Xia wanted to make an appointment with Lian Ruohan and was ready to meet and discuss the next steps. Cao Shuyu also heard about Xia's huge money-making plan, and he was also eager to try. He planned to realize all the money in his hand and put It's only 10 times the profit, and it's worth it.

Xia thought that he didn't stop him. It's okay to let Cao Shuyu pre-in. If the three women play together, it depends on whether the three women can turn the U.S. financial market upside down.

On the way to Huahaiyuan, I received a phone call from the provincial party committee, Chen Jiewen's application, and the provincial party committee had a clear answer...