official god

Chapter 1095 Positive problem, side attack

Xiaxiang only heard about the upgrading of the high-tech industrial park, and there is no specific question. After all, the time to come to Qin and Tang Dynasties is too short. Unexpectedly, he had not heard the relevant work report from Zhang Guowei's mouth, nor did he listen to the summary of the work of the Municipal Party Committee of Sorghum Qiurui, but he took the lead in learning the specific news from Fu Xianfeng, which made him feel different.

Although Fu Xianfeng has a shameful side, he is a real villain, sometimes straightforward and well-organic, and also has a credible side.

Xia said, "What does Director Fu mean?"

"Qin Tang's high-tech industrial park is still a little worse in terms of technology and capital for the time being. Now it's difficult to upgrade..." Half a sentence is the habit of officials, or it's a problem. Anyway, it means that it's difficult to negotiate conditions. "Xia Think, you have just arrived in Qin and Tang Paragraph, ""

The meaning is that if Xia wants to take up the [book], the application for upgrading of the industrial park will be approved, which is obviously a major political achievement, which can also bring high prestige to Xiaxiang. It has been more than a year since the industrial technology park applied for approval. Before Xia wanted to take office, the party and government leaders of Qintang City went to the province to Beijing many times, but they couldn't get down.

Xia Xiang was very calm. He didn't get the salary without merit. The good things sent to his door were probably not good, so he said, "I just came to Qin and Tang Dynasties, and I'm not familiar with the work. Thank you, Director Fu, for your care. Later, I will ask them to send detailed materials, study them

Fu Xianfeng was half drunk, but he was sober. Seeing that Xia couldn't think of hooking, he laughed and said, "It's easy to say, so let's do it first?"

After hanging up the phone, Xia wanted to be depressed. Fu Xianfeng's ghost was not dispersed. Wherever he went, Fu Xianfeng's idea hit it, which was also a troublesome thing. Fu Xianfeng took the initiative to give gifts to the door. Under the gift, he must ask for something. Xia wanted to slow down first, and he probably knew that Fu Xianfeng was fighting the idea of Qin and Tang's industry. Qintang City is an industrial base in the north, and the industrial industry is very developed. But now he is new to the Qin and Tang Dynasties, and even the people in the municipal government can't recognize it. Now he is boldly interfering in economic affairs. Isn't it practical? Fu Xianfeng is a gift to his door. In fact, what he asks for is countless times more than his gift money. Fu Xianfeng is not a good person. When dealing with him, he must keep in mind that he will never do a loss-making business.

But then again, Fu Xianfeng is indeed a trouble, but if you have enough vision and wisdom, the trouble can also turn into a good side. Xiaxiang is never afraid of trouble. What he is best at is to make a profit in a mess. Therefore, it is not that Fu Xianfeng does not want to cooperate with him, but that he should take it first. In the transaction, the anxious party will always suffer losses first.

The building of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the hostel of the Municipal Party Committee are not in the same place. After Xia wanted to break up with Xu Ziqi, Anbu returned to his residence.

Xia Xiang has a family building of the municipal government in Yan City. He has lived in the Standing Committee Building of the Municipal Party Committee in Lang City and Tianze, but he must admit that I am afraid that all prefectures and cities in Yan Province are not as luxurious and style as the Standing Committee Building of the Municipal Party Committee of Qintang City. Whether it is the main

The facilities inside are also first-class. The stone floor, luxurious wall tiles, and even carpets are laid in the corridor, which are also equipped with service personnel. Xia wanted to just glance at it and noticed that the service staff were all young and watery girls, all of whom were 2 years old. Around the age, they are all tall and full, and there are many young and beautiful people, comparable to some popular models.

The more economically developed the city is, the more doorways there are. For many girls with poor families, finding a job to serve in the municipal party committee hostel and the municipal party committee building is also a Yuyuelongmen. Although the work income may not be very high, there are many opportunities. Maybe it will be appreciated by any leader and reach the sky in one step.

The meaning of appreciation is rich. Xia wants to shake his head helplessly. He is [book]. He is not used to some phenomena, but he will not change it. It's not that I don't want to, but that it's unnecessary. For some girls, they are eager to use their own advantages to complete a leap in life. For some leaders, they also want to rejuvenate their second youth. One is willing to beat and the other is willing to be beaten. If he intervenes, it becomes nosy.

After all, there are countless major events for him to worry about.

As soon as Xia wanted to enter the standing committee building, two girls immediately ran over and shouted sweetly, "Xia [book] remember it well."

Xia Xiang smiled and nodded to them. He remembered their names, one was Xiaoyun and the other was Xiaoduo. They all had a figure, appearance, youth and youth. In addition, he was sweet and diligent, which would definitely please many leaders.

However, it is a pity that most of the members of the Standing Committee living in the Standing Committee Building have their families, and the few single members of the Standing Committee are still 4. The man who is away from home is not like Xia Xiang just 3. Out of his way, and he is very masculine, and he is a rare handsome appearance among officials. He has naturally become the focus of all waiters.

What's more important is that he is also the number one figure in the whole Qin and Tang City. He is the high-ranking municipal party committee [book]. He is young, handsome, single, and the huge power aura added to them. In their minds, Xiaxiang is a perfect existence, that is, one sentence can make them soar to the The highest figure in Tang City.

How could Xia think that he didn't know their careful thoughts? He not only sympathized with their efforts to change their fate, but also was dissatisfied with some of their eagerness for quick success, but he still responded with a smile and went upstairs.

Xia wants to live in Lin. Usually, he doesn't take the elevator, he only takes the stairs. As soon as he went upstairs, he turned the corner and found Liao Qiurui standing in the corridor, followed by a young girl. The girl wears a bright yellow dress, with a graceful, bright face and big eyes. She is not only timid and curious about the new environment. Her figure is smooth and graceful, especially her full breasts, giving people a particularly strong feeling.

** The calves outside are white and have a malt color that has been exposed to the sun. She is healthy, fit and well-proportioned. Her first impression on Xiaxiang is like a full and strong sunflower, full of sunshine and the fragrance of the field.

Xiaxiang was slightly stunned, thinking that he had underestimated sorghum Qiurui before. In just a few days, he even figured out his habit of going upstairs and taking the stairs? It seems that Lio Qiurui is also a careful person.

Yes, how can you be the Secretary-General if you are not careful?

As soon as Liao Qiurui saw Xia, he quickly nodded and smiled and said, "Xia [Book], there is one thing I have to trouble you. Do you think it's convenient now?"

"Summer [Book] Remember, my name is Xiaokui." The girl first wanted to smile at Xia, revealing her white and neat teeth. Her teeth also looked very good, and at first glance, they were naturally good teeth, not artificial teeth such as acquired correction and porcelain.

Is it really called Xiaokui? Xia wanted to smile in his heart, but the expression on his face was still like a high mountain and deep clouds. He more or less guessed the intention of sang Qiurui, and he was secretly not happy.

"Tell me." Xia couldn't figure out that he sat down in the room and talked in the stairs. He didn't have a too eager expression on his face, just to give Li Qiurui a kind of majesty.

Some people like the enjoyment of being carefully taken care of, and Xia wants to do it, but he has a degree. After all, he is still young, and many things can be done by himself. However, as a [book], he came to Qin and Tang Dynasty alone, it is inevitable that someone will have the idea of taking extra care of him.

"Xia [Book], I told you about my hometown last time. Xiaokui's child is very pitiful. His parents got a serious illness and they all passed away. There is only one Didi who is still in college. The tuition and living expenses have fallen on her shoulders. When I went back, she was almost pulled away by a ballroom. If I hadn't been in time, the child would have risked to make money..."

Shui Qiurui said it sincerely, some of which were true and false. Xia thought still gave a discount, but the death of his parents should be true. No one joked about this kind of thing.

"It happens to be a summer [book] to remember that a person also needs one person to take care of today's life, laundry, cooking, cleaning up housework, Xiao Kui is proficient in everything." As Liao Qiurui said, he secretly put his eyes on Xiaokui and put his hands behind his back. He bowed slightly to Xia: "Xia [Book], if you don't mind it, I can eat any hardships. It only takes a few hundred yuan a month. As long as I can provide my brother's college, I'm willing to be a cow and a horse..." She has a timid expression on her face, and her tears are still rolling in her eyes. Her pitiful posture is like a sunflower that has lost the sun.

Although Xia Xiang is a little dissatisfied with the behavior of sorghum Qiurui, he also knows that there are indeed many people who do everything they can. In the name of sending a nanny to the leader, they can deepen their feelings and enhance communication. To put it bluntly, it is actually a disguised gift.

Who will pay for the babysitter? Of course, it won't be the leader. The cost is a small matter, and the focus is to let the so-called nannies and leaders build a relationship. At the same time, as the originator of the nanny, he will naturally be looked up by the leader, and may even be regarded as his own person.

Understood, Xia thought it was not easy to say no, and he didn't want to accept it, so he said, "I'm used to it alone, and I'm not used to having one more person at home. Besides, there are also waiters in the standing committee building. Usually they also clean up or something. If Xiao Kui just wants to find a job, you can arrange for her to go to the municipal party committee guest house or the standing committee building.

Arranging a person for the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee is just a matter of one sentence. Xia wanted to block Li Qiurui's mouth with one sentence.

There is nothing Li Qiu Rui can do. He can only say, "Since Xia [Book] said so, let's follow the instructions of Xia [Book"."

Xia wanted to nod and said no more. He turned upstairs and heard Xiao Kui's crying as soon as he took a few steps: "Xia [Book] must have disliked me for being too rustic. I'm sorry, Uncle Liao. I'm ashamed of you."

The crying was very real and sad. Xia thought couldn't bear it again. Why bother a girl? She may really need a job. Although she knew that most of the intentions deliberately arranged by Liu Qiurui, it was not a big deal to leave Xiaokui. He stopped and turned around and said, "Xiao Kui can stay. Let's go. Let's take a look at the program."

PS: The third update, continue to ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets, and there will be another update in the evening. Brothers, if you have the heart, just do your best. If you are strong, just do something. Thank you, Lao He.