official god

Chapter 1096 Secretary's authority, collection and release freely

Today's meeting is the first [book] office meeting since Xia wants to take office, which is of great significance. It not only symbolizes that he meets Zhang Guowei's challenge to his authority for the first time, but also establishes his position in the minds of the main leaders of the municipal party committee. At the same time, it is also the best opportunity for him to closely observe the respective positions and tendencies of several heavyweight standing committees.

[Book] The atmosphere of the office meeting is not more casual than that of the Standing Committee, and the topic is generally not too big, so it shows everyone's [true] real ideas.

Fan Jin communicated with Xia in advance. At that time, he listened to his Jiang Qi. On the issue of the deputy director's candidate, he was Liu Da Niu, who opposed Zhang Guowei's nomination. On the issue of the bus census, he also took it seriously, but at today's meeting, his attitude changed slightly.

"I still agree with Comrade Zhang Ema as the deputy director of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce." Fan Jin's first sentence showed a clear position on personnel, and then on the issue of private use of public cars, he obviously inclined to Zhang Guowei. "The last time Mayor Zhang overturned the tables of several public officials who ate and drank with public funds, which was a very gratifying thing. I want to cheer loudly for Mayor Zhang's behavior. I suggest that the municipal government take the lead and the Municipal Public Security Bureau cooperates to carry out a rectification activity in the entertainment venues of the city to investigate the bad phenomenon of private use of public vehicles and eating and drinking with public funds.

The municipal government took the lead in cooperating with the Municipal Public Security Bureau to completely put the municipal party committee aside? Is it like nothing? Even if it is checked, what can be done? It is the authority of the Commission for Discipline Inspection to punish them, and the personnel punishment is also the jurisdiction of the Organization Department. If you leave the municipal party committee, can the municipal government still carry out actions alone?

It is not about fighting pornography and illegal publications. Public security issues can be handled directly by the Public Security Bureau.

Fan Jin is not ignorant of rules. He obviously wants to give Zhang Guowei a face.

Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] Chang Gongzhi glanced at Fan Jin playfully and laughed a few times before he opened his mouth. After laughing, he said, "I won't express my opinion on personnel issues first." Xia [Book] Just remember, I have no objection. Investigate the private use of public vehicles and the problem of eating and drinking with public funds. I just discussed with Comrade Qiu Rui and issued a notice in the name of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

In fact, the private use of a public car is not a big deal, but now the municipal government wanted to focus on this matter, and then the Commission for Discipline Inspection took the initiative to ask for it, which is very intriguing. In addition, it was originally caused by Mayor Zhang. "The table was also overturned by Mayor Zhang himself" and it , reflecting the major tendency of who is in charge of one or two.

Covered by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the aura on Mayor Zhang can be weakened. "The carefully prepared plan of Mayor Zhang took the opportunity to seize the opportunity, breaking "Whether the idea was hinted by Xia [Shu] in person, or the combination of Liao Qiurui and Chang Gongzhi, Fan Jin had to admit that Zhiyang was a

His eyes swept over the faces of sorghum Qiurui and Chang Gongzhi. Although he had been psychologically prepared for a long time, he also knew that once Xia [Shu] took office, the situation in Qin and Tang City would definitely change. Several members of the Standing Committee, who had been suppressed by Mayor Zhang, intended to move closer to Xia [S Liang Qiurui has always had a bad relationship with Mayor Zhang. He urgently needs to establish a good relationship with Xia [Shu], and as the Secretary-General, he must also get close to [Shu], which is completely understandable.

But Chang Gongzhi couldn't wait to jump out. What's the intention of blocking the previous game for Xia [book] first? Fan Jin was very puzzled. Chang Gongzhi was called a smiling tiger. Although his relationship with Zhang Guowei was not very close, it was also reasonable. According to Fan Jin's speculation, Chang Gongzhi should wait and see for a period of time to express his position. He didn't want to remember the first [book] office meeting, so he clearly favored Xia [

Is there any secret?

Fan Jin is very clear about the situation in Qin and Tang City. Zhang Guowei has been in the municipal party committee for several years, and the two [book] have failed to suppress him. "He was also rarely re-elected as the mayor." Therefore, although Mayor Zhang is only the mayor, he has almost the same authority in Qin and Tang City.

Not to mention that most of the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee have an irreversible relationship with Mayor Zhang, that is, the key departments of the major bureau, and more than half of them are the cronies of Mayor Zhang. The authority of Mayor Zhang in Qin and Tang City is unshakable.

Even if Xia [Book] remembers that he has a wrist and a backstage, it is difficult to shake the foundation of Mayor Zhang in Qin and Tang City. He can't replace the disobedient people? Therefore, Fan Jin is not very optimistic about Xia's prospects in Qin and Tang City. 〖 The book is a leader, but the people below don't listen to you. You can't establish authority, and it's useless.

It's still the old saying that the right to speak is related to the position, but it is not an absolute proportional relationship. It is also closely related to your personal charm, prestige and connections. Xia [Book] When he first came to Qin and Tang City, his foundation was unstable. Who dared to stand with him? If Xia [Book] remembers to leave after a year and a half, won't it be empty?

Fan Jin thought a lot and his eyes fell on Ren Haifeng again. The relationship between Ren Haifeng and Zhang Guowei is very close. Xia thought that this [book] should not be too comfortable. The Minister of Organization is not single-minded. On personnel issues, [book] will also be very restrained. After all, the appointment of many grass-roots cadres "the organization department should take the main opinions" [book] It is impossible to even care about the appointment of section-level cadres, which is too unqualified.

... Ren Haifeng opened his mouth. If he only heard the zero tone of his speech, he would definitely not think that he was a tall and powerful person, because his tone was too gentle." His voice was low, a little like a male stale: "Comrade Liu Daniu is more familiar with the work of the Industry and Commerce Bureau." He has been With the trust of bureau leaders and colleagues, the Organization Department believes that it is appropriate for him to be the deputy director. After a brief pause, he seemed to be considering the words, and then said, "The problem of private use of public vehicles is a cliché. My opinion is that it is not enough to send a notice alone." There must be practical actions to play a shocking role. Only when the specific action led by the municipal government and coordinated by the Municipal Public Security Bureau is implemented can it be effective.

Unsurprisingly, Ren Haifeng turned to Zhang Guowei's position in an all-round way.

Among all of you here, at the end of the ranking, he naturally wanted to make the last speech. He coughed gently: "In terms of personnel", I also prefer Comrade Zhang Ema to be the deputy director of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. Liu Da Niu studied architecture, and it happened that the deputy director of the Urban Construction Bureau was vacant. He went to the Urban Construction Bureau very well and did his best. Regarding the issue of private use of public vehicles, I immediately asked for instructions from Xia [Book]. According to the spirit of the instructions of Xia [Book], I negotiated with the Commission for Discipline Inspection. My initial idea was that the General Office of the Municipal Party Committee and the General Office of the Municipal Government jointly issued a document, but when I thought that the strength was not enough, "It's just right."

Zhang Guowei's eyes flashed, and his eyes were very interesting when he looked at Liang Qiurui. The relationship between him and Liang Qiurui is ordinary, because Liang Qiurui has always been relatively close to [book]. Although he is not against him, he has never looked at each other and looked down on each other. He doesn't look down on the polite intellectual appearance of Liang Qiurui, and he probably looks down on his rough and bold personality.

Officials are also human beings. If they are not right, it is difficult to give up the common language, and it is impossible to reach a consensus.

Now it seems that Lig Qiurui can't wait to fully fall to Xia? It's a pity that Zhang Guowei shook his head secretly and thought sarcastically. Unfortunately, Liang Qiurui fell to Fang Jinjiang at the earliest, but he got nothing. Later, he fell to Ai Chengwen. Ai Chengwen left before he accepted him. What a tragic figure.

[Book] A total of five people participated in the office meeting. Xia thought did not make a clear statement, but several people knew that most of the words of Liang Qiurui were the opinions of Xia [book]. Fan Jin and Chang Gongzhi looked at Xia Xiang at the same time, but Zhang Guowei looked up at Tianhu board. Ren Haifeng lowered his head, as if thinking about some major and profound human life problems.

Sorghum Qiurui smiled and fully showed the patience and self-restraint of a secretary-general.

Xia wants to know that when he came to the first [book] office meeting in Qin and Tang City, he must make a statement. The first statement means that his official response to Zhang Guowei's two temptations, whether it is tough or a concession, it will be known immediately.

Xia thought that he didn't let everyone wait for a long time. He only hesitated and came to the conclusion of a leader: "The Commission for Discipline Inspection is responsible for the special rectification of the private use of public vehicles in the whole city, and the appointment of the deputy director of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce will be discussed at the Standing Committee." Huh? Zhang Guowei almost opened his mouth in surprise. He thought that Xia [Shu] might veto his two issues in a whole. "I didn't think about whether to delay one." "It's a very smart skill." If he insisted that the municipal government take over the special rectification work for the private use of public vehicles, not only might not have a chance to win He also failed miserably on the issue.

Fan Jin was also surprised. "Xia [Book] Ji was indeed collected and released. In response to Zhang Guowei's challenge to the authority of the secretary, he did not hesitate to suppress it. The Commission for Discipline Inspection has taken over the special rectification activities, which not only let Zhang [Shu]'s previous performances and interviews be abandoned, but also let all the credit be recorded by Xia [Shu] as his own. The Commission for Discipline Inspection is the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Municipal Party Committee, which belongs to the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, but not to the mayor. The people can't see the way out. Who doesn't know what's going on with the whole municipal party committee? Moreover, in the process of implementation, Chang Gongzhi must only mention the municipal party committee, not the municipal government, only Xia [book], not the mayor.

is mainly a release on personnel issues, which is equivalent to wearing a tight mantra on his and Zhang Guowei's head. "Xia [Book] Remember when to recite the mantra, he and Zhang Guowei will have a headache at the same time.

Fan Jin took a deep breath. The young summer [book]'s wrists were old and spicy, and in the first round, he gave full play to the authority of [book] incisively, very well.

Liang Qiurui also praised secretly and breathed in his heart. He had already made a bet on his two [book] notes, but unfortunately he lost and almost lost his blood. In the first round, Xia [book] is calmer and more strategic than he thought. Does it mean that he is finally running out of time? If he follows the wrong person again, Xia [Shu] can no longer stay in Qin and Tang City for a long time. When Zhang Guowei becomes [Shu], he has no choice but to apply for transfer.

The book is all his hope.

Chang Gongzhi had nothing to say, but his eyes fell on Ren Haifeng. Ren Haifeng's body seemed to tremble slightly, and he was obviously touched.

Zhang Guowei's face was slightly gloomy and smiled again,