official god

Chapter 1108 There is a road under your feet and eyes behind you

As soon as he was discharged from the hospital, Xu Ziqi moved into the house provided by Li Qiurui. As the secretary and secretary of Xu Ziqi, his move could not be hidden from others, and it was known to everyone in the whole municipal party committee for a moment.

There is everything you can say. Some people are envious, some people sneer, and sneer at the flattery of Liang Qiu Rui. Not only follow Xia's [book]'s buttocks, but also the [book] secretary's flattery, which is really shameful.

But some people say that Liang Qiurui is a smart person, because there are also examples of the secretary-general giving housing to the secretary in the domestic political arena. The most famous example is the secretary Mi Jihuo, who was the secretary of the provincial party committee when he first served as the secretary of the provincial party committee, because he was deeply appreciated by the general The Secretary-General personally ceded the house to Miki.

Nowadays, Mi Jihuo is the director of the General [Book] Office. It is said that he has taken good care of the Secretary-General who had the friendship of giving way to the house in those years, and has always been thinking about his friendship.

So some people say that the house is to ensure that you walk on the Avenue of Golden Light all your life.

Of course, the above is just a joke, but the sorghum of the pawn gave room to Xu Ziqi has indeed aroused the suspicion of many people. They are thinking that Liang Qiurui is so optimistic about Xia [book]?

In the afternoon, Zhou Minghong officially submitted a written review to the municipal party committee, admitted his mistake to the leaders of the municipal party committee about the private use of public vehicles and drunk driving, and accepted the mistakes. Of course, the leader of the municipal party committee is Xiaxiang. The municipal party committee is a very general name. When it comes to people, it is naturally the municipal party committee [book].

Zhou Minghong wanted to admit his mistake to Xia, while slandering in his heart, believing that Xia wanted to hold a grudge against what he had done in Tianze City last time and deliberately rectified him. He hated Xia to the bone in his heart and decided to go to the dark with Zhang Guowei to prevent Xia from sitting in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. It was best to leave the Qin and Tang Dynasties in a year and a half.

Xia wanted to see Zhou Minghong's dissatisfaction and didn't explain it. Without further ado, after walking through the scene, he comforted him and saw Zhou Minghong leave. He also knows that the conflict between him and Zhou Minghong will not be resolved for a while. Anyway, he didn't care about things and people this time, no matter what Zhou Minghong felt.

In dealing with Ma Yun's incident, although Liu Jiehui also exerted pressure from all aspects, he did not call him in person from beginning to end, and he did not know whether he was self-identity or other concerns. If Liu Jiehui called, it would be better to say something. He had been hiding behind him, which made Xia want to be a little wary.

Liu Jiehui gave him the impression that he was slippery and old-fashioned, and he was not easy to deal with.

Needless to say, Liu Jiehui must have a backhand.

The situation of Qin Tang City is more complicated than that of Tianze, and it is more difficult to open. Although he is a [book] in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, he is a leader, but in Tianze, he is the mayor. He can take the opportunity to develop the economy and boost investment. He leverage the interests of all parties with economic leverage. However, in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, when the economy is developed, he does not focus on economic affairs.

And he is not only faced with the pressure of a very strong mayor, but also a director of the National People's Congress who is hiding behind him. The leaders of the four major groups have two large groups united as one. He is really an unpopular outsider.

But political affairs can't help others. The greater the power of Zhang Guowei in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, the more worried the provincial party committee will be, and the more ways to break Zhang Guowei's dominant family. Politics is about balance, not monopolity.

Even if Fan Ruiheng appreciates Zhang Guowei again, he should start from the overall situation and consider the long-term development of the Qin and Tang Dynasties. Therefore, Zhang Guowei's promotion was suppressed twice. What Xia wants to know more is that the Secretary of the Qin and Tang Dynasties Municipal Party Committee will not fall on his head or Zhang Guowei's head, and will inevitably send others to Qin and Tang Dynasties to break the situation.

Just like after Gao Chengsong gradually sat down in Yan Province, [Zhong] Yang finally had to take him down. No place is allowed to [book] or the mayor's complete dominant situation, otherwise the provincial party committee's control over the local area will decline.

Xia wants to fully understand the direction of his path, balance the situation in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, solve the dominant situation of Zhang Guowei's family, and achieve the satisfaction of the provincial party committee or the behind-the-scenes characters he has been paying attention to. But the current situation is described as an old saying that the future is bright, but the road is tortuous.

The situation of Qin and Tang Dynasties is really difficult to open.

... Before he got off work, Huang Deyi called and said that he would invite him to sit down and invite Xia [Shu] to have a meal. Several friends also wanted to take over for Xia [Shu] to take over Qin Tang. Anyway, the reason is very good. Xia wanted to say a few polite words, but Huang Deyi was still very kind.

"Xia [Book], we should give the masses an opportunity to get close to the leaders. Many people are eagerly looking forward to your arrival. When you arrive in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, they do not fulfill the friendship of landlords, for fear that you will feel that the people of the Qin and Tang Dynasties are not warm and hospitable enough..."

Xia wanted to laugh: "Lao Huang, you have a lot of curves. Well, just follow you once. Don't do it again."

Huang Deqi put down the phone, was so happy that he didn't disturb his mouth, and immediately ordered a group of people to prepare for the formation to welcome the arrival of Xia [Book]. There is a reason for his happiness, because Xia didn't accept anyone's invitation since he took office in the Qin and Tang Dynasties. He was the first person to invite Xia [book].

The face is big enough to make him look like a second spring, with a red face.

Huang Deyi's appointment was still out of the sky. He and a group of people stood at the door waiting for the arrival of Hou Xia [book]. After about half an hour, a black Audi slowly came. As soon as he saw that he didn't know the license plate, he didn't take it to heart and continued to wait.

Unexpectedly, after the car stopped, Xiaxiang got out of the car. Huang Deyi secretly shouted rudeness and hurried to open the door for Xiaxiang, but Xiaxiang had already got out of the car step by step and stood still with a smile on his face.

Why didn't you take the No. 1 bus? Huang Deyi understood as soon as he thought about it. He was braking the wind of private use of the public car. Xia [Shu] took an example. He patted his head and immediately ordered his men to drive away the No. 1 car of the city bureau that he drove. Then he led several people to welcome the arrival of Xia [Shu].

Xia thought that there was no one else, only secretary Xu Ziqi was with him.

Upstairs, Xia wanted to be given up to the first place, and Xu Ziqi also played the first place.

Huang Deyi did not bring many guests, a total of two. There are a lot of things to pay attention to when inviting people to dinner, especially for senior officials at the level of Xiaxiang, because Xiaxiang is the head of the municipal party committee, so he pays more attention to it.

If the accompanying guests are too strict, it doesn't seem to be too drooping enough, it seems noisy, and it is easy to make the leader not like it.

The escort level is too high, so it will take the lead. The level is too low, and it is suspected of contempt for the host and guest. The level is too high, which will make the host and guests not like it. The level is too low, and the host and guest will also be picky. Moreover, the accompanying guest can't talk too much, can't talk too much, let alone can't talk. Anyway, it's not easy to do it properly.

Today's two escorts are not ordinary people at first glance, not to mention that their clothes reveal wealth, but their speech and behavior are obviously at a certain level. In front of Xiaxiang, the two were humble and low-key. They didn't talk much and waited for Huang Deyi's introduction.

After sitting down, Huang Deyi first sued Xia Xiang, and then introduced the two guests and Xia Xiang to know each other. Xia also knew that as long as he went to the banquet, there would definitely be an escort. He was the escort and secretly paid the bill. Of course, paying the bill is a small matter, and taking the opportunity to make friends with him is a big deal.

A man is more than a field, and most of his head is bald. His small eyes and his nose are collapsed. With a smile, his eyes narrowed into slits. Huang Deyi first introduced him: "Xia [Book], this is Ge Xiu, the deputy director of the National People's Congress."

Xiaxiang has also heard of Ge Xiu's name, but he has never seen him. Ge Xiu is the executive deputy director of the Municipal People's Congress. Huang Deyi introduced Ge Xiu to him, which is a wonderful move.

Xia thought that he couldn't help but cast a thumbs-up look at Huang Deyi.

Xia wanted to make a few words with Ge Xiuhan. Now it's just the first acquaintance. The contact stage is full of politeness and gossip. No one will talk about work, so it's nothing more than a trick.

Then Huang Deyi introduced another tall and thin man who is less than 50 years old and Xia Xiang to know: "Xia [Book], this is Li Youguo, the chairman of Qin and Tang Dadi Industrial Co., Ltd." To put it simply, he did not introduce the business scale of Dadi Industrial Company too much, because if Xia [Book] is interested, there must be something to talk about.

Li Youguo? Xia Xiang smiled, Li Nian's uncle, it's interesting. Huang Deyi's banquet today has a lot of connotation, which is not an ordinary meal. Of course, at his level, it is impossible to eat for the sake of eating. Whoever invites him will have all kinds of interests.

If you invite the Municipal Party Committee [book] just for a meal, it will be too incompressing you to seize the opportunity.

Then there were glasses of wine staggered. Xia wanted to state in advance that he only drank three glasses of wine. Huang Deyi persuaded him with kindness. Seeing that Xia wanted to persist, he didn't say more. Be enthusiastic in front of the leaders, but you must grasp the good degree and finish it. Otherwise, if you do bad things with good intentions, the gains will outweigh the losses.

However, after a while, the atmosphere was still much warmer, mainly due to Li You's speech. He was thoughtful in all aspects and spoke in a very measured way, which not only set off the atmosphere, but also did not seem too abrupt. He was indeed a master of rounding the field.

When the atmosphere was almost the same, Xiaxiang proposed to end the dinner. Today, we just got to know each other and meet each other. He won't say anything important at the dinner table. Xia [Book] Remember to leave, and Huang Deyi is not easy to keep. The group was sent outside. Xia wanted to hold Ge Xiu's hand and said, "Lao Ge, you should support the work of the Municipal Party Committee more in the future. You are the director of the National People's Congress, and I also have to accept the supervision of the people."

Ge Xiu hurriedly said modestly: "I work under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and accept the spirit of the instructions of Xia [Book] at any time."

Xia wanted to hold Li Youguo's hand and said, "Comrade Youguo, Dadi Industrial Company has a wide range of business, and it will make more contributions to the economic development of Qin and Tang Dynasties in the future."

Li Youguo nodded hurriedly and said, "Definitively, be done according to the spirit of the instructions of Xia [Book]."

Xia wanted to shake hands with Huang Deyi much easier. He casually said, "Deyi, drive without drinking, drinking without driving."

Huang Deyi heard the intimacy in Xia [Book]'s words, and his heart was in full bloom.

............After Xia wanted to say goodbye to Huang Deyi and others, he got into the car and left. What they didn't expect was that in a room on the third floor of the Sky Hotel across the road, Zhang Guowei and Liu Jiehui stood in front of the window and had a panoramic view of Xia Want to say goodbye to Huang Deyi.