official god

Chapter 1124 Dangerous and Dangerous, about to be ignited

"I just heard the rumors, which have not been confirmed, and Comrade Chen Qianqiu has not reported to the municipal party committee." Xia thought that he could only tell the truth. He didn't know how much Governor Sun knew.

"Comrade Xiaxiang, you, the municipal party committee [book], remember that you are too incompetent." Sun Ximin's tone suddenly became much harsher. As soon as he stood up, he brought invisible pressure to Xiaxiang. "Don't even know that Comrade Chen Qianqiu is seriously ill. You don't care enough about the comrades, and your work is not meticulous enough. You have to criticize yourself."

It was just a light and heavy knock. Xia thought he was a little confused, but he had to put up with it. Who let Sun Ximin be the governor? When the governor was angry, the thunder also changed his color. I guess what he did was to make Governor Sun dissatisfied.

Since it's not clear what's wrong, just don't say the best. Xia thought sincerely criticized himself with a sincere face and said two or three sentences. Sun Ximin's expression relaxed again and changed his kind appearance.

"Well, Xia Xiang, I don't really want to criticize you, but I'm a little strict with you. Don't take it to heart. I love you."

Yes, give the big stick first and then the carrot. Although the method of putting and collecting is smart, for Xiaxiang, Sun Ximin's acting skills are still a little worse. In fact, it can't be said that the acting skills are poor, but in the sight of Xiaxiang, not to mention Cao Yongguo, Song Chaodu, even Chen Feng, Qian Jinsong and others, are also real senior officials at the ministerial level.

Therefore, he really doesn't feel panic in front of Sun Ximin.

Xia thought couldn't help being humble and thanking a few words. Sun Ximin asked Qin and Tang briefly about Qin and Tang's work, listened to Xia's report, and then said, "I just heard from Governor Tan about Comrade Chen Qianqiu's condition." Xia thought about it in his eyes and said anguably, "Tell me from your municipal party committee [book] as soon as possible, it's your responsible performance."

What Governor Sun said about "responsibility" has two meanings. One is that Xia wants to bear the responsibility of a municipal party committee [book] to the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee, and the other is that Xia wants to take responsibility for him, which is a special point of win-in.

Xiaxiang is speechless. Sun Ximin's heart for him has not changed. It is also true that he is now the [book] of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee. Among the 13 prefectures and cities in Yan Province, the weight is second only to the [book] of the Yan Municipal Party Committee. Whoever he supports has a considerable proportion.

But then again, his municipal party committee [book] is indeed incompetent, mainly because he did not fully control the situation of the Qin and Tang Dynasties. No matter how you exercise your power in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, the leaders of the province will definitely ask you when you take responsibility, because you are the leader, and you can't complain to the province that you have the final say in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, which is a political fool.

So it's a shame to say that the Municipal Party Committee [book] doesn't count. The province sent you down to let you be the master, not to let you live leisurely. If you can't be a family, you can't be a master. It's a matter of your personal ability. You can't ask the province for power and support. It's the municipal party committee [book]. You can't preside over the overall work, and it's not far from the National People's Congress.

Chen Qianqiu's matter is another matter. Chen Qianqiu deliberately concealed it for his own reasons. However, it also shows that he still doesn't have a good relationship with Chen Qianqiu." Otherwise, Chen Qianqiu should report to him as soon as possible.

Governor Sun is also right. It should be the municipal party committee [book] who reported Chen Qianqiu's illness to the provincial party committee, but it was Tan Guorui who revealed the information to Sun Ximin at the first time.

I have to say that Tan Guorui has a bad heart. If it were another provincial leader, he wouldn't say it even if he knew it, just like Mei Shengping. Tan Guorui said deliberately, but he deliberately gave him eye drops.

Sun Ximin deliberately criticized him, isn't it a hint? It is equivalent to telling him that the situation of Qin and Tang is complicated, and someone secretly revealed the information to Tan Guorui...

Combined with what Mei Shengping said just now, "There is no need to guess who informed Tan Guorui. There is no doubt that Zhou Minghong will.

"Comrade Chen Qianqiu is definitely leaving office. For the successor" Xiaxiang, as a municipal party committee [book], do you have a suitable nomination? Sun Ximin smiled generously.

Xia Xiang was a little confused. He came to report his work to Governor Sun. First, he didn't expect that Chen Qianqiu's illness suddenly revealed an accident, and second, he didn't expect that Governor Sun would take the initiative to raise personnel issues to him, which was a little offside. Because according to the procedure, even if you want to seek the opinions of the Municipal Party Committee [book], it should be up to Mei Shengping and Ma Xiao. Even Fan Ruiheng's personal mouth is much better than Sun Ximin's mouth.

However, the most taboo governor asked. Xia didn't want to tell the truth. After being noticed by Governor Sun, he definitely didn't get well. To be honest, Mei Shengping has nothing to say. Fan Ruiheng will definitely have a problem.

The Propaganda Minister of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee was seriously ill, and the Provincial Party Committee [Book] did not know it. The Municipal Party Committee [Book] discussed the issue of succession with the governor, which was completely a manifestation of not directly paying attention to the Provincial Party Committee [Book].

Xia thought that he would not do such a stupid thing.

However, he had to answer, so he had to think about it: "It's a little sudden, and I really didn't think of a suitable candidate for a while."

Sun Ximin knew that Xia wanted to be sloppy, but he still forced him to say with a pleasant look: "Tell me, there must be a general direction. As for the candidates of the municipal party committee, the provincial party committee has always respected the opinions of the municipal party committee. You might as well say that it's all for work, and it's all for the future development of the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

Sun Ximin's words are also reasonable. [China] The central adjustment of the provincial party committee team will also solicit the opinions of the first and second leaders of the provincial party committee. In the end, whether to carry out the work should be based on the first and second leaders, and Sun Ximin's attitude of supporting Xiaxiang.

Xia thought that he was helpless. Governor Sun wanted to force him to the corner of the wall. He couldn't push Governor Sun away, so he could only continue to be vague: "Promotion work is very important. When I was in the disema qu before, some comrades were very good."

If Sun Ximin forced him to ask the specific name again, Xia Xi will really scratch his head. Fortunately, Governor Sun still left a line and only said, "The disema area is well managed, and many comrades can also add more burdens." Then he skipped it and finally gave him a sigh of relief.

It's not that he despises Sun Ximin's weight in Yan Province, but that there are rules and priorities for everything. If he wants Fu Xiaobin to be the propaganda minister of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee, but he is nominated by Sun Ximin, Fan Ruiheng will inevitably suspect that there is any behind-the-scenes deal between him and Fan Ruiheng will not be happy about this.

In politics, the rules cannot be abolished, and the order cannot be bad. If it is almost, it may lead to a big mistake.

Coming out of Sun Ximin's office, he thought for a moment. "Xia thought returned to Fan Ruiheng's office again. Fan Ruiheng was very surprised to see that Xia wanted to go back. When he heard Xia wanted to talk about Chen Qianqiu's condition, he was relieved and sighed a few words." The topic fell to Chen Qianqiu

Politics does have a ruthless side. As a superior, although the scenery is usually infinite, once you are seriously ill, unless you are a relative, most of the others will immediately focus on the afters. Personnel changes are the most eye-catching, and it is also the goal that people in the officialdom strive for all their lives. Even the allies who have been close to each other will also show an unusual side when you are suffering from a terminal illness. Maybe if you can let him come to the office as soon as you die, they will expect you die quickly.

Xia thought that he would not clearly say his choice in front of Fan Ruiheng, otherwise he would be suspected of crossing the border. However, he cleverly pushed the matter to Tan Guorui.

"I didn't know about Qianqiu's illness. When I just reported my work to Governor Sun, Governor Sun asked unexpectedly, and I was surprised. Later, Governor Sun revealed that he had just heard Governor Tan talk about it. I just called Chen Qianqiu, and he also admitted that he was going to explain the situation to the municipal party committee..." Sometimes he had to pick himself out. Xia Xiang is now the municipal party committee [book], which is the key to the promotion to the sub-provincial level. When dealing with interpersonal relations, he must show a mature side.

Fan Ruiheng listened and was speechless. His eyes were a little complicated. After about ten seconds of silence, he said, "The successor" The provincial committee fully referred to the opinions of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee.

Saying "full reference" instead of "appropriate reference" proves that Xia Shuang's words just now really touched Fan Ruiheng. The meaning of the words is that Xia Shuang's nomination "Fan [book] will consider it carefully.

Out of Fan Ruiheng's office, Xia wanted to take a breath. Fortunately today, he was flexible and won the trust of Fan Ruiheng again, otherwise he would have been dragged into the water by Sun Ximin.

Perhaps Sun Ximin is also out of good intentions, but in the current situation, he can't get too close to Sun Ximin.

Rumor has it that Sun Ximin and the current deputy [General Manager] Li Yifeng are relatives. There are many rumors about what kind of kinship they are. But for Xiaxiang, he doesn't care about the relative relationship between Sun Ximin and the deputy [General Manager], because if he can sit in the position of governor, there must be more than one deputy [General] in the background.

But the problem is that he still can't get close to Sun Ximin, which is not in line with his position, and Sun Ximin may not be able to stand firmly in Yan Province.

After leaving the provincial party committee, Xia thought that he did not stop in Yan City and returned directly to the capital. On the way, he made a phone call with Fu Xiaobin and Chang Resentment, and implicitly asked them to pay close attention to the personnel trends of Qin and Tang in the near future. Both of them were old people in officialdom. Naturally, they both expressed their gratitude to Xia [Book].

In fact, Xia Xiang's original intention was to let Fu Xiaobin come to the Qin and Tang Dynasties, but Fu Xiaobin is now in the right place and needs to be raised to a higher level, which may be more difficult, because the competition for the position of the Propaganda Minister of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee must be very fierce, and Because I often complain that the publicity work experience is rich and flat, it has a relatively large advantage.

Both of them are the ideal candidates in Xiaxiang's current heart.

Afed to the capital, Xia wanted to go straight to the National Development and Reform Commission after talking to Fu Xianfeng. He wanted to get the approval of the Development and Reform Commission with his own hands. As his first move since he came to the Qin and Tang Dynasties, he planted a pair of wings for the development of the Qin and Tang Dynasties. At the same time, he also opened another door for the situation of the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

The adjustment of three deputy department-level cadres, a throne of the main bureau, if Xia thinks it is good, it will become the first fire after he takes office.