official god

Chapter 1136 The first round, each has its place

Because Xia wanted to just finish the phone call, he didn't sit in his seat yet." He heard Lv Zhenyang knocking on the door outside: "Xia [Book], I'm here to make a toast for you. Thank you for your special care!"

Xia Shen's face finally sank.

Yang Wei immediately realized Xia's anger. "Wow, he got up and said, "Leader, leave it to me."

Xia wanted to say nothing, but nodded imperceptiblely. He didn't know that just now, when he was on the phone, Yang Wei, Xu Ziqi and Peng Yong had arranged the next step as soon as they met.

If Zhuge's domineering provocation can still be tolerated, the main reason is that he doesn't want to surrender his identity" and the fighting spirit of characters such as Niu Linguang. But as a person in the officialdom, will Lv Zhenyang not understand the rules and make a toast? He should not think that with the support of Niu Linguang, he is qualified to toast to the Municipal Party Committee [book]!

Lv Zhenyang probably drank too much. He was strong and cowardly. He pushed the door and came in. He stumbled and wanted to come to Xia. While walking, the wine was spilled all over the ground. He also said, "Xia" Xia [book], as soon as you take office, you will be killed. "I don Why? Because... because I now earn 300,000 yuan a year, which is much more profitable than me as a bullshit education director, and I don't have to worry about it. Thank you. I really want to thank you for your care.

As soon as Lv Zhenyang took two steps, Peng Yong and Yang Wei held his arms left and right, and directly raised half of his body and threw him out of the door. Xia wanted to be bored. "I'm not sure if I have a meal today." I got up and said to Yan Xiao, "Little, let's go."

Yan Xiao picked up things very obediently and "dressed up." As soon as Xia wanted to get up, he heard the noisy footsteps outside. Someone ran and shouted: "Who hit Mr. Lu? Damn it, he hit his mother.

"Don't run" Whoever runs is the grandson!"

Xia wanted to be completely angry and only shouted out, "Yang Wei!"

Yang Wei followed Xia's thoughts for a long time. Naturally, he knew what Xia thought meant. He just said "um" and stayed at the door with Peng Yong. I saw a few men who ran quickly from another room and came up to help Lv Zhenyang. Lv Zhenyang pointed to Yang Wei and Peng Yong with his hand. The dog scolded aggressively: "The watchdog...

Halfway through the words, Yang Wei slapped him up. Suddenly, Lv Zhenyang's face was swollen, and his glasses were also blown away.

The person was in a hurry. He said, "I'm going to do it to Yang Wei." Unexpectedly, from the next room, he suddenly killed seven or eight strong men. "Several people were neat and uniform, and they received special training at a glance." As soon as they came out, they didn't say a word. The two dealt with one Just close the door.

Then, there were muffled hums from the room.

A few minutes later, everything calmed down, and Yang Wei shouted, "Xia [Book], you can go."

Peng Yong was already dumbfounded. Yang Wei was a little weak in his eyes. He was a little afraid of Xia [book]. He thought that Yang Wei was just an ordinary person. He didn't expect to take action to act vigorously. It was also a fierce role, which made him admire him.

Peng Yong admires the man who dares to act the most. Although he dares not say, "but he always feels that Xia [book] is a little weak. If he sees what Xia wants to do in Langshi with his own eyes, he will not only be dumbfounded, but also shocked.

Under the guidance of Xu Ziqi, Xiaxiang and Yan Xiao came out of the room and turned around and went downstairs. As soon as Xia wanted to leave, Zhuge Badao hurriedly came from the room on the side of the corridor. At this time, Yang Wei's people had finished "standing out of the room and standing behind Yang Wei in a row".

The smile on Zhuge's face disappeared." With a cold face, he looked up and down at Yang Wei: "Which friend on the road? Do you know who you're fighting?,,, "Yang Wei, a native of the capital" wants to be angry. "Just come to the capital to find me." Yang Wei replied without being humble or arrogant, and was not scared by Zhuge's domineering at all.

"Yang Wei..." Zhuge's eyes showed fierce eyes" stared at Yang Wei fiercely for a long time. "I remember" Yang Wei" It won't take long for you to regret what happened today.

Yuwei was not scared. He said word by word, "Wait for you at any time!"

Peng Yong suddenly made a joke: "Zhuge is domineering, and his name is really bad. Do you have anything unhappy to say to make us happy again? If not, we will go."

After Zhuge Domineering, there were five or six people standing at this time, and one of them was on the phone. "It seemed that he was moving rescuers." He judged the situation and "turned his eyes," but smiled, "Please go, everyone."

Seeing that Zhuge's domineering did not continue to be entangled, Yang Wei was also secretly surprised. He took a high look at Zhuge's forbearance.

But then again, "the more tolerable it is, the more difficult it is to deal with. He also understands that "he will have a grudge against Zhuge today, and Niu Linguang's arrogance and arrogance in the Qin and Tang Dynasties will definitely hold a grudge" and will also find an opportunity to return it

But Yang Wei inexplicably believed that Xia thought that as long as there was Xia in the Qin and Tang Dynasties, he didn't want to turn the world upside down, so he was not afraid of Niu Linguang's power in the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

Yang Wei didn't forget to nod to Zhuge and turned around and went downstairs. When I got downstairs, I found that Xiaxiang's No. 1 car was blocked by the extended Lincoln. It was almost in front of the extended Lincoln. It was obvious that he deliberately squeezed the No. 1 car.

He didn't say anything, but said to Peng Yong, "I don't care what method you use, just move the car out." It is equivalent to decentralization. It is unscrupulous to achieve the goal.

It is true that Zhuge's repeated arrogant behavior today completely angered Xiaxiang. "Xiaxiang is not weak to bully, but if the other party regards his general knowledge as forbearance, the other party is really wrong" and it is still a big mistake!

Xia can't think of a move. It's not that he doesn't dare to take action, but that he disdains to take action!

Xia wanted to decentralize power, but Peng Yong made it difficult. He couldn't drive directly into the extended Lincoln. Besides, it is estimated that even if Audi's block is broken, he can't hit the extended Lincoln... Peng Yong had to ask Xu Ziqi for help.

Xu Ziqi was also a little helpless and couldn't think of a good way," but he couldn't ask Xia directly. If the task assigned by the leader is not completed, it is dereliction of duty and incompetence. He turned his eyes to Yang Wei.

Yang Wei couldn't think of a good way for a moment. "When it was difficult," Yan Xiao came to his side with a smile and whispered something to him. He immediately looked at Yan Xiao with a surprised face. "He showed surprise and admiration on his face" and gave Yan Xiao a thumbs up.

Yan Xiao just covered his mouth and smiled, and then secretly looked at Xia. Xia wanted to be calm and didn't seem to pay attention to the problems in front of him.

In fact, Xiaxiang was also a little curious about what idea Yan Xiao had to shock Yang Wei.

Yang Wei called Peng Yong and Xu Ziqi to discuss for a moment, and both of them cast admiration at Yan Xiao." Then Yang Wei and Xu Ziqi called each other.

Ten minutes later, a surprising scene appeared. A construction vehicle appeared in the parking lot outside the hotel. After parking, several cutters came down. Under the leadership of Yang Wei, a total of four or five people jumped on the extended roof of Lincoln's car, opened the cutting gun, and the flame lit up, luxurious and invincible. A long crack was cut out of the roof of Lincoln's car.

Then several cutters started together. In less than ten minutes, the student responsible for cutting the lengthened Lincoln into three sections, just vacicing up the vacancy that Audi could pass!

The management of the hotel were stunned and dared not come forward to stop it for a long time!

The passers-by were also shocked. It was so awesome. In order to pass, a luxury car was cut into three sections, which was more incredible than acting in a movie, but it was found in front of me.

After Zhuge Badao received the news, when he ran down from downstairs, Xia Xiang and others had already gone, leaving only a place of wolf and a luxurious and arrogant extended Lincoln was cut into scrap iron. "All kinds of items in the car scattered on the ground, as well as the incision of flashing fire, all of which announced to Zhuge Ba A heavy punch back!

Zhuge Badao only felt the hot pain on his face, not the whole body, like being punched and kicked by half a small pair! Mr. Niu's favorite extended Lincoln is the luxury car he used to show off his power. Now it has become a pile of dilapidated and luxurious black 8 ox carts that almost all the leading figures in the whole Qin and Tang Dynasties know. Now it has really become garbage that needs cows to be dragged. He is like being kicked in the heart,

It's useless to jump. People have gone far away.

Zhuge Ba cursed a few words, and then dialed Niu Linguang's phone.

After listening to Niu Linguang, he was silent for a moment. Instead, he was not angry. Instead, he laughed: "With personality, good means, domineering, pull the scrap iron back to me" was made into a sculpture and placed in the conspicuous position of Zhongtian Industry as a souvenir."

What does Mr. Niu mean? Zhuge Badao understood the well after a little thought, and hurriedly did it.

The news that the famous extended Lincoln of the Qin and Tang Dynasties was dumped by people was spread all over the streets and alleys of the Qin and Tang Dynasties that night, and even to the ears of the main party and government leaders of the Qin and Tang Dynasties.

Zhang Guowei is having dinner with Liu Jiehui and Zhou Minghong. After hearing the news, he didn't say anything. Zhou Minghong was so angry that he dropped the cup.

"Collection [Book] It's really awesome. It's not admirable." "Of course, it's angry.

Liu Jiehui looked at Zhang Guowei quietly: "Guowei, it's worth drinking a few more cups." Ha ha, today's dinner is your treat."

Zhang Guowei waved his hand and said, "You can't say that, Director Liu, why should I treat you? It's not the problem of huā money. Besides, it's a question of injustice. Xia [Book] If there is a conflict with Niu Lin, it is not conducive to the political situation of stability and unity of the Qin and Tang Dynasties. I'm very worried.

Liu Jiehui smiled and said, "I didn't say anything." He thought it was really an old fox. Obviously, you deliberately provoked Niu Lin to fight against Xia. You are so good at it. "Successful, you still refuse to admit that "Are others are fools?"

Thinking back, Liu Jiehui still smiled, revealed it, and asked the question of personnel adjustment: "When will the adjustment plan be implemented? It's been delayed for too long. "It's not good for anyone."

, "Tomorrow!" Zhang Guowei said firmly, "After the plan is passed, the initiative is in your hands, Director Liu!"