official god

Chapter 1184 Suddenly, so fast

Xia wanted to go upstairs with Liu Jiehui. Yu Mi's eyes swept, but found a familiar figure, which turned out to be Yin Mo. He was secretly angry. Jin Yinmo was too eye-catching. Don't show up when you come to Qin and Tang Dynasties. It's easy to provoke trouble.

He decided to talk about them later.

When I got to the room, there were no outsiders, only Liu Jiehui.

Liu Jiehui insisted on asking Xia to sit on the head. There were two people in total. It didn't matter the primary and secondary. Xia wanted to give in, so he sat in the middle. Then the food was served with wine, and Liu Jiehui raised his glass to salute Xia.

"Xia [Book], I should have invited you for a long time, until today. It's my fault. I'll give you a toast. You one and I three!" Liu Jiehui didn't wait for Xia to answer, so he drank three glasses in one go.

Liu Jiehui and Xiaxiang are also the leaders of the four sets of teams. They are not light in weight, and they are much older than Xiaxiang. Although Xiaxiang is not interested in Liu Jiehui's person, he must show enough respect, so he politely toasted.

Next, Liu Jiehui found several reasons to toast a few more drinks. After drinking two or three more drinks, Xia wanted to drink again. He can drink a lot, but he doesn't want to drink too much to make a mistake. Besides, he and Liu Jiehui are not drunk with a thousand cups of confidants. Why drink more?

Liu Jiehui also saw that Xia thought was absent-minded, and he also knew that it was unlikely to set off the atmosphere, so he would no longer waste time. He said the purpose of inviting Xia to come: "Xia [Book], there may have been a misunderstanding between us before. In the appointment of Hu Shuyang, the National People's Congress The spirit of the municipal party committee's instructions, but there are also objective reasons, and it's not that I deliberately quarrel with you..."

Xia wanted to wave her hand, with a lukewarm attitude: "It's all over. What else can I mention? If Director Liu has anything to do today, you might as well make it clear that it's all for the work of Qin and Tang, which can be understood.

The smile on Liu Jiehui's face slowly cooled down: "Ma Yun is a little out of tune, but he didn't do anything heinous. Besides, he was injured and suffered a loss. It's almost even. Xia [Shu] Can you raise your hand and let him come back? He is also a person with a wife and children, and the child miss his father.

Xia figured it out that Liu Jiehui came to plead for his son-in-law.

In fact, Xia didn't want to do anything about Ma Yun. There is a scourge like Ma Yun everywhere. He can't control it all. As long as it's not too much, there is no murder, and he doesn't directly hit his hand, he can only turn a blind eye. He is the [book] of the Municipal Party Committee, not the [book] of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, nor the director of the Public Security Bureau. He keeps an eye on the discipline of public security and party members and cadres every day, and is not the responsibility of the [book] of the Municipal Party Committee.

Municipal Party Committee [Book] After all, it is presiding over the overall work. Occasionally, you can ask about some injustices or major cases, but if you interfere too much, you will be regarded as unprofessional.

Municipal Party Committee [Book] should also take into account the image, and also do a good job in internal affairs.

Therefore, Xia wanted to laugh: "Director Liu laughed. Ma Yunyi did not break the law and was not wanted. Besides, even if he committed a crime, the public security organ will deal with it. It really has nothing to do with me."

Liu Jiehui's face darkened: "Xia [Book], we don't have to hide cats between us, I said it clearly. When Ma Yun comes back, it's a face for me to turn a blind eye. I will also say hello to the National People's Congress of the North Road District. As long as it is appointed by the district head approved by the Standing Committee, the National People's Congress will let it go.

Liu Jiehui's exchange conditions are also a little sincere, which means that he chose to be neutral between Xiaxiang and Zhang Guowei. It means that if someone passes the vote of the Standing Committee, the National People's Congress will let it go and no longer get stuck.

In the past, Xia thought that he would definitely seriously consider Liu Jiehui's proposal, but now... he has lost trust in Liu Jiehui, and more importantly, he has lost patience. The problem now is that Liu Jiehui has no way back, and he still has a choice.

If Liu Jiehui knew it early, wouldn't he have offered to make a compromise now? If I had known today, why did I have to do it in the first place? However, everyone is behind the fact. Before the final result of the matter, they all think they will win.

Xia thought for a moment and said, "Director Liu, I haven't been thinking about Ma Yun's matter from beginning to end. The last conflict has long passed..."

Liu Jiehui's face was not very good-looking. Xia thought that his answer was equivalent to avoiding the weight, which was ambiguous. He asked a little unhappily, "There is no room for negotiation?"

Xia wanted to put down the glass: "Thank you, Director Liu for your wine. That's all for today."

Liu Jiehui sent Xia to go downstairs. Although he didn't talk about it, the number of gifts should still be enough: "Thank you, Xia [book]. I hope we can sit together in the future."

In fact, the extra words mean that there is no chance.

Xia wanted to laugh it off and waved goodbye, but she felt a little uncomfortable. Liu Jiehui didn't understand what he meant, but he couldn't say too much. He could only say vaguely, which made Liu Jiehui mistakenly think that he was all about killing Ma Jun.

He is not stingy enough to be exempted from Ma Yun's position, and he has to kick his buttocks again. In fact, not letting Ma Yun come back is also for the thought of Liu Jiehui.

I believe that Ma Yun's matter is about to explode. He is back now. Isn't he throwing himself into the net? But he can't say clearly that it is equivalent to admitting his role as a pusher in the incident in disguise.

is also a big problem. Xia wants to shake his head. Forget it. There are many things that can't be explained clearly. There are many things in the officialdom, not black, black and white, but most of them are gray.

Those who can understand will understand. If they can't understand, he can't help it.

After Liu Jiehui waited for Xia to leave, he was alone in the room for a while, and then called Zhang Guowei.

The next day, Zhang Guowei strongly requested the convening of the Standing Committee to discuss the appointment of the district director, but Xia thought that he was busy and suppressed it first. Zhang Guowei was not convinced and made a theory. Compared with the past, his attitude was a little tougher.

Xia Xiang also vaguely guessed that his interaction with Fan Xin during the Spring Festival had probably reached Sun Ximin's ears. As a result, Sun Ximin let go of him and changed his strategy. Zhang Guowei seized the opportunity and quickly moved closer to Sun Ximin. In the middle of the month, the weather in the Qin and Tang Dynasties is still cold, and spring has not yet come. However, the National People's Congress is under planning and is about to be held.

First, the People's Congress of the single city first held an executive meeting, elected Zhu Ruile as the deputy mayor, and nominated him as the mayoral candidate, or the only candidate. It was an equal election, and the nickname of Zhu's difference was finally removed.

There is an unfavorable condition for Zhu Ruile to take office in Shancheng, that is, from being nominated as a candidate for mayor to holding the election of the National People's Congress, the time interval is too short to give him the opportunity to fully show his talents, and it also makes the deputies of the National People's Congress have no time

However, Xia wanted to hear Xia An say that Zhu Ruile first arrived in Shancheng and had a very good start. Zhang Lian entrusted all his previous relationship with Zhu Ruile, and it was rumored that Zhu Ruile was a fan of [book], and many swinging forces in the middle also quickly showed his way to him.

Zhu Ruile quickly opened the situation in a single city.

Zhu Ruile is really a smart man. On the second day in Shancheng, he knew the relationship between Xia An and Xia Xiang. He quietly delivered a message to Xia An through a certain channel to let him work at ease.

Xia An finally felt at ease.

The Qin and Tang Municipal People's Congress will also be held soon.

Zhang Guowei didn't think much about it. He thought that Xia wanted to temporarily suppress the appointment of the district chief to delay it until after the National People's Congress. What can we do after the National People's Congress? Is it different?

Xiaxiang did not have the advantage of passing the Standing Committee, nor did he have much influence on the people's congress at the urban level, but it was just for the face of [book].

No one expected in advance that on the eve of the meeting of the Qin and Tang Municipal People's Congress, Wang Pengfei, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee, and Lu Guoyuan, deputy director of the Provincial People's Congress, suddenly came to Qin Tang Dynasty, and they did not say hello to Then all the members of the Qintang Municipal Party Committee were summoned to announce the decision of the Provincial Party Committee.

With the approval of the Provincial Party Committee, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee decided to nominate Comrade Xiaxiang as the director of the Municipal People's Congress. Comrade Liu Jiehui will no longer serve as the director of the Municipal People's Congress.

Like a blow, Zhang Guowei was almost stunned on the spot!

In fact, Xia wanted to also serve as the director of the National People's Congress. Although it was expected that Zhang Guowei had been worried, he didn't expect it to be so fast.

It's nothing. The main reason is that he didn't expect that there was no sign in advance, and suddenly he announced the decision from the sky, which really made him feel a little dizzy.

He did not accuse the provincial party committee of making a sudden decision. The decision of the superior leader was never sudden, and he did not allow the people below to talk about it. The main thing that shocked him was that whether it was Governor Sun or his other relationships in the province, it was impossible not to hear the news in advance.

But even if he knows it through any channel in advance, it shows that the control of the provincial party committee is not as weak as the outside legend, but still handy!

It made Zhang Guowei's heart beat violently. The power contrast between him and Xiaxiang is about to change significantly!

The decision of the Provincial Party Committee must be obeyed, and all members of the Qin and Tang Municipal Party Committee expressed their firm support for the decision of the Provincial Party Committee.

Subsequently, the main responsible comrades of the Municipal People's Congress were convened to announce the decision of the Provincial Party Committee.

As soon as Liu Jiehui heard this, his face changed his face on the spot. He even pointed to Xiaxiang in a trembling manner and said in a trembling voice, "Xia Shen, you stabbed me in the back, I... I and you are endless."

In fact, Lu Guoyuan did not have to come to announce the decision of the provincial party committee, but Lu Guoyuan came, which shows that the provincial party committee had already made arrangements.

Lu Guoyuan pulled Liu Jiehui aside and patiently sat down to work, pointing out that there were only two ways for Liu Jiehui to go in front of him. One was to resolutely obey the decision of the provincial party committee to ensure that Xia wanted to be successfully elected as the director of the National People's Congress, and the provincial committee had a proper The second is to disobey the decision and be exempted from the provincial party committee to the end. Xiaxiang will still be elected as the director of the National People's Congress.

Liu Jiehui's compromise is not a compromise, but a knowledge of current affairs!

At the subsequent meeting of the National People's Congress, Xia wanted to be successfully elected as the director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress.

The Municipal Party Committee [Book] is also the director of the National People's Congress, and the personnel power is gathered in one. When everyone is stunned that the situation is changing rapidly, they think of the appointment of the district chief of the North Road, which increases the aura of power. How many chances of winning are there?

Everyone opened their eyes wide..."...

PS: Try to pass zero, and then release a chapter for your brothers!