official god

Chapter 1186 Untimely, must be attacked

Tong Guowei was calm and seemed to take Xia's accusations seriously at all.

No matter how he behaved, Xiaxiang continued: "The Standing Committee is a very serious occasion. Everything should pay attention to a constitution. Whether it is speech or behavior, you should pay attention to your own image. As senior cadres of the Party, comrades should not only strive to improve their professional level and governance ability, but also improve their own literacy, and pay attention to details and norms." With that, Xia wanted to look at Zhang Guowei intentionally or unintentionally, and clicked: "Some comrades always like to grab words" and also like to grab the road and steal the lime Elephant. Why don't you take the initiative when you encounter difficulties? Huh? As a party member and cadre, you must have the awareness of suffering first and enjoying later, instead of grabbing the first place in everything and becoming the first? I don't want to have any more untimely speeches and behaviors in the future!" Xiaxiang didn't name him by name, but he knew that he was pointing to Zhang Guowei. This is also the first time that Xia [Shu] implicitly and directly criticized Mayor Zhang at the Standing Committee!

No matter how big Tong Guowei is, no matter how thick-skinned he is, he also feels a little embarrassed. He wants to say something, and thinks it's best not to explain. As soon as he explains, he will pretend not to fight himself. If there is courtship, is there really no scolding?" Forget it, who made him angry and robbed him again?

He was also used to robbing before. In addition, Xiaxiang also served as the director of the National People's Congress, which made him hold his breath and blurted out in a hurry. In the future, he really had to pay attention to it. Dealing with Xiaxiang was not compared with the previous two terms. Xiaxiang's wrists were round

Fortunately, Fan Jin spoke in time and walked out to relieve him: "Xia [Book] is right. As party members and cadres, we should be strict with ourselves. Queuing in the canteen also pay attention to an order, not to mention the Standing Committee?" When he paused, his eyes also gently fell on Zhang Guowei, then quickly moved away and said, "Next, please continue to give instructions.

"Back to today's topic, let's talk about the nomination." Xia wanted to know that Fan Jin's interruption meant that he could not force Zhang Guowei to be too hasty. It was easy for Zhang Guowei to form a mentality of the same hatred. On the contrary, it was not conducive to the discussion of today's topic. He also straightened his mind, "Comrades, please express your opinions, say one,

Fan Jin took the opportunity to take the opportunity to take over: "I am more optimistic about Comrade Xiao Yiling. I work in the ministries and commissions, climb high and look far, and have an overall view. Moreover, because of the experience of ministries and commissions, I have a close relationship with ministries and commissions." It is also conducive to attracting investment in the capital in the

It must also be admitted that Fan Jin's words also hit the point. It turned Xiao Yiling's shortcomings into advantages without local political experience, and there was no trace of transformation. Even Xiaxiang nodded secretly. I have to say, "Fan Jin is still a very good person.

Xia Xiang is becoming more and more optimistic about Fan Jin now. He feels that although Fan Jin does not clearly say close words like others, in fact, he is leaning towards him more and more in major events.

It's Chang Gongzhi's turn to speak.

The eyes of Xiaxiang, Zhang Guowei and Fan Jin fell on Chang Gongzhi at the same time.

The attitude of Chang Gongzhi is crucial.

~ Chang Gongzhi's most common action is to touch his stomach with one hand and turn the teacup with one hand, but today he puts his hands on the table, as honest as a primary school student, and his eyes are a little loose. Under the gaze of Xia Xiang and others, it seems to be very difficult to speak.

He first looked up at Xia Yi Ji, but he couldn't see anything in his eyes. Then he lowered his head and seemed to hesitate for a moment. One hand fell on his stomach again, but the other hand did not turn the teacup, but touched his head, as if he laughed at himself: "Actually, on the personnel issue, I'm If you don't express your opinion easily, what you are afraid of is to support good comrades, but if you don't support them, you are better comrades. It happens that today is a person of the mouth, so I won't count, abstain, and then, comrades, the minority can obey the majority.

said a lot of nonsense, which is equivalent to not helping left and right, and abstaining directly. Chang Gongzhi is also an old deep-fried dough stick. Although he sometimes has a close relationship with Xiaxiang, in fact, his attitude is the most elusive.

Xiaxiang also saw that Zhang Guowei must have done a lot of work behind his back.

If Chang Gongzhi can't help, Xiaxiang will be satisfied. He doesn't expect Chang Gongzhi to fall to him in an all-round way. Some people in the officialdom can never be completely turned to one person. It's only good to be consistent with you in most cases.

Dry noodles" can't be demanding on what others have to do.

As soon as Chang Gongzhi finished speaking, Xia thought his face was calm, but Zhang Guowei's face changed slightly, and there was a trace of dissatisfaction and helplessness in his eyes.

Xiaxiang's aura was really dazzling, and it took a lot of effort to talk with Chang Gongzhi again and again. Although Chang Gongzhi's promise was not very resolute, he almost agreed. Moreover, Guo Electric also gave him 200,000 yuan according to the rules. He also collected money. Unexpectedly, when the matter came, he abstained.

Zhang Guowei is a little itchy. He can't wait to ask Chang Gongzhi face to face why he doesn't do anything after receiving gifts. Is it making less money? Of course, he also knows that Chang Gongzhi also understands the market, and there is no approval or opposition. Abstention is equivalent to not helping each other.

If things can't be done, the gift money can be refunded. Chang Gongzhi will definitely refund the money, but he can do it without helping each other at the Standing Committee. Guo Electric is embarrassed to take back all 200,000 yuan? At least 100,000 yuan should be left as a reward.

What an old fox. No one can be offended and get 100,000 yuan for nothing!

However, Zhang Guowei can only admit it. If Chang Gongzhi votes against him, won't he have nothing to do? Damn, if it's black, it's black.

Zhou Wuhong, the executive deputy mayor, coughed a few times before he could speak. He didn't pretend to cough, but really cough, because he had been ill recently.

Zhou Minghong kept a low profile for a period of time before and after the New Year. It's not good not to keep a low profile. Zhou Wuya made a scene. As a result, she got dirty and didn't get anything. Instead, it was spread around, saying that Zhou Wuya wanted to sell her body but didn't sell it... What she said was reed, and she demoted Zhou Mingya to nothing.

Even after Meng Tianyuan came out, he went everywhere to talk, saying that he couldn't see Zhou Mingya at all. It was Zhou Mingya who deliberately posted it to him. It's good that he didn't sue her **. He also said that the law should be perfect, and men may also be killed by women**... If so on, Zhou

I heard that if Xia didn't want to ask Meng Tianyuan to stop messing around, Meng Tianyuan would have gone on endlessly. Zhou Minghong couldn't say whether he was grateful or helpless to Xia. Xia thought that if something fell into his hands, he might put you to death. But on the other hand, if you are in trouble, he may also let you go.

is also too complicated to be elusive.

But for today's proposal, he must and can only support Zhang Guowei, because Zhang Guowei vented with him in advance and knocked to death. He must be consistent in the Standing Committee to defeat Xia, otherwise the momentum of Xiaxiang's rise will not be unstoppable.

~ Zhou Minghong's brother looked sick and listless. He lowered his head. No one looked at him, and he had no face to look at him. Zhou Wuya's affairs made him disgraced. He really couldn't raise his head. He always felt that everyone was laughing at him for having a sister to sell, because he also heard some Retail, his sister is a wholesaler.

It's a pity that he is the executive brother and mayor, otherwise he really wants to scold others: "Your sister is wholesale!"

"I prefer Comrade Guo Electric to take over as the district chief. After all, he is the executive deputy district chief and has strong continuity in all aspects." After saying one sentence, Zhou Minghong shut up and didn't even raise his head from beginning to end, as if he were a child who had done something wrong.

Mayor Zhou, who used to be high-willed, has now become so brave, and everyone here doesn't know how they feel.

As soon as Zhou Minghong finished speaking, Ren Haifeng also said, "I also support the nomination of Comrade Guo Dian.

Next, it's time for Li Qiurui to take a statement. Li Qiurui spoke, but it was not a statement, but a different topic: "Leaders, comrades, please allow me to change the topic, because I suddenly remembered... something, and I have something to communicate with you." Zhang Guowei's heart tightened and hurriedly said, "Comrade Qiu Rui, the Standing Committee is discussing personnel issues. Please don't talk about irrelevant topics and delay everyone's time."

Xia wanted to take over immediately: "Listen to what Qiu Rui said... Comrade Guowei, Comrade Qiu Rui has party spirit and discipline. Will he waste time without principle? I don't think so.

Zhang Guowei didn't expect that Xia wanted to maintain Liang Qiurui so much that he had nothing to say, so he had to raise his hands, which meant that he had nothing to say.

Liang Qiurui did not forget to nod to Zhang Guowei and continue to say, "As far as I know, Comrade Guo Dian is also a good comrade who works diligently and has been fighting on the front line. Even during the period of the accidental death of Comrade Shen Guanxi, he resisted his injury and temporarily presided over the comprehensive work of the district It is said that Comrade Guo Diangong's work attitude and ability are worth affirming.

It is to praise Guo Electrician, but in fact, it has been heard that it is to match Guo Electrician with Shen Guanxi.

Zhang Guowei frowned. As he expected, Liao Qiurui really didn't have good intentions and had the intention to guide Guo Dian in a bad direction. Admittedly, Guo Dian has a close relationship with Shen Guanxi and a tacit understanding in his work, but one yard is one yard.

Zhang Guowei wanted to object again, but he opened his mouth. Seeing that Xia wanted to be calm, he swallowed his words back.

"My personal opinion is that Comrade Guo Dian is not suitable to serve as the head of the North Road District." Lio Qiurui circled around and finally came to the topic, "Because Comrade Shen Guanxi's matter has just come over, and it has just been buried, and it is not too deep. At this stage, cold treatment is the best. If it is turned out again because of the appointment of the head of the North Road, and the matter will be mentioned again on the 1st, which will have an impact on the county level on the adjustment of the provincial party committee. Comrades, who can afford this responsibility?" Tong Guowei is angry. Li Qiurui is too good at talking nonsense. From Guo Dian to the cause The adjustment of the committee's team was too bullshit. Looking at Xia Yi's determined expression, he suddenly realized that the pit had been dug long before the Standing Committee discussed the cause of Shen Guanxi's death!